Is it really over ???

Maid of Honour and the Best Man - Tetralogy (4 part series)



YB: Hyung, where are you? The wedding is due in like 2 hours time.

TOP: I’ve been knocking on Yoobin’s door for like half an hour. She isn’t opening it.

YB: Yoobin noona?

TOP: Yes, which other Yoobin do I know other than her?

YB: But hyung, she’s been here like an hour ago. She’s tending to Sunye right now.

TOP: Really? (He was wondering why she didn’t wait for him.) Arraso, I’ll drive over now.

On his way to the church, he couldn’t stop thinking and worrying about her. “Why didn’t she wait for me? Why isn’t she answering my calls? How is she holding up?” he repeatedly asked himself.


The moment he reached the church, his eyes scan for Yoobin. As he walks around, he caught sight of Youngbae.

TOP: Bae, where’s Binnie?

YB: In the bridal room helping Sunye get ready?

TOP: How was she? I mean does she look tired or sad?

YB: Hmmm that was what I wanted to ask you. She looks lethargic and seems like she’s been crying. What happened hyung? What did you do again this time?

TOP: Bae, this time, it’s not me. She caught her boyfriend having with Boa in his car.

YB: ! You’re kidding right?

TOP: What! Does it look like I’m kidding?

YB: Mianhe hyung, I was just surprised to hear that.

TOP: Never mind, I’ll drop by to see Sunye and her aite.

YB: Come back here soon, I’m nervous hyung.

TOP: Nervous, what’s there to be nervous about? You’re going to get married to a woman that you love so much. It should be more like ‘ited’. (He teased the husband to be.)

YB: Hyung!

TOP: Alright... Alright...



@Bridal Room

Yoobin do not want to ruin this special occasion for Sunye. She makes sure she smiles and says the entire right thing. She makes sure her best friend’s veil is in place and that the makeup is flawless. Sunye who have known Yoobin practically all her life knew that something was not right. However she does not want to probe for she knows that her dear best friend would tell her when the time eventually comes.

As they sat on the sofa waiting for the ceremony to take place, Yoobin’s mind practically wondered away, far away. It was awakened by the knock on the bridal room. She looked up to see Seunghyun walking towards Sunye to hug her.

Sunye: Oppa, you’re here! How do I look?

TOP: Of course you look gorgeous. Bae is one lucky man. Are you nervous?

Sunye: For real? Of course I am. Thank god Binnie is here with me. I don’t know what I would do without her.

TOP: I don’t know what I’ll do without her too. (His statement has earned silence from the entire bride’s maid in an instant.)

Sunye: (Shocked by what he said relied...) what did you say oppa?

TOP: No, nothing sweetheart. I’ll see you at the aisle soon alright. (He reassures here before walking towards Yoobin.)

Yoobin do not want to see him. She does not want to talk and say anything to him. She began to look away before he approached her and said...

TOP: Binnie, we need to talk.

Yoobin: Can’t you see I’m busy here. The bride needs me.

TOP: It wouldn’t take too long. Just a few minutes will do.

Yoobin: No, I told you I’m busy. Which part of the sentence don’t you understand Choi Seunghyun. ( She raised her voice at him before staring hard.)

TOP: Binnie ah... (His voice mellowed down as he called out her name.)

Sohee: Unnie, why don’t you talk to oppa? We’ll handle everything here. I’ll call you before the ceremony starts. (The maknae wouldn’t want a fight to break out, so she had to intervene.)

Yoobin: (She start to walk out of the room and said ...) Five minutes! That’s all the time I’m giving you.

Seunghyun walks after her. He was stopped by Sunye.

Sunye: Oppa, please don’t hurt her. She is not in the best of mood. You can another time. (She begs.)

TOP: Sunye, I love her too much to hurt her.

Sunye was shocked by his confession.

@ The Garden

Yoobin who was seated on the bench looks away as Seunghyun approaches her. He took a seat beside her and stayed quiet.

Yoobin: What is it that you want to say? (She asked him coldly.)

TOP: About yesterday ... ( He stutters.)

Yoobin: (Without allowing him to finish what he had to say, she snubbed him.) What? So you’re here to gloat at me? Why not just laugh at me as well. I’m sure this is the best news for you so far.

TOP: Binnie ah...

Yoobin: What? Come on, I’m prepared to hear you laughed at me. (She said sarcastically.)

TOP: Binnie, I know you’re hurting... You ... (He got cut off by her.)

Yoobin: Of course you know I’m hurting. You out of all people should understand because why? Because you were the first man who broke my heart. So yeah, of course you know I’m hurting.

TOP: That’s not what I meant Binnie...

Yoobin: Don’t you dare Binnie me! You have no right to address me as Binnie!

TOP: (He no longer could tolerate her accusations.) Ok fine, Kim Yoobin! All I am asking is how are you holding on. I have no intention to hurt you what so ever.

Yoobin: Whoa, so what? You are now Mr. Caring? Stop pretending Seunghyun. Besides I don’t need your sympathy.

