
Yongguk's Hatred
So that main picture at the top...... That has the date when i FIRST started writing this fic... I wrote the first three lines and gave up and decided to move onto another idea for a fic to give her which worked out.... Meh-ish. But When I was coming back from London a few weeks ago I thought that it would be a good idea to try typing up some more of this story to pass the time. Safe to say that I really got into this fic and grew attatched to it. I'm quite proud about how it is turning out right now but I guess it's up to you guys to decide if it is any good or not!
And now on with the story.
Who in their right mind would put me in charge of a 15 year old boy?
Better yet, who decided that my image should be the manly looking guy with a soft spot for kids?
Anyone under the age of nineteen can easily send my blood boiling and TS Entertainment thought it would be a good idea to put me in charge of four of them!
Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo are all under the age of nineteen and have all been placed in my group. I know that they will have to work hard if they want to keep up with the direction TS want this group to go in but I'm sure i you give it a few months TS will realise it was a bad idea to put all of these kids into a group and bring us all back for more training. 
Either that or I will get to debut solo which was what I wanted in the first place.
To be honest I'd never really heard of the kids until we were put together. I had made it my duty to stay away from anyone under nineteen in the company and I would often resort to training alone after hours just so that I wouldn't bump into any of the kids. 

They were all so eager to leave early that none of them would even think twice about staying behind to practice even more. The company knew about this so they didn't seem to mind too much when I left early or arrived late, they knew my loathing of kids so it came as a shock when they put me in a group with them. 
I was pretty sure TS just wanted to put me under pressure to see if I could handle it and then they would just tell me it was all a big joke and I was deemed mature enough for them to debut me solo...
No chance.

But they also put me in charge of someone else.

Someone who I was able to get along with easily and they knew that the two of us were friends.


Himchan however has been a long time friend since we were roughly the same age and had schedules that put us in the same classes at the same times. He wasn't too bad in my eyes, of course he seemed to love himself a bit too much and he was multi-talented in the musical department, but that was everything an idol needed to be. Even with our difference in personalities we got on together like a house on fire and I was glad that he was put into my group as he could hopefully help me to keep the kids in check, at least until we were called back to TS again as trainees.
So that brings me to the present where I was waiting with Himchan on the sofa of our dorm room waiting to meet the rest of our members.


"I cant wait to share a dorm with these guys Gukkie~" Himchan said bouncing his leg up and down in anticipation. "You should see my little Uppie! He is just so cute and if you were around for long enough during practice you would agree with me just how adorable he is Bang!" I just rolled my eyes, Himchan knew my situation with kids. "And then theres Dae and Jae who are so close to each other that I'm pretty sure they would try sharing a toilet together if that meant they could spend more time with each other!" I crinkled my nose in disgust at the terrible thoughts Himchan was putting in my head. "Oh and I almost forgot Junhongie! How could I do that to him? I'll have to make it up to him somehow!... Where was I Gukkie?... Oh yeah! I think you'll like Junhongie! He is so innocent and when he looks at you with those big eyes you cant help but collapse on the floor with heart pains! That boy is like a little puppy Gukkie! Do you hear me? A FLUFFY PUPPY THAT YOU WOULD JUST WANT TO PUT IN YOUR MAN PURSE AND CARRY AROUND THE STREETS TO SHOW OFF TO YOUR FRIENDS!... But if anyone tried to pet him you would have to pull the bag away from them... You wouldn't want anyone touching your little Junhongie... THAT WOULD RESULT IN CERTAIN DEATH AND I WOULDN'T CARE IF I GOT MY HANDS BLOODY FOR THAT BOY! NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO TOUCH HIM UNLESS HE WANTS TO BE TOUCHED BY THEM! AND EVEN THEN IT HAS TO BE PG-13 BECAUSE THAT LITTLE BABY SHOULDN'T BE GETTING INTO ANYTHING TOO-"
"OKAY HIMCHAN! I get it okay! You like these stupid kids but i never will okay! Kids are just a waste of time. You can look after them by yourself if you like them that much Himchan!"
"Why do you never call me Channie like I always ask?" Himchan muttered as he pouted to himself.
"And don't even try arguing with me Himchan. I'm going into the kitchen now and I swear to god if you follow me in there then you will be sleeping outside the dorm tonight!" I said, Himchan knowing that I meant every word as I hauled myself off the sofa and turned in the direction of the kitchen.
"AH! Umm... How long have... You guys... Um... Been there?" Himchan asked as soon as he realised we weren't the only ones in the room and another three had turned up.

