

Tao didn't know how to feel or what to feel when he stepped foot into the hospital. Everything was a blur since he had gotten up early to  catch the morning plane. His movements were almost robotic, as if it was the norm to wake up, get dressed and take a taxi to the airport. His body was numb, no feeling of anxiety or nervousness present. How was he supposed to feel at all? In a few hours he would meet the man that took care of him, and now he had to do the same. He wasn't spaced out or eager to get onto the plane either, he simply took a seat and chose to look through his cellphone not really paying attention to the movements of his fingers which mindlessly tapped any button. Switching from contacts, to music, to messages, then his eyes landed on a certain message. He was about to choose to open the chat when his flight was announced. Tao tried to fall asleep, he really did, but he wasn't sure if he would feel something for his grandfather the moment he saw him lying unconscious on the hospital bed. He took deep breaths as if it would already prepare him for what was to come. 


"Excuse me? Hello?" Tao was taken out of his thoughts as he realized the short chinese nurse was calling towards him from behind the desk. 


"Are you looking for someone? You don't seem to be in pain..." She trailed off as she examined Tao up and down from behind her thick glasses. 

"Grandfather.." Tao said shyly. "I need a name." The nurse stated as if it wasn't obvious this hospital was filled with many old people. 


"Ahh Mr. Huang!" The nurse interreupted and Tao was begging to think horrid thoughts that his grandfather could have made himself a bad reputation while he was gone. "Yes, you must be Tao!"

"How do you know me? M-my name?"

"It is all Mr. Huang says when he is hurting this entire time. He calls out to you, at first we couldn't distinguish quite well until one day, when the housekeeper was cleaning he awoke for the slightest of time." She carefully looked around her desk. "He is in room 207, I can look for the note with the message he said before he passed out again, I can tell it was very urgent for him to tell you this." She got up from her chair and asked the nurse next to her to keep and eye on things while she escorts the boy to the room. 

"Here we are." She pulled back the curtain and Tao followed. The sight was nothing he had imagined. If anything it was a hundred times worse! Tears were threatening to spill out and his knees felt like they would give up if he tried to take a step closer.

"I'll leave you alone for a bit." She spoke softly and headed out the doorway. He hardly noticed her small name tag that had Nurse Choi' on it because of his tears. 

Tao took in a shaky breath and took small baby steps, tears streaming down his face with every blink. With every blink he wished he could erase all the bruises on his grandfather's wrinkly face, with every blink he wished he could clear out the blood stains, and with every blink he wanted all the tubes and wires and machines to disappear from him. Tao collapsed onto his knees, "I'm sorry",he whispered, leaning his arms and head onto the small mattress which absorbed his tears. Tao was sorry, he was sorry for not being there for his grandfather and not taking care of him, for not being strong enough to come back earlier. He sobbed until he felt numb once again, wiping the tears that were left on his chin, he stood up shakily and took a seat in the chair next to the bed. He rolled his eyes completely annoyed by his own actions, this was not how he wanted this meeting to happen. 

At least he wouldn't see this weak side of me again. Tao scoffed as a few memories came back where he would be crying on the floor while his grandfather spanked him for disobeying him. 



"We're sorry, the number you have dialed is either out of service or-"

Min sighed as she cut off the third failed call to Tao. "I guess you're still asleep then..." 

What to do... Min thought as she scanned her room while she spun herself in a circle. She laughed at her dorkiness and continued to spin. 

"Min~" her mother knocked, "the boys are here!" Your mother called and you tripped on the floor, the loud thud was heard from outside your bedroom. 

Sehun knocked twice and opened the door to see you lying on the ground, grasping your arm.

"What happened?" He asked and walked in carefully and Ren poked his head through also before stepping inside. 

"Did you trip over your clothes again?" Ren asked while pushing aside a small pile of clothes with his foot.

"Yeah..." You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and sat up on the floor. 

"W-what are we going to do today?" Sehun stuttered as he pretended he didn't just place his hand on a bra laying on the ground. 

"Oops silly me," You laughed dryly. HOW EMBARASSING! You quickly got up and flung it into the closet. You noticed the two closed their eyes or looked away as you picked up everything and shoved it in the closet.

"Sooo I was thinking we could look after grandpa... If thats okay with you guys." 

The last piece of clothing was thrown randomly and the closet door was sealed shut. Min turned around to see the guys giving her questioning looks, as if saying with their furrowed eyebrows 'are you kidding me?' or 'I thought we were gonna have some fun!'. 

"Trust me, grandpa is a totally different person once you get to know him." You beamed and the two were even more curious to meet this grandfather. 





im sorry i know i know you are all judging me and now you probably wont read this update....


but thanks to those who have subsscribed and have stuck with this! I promise I will update soon. I really just need to get used to college again and its such a pain!!


thanks for reading, i didnt want to end this chapter on a sad note so here it is~ :D

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working on it subbies ill brb ok ^^


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Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (When you have the chance)
Chapter 22: OMO what's wrong ?!?!
Chapter 15: I think Tao said "Hey,you" first !!
Chapter 14: Woah~ I wonder who the women is ?!?!!?
Chapter 12: Get well soon~ !!!!!!! HWAITING !!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Aww~~ So there's three guys after her ?
ailisu #7
Chapter 9: XDD
ooh i love it so far!! :)
tao <333
OriannaGoldelle #8
just asking , is that really tao's grandfather?