
Just another morning...


Warmness surrounds her as she cuddles closer to her pillow. It’s when she hears a soft heartbeat by her, does she realize it’s not a pillow she’s hugging but a person. When she opens her eyes, she sees his angelic face. Dark brown eyebrows, long eyelashes, cute little button nose and full kissable lips. She traces her finger over each one with a light smile, remembering the first time she had fallen hard for him.


She was just a fan watching the concert. Her best friend had got her front row tickets to the SM Town show for her birthday. They were fangirling like crazy over each act but when D.O and Ryeowook came onstage and sang their duet she was silent. She was in awe; here she was an average 18 year old girl finally seeing her favorite member of EXO sing his heart out. She lifted her camera to take a shot when she realized that the guy she’s being crushing on for so long was right in front of her. She caught his eye and he sang his whole solo right at her, either one unable to look away. That was when she had started to fall hard for him.


She surveys her surrounding and realizes its morning, 8 am to be exact, according to the alarm clock on the bedside table. She spots the rings on the table and smiles as she remembers the memory of when they got them.


After the SM Town show, D.O had found a way to contact her and they ended up going on secret dates until one day he asked her to be his girlfriend. The year after that he had surprised her with couple rings on their 1 year anniversary. He had gotten his band members to plan a little event in the dance room that they rehearsed in at SM.


She looks at the bedside table again and spots the picture frame that held a picture of them from that night. They both had bright smiles on their faces with the night lights of Seoul in the background. Their linked hands are in the shot, to show off their matching rings that glint from the flash of the camera.


She had no idea what was going on that night till he took the blindfold off and saw where she was. The candle lit room was covered with white flower petals to match the cloud background that covered the other half of the wall. In front of the wall was a small white stage, where D.O stood holding a microphone. He started to serenade her with her favorite love songs and after they had dinner. It was a beautiful night filled with music and great food that D.O had cooked himself. At the end of the night he had taken her out to the rooftop and presented her with the rings and they took a picture. They each wore them from that day forward; sometimes D.O wore it on his hand or on a chain on his neck since no one knew of their relationship besides the people in the company.


She’s brought out of her memories when she feels him moving. She turns back to face him and smiles when she’s greeted with his chocolate brown eyes looking back at her. He pulls her closer till their noses are touching and smiles softly. For a few minutes they just lie there, staring at each other, living in the moment. He slowly leaves her gaze as he gets out of bed and walks over to his dresser. After picking out his outfit for the day, he heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower before he has to rush off to another day full of schedules. She gets up and starts to fix their bed and the rest of the room while humming to one of her favorite songs. Once she’s done clearing up she sits on the bed and waits for him, while she waits she spots a scrapbook sitting on his desk. She walks over to the desk and looks through the scrapbook with a smile.


She had given him the scrapbook on their 2nd year anniversary. It had taken her almost a whole month to compile all their pictures and memories into one scrapbook but she managed to do it. That day he had gotten a day off and they were able to spend it together. They went to an amusement park for the day and rode almost every ride while doing couple-like things such as wearing couple shirts and couple animal ears. He wasn’t recognized by anyone and for once able to have a normal date. It was a lot harder for them to date that time because it had been 3 months after he had announced that he indeed was seeing someone and is no longer single. The fans had gone crazy and demanded to know who he was dating but he never revealed who it was. After spending the whole day at the amusement park, they decided to just drive around and go to playground by their apartments. It’s there where she gives him the leather-bound scrapbook. She remembers how surprised he was to receive such a large gift while he had just given her a necklace with their names engraved on it. They spent the rest of their anniversary sitting on the swings look at all the pictures and memories.

That night he had promised that he would marry her.


The bathroom door opens and she’s brought out of her thoughts. She looks up and smiles as she sees him dressed in jeans and a sweater she had bought for him on his birthday. He walks towards her and as she’s about to hug him she feels a gust of wind go through her. It’s when she realizes that he’s just walked through her and towards the bedside table where his things were. She watches him as he slips on his watch, ring and necklace with her ring as a pendant on. As he walks through her again she catches a sight of the room, she thought she had fixed just moments ago. The bed is still in its messy state, the books she thought she put away are still on the floor along with some clothes that had fallen from his closet. She’s suddenly confused and wonders if this is all a dream until she spots the last page of the scrapbook that has a cutout of two articles.



Fatal crash kills idol’s girlfriend.


On May 14, a fatal crash occurred on the Cheongdam Bridge at 8:20pm. The two cars involved were a Toyota Camry and a Lexus, the camry being the civilian’s car and the Lexus owned by Do Kyungsoo, member of SM idol group EXO. The civilian had been the one to crash into the Lexus after the brakes stopped working. Both parties were said to have been fine but later reports stated that Do Kyungsoo’s girlfriend, who was in the passenger seat, had sustained a few injuries, one of which was a strong blow to the head that caused the girl to be announced dead after arrival at the hospital. At this time neither the civilian, Do Kyungsoo or the SM family have commented on this fatal incident.



SM Family mourns the death of a loved one.


On May 16th, two days after the Cheongdam bridge incident, the SM offices had closed its doors for the day and cancelled all schedules of their artists. Posters were hung around the offices announcing that they were closed due to the funeral service of “a loved one”, “a close member of the SM family”, the girlfriend of Do Kyungsoo. All SM artists were seen all dressed in black and in tears as they headed to a private funeral service, among them were members of EXO. Do Kyungsoo the boyfriend of the girl was seen going into another car accompanied by his and his girlfriend’s family. Other artists from other companies have also been spotted heading to the funeral service. It seems as though this funeral, though it is sad is bringing together all the stars South Korea has to offer.


 At this time the name of the girl has yet to be released and it may remain this way. All that has been released are the initials of the girl which her boyfriend had tweeted this morning along with a picture of an engagement ring. The tweet had said, “Today was the day I was going to ask you to marry me. Even if you’re gone and we’re not married yet, you’ll always be my loving wife. I love you A.H.L<3”


She finds herself going back to the beginning of the day trying to analyze everything and then realizes little things she’s missed. All her touches went through him, when he pulled her close it was actually a pillow, his dishelved hair, the red, puffy eyes as he woke up, the pain she had failed to see as he stared past her and at their rings and picture. It’s when she feels her heart break in two as she whispers,


“I’m dead”



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Chapter 1: oh my gosh, this was so devastating... why... it was set up so sweetly at first T_T you wrote amazingly, author.
LoveAsAlways #2
Chapter 1: What a sad story, you fulfilled your purpose!
Chapter 1: YOU MADE ME CRY! BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOD! -sobs disgustingly; pats your back- good job authornim~ -sniffs- ;A; more fanfic please
Chapter 1: This so sad *cries out my eyes*