"Since about... "You should see my little Uppie!" I think." The one with fat lips said. I think his name is Daehyun... His accent sounds like his from Busan and I know the company said something about a guy from Busan called something like Daehyun, so I'll just say that's Daehyun.

I noticed Himchans spluttering before I noticed another boys red face. Why was he red? Was he embarrassed? Was that the famous 'Uppie' I had heard so much about? Today wasn't the first time he had mentioned 'his little Uppie'. 

As a matter of fact I think i know more about Himchan's little crush than I know about Himchan, with the way Himchan has stopped talking about what he has done during the day and instead has taken to telling me about everything he has seen Jongup do around TS' building. It did start getting a little bit creepy though when he started to tell me about what Jongup had been doing at home... behind the safety of his own doors... with his family living in the same house... Because he was still just a teenager.
"Yah! Himchan!" Fat lips- I mean Daehyun said pushing what I thought to be Jongup to the side so he could jab his finger in my best friends chest. "Me and Youngjae only shared a toilet once but that was only because we had important things to talk about and it couldn't wait! So just don't go spreading that to people okay?!" Daehyun was visibly angered but Youngjae just stood there next to Jongup, both of them flustered, trying to create a single logical thought in their heads.

That Youngjae must bottom.

Why did I think that? Just look at the guy. He couldn't top... Plus he just screamed gay. If he wasn't I would eat my own foot.
But then I scanned the room and noticed that we were one crazy person short in the dorm, not that I cared all that much.

Words were flying past my head back and forth between Himchan and Daehyun and something inside me told me that this would be a daily occurrence between the two. I don't know if the constant bickering would be something I could get used to, I'd probably have to buy earplugs at some point.
Keeping true to my previous statement i headed towards the kitchen leaving two thirds of the group in the strange atmosphere of the living room, hoping to get some peace and quiet in another room.

Grabbing myself a beer I leaned against the counter as I waited for an opportunity to slink off outside to possibly go to a club or even just a friends house. Drinking by myself wasn't as fun as it was getting wasted in a club and waking up the next morning in a random strangers bed as the day I was born, old habits die hard and I'm not the best role model for anyone but-
"HYUNGSSS~ Why did you leave me with all of the luggage? I cant carry all this stuff by myself. I took me forever and a day just to get them all to the door." A new voice? I thought, but forced myself to stay glued against the counter.
"They done what?!" Himchan was obviously done with his previous argument and ready to start another one. "YAH! GUKKIE GET IN HERE AND HELP JUNHONGIE CARRY IN THE LUGGAGE! I have a few words for these three.." Himchan must have been getting into his role as the second eldest already, ordering people about and complaining... Nope wait... That's just something he always does.
Sighing I rested my beer on the counter and pushed myself up to made my way out to the living room yet again.
A tall lanky boy was now in the room, making the six membered group complete, with two bags beside him, soaked from head-to-toe telling me that it was raining heavily outside and he hadn't had the opportunity to find shelter unlike the other kids.
But that was not what produced the small tugging feeling at my heart however, it was the boys eyes. 

There was so much innocence lying deep within his eyes, they were big and wide just like Himchan had said, I would never tell him that though, and at that moment they were filled with tears that were threatening to fall at any given moment. His chin was quivering as he bit his bottom lip, most likely to suppress the whines that wanted to spill out of his mouth.
And that was when I remembered.
That boy was just a kid.
A kid that would cry over anything, a kid that was pathetic and couldn't even look after himself.
So I quickly strode outside the dorm, finding another four bags worth of the kids' junk, and slung it all over my arms and cursed under my breath.
"Stupid kids already needing stupid help." As I turned around that tall lanky kid just stood there... Watching me.
"Th-thank you leader." He said to me, eyes still glistening and he seemed to have started shivering. 
This kid is going to need a lot of help. I though to myself. Himchan better not make me look after this pathetic excuse for a kid.
Grunting in a response to his thanks I barged past him, ultimately leading to him losing his balance and falling onto the cold wet concrete outside causing him to release a whine in response.
I didn't stop to see if he was okay though, why the hell would I care? I just carried on back into the living room and dumped the bags on the floor next to the group members. They all seemed to be squabbling among each other and my presence in the room went unnoticed, I couldn't help the need to punch something that bubbled to the surface of my mind at their childishness.
There was no way this group could last.

