

Since I became a journalist, I have never seen the ocean. My job is so dense and rarely get a long holiday. Fortunately, I haven’t used my holiday bonus. I took the opportunity to go off to a small island which is quite far from Seoul. I didn’t go alone. I asked my boyfriend Yongguk, my friend Genie and Junhong who also works in the office, as well as Genie boyfriend Jim.

~ ~ ~

We've been on the ferry that would take us to an island that far enough away from Seoul. This journey takes a long time around 2 hours. Not a lot of what I do on the boat, I was just playing with my macbook and let my friends play on the deck of the ship.

“What are you doing?” Yongguk who just came over asked and sat beside me.

“Just listen to the music and read the news,”  I said and still focus on the news.

“Oh. Don’t you get bored? You say you wanna have fun. Why are you still read that thing?” this handsome guy said.

I don’t really care about it. My eyes still fixed on the news. “Hey, look at this,”  I said while pointing to the news.

Yongguk obey my words. He pulled my macbook and seriously read the content. I waited for my macbook back.

“So what? Don’t tell me you're going to cover this?” Yongguk asked and give my macbook. His face told me he was mad and he don't like when I was showing the news.

I nodded. “Incidentally we are also looking towards the island, so all I take this news,”  I said with a smile that was sweet enough to mollify Yongguk.

“No way! You aren’t allowed to work while we were on vacation. You said yourself you want to have fun right?” this time Yongguk began showing his stubbornness.

“Wow, the killer hasn’t been found, right? It means the killer is still roaming in the island?” Junhong said suddenly hugged me from behind and read news that is still showed on the macbook that I hold.

Yongguk hit Junhong hands and keep his hands from my shoulders. Junhong grinned and let his hug. Junhong was sitting next to me and still read the news on my macbook.

“I know but it certainly would be good news. After all who knows we could find the killer and interviewed him,”  I said little excited.

Yongguk look a bit annoyed and sighed roughly.

“Here we go again, showed your crazy ideas. You think the killer could be domesticated like animals?” Yongguk asked with a little annoyed.

“Ya! The island has seen. We're here!”  Genie who stood at the door of the ship shouted.

I don't answer Yongguk questions and tidying all my stuff. Junhong helped put my macbook that had grabbed by him when I'm arguing with Yongguk. Yongguk take a rucksack roughly and out of the boat to the deck. I just smiled while seeing Yongguk who already mad.

We're both stubborn. But Yongguk little grumpy than patient. I get up from sitting and carrying my backpack. Junhong is also doing the same thing.

This ship has been pulled. Me and the other off the ship. The scenery is quite beautiful and quite silent.

“We'll pick you up in time according to the agreement,”  Said ship captain when we were down.

I nodded and left the ship with the others.


The island is only inhabited by a few families. There are no mountains in this small island, there is only a small forest that make this island a little cool and the sound waves of the sea can be aspirint for my headache because of stressness.

We walked down the forest to get to the homestay we had rented with a tour guide who has been in a holiday package that we ordered.


On the way, I could see several police officers on patrol at around of one-Hanok Korean traditional house-which we passed. The house was surrounded by police lines and guarded by police. I think to approach the place and taking pictures. While holding SLR that I hang up, I started to step out of line. Luckily I was standing in the last row and alone, so I was free to go out without the knowledge of the other.

I managed to get home without getting caught by another. The house is seen half burned. I started taking some pictures of the house and approached one of the police.

“Excuse me,”  I said as politely as possible. The cop just looked at me with a look of resolute.

“Am I allowed in to take pictures?” I asked again.

“Sorry miss, no one should go into this area,”  The policeman replied with a fairly deep voice.

“I am a journalist from a media. I was assigned to cover this news,” I said showing my journalist ID card.

“Sorry miss, we still can’t enable you to enter,”  The policeman said.

“Then, could I ask you something?” I asked began take a small notebook and a pen straped cat that Yongguk give.

The officer nodded and I started giving a few questions.


After asking some question, I bid farewell to the police.

“Gamsahamnida ahjussi,”  I said with a big grin and a wave of the hand to the police who apparently was friendly.

I walked back up the trail that had my friend pass. Walking alone on the trails and surrounded by trees like this, makes me quite comfortable. The waves sound of the sea that can be heard from this spot, create an atmosphere not too quiet. As I read back the results of my interview, I walking on this trail. But the longer I felt someone was following or watching me. I stopped my step and trying to read atmosphere. My eyes began to watch. I turned suddenly and there is no one behind me. I rolled my eyes again to the surrounding forest.