TOP: Why can’t you just allow me to care for you? Why do you hate me so much? All I ever did was love you, and all I get is some crappy you’re pulling on me! (He shouted at her.)

Yoobin: first of all, you don’t know anything about love. You never have and never will. Second, since when have you cared for me? As far as I remember you have managed to make the past few years since high school a terrible experience for me.  Third, crappy ? When did I ever do that to you Choi Seunghyun? Perhaps, if you could think back, you were the one who hurt me over and over again, not me. This conversation is over!

Yoobin stride off to the bridal room. She was surprised she didn’t cry at all. She knows her heart is hurting. She promised herself not to cry. At least she believed she will have to hold on till she board the plane tomorrow.

Seunghyun was pissed that he wasn’t able to say what he wanted to say. He has so much to say to her but she always makes him loss for words. He kept on scolding himself.


@Behind Closed doors.

The Groom is already at the altar. Now it’s time for the bride, bride’s maid and grooms men to walk down the aisle. Of course, Yoobin and Seunghyun have to walk down the aisle together. Both pretended as though the conversation that took place minutes ago never happened. Since Yoobin had to smile all the way in front of the guest, Seunghyun had something up his sleeve. Moments prior to them walk down the aisle, Seunghyun purposely touches her hair as him he is tucking in a stranded hair. This makes her blush. His action gains lots of ‘aww’ from the others.

As they walk down the aisle, he held her hand close and tight. He attempted to make her trip which he then save earning a small applause. When Sunye and Youngbae were exchanging vows, Seunghyun stared at Yoobin. When Yoobin saw him looking, he winks at her. Yoobin rolled her eyes away irritated with his antics.

When the bride was tossing her bouquet, Yoobin couldn’t even bother to step up to grab it. In fact she stood way behind all the girls. Somehow by god’s grace, the bouquet landed on her. Everyone was cheering at her. All she could do was fake a small smile.

When the cocktail hour was over, it was time for the wedding dinner and celebration. As she steps in to find her seat, she saw Jaejoong. She walked away but Jaejoong managed to grab her arm.

JJ: Binnie, I am sorry? (He whispered.)

Yoobin: No you’re not. Why are you here in the first place? You’re not invited.

JJ: Of course I am invited. You are my girlfriend.

Yoobin: Correction! Ex girlfriend.

JJ: Come on Binnie, it’s just one silly mistake.

Yoobin: Silly mistake?

JJ: Let’s not make a big fuss out of it. (He pulled her closed. He pulled her hard enough that Yoobin whimpered in pain.)

This was not caught off guard the ever so watchful Choi Seunghyun. He was furious that Jaejoong actually appeared. He was about to walk over and punch Jaejoong but was held up by Youngbae.

YB: Hyung, chill. I know what to do. There is no need for violence.

Youngbae called in security to remove Jaejoong from the place. Jaejoong dared not create a scene because after all he is a well known person. Before he left, he managed to say...

JJ: Screw you Kim Yoobin! You’re such a waste of time in my 2 years plus of dating you. you!

Yoobin was taken aback by what he said. She grew weak in her knees and was just about to sink down on the floor. But, Seunghyun managed to hold her by the waist.

TOP: Hang on Binnie, I’m here. Be strong.

Yoobin: (Somewhere deep in her heart, she felt safe when Seunghyun came to her rescue.) I need to go, I cannot do this.

TOP: Binnie, you can do it sweetheart. You need to be strong. Your best friend needs you. It’s her special day remember.

He gently brings her over and sat down together with her. She doesn’t know why or how it did happened. She allows Seunghyun to hold her hand. His firm grip and makes her feel calm and secure. She managed to say her speech in much confidence, followed by Seunghyun’s speech. After the speech, she barely said anything. She kept quite.  She either nods or shook her head at Seunghyun’s questions. When she saw the bride having her first dance, she felt so happy for her best friend.

When Seunghyun excused himself to go to the toilet, Yoobin managed to slip out to the other side of the garden near the fountain. All she need was silence. She had too much weighing on her mind. Today, she felt so many emotions on herself. Anger, sadness, disappointment, proud and happy. She just needs to catch her breath. She can’t wait to get on the plane. She wants to leave all this heartache behind.

TOP: Ehem!

Yoobin: (She was startled.) Hey...

TOP: Hey...

Both of them sat still and embrace the calmness nature brought to them.

TOP: How are you holding on?

Yoobin: I’m feeling much better. (She shrugged.)

TOP: Binnie ah...

Yoobin turned to look at him.

TOP: I really want to apologize about the bet.

Yoobin: its okay Seunghyun, it was many years ago.

TOP: I know this will not do much nor will make things better, but I have to be honest. I really loved you back then. And now, I still love you.

Yoobin didn’t know what to reply or what to believe.

Yoobin: If you really love me, you should have make things right from the start. Thank you for being honest. I appreciate your feeling but it’s too late.

TOP: Is it?

Yoobin left the fountain and walk back towards the reception. She danced with her best friend and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Towards the end of the wedding Yoobin told Sunye that she is leaving tomorrow. She told Sunye what happened. Sunye understood her best friend position so well.

Yoobin went back home with Seunghyun. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep in his car to avoid any conversation. Seunghyun who knew she was pretending did only one thing. Just one. He talked. A lot.

“Binnie, I love you. Always have and will always do. When I haven’t even had the opportunity to tell you the truth about the bet, you already dumped me and left me behind. How could you? Do you know how much I yearn for you? Every time when I saw you with any other guy, I wished I could beat them all up but no instead I become this childish man that could stop throwing tantrum. Why are you doing this to me? It hurts you know. Only god knows how much I prayed so that one day we’ll be back together. But god seems to make a fool out of me. Every time you and I met, we ended up fighting and I will end up regretting. Bennie ah, what should I do?”

Yoobin wanted to cry but she held on strong. The moment Seunghyun parked his car, she dashed out and run for the elevator. She kept on pressing the button but the lift has yet to reach. She could see Seunghyun running towards her. She grew nervous. Thank goodness the lift arrived on time, she quickly pressed the button and the door closes just as Seunghyun reaches.

Seunghyun quickly took the next lift. As she exits the elevator she quickly runs to her apartment. As she was keying her security number, she could see Seunghyun came out from the lift and ran towards her. She quickly got into the house and slammed the door.

TOP: Binnie open the door? Why did you run away from me? I knew you heard what I said in the car. Binnie I know you did. Binnie give us a second chance please. (He pleaded.)

From behind the door she cried.

Binnie: Go away Seunghyun....

Seunghyun wanted to knock further but her neighbour weren’t too fond of the idea. He left and headed back to his apartment.

@Next morning


YB: Hyung will you be sending us at the airport? I really can’t wait to go for my honeymoon and make babies.

Top: I know, I know. I will ask Yoobin whether she wants to tag along.

YB: Yoobin noona?

TOP: Yes dummy!

YB: But hyung, noona is leaving for the states in like an hour’s time. She won’t be sending us off. I thought you knew.

TOP: (He was shocked.) Don’t joke around Bae, it’s not funny.

YB: I ‘m serious hyung.

TOP: Ani... I can’t let her leave without me again. Bae, could you forgive me. I really couldn’t send you to the airport.

YB: Hyung, are you finally going after Yoobin noona?

TOP: This is my last chance. I don’t want to lose her again. You understand me right.

YB: Hyung, hwaiting! I know you guys are meant to be together.

Seunghyun quickly made the necessary arrangement before packing his suitcase and rushing to the airport.


Yoobin, who couldn’t be bothered quickly, put her eye mask cover as soon as she settled down in the plane. She wouldn’t want the passenger next to her to see her eye bags. Moments before the flight took off; she could feel that the passenger who came in late settled beside her. She turned facing the window and sleep. About 1 hour later, the stewardess began serving the first meal.

Stewardess: Miss Kim, it’s time for the first meal. (She subtly wakes Yoobin up.)

Yoobin who was exhausted couldn’t be bothered to answer because was just too tired.

TOP: Binnie, wake up. Eat something. (Seunghyun tapped her and finally said something.)

Yoobin quickly sat up straight and removed her eye mask.

Yoobin: You! (She shrieked)... What are you doing here? Get off the plane now!

Stewardess: I am afraid he can’t, Miss Kim. We are thousands feet on air.

TOP: See, she said I can’t.

Yoobin: Stalker!

TOP: Jagiya...

Yoobin: Arghhh stop saying that!

Stewardess; Miss Kim, would you like grilled salmon, curry chicken or glazed lamb?

TOP: Salmon for her and chicken for me.

Yoobin: What makes you think you know what I want?

TOP: You don’t like curry and you don’t eat lamb. Besides you love salmon.

Yoobin rolled her eyes. She managed to eat some of the meal and turn her head away. Once the stewardess cleared the table, Yoobin turn and looked out the window. She managed to whisper.

Yoobin: Why are you here Seunghyun? You shouldn’t be here.

TOP: I have decided to follow you and earn back your forgiveness. I want to be with you and I will be with you. (He said firmly before softening up saying...) I love you Binnie.

Yoobin couldn’t deny she was move to tears. She quickly put on the eye mask cover to avoid letting see her red eyes. Minutes later she could feel Seunghyun holding on to one of her hand and also pulled her head so it rested on his shoulder. She doesn’t want to refuse. She is tired of pushing him away. Now all she wants is surrender to him. The maid of honour and the best man not only succeeded in being supportive in the bride’s and groom unification of love.

They also managed to find love between them...



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congrats (:
this is very nice, bb ♡
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
lovelyme23 #4
huehuehue #5
Congrats c: ;;
Spring_Roll #6
elliptical #7
Congrats ^^
Congratulations to the author
Congrats! :)