I'm leaving.

I hate this part.
### The next day you woke up with hopes that Yongguk will be back. But turned out he doesn't. You raised from the bed and walk out the bedroom. You have made up your mind. You took out your from from you pajama pocket, You saw a messeage at your KaoKao Tqlk account from one of your friend. You opened it and saw a girl sitting on Yongguk's lap while kissing him. Your heart shattered to pieces, you dialed his phone number."Hello?" he answered "We need to talk." you said "Is it important?" he asked "It is. So come home now!" you said "I'll come home at night." he said and hung up. You sighed and walk inside the bedroom. You took out a big luggage and start packing your clothes. Your heart finally had enough. You wiped away your tears and try to stay strong. >>> After finish packing, you decided to left the luggage at the bedroom first. You sat at the couch and the tv, you wqit for him patiently, you didn't even think about making a special dinner like you planned. All you think of right now is explaination from Yongguk. You rest your head on the couch and slowly fell asleep. >>>"Bam!" a loud slammed on the door that made you woke up. "What so important?" Yongguk asked while standing in front of you. You stood up and face him "Do you love me Yongguk?" you asked, he look away "Are you serious? You asked me to come home early just to asked that question?" he asked "Answer me!" you raised your voice "Don't talk to me like that!" he shouted and look at you "Yongguk~ I can't take this anymore." you said and turned your back on him "I'm leaving." you said and start walking, he grabbed your hand "What the are you talking about!" he asked, you pulled away your arm "I'm leaving you!" you shouted "You can't leave me!" he shouted "JUST WATCH!" you shouted and ran away towards the hallway to your bedroom.
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Chapter 5: awww so cute ^^
Chapter 3: Wat MV does the pic shows??
Chapter 3: Love it's so good please make more chapter