Wait! I've not seen the houses again.




I heard something behind me. I quickly turned around and I got nothing. I knew someone was watching me, I can feel it. Without thinking, I ran from where I was. Running without direction. Hoping anyone who spying me, left behind and not follow me anymore. Rather than getting away from that thing, I felt he was chasing me. I quicken my step again. A large tree being my hiding place for a while. My breathing began to pant. I peeked out of the tree, ensuring the person who was following me.

No one’s there. I sigh heavily of relief and go back into hiding. I feel the situation is safe enough and intend to come out of hiding.



Suddenly a person appeared before me and made me very surprised.

“Ya!” I yelled after realizing that it was Yongguk.

Yongguk laugh and look happy when I felt like dying because of lack of oxygen.

I realize there was a Hanok is not too large and very dirty not far from us. I also saw someone who was a glimpse behind the door. My curiosity began to increase. I intend to leave Yongguk that hasn’t stopped laughing. But his hand grabbed mine. His laugh has stopped and turned into a smile.

“Don't go away again. Come back to the homestay,”  Yongguk said while pulled my hand pretty hard.

My little body couldn’t withstand Yongguk power.



Homestay which I rent quite good. I rested on the balcony of the Hanok while looking at the photos that I took. Genie came over and sat next to me. She wanted to know what I'm doing.

“What are you doing?” this girl asked. She is England – Korean girl. His eyes are green and made me really want to have colored eyes like her.

“I saw the photos that I took today,”  I said while giving a smile to this pretty girl.

“Photos when you lost?” She asked again.

I turned to her and looked at her in confuse. “I'm not lost. Who says I'm lost?” I asked.

“Yongguk. He was very panicky when you're not there. Junhong said he saw you approach that burnt house,”  Genie replied.


“Yongguk always to grumble to me. He grumbled about you. He said you didn’t enjoy your holiday with him,”  Genie said.

I sighed. Yongguk can grumbling too, i thought.

“I didn't mean not to enjoy this holiday. It's just― something that happened on the island made me interested to finding out,” I said trying to explain to Genie.

“Something on this island? What do you mean?” the girl with green eyes rounded asked with serious look.

“I read on the news about a murder on this island. It happened not only once, but more than once. The killer hasn’t been caught,” I replied.

“Really? That means that the killer was still on the island?” Genie asked.

I could see the fear in her eyes. “I don’t know. Maybe he's going to ship. Don’t worry. We have three big men here and some police officer was patrolling the island,” I said to calm her.

“Ya! What are you talking about? You want to watch the sunset or want to sit in this room?” Junhong who peeking from a sliding door with Jim asked.

We both went out of sitting and join them.

Yongguk already getting outside homestay. He smiled when he saw me out with another. Like a prince, Yongguk reached me down the stairs.

“Ya! You've argue few hour ago, but now you are give smile to each other,” Jim joked.

“Junhong –a! You must tell him everything you hear on the ship, right?” I said a bit annoyed.

Junhong just smiled. We left home stay and headed for the beach.


Sunset on the island is quite beautiful. The five of us sat down on the sand beach and listening to the gentle sound of the waves were quite strong because the water started to tide. The wind blows gently slapped our faces.

“It's been a long time since I didn’t see the sunset like this,”  Yongguk said leaning on my shoulder.

I smiled. I feel like this island belongs only to us, as no other tourists who watched the sunset as we were.


The island is very quiet from the name of human.



“Don’t ever go quietly like that anymore. Do you understand?” Yongguk who moved from the back asked and looked at me.

I smiled,” Wae?” I asked.

“Eiishh~ Don’t you understand? It's clear here there are a murder and the killer hasn’t been found. I wouldn’t forgive myself if saw you get killed by the killer,”  Yongguk answer.

I nodded and smiled. I gave a soft kiss on his cheek. “I'll be fine,”  I said then.


It was dark, we all went back to homestay. We don’t pass through the burnt house earlier. We passed shortcuts trail that bright and filled with Hanok house that neat enough.

I remembered a Hanok house that I saw in the woods. I really want to get into the house and look around.



We reached the homestay. Genie first take a towel to shower. She loved to bathing in a long time and came out with a very fragrant scent. I went back to my room and took my SLR to see a picture that hasn’t been done I see.

Quite seriously I saw it. My eyes immediately focused on the person who is behind the house that burned.