Later on that day the kids had chucked all of their stuff into our shared bedroom, six guys in one bedroom sounded like so much fun, and the room already stunk of teenager.
I had chosen the bed closest to the door, so that if there was a fire I could easily be out there first and block them all in or something, the bad teenager smell in the room would be burnt and so would they, two birds with one stone, is that a bad thing to think?
Himchan had taken things way out of hand and had a long phone conversation with our manager when he found out that I was planning on going out that night. Lets just say it ended with someone from the company parked up somewhere outside the dorm on constant watch for me if I tried to escape.
So I decided to call it a night early and quickly undressed and fell into my bed, pulling the covers up to my chin.
"Hyung?" That god awful whiny voice called out. "...Hyung?" He asked again.
"What?" I huffed resisting the urge to go over there and smother him with his own pillow.
"You're awake?" Such a stupid question.
There was a long silence, neither one of us saying a word to the other. 
And that was how the first day ended. 

The kid had just solidified his stupidness in my eyes and I couldn't wait to be rid of him.

Only half a dozen days had passed and things were already on a downhill path. 
Zelo had gotten sick from being drenched through on the first day we had gotten to the dorms which had left him bedridden, leaving us one member down for our practice sessions.
I started to take out all of my anger on Himchan, yelling at him whenever I could about the groups stupidity, and oddly enough Himchan just took it all with a big smile etched on his face. I would ask him why he was smiling so much but I would never get much of an answer out of him, just a shrug of the shoulders and a shake of the head, okay so I didn't get any answer out of him.
It was on the twelfth day though when Himchan pushed me towards the groups bedroom though when he lost it as well.
"I AM NOT LOOKING AFTER THAT DAMN KID." I yelled in defiance, while wondering how Himchan was overpowering me.
"Well why the hell cant you do it?" I muttered as my shoulders slumped in defeat. He'd pulled the leader card, that was the only time I would do anything involving those kids, when Himchan brought my leadership skills into it, I still had some pride after all.
"Because I need some time to myself for the first time in four days. The others have gone out to buy a few things and this is the only chance I'll get to watch what I want on the television. Now go!" We were just outside the bedroom door, my face only inches away from the wood, when Himchan knocked on it too many times to be deemed socially acceptable. "JUNHONGIE~ GUKKIE WANTS TO LOOK AFTER YOU~" and his heels and walked back to his beloved television.
"Leader?" Jungong's voice called out in his usual whiny tone going into a coughing fit just after.
I just have to ask how he is, not like i care, go tell Himchan what Junhong wants and then i can say I've done my bit. Yeah.
Slowly walking into the room i set my sights on the mountain of blankets that were quivering along with an occasional cough that just looked pathetic.
"So... How are you feeling?" I asked slowing to a stand still in the middle of the room.
"I'm cold hyung." His voice rung out into the air sending a shiver down my spine. The way he said hyung.... Was doing something to me. I don't know if it was disgust but all I do know is I didn't like the reaction it got out of me.
"You're wrapped up in plenty of blankets. Stop complaining."
"But hyung-" That word again.
I stormed out of the room, already having enough of the boy, and found my way back into the living room looking over the visual splayed out across the sofa.
"He says he's cold." I said getting Himchan's attention. "Do something about it will you? i'm going out for a walk."
I didn't arrive back home until late that night when the group were all in their respective beds. Before I fell asleep I looked over to Junhong's bed and noticed him fast asleep with a content grin on his face clutching a hot water bottle.
He better get well soon.
If it was because I didn't want to look after the blubbering maknae anymore or for some other reason, the gods thankfully, or not, listened to me that night.
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I will be editing this story maybe tomorrow? cleaning up any mistakes and all of that. I checked through befote I posted it but it was 12.30am...


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Chapter 3: Aww, this was perfect~! I loved this, thanks for sharing! :3
Chapter 3: oohh this was really very beautiful, made ​​me mourn
Chapter 3: awww this was a cute story ><
Chapter 3: Wow I love it! It is so sweet :) reminiscing about the past to the present and leading up to a cute shy kiss in bed.... That was a adorable touch to the story <3
Chapter 3: I also really liked hearing Junhong's POV of stuff that happened earlier in the story, it knits it all together and makes it more memorable ^^
Chapter 3: NO BANGLO FLUFF MY POOR HEART THIS WAS SO REALISTIC I WANT TO CRYYYYYYYYYYYY~ I'm serious, you really have a good vision for what life in the dorm might be like!!