Hate school, love music

I just wanna save your heart

„Mr. Kwon? Mr. Kwon, are you listening to me?“ asked teacher.

„What?“ said JiYong.

„Pardon, Mr. Lee“ apologized Ji. He was looking from a window whole lesson. He didn't care about what teacher was saying. He always didn't listen in lessons and said „school is the most boring thing on the earth“. Why he was still studying? Because his best friend YoungBae. Ji wanted stay with him, because he protected him from a primary school. He was bullied before he met YoungBae. So he stayed with him. But now it looked like he would be fired from school soon.


„Mr. Kwon, please listen to me for a while. I must say you very important information for all of us“ started teacher.

„There will be a new girl in your class. Her name is Park Sandara and she's from Philippines. And now we start a new lection...“ JiYong stopped listening to teacher. New girl in their class? And what? He didn't care. Maybe their school playboy JayPark would be happy. He would have new „object“. End of lesson came soon and JiYong was still sleeping on his table.

„Hey bro get up“ said YoungBae and hit JiYong with his book.

„Aish, YoungBae, stop hitting me!“ cried Ji.

„If you don't wake up, you'll missed next lesson“ imitated Bae JiYong's the most hated teacher. Ji hit YoungBae with his exercise book and ran from classroom. In fact all his exercise books were like lyrics books. He didn’t write any worlds that teacher said. He just wrote lyrics all the time. „Hate school, love music“, that was his motto. How simple.


Finally last lesson ended and JiYong ran from school. All his classmates always after school took extra lessons. His parents thought he took extra lessons too. But it was lies. He went to the club. Nobody could stop his love to music. He spent every free minute with music. But he was careful, so he went to the club on the other side of Seoul. He had some friends there. There was Choi SeungHyun, very good rapper. He usually had finale rap battle with him. And next was Lee SeungHyun, called „Little SeungHyun“. He was the best dancer in the club. And the last one was Kang DaeSung. Ugly boy with very powerful voice. Sometimes, when YoungBae had some free time, he went to the club with JiYong. He knew JiYong's friends. They were his friends too. In fact, they were a group. People in club called them BIGBANG, because their style was so cool and original. JiYong wrote lots of songs for their group. Sometimes other clubs want them for evening performance. JiYong was leader of BIGBANG. Maybe he wasn't strong, but he had lots of authority. Other boys from group choose him as leader. He was really good in music and he helped to other boys to be better. On the stage he was the best, but in the school he looked like looser. He hoped that nobody will know about his music activities. If master of school knew about his activities in the club, he will be fired from school in a minute.


„Hi, SeungHyun“ he said but his friend didn't answer.

„Hey, SeungHyun!“ shouted Ji.

„What?“ said SeungHyun and keep watching on the girl that he loved – Park Bom.

„If you didn't stop watching on Bom, I'll win tonight“ joked JiYong. He knew he'll never win. Girls love SeungHyun's deep voice.

„We must be the best tonight, because that man is here“ said SeungHyun and stopped stalking Bom.

„“That“ man? Who is “that“ man?“ JiYong didn't get it.

„That man in the corner. He is producer of one entertainment. He looks for new talents. SeungRi heard it, but don't tell in to anybody!“ whispered SeungHyun and started looking on Bom again.

„Are you ing kidding me? We haven't got YoungBae!“ Ji started panic. He took his phone and called YoungBae. Bae was on his extra lessons, but finally he took up his phone.

„Hyung, come to the club! NOW!“ shouted JiYong.

„What's going on Ji? Our club is on fire?“ joked YoungBae.

„No, but it is like fire. “That“ man is here Bae!“ said Ji quietly.

„You mean “that“ man?“ asked YoungBae.

„Yeah, this is out opportunity! Tonight, we must do our best performance!“ answered Ji.

„But I have my extra lessons!“ said YoungBae.

„ school Bae. We trained for this day very hard. This is maybe the only one opportunity that we ever got!“ said Ji a bit angry.

„Ok, I'll come in 20 minutes“ promised YoungBae and hanged up.

I know it is quite short, but this is my first story.
I promise next chapter will be better and longer.
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