My SLR catch the guy. He turned my SLR and hiding behind Hanok. I couldn’t see his face.




Genie shout made me very surprised and headed to the bathroom. Jim, Junhong and Yongguk already there. I can’t see Genie as it is covered by three tower men.


“What’s happened?” I asked Yongguk who is standing in front of me.

Yongguk turned to me and raised his shoulders. I chuckled and immediately push Yongguk and Junhong who stand in front of me. Genie looked frightened and stood in the corner of the bathroom. Jim himself was looking for something.

“Waeyo?” I asked with a curious.

“There was a scorpion in the bathtub,”  Genie said with very afraid.

Jim catch something which hide under a table near the mirror. A scorpion that quite dangerous. The scorpion suddenly escaped from Jim hands, but he managed to step on.

I was a little surprised when Jim stepped on the poor scorpion. My eyes rounded after saw the shape of that scorpion. Jim picked it up and take it out. I get out when Jim bring it out the bathroom.

“The beast is gone. You just continue your bath. You can shout any time to call us,”  Junhong said to calm Genie who still cornered.

The girl began to approach us. “No, I'm done,”  She said simply. She went straight to her room. I just stared after her.


~ ~ ~


After breakfast, I intend to go into the burning house. Yongguk was out with Junhong, somewhere. Chance to get away from the homestay unnoticed both of that guy.


I brought my SLR and notebook.

“Genie –a! Jim oppa! I’m out for awhile,”  I said as passes through the couple who were sitting in the living room. They nodded and smiled.


I really want to get into this Hanok. I want to find something to make my story more interesting. The police aren’t going to allow me to go, so I climbed a short wall that surrounds this Hanok house. I tried to not make a sound.

I immediately sneaked into the Hanok. Everything looks black because of fire. I can smell grilled meat. There is also sprinkling of blood that had been dried on the walls of this house. I kept taking pictures.

I feel something watching me. I don’t know who. I looked and didn’t see anyone. I looked out of the house from the existing hole at the entrance.




Two police yesterday not in place.

Is they're done looking for? Did the killer have found?


I see someone from the side of a tree not far from this house. The man looked into this house. I immediately ran out of the house to chase him as I continued to take pictures from my SLR. I jumped over a short fence and ran after him.


I can’t see his face clearly as covered by the mask. I chased him through the woods. But unfortunately I lost him. I sigh and kick dry leafs.


With a little disappointed, I returned to homestay. Junhong and Yongguk is back from nowhere.

“Where are you?” Yongguk asked.

“Wandering,”  I replied simply.

I passed Yongguk, but he pulled my hand and made me gasp.

“Can I see your SLR?” Yongguk asked pointing my SLR.

“For what? I'm just walking around to take the sights of this place,” I said lying.

Yongguk can see clearly when I'm lying. He immediately grabbed my SLR and releasing my hand.

“You lie!” Yongguk yelled.

Junhong who was beside Yongguk, went straight away. I reclaim my SLR before he slammed it.

“Mianhae. I couldn’t help but look,” I said, looking into his eyes.

“Hyunmi-a, we're not here to look for that news, but for fun,”  Yongguk said with restrained tone.

“I know. But can you have fun when you know in this small island there is a murder and the killers haven’t been caught?”I asked.

“...,”  Yongguk silent.

“Then, we go from this island. We return to Seoul and have fun there. How's that?” Yongguk asked trying to calm himself.

“But the ship came in few days more.” I answered lightly.


Yongguk sighed and immediately left me with upset step. I could only see his departure. After his back was not visible behind the door, I went back to my room. Seeing the picture that I took. I'm still curious about the person who was spying me.


As I carefully writing results, it looks like a person who I saw at Hanok when I arrived is the same man as I was chase today. The clothes that they wear are same.




The door in my room sliding and got me quite surprised to hide my SLR again. I'm waiting for someone to shown from behind the door.

“Am I interrupting?” Junhong get out from the door and gave a sweet smile.

“Ani. Come in,” I said and invited him to enter.

I didn’t hide my SLR and went sight-seeing the pictures. Junhong sat next to me and opened the notebook is on my side. I immediately took it, but he is faster. I sighed and let him read my notebook, anyway he is my partner while covering the news.

“You're finding out the killer or just looking for the news?” Junhong asked while read every pages in my notebook.

“Both,”  I said simply.

“If you want, I can help as Yongguk don’t know about it,”  Junhong said.

