Very important evening

I just wanna save your heart

„YoungBae, thanks got you aren't late. Go change your clothes and fix your hair.“ said JiYong with his leader charm. Performance would be in 10 minutes and Ji was a bit nervous that Bae would be late. But everything was ok. Even the new girl appeared here. JiYong hadn't seen her before, but he fell in love with her, when he saw her. She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. Angel - that was the right word for her. She saw him, how he stared at her, and gave him a smile. Ji smiled too, but little SeungHyun started being nervous and he must calm him down. In a minute, boys took their microphones and start the show.


Dara's pov.

This is my first day in Soul. I'm a bit nervous. I have a friend on the other side of Soul. Her name is ParkBom. She works in club and I decided to meet her there. Bom told me about boy group called BIGBANG. She said that their performance is really good and I must see it. I hope I don't be late and I'll see it.


I arrived a few minutes before BIGBANG show. I saw one of members. He looked very nice. I realized that he was looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was cute. He looked like a child but when the performance started he absolutely changed. His rap was perfect and Bom told me he is the leader. Leader? In the first moment I thought he is maknae. ㅋㅋ But in fact he has charisma inside.


JiYong's pov.

The performance was good. But not as excellent as I want. God helps us. I really want to sign a contract with an entertainment...OMO that new girl is still looking at me!


I sat on bar next to her.

„Hi Bom.“ I greeted my friend.

„And hi new Angel“ I said to new girl.

„Ou, hello.“ she answered. Did she? Really? Yes! Ok, Ji, calm down and don't be idiot.

„What's your name beauty?“ I asked.

„S...SandaraPark“ she was a bit nervous.

„I'm G-Dragon“ I used my nickname. I don't want other people to know my really name, because of school and my family. My club's visits were secret.

„Nice to meet you“ said Dara.

„Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?“ I try keep on conversation.

„I moved here from Philippines.“ she said and gave me a smile.


„Hey you!“ I heard foreign voice behind me. It was that producent.

„Are you leader of the group called BIGBANG?“ he asked.

„Y..yes“ I was surprised.

„I want speak with you for a while.“ he said.

„Ok. Bye Dara“ I said goodbye to Dara and went out with the producent. He was a bit dispointed, because he was curious about Sandara. But music was more important for him.

...End of JiYong's pov.


JiYong and the producent went out of club. It was a bit cold, so they take a car and drive throw the Seoul.

„I saw your performance“ said the producent. Ji was still silent.

„My name is Park SiHyuk and you're name...“ asked that man.
„Kwon JiYong, but in the club they called me G-Dragon“ answered JiYong.

„Ok, Mr.Yong. The reason why I want you to go with me is that I think you and your group can debut in YG.“ said Park SiHyuk. Ji's heart started jumping. His biggest dream was so close.

„Really?“ he asked, because he still couldn't believe.

„Of course. You just sign a contract and BIGBANG can start training for debut.“ smiled SiHyuk.

„O...Ok“ nodded Ji and smiled like an idiot. Mr. Park took out some paper from his bag and gave it to JiYong.

„Give this to your parents for a sign and your friends too. Than come to YG with contacts and go to Yang OhHyuk's office. I'll tell him about you.“ said Mr. Park and stopped the car a few blocks away from Ji's house. JiYong said goodbye and left the car. He run home full of happiness.


„Omma?“ he shouted when he closed main doors.

„I'm in kitchen Ji.“ she gave him an answer. JiYong walked into the kitchen.

„Omma? Can I be a singer?“ he asked and expected her angry voice.

„Singer? Why you want to be a singer?“ she was curious.

„Because I love music mum. I don't like studying. I'm interested in singing, writing songs and dancing and...and...“ he stammered.

She looked at him and a few minutes didn't say any word.

„Ok sweetie. I know you're not good at school. If you love music so much just go and make your dream true.“ she smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

„Really? So can you sing this for me?“ he gave her papers from the producent.

„What is it?“ she looked at papers.

„Contract with YG entertainment“ whispered Ji. His mum looked at him with lots of proud in her eyes.

„Ok, honey, I'll read it and sign it. Go eat your dinner“ she said. Ji bowed and had a dinner. Than he had a quick shower and phoned other members about contracts. He also spoke with their parents and finally all families said yes.


GD was lying in bed and thinking about tonight. Today was the best day of his live. He fell in love and made his dream real.

„BIGBANG“ he whispered. His group is going to be one of famous group in Korea. He looked at photo of him and members and fall asleep.

After long time I finaly completed second chapter. 
I'm really sorry, but it's hard for me. 
I didn't know what to write, but now I finally know, so I hope next chapter will come earlier than this.
It's not very long but I hope you like it.
Thanks yuukenbishi, mekachiri and fleur93 for subscribing.


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