I hate you... No, you don't!

Maid of Honour and the Best Man - Tetralogy (4 part series)


@Bridal Boutique

Yoobin was flipping through the magazines while waiting for Sunye to come out in her wedding gown. She was wondering how it’ll look like. Yoobin has always been the fashionista, and for this big event Sunye sure would want Yoobin’s thought on the dress. When Sunye stepped out from the fitting room, Yoobin gasped...

Yoobin: Oh my god! You look so gorgeous. Sunye, you look marvellous. I wouldn’t want you to change a thing about the dress.

Sunye: Really?

Yoobin: Uhuh, and lets choose the accesories. I’m sure you want the traditional veil right?

Sunye: You could read me like a book.

Yoobin: I’ve seen the makeup trial picture. I like the makeup but go easy on the eye shadow; you look gorgeous without thick eye makeup honey.

Sunye: Cool, I’ll remind the makeup artist. I better get change now before Youngbae comes. He didn’t even know how my dress looks like.

Yoobin: He is coming? Don’t tell me that idiot will be here too?

From the fitting room, Yoobin could hear Sunye sigh.

Sunye: Binnie, do me a favour will you, pretty please? Can you just be a little more patient with Seunghyun? You know he is like that. In fact I wonder why he is like that towards you. He’s never like that around other people.

Yoobin: Sun, I know he’s your fiancé’s bff; you don’t have to stand up for him.

Sunye: I’m serious; he is only mean towards you.

Yoobin: (For some strange reason that statement hurts.) Oh well, I guess he just hates me since high school.

Sunye: He doesn’t hate you. He just... He just loves to tease you.

Sunye came out from the sitting room and sat beside Yoobin.

Sunye: Honey, I am sorry if being my maid of honour is too much. I really want you to be there with me just like how Youngbae wanted Seunghyun to be with him on our special day.

Yoobin: It’s ok dear; thank goodness we only get married once in our life.

TOP: Once? I wouldn’t even want to get married, mind you. (Heinterrupted the conversation.)

Yoobin rolled her eyes away. Youngbae glared at Seunghyun before reaching for a hug from his bride to be.

TOP: I’m just kidding Bae!

Yoobin: You really don’t know when to shut your mouth do you?

TOP: You really are a busy body.

Yoobin: Whatever!

Youngbae: Come on guys, we got lots of things to do. Seunghyun, come let’s try our outfit. Babe, where’s the one that you have narrowed down with.

Sunye: There, the tuxedo is for you babe. The coat is for Seunghyun oppa.

As the guys were changing, Yoobin was looking through the dress Sunye selected for her as the maid of honour. Like the other bride’s maid, it was in purple but just in a different shade. Thank goodness it was dark royal purple. She couldn’t picture herself in pastel colours. The guys came out, each looking very fine. Sunye was helping Youngbae out with his bow.

TOP: Binnie, can you help me with my tie?

Yoobin: Me, are you sure?

Sunye: Hold on oppa, once I’m done with Youngbae, I’ll help you.

Yoobin: Come here, let me do it.

As Yoobin was helping Seunghyun out, he was studying Yoobin. He studied her features. Suddenly he screamed as she pinched him.

TOP: Ouch!!!! Why the hell did you do that for?

Yoobin: Why are you staring at me? Don’t you know it’s rude to stare!

TOP: I’m just admiring your beauty baby.

Yoobin: Ewww, you’re sick. That’s annoying!

Sunye: Seunghyun oppa, you looked good in these. Yoobin unnie sure know what fits you right.

TOP: Well of course, don’t you know we have telepathy, she sure knows what fits me best.

Yoobin: Its general knowledge you dummy! Besides he has the same built as Jaejoong, so it wasn’t hard choosing the right type.

Sunye: I can’t wait to meet him.

TOP: WOW! I’m so excited! (He butts in sarcastically.)

Sunye: You should try on your dress.

As Yoobin steps out in her dress, Seunghyun couldn’t help but stare in awe. In his mind he wonders where the old boyish Yoobin vanished into. It was a long halter neck dress with the cleavage tastefully done. She had her hair up in a bun chopstick. Seunghyun pulled it out which reveals her beautiful hair.

Yoobin: Argghhhh! You Mr. are too much.

TOP: No sweetheart, you look stunning leaving your hair down.

Yoobin: Really?

TOP: I’m sure they will second that.

Both Sunye and Youngbae nodded. Yoobin blushed.

Sunye: But unnie, it’s too loose, I’ll ask Paulo to alter it tighter... (Sunye asked for Paulo and he came to measure.)

 Paulo is a mixed Korean and American. He’s been in the bridal line for about 6 years and is popular amongst artist in Korea. He is handsome too. Some say he is gay, but that is debatable. As Paulo reaches for Yoobin’s waist for measurement, he was stopped by Seunghyun.

TOP: Don’t this shop have female staff that can do the measurement?

Paulo: I’m the designer and I make this dress, of course I have the right to do the measurement. You can’t be jealous. Come on, loosen up Mr. Boyfriend.

TOP/Yoobin: He/She is not my boyfriend/girlfriend.

Paulo: Oh really, don’t hide it. The between the both of you is really obvious.

After that much awkward situation, Youngbae breaks the silence.

YB: Hyung, when will we get to see Boa? You’ll be bringing her to the wedding right?

TOP: I told her to fit your wedding in her schedule. We’ll see whether she’ll be free. She’s busy you know.

Yoobin: Ahah, you’re so funny. I didn’t know you have to make a booking to date your girlfriend. (She laughs at him.)

TOP: Well, aren’t you the same as well, your boyfriend isn’t even here?

Yoobin: He will soon be here. And no, I didn’t have to make an appointment like you. (She says it to his face.)

TOP: At least my girlfriend is not somewhere halfway across the world. You know what, you should be worried.

Yoobin: Why is that so?

TOP: He could be busy sleeping around with other chicks since his uptight girlfriend is not in the same continent.

Yoobin: How dare you!

TOP: Daring enough! (He answered furiously.)

Yoobin slaps him across the face.

Yoobin: You know what, from the first day I met you, you never failed to prove to me you were a jerk. And you know what’s funny?

TOP: What!

Yoobin: Even though I know you have always been a jerk, I don’t know why I still feel hurt when you said all those word. Maybe... just maybe I thought, somewhere deep down, you’re a nice man. How stupid of me. I should have known that since the first time you broke up with me and played with my heart in high school. I really hope I won’t have to ever see you again after the wedding because I really hate you.

Yoobin got back into the fitting room and changed back to her dress and left the bridal shop. Sunye was too upset to even say anything. Youngbae felt guilty to see his bride to be in tears. Seunghyun was actually hurt to hear those words coming out from Yoobin’s mouth.

YB: Hyung, why do you have to say that? I really don’t understand you. You’re not like this to other people. Why do you have to make Yoobin’s life miserable? I hope that makes you happy. (He left Seunghyun, and chased after his fiancé.)

@Bachelor/ Bachelorette Party

It’s been almost a week since the incident. Seunghyun and Yoobin didn’t even bump into each other despite living in the same building. Sunye and Youngbae decided to combine the party at club Se7en.

All the brides’ maid and grooms men were there. Seunghyun came with Boa. He was looking around for Yoobin but she wasn’t there yet. He wondered if she was still angry at him. Since she wasn’t there, his mood wasn’t even good too. That is how much she affected him.

About an hour later, while he was slumped on the seat while his girlfriend was dancing with some random man, he heard the crowd cheered and swoon over a girl. It was Yoobin. She came dressed in a blood red mini dress with gold heels. She was so y that he could literally pounce on her. However something stops him. She was clinging to a very handsome guy by her side.

Yes, she was. Jaejoong had arrived the day before. True to her words, her boyfriend was tall and handsome. Successful too, if you can add. Seunghyun looked away disgruntled by the fact that she was here with him.

She was introducing her boyfriend to the rest of the bridesmaid and groomsmen.

YB: Hyung, meet Jaejoong, Yoobin’s boyfriend.

JJ: What’s up man!

Seunghyun returned the courtesy. They sat around getting to know each other. By this time Yoobin still refused to say anything to him. Soon, Boa came over. Yoobin couldn’t help but acknowledge that Boa is indeed gorgeous. She smiled at her but what was surprising was the fact that Boa and Jaejoong who looked shocked by each other’s presence. There was a weird aura around them.

@ Errands

It can’t be help. Sooner or later Seunghyun and Yoobin have to get their together and help run errands for the bride and groom. Surprisingly the morning that they had to run errands, Yoobin was the one that overslept. He knocked on the door and pressed the bell. Yoobin opened the door groggily.

Yoobin: Why are you here?

TOP: We have lots of errands to do today, remember?

Yoobin: Oh , I forgot. Come in, make yourself at home. I’ll take a quick shower. Just wait for me.

Moments later he could see Yoobin, with her hair in the towel but already dressed in a simple white maxi dress.

Yoobin: Have you had breakfast? Help yourself to the bread or cereals.

TOP: It’s okay. You don’t have to rush.

He could hear the sound of the hair dryer. His mind couldn't take off the image of Yoobin’s showering. Once Yoobin is done with her makeup, she and Seunghyun left the apartment. They headed to the florist to reconfirm the bouquet for the wedding day. She and Seunghyun even collected their outfit from the bridal shop. Next was a lot of confirmation calls.

They even dropped by the jewellery shop to collect the bling-blings. At the jewellery shop...

Yoobin: Excuse me sir, I was instructed by the bride and groom to collect only 6 piece of jewelleries. How come there is an extra pair of ring?

Salesgirl: Oh, the bride and groom had prepared that as presents for the maid of honour and best man. It was a token of appreciation from them.

Seunghyun: (He puts it on.) Bae got great taste. Yours looks good too Binnie.

Yoobin: I know, Sunye sure picks well. It goes well with your ring too.

Salesgirls: Of course, they are a set of couple rings. It looks good on your girlfriend’s hand.

Yoobin and Seunghyun were too lazy to explain and just laughed it off. They have forgotten that they left the store with the rings worn on their fingers. But they were surprised when a swarm of photographers greeted them at the entrance of the shop. Seunghyun told Yoobin to stay calm.

Reporter A: So is she the lucky lady that is going to marry you?

Reporter B: When is the wedding?

Reporter C: What about her that makes you want to settle down?

Seunghyun: Calm down. She is Kim Yoobin, an old friend of mine. (Yoobin nodded nervously.) Next week my best friend is getting married to hers. I’m sure you know by now that Dong Youngbae the heir to Dong Empire and Min Sunye, the only child of CEO Min of UUP Banks are getting married. So we are both the maid of honour and best man. We’re running errands for the bride and groom. I shall see all of you at the wedding. (Theythen left the reporters and immediately got back into the car.)

Yoobin: Would your girlfriend be jealous?

TOP: No, she won’t. How about your boyfriend?

Yoobin: Don’t worry; he knows I’m out with you?

TOP: Binnie ah...

Yoobin: (She hates it when his voice is serious and seductive like that.) Wei, what’s wrong?

TOP: Will you be marrying him? I mean you guys look serious.

Yoobin: Why, are you jealous? (Sheplayfully .)

TOP: What if I said I was?

Yoobin: (She was shocked.) Seunghyun ah.....

TOP: (His spine just shivered every time she mentioned his name in that tone.) Wei?

Yoobin: (She pinched his nose.) Don’t be a busy body arraso!

TOP: Ouchy!! That’s not fair I only asked you, why do you have to pinch me? (He sulked.)

For the rest of the day amidst the little bickering they had here and there, they managed to complete all of the errands and end the day in a good note.





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congrats (:
this is very nice, bb ♡
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
lovelyme23 #4
huehuehue #5
Congrats c: ;;
Spring_Roll #6
elliptical #7
Congrats ^^
Congratulations to the author
Congrats! :)