I think for awhile. He was my best friend. I looked at him with sparkling eyes.

“All right. You did very well,”  I said ruffling his hair.

I show the results of the picture that I took to Junhong.

“I think he knows something,”  Junhong said while looking around my SLR.

“Where else do you see besides the burnt house?” Junhong asked.

“Euummm. In Hanok house that looks very old and very dirty,” I said, trying to remember.

“You know where is it?” Junhong asked.

I nodded.

“Who are you interviewed?” Junhong asked again.

“The police who at the burnt house,”  I replied.

“From the interview and how to kill, I think the killer is a phsycopat,”  Junhong guessed.

“How did you know?” I asked surprised.

“I don’t know. But I felt he was not just a one time killing people,”  Junhong said with a whisper.

“What do you mean?” I'm getting confused with Junhong word.

“That was when me and Yongguk walking around, we passed several houses were also burnt as happened recently. We've asked a few people here, but they didn’t say anything and immediately closed the door,”

“They are afraid of something,”  I said take the conclusions.





Tonight I couldn’t sleep. I'm still thinking about all the photos and Junhong words. Words of phsycopat continues recorded in my brain. As far as I know, phsycopat is a very dangerous man. He can do anything to make himself satisfied. For people like that, cutting human head is no different than cutting the chicken's head. People like that are also big lier, slandering and emotional.


“Genie!” shout someone who brought me from all of my thoughts.

 I get out of the blanket and see what's going on outside. Yongguk had hit me when I came out of my room.

“What is it?” I asked confused.

 Yongguk shook his head and we went straight to the sound, to find person who shout Genie's name.

In front of the bathroom Junhong stood with his face quite shocked and covered his mouth. I immediately walked over to see what he see.

I was very surprised to see into the bathroom. My breath stopped immediately in surprise. My eyes rounded. Genie was killed, with very tragic.

Blood coming out of the neck of the girl which almost apart. No clothes for covering her body. Her green eyes wide open staring at the roof, her bloody mouth open widely. Jim who is beside her, was crying. Yongguk immediately hugged me and made me not look at horrible situation. I cried in Yongguk arms.

Yongguk took me to the living room and calmed myself. Junhong come with us. He contacted the police to inform that tragic incident.

“The police will be coming in tomorrow morning,”  Junhong said.

I pulled back and frowned Yongguk. Junhong and Yongguk stared in surprise.

“We need to find another help,”  Junhong said.

Suddenly the lights go out. Yongguk clutched my hand.


Moans voice that very loud made me shocked and even more afraid. The light is on as the voice is gone. Junhong and Yongguk still there next to me. We come face-gaze. Jim came out of the bathroom while crawling with difficulty. His mouth was bleeding, his eyes staring at us, asking for help, his back stuck an axe and made fresh blood out of it.

“The― kill― er― still― here―,”  Jim breathed his last.

I immediately closed my eyes.


“We have to get out of here. It looks like a boat on the beach,”  Junhong said.

“Wait,”  I called Yongguk grip and let go to my room next to the Junhong. I took my SLR and notebook. Yongguk wanted to protest but not the time for it.

“Come on,”  I said. Yongguk held my hand and pulled me.


The three of us out of this Hanok. Just as out, someone standing in front of this house. Someone who I see in the burnt Hanok. He held a blade which gleaming in the moonlight illuminated. The man covered his face with masks and hats. Our distance far enough. We immediately ran to the other side. I looked back, saw the killer who started throwing a blade at us.

“Ppallie!” I cried.

We quickened our step but the blade managed to stab Junhong leg. Junhong fell down suddenly.

“Junhong –a!” I called.

Yongguk and I stopped to help him.

He moaned in pain as he took off the blade of his leg. Blood out of his leg. We helped him up before the killer approach. My breath panting. We help Junhong run with legs like that. Yongguk keep the blade.

We run back into the woods. Masked killer was not following us. We sit under a large tree so Junhong can resting for awhile.

“We have to stop the bleeding at his leg,”  Yongguk said.

Without thinking, I ripped off my sleeve and tied Junhong leg to stop the bleeding.

“Leave me alone. I’ll hampered you,”  Junhong said.

“Ani. I don’t want to leave you here,” I said.




We directly hold our breath to hear that sound. I hold my nose and my mouth.




The silence that gripped and made my neck hairs shudder. Yongguk peek to see the killer.

“Nothing,”  Yongguk whispered.

