Krisnado Da Vinci

Krisnado Da Vinci

I am Kris.

I am the main vocal, main dancer, the leader of 6 spolied brats and most importantly, I am an artist.

I, I am Krisnado Da Vinci, the great great great great great great great grandson of Leonardo Da Vinci.


I am an artist.

And I need to showcase my talent to the world. Grovel before my feet, you peasants, for the Greatest Artist To Walk The Earth has graced your pathetic oxygen consuming bodies.




Exo just doesn't understand my artistic talent. Well, I guess not everyone can understand art as intricate and refined as mine, but still, it's infuriating whenever I produce a masterpiece and all these 11 brats do is laugh.


I've produced quite a number of works, and that my friend, is no mean feat. Afterall, I am indeed a really busy leader, training my 10 little dragons plus one dragon wife. But, I guess I just can't escape art. it's like the pencils and paper are beckoning me to them everytime I walk into my room. The white sheets of paper are just begging to be drawn on and my magically artistic hands and minds are just imploring me to release all my pened up creativity.

The world is pleading me to draw, to grace this Earth with my talent.


And so, I draw. Only because my art is in such high demand, mind you.




Baekhyun entered my drawing room the other day, asking me to teach him how to draw. Being the nice, understanding, caring, loving, magically artistic leader I am, I agreed. 

I spent 2 hours teaching that brat how to draw but alas, as I've said before, artistic talent cannot be learnt. You have to be born with it. Sadly, Baekhyun clearly does not have the gift of art, unlike me. His drawings were horrendous, I say horrendous! Well then again, everybody's drawings will pale in comparision to mine. And that includes my great great great great great great great grandpa, Leonado Da Vinci. Mona Lisa? Please, I can draw Mona Krisa.

"I was born with a special talent in the art, Baekhyun," I try to comfort the obviously distressed boy, "my art has this special charm to it. But sadly, not everyone has this special charm, my dear."

"Art," I spread my arms, inviting him to take in the wonderous view of all my works framed up on the walls in pretty golden photo frames, "is a gift only for few chosen ones. Sadly, honey pie, the heavens chose me and not you."

"Be gone, young one! You may not have hands and  a mind as artistic as mine but maybe your talent lies somewhere! Artistic talent is born and can never be developed! The truth hurts, young one," I gently cup his cheeks, "but you must accept it,"

I pick up a pencil and paper and with a few a masterpiece has been born. It hurts to give away a masterpiece but for the sake of my poor little dragon, I will make that noble sacrifice. 

"Take this, little one," I hand him my masterpiece, "may it comfort you."

To my utter disgust and horror, this brat actually took a look at my perfect creation and asked, "what did you draw?" The utter audacity of this spoiled brat!


"My dear child, you can't even interpret art, it's really no wonder that you have close to no artistic talent," I say dryly, feeling a little sad for him for not being able to appreciate the wonders of true art, "it's ok my little dragon, as I've said before, art is not for everyone."

I think I saw a tear roll down Baekhyun's cheek and my kind leader heart wrenched. I pat his back lovingly and whisper, "it's okay, child, it's okay. Art isn't for everyone. You have to be bestowed to gift of art, and only people like me have been chosen by the heavens to possess that gift. It's okay, my boy."

I sent him out of the room with a few more caring pats on his back.


Hah, I'm really a gift to Exo. I mean where else would you find such a kind, caring, loving, manly and not to mention, artistic man?



My name is Kris.

Better known as Krisnado Da Vinci, great great great great great great great grandson of Leonado Da Vinci.

And I am a gift to the World.




Absolute bull. Leave a comment or two please hehe <3

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i'm totally reading this again. i remember laughing so hard once in a lecture years ago.

big fan of kris the artist. lol
Chapter 1: Just found this and This is hilarious.Krisnardo Da Vinci wtf dude! You're too confident.Haha.

I like this! It's nice.
barooya #3
barooya #5
Chapter 1: oh my goodness Do YOU know how I just cringed at all his self-praised ohmygee I can't

Krisnado Da Vinci is just awesome I can't laugh anymore cus it's too
yoshiberri #6
Chapter 1: omfg rolling like a buffalo on the floor now KRISNADO DA VINCI AHAHAHA
Chapter 1: I cannot I cannot Hahahahhaha otl
Chapter 1: this omg i cannot
gaemgyu245 #9
Chapter 1: im choking on my own saliva *like seriously*
Wufan brags about himself in the entire story, I can't-


An excellent masterpiece, you have there! Nice work ^^