Not long after saying that, the sound of a saw heard. The tree trembling because of that saw. I turned around and see the killer. Right on the other side of this tree. I screamed and helped Junhong stand together with Yongguk. The sound of that saw follow us. Without direction we run.

Yongguk suddenly screamed and fell down. Me and Junhong stop and see what happened with him. Just when I want to approach him, he was pulled by something.

“Yongguk –a!” I screamed hysterically.

Yongguk body pulled up and hanging on the tree.

“Yongguk –hyung!” Junhong shouted.

I went over and tried to grab Yongguk hands.

Junhong! Take Hyunmi away from here. Leave me alone!” Yongguk shouted and throw the blade that he took earlier. Junhong take that thing.

“Ani! I will not leave you!” I exclaimed.




Saw voice sounded closer.

“Get out of here!” Yongguk cried again.

Junhong pulled my hand to get away from that place. I brushed his hand and was trying hard to reach Yongguk hand.

“Run! Ppallie!” Yongguk cried again.

My eyes getting hot, my tears trying to get out of this round eyes.

The killer is getting closer. Junhong pulled my hand backwards and I was outnumbered strength. I still see Yongguk hanging on the tree and the killer cut the tree where Yongguk hanging on. He fall pretty hard on the ground, right at the feet of the killer. Without thinking, the killer pulled the rope that tie Yongguk legs and dragged him away.


“Yongguk-a!” I yelled.

 I want to catch up Yongguk, but Junhong prevented.



We rested in untreated Hanok after running away for few hours. This place is where I saw the figure of the killer.

“Junhong, it looks like the killer,”  I said whispering.

Junhong round his eyes, as if he didn’t believe in my words. Someone came and we immediately hide on the other side of this Hanok. Junhong was in front of me, peeking.

“Is he―” I whispered.

 Junhong back into hiding position. I looked at him quizzically.

“He didn’t bring Yongguk,”  Said Junhong. I sighed heavily.

“Is Yongguk has been killed?” I muttered.

“I don’t know,”  Junhong said.

I just wanted to reply to his words, a sickle was nearly through Junhong’s head. The sickle cut through the wooden walls. The killer was aware of our presence. We went straight from there as the killer reveal itself.

We ran. The killer was not chasing us and let us go. I don’t understand why the killer was not after us. Junhong suddenly collapsed.

“Junhong –a!” I called him up again.

“I can’t move my legs again. You have to go to the beach alone,”  Junhong said.

“Ani, I don’t want to go alone. Yongguk told you to take me away,”  I said with little scolding.

 I immediately helped him up and hold him away from that place.



We arrived at the beach. The sea looks very dark and there is no boat in place.

“No boat. How do we go?” I asked while holding Junhong.

“There. Yongguk and I found a boat behind that rock,”  Junhong said pointing to a rock that is still stand even hit by sea waves big enough.

We walked up the beach to where it was.

Right above the cliff, I saw someone. Someone who was covered in blood. I narrowed my eyes and confirms the person's face.

“Yongguk!” I exclaimed.

Junhong turned to the direction I pointed to my face. He was hanging over the cliff. Looks like he was unconscious.

“We have to help him,”  I said quickened my step and make Junhong try to follow my step with his faltering step. Yet reached the cliff, the killer appeared and immediately cut the rope that hangs Yongguk body.

I screamed and made the killer saw us. Yongguk body fell and disappeared with the waves.



“Yongguk –a!” I yelled again.

The killer run down the cliff. We also run up to the rocks right under the cliff. Junhong is right, a small boat stranded on the edge of a cliff. We approach that boat.

“Help me push this!” I said and let go of Junhong hand.

Junhong tried to hit the waves and helped pushed this little boat. Slowly the boat shifted and eases with the help of the waves.

The killer is also getting closer.

“Come up and I will push this till the boat could sail!” Junhong said.

I think for awhile. Junhong helped me up and started to push faster away from the beach.

 The killer ran faster and faster.

“Junhong –a! Hurry! Hurry up!” I exclaimed.

Junhong tried to get into the boat, but his legs were getting sore. I watched the killer.

Junhong panting. He pulled out the blade given by Yongguk.

“Take this,”  Junhong said while give me the blade. I don’t know what I should do with this blade.

I looked at the killer again. He pulled out a shiny object and begin aimed it toward us.

“Junhong –a! He pulled out a knife!” I say while try to pull Junhong hand.

The killer was throwing that thing at us. I quickly pulled Junhong.




Junhong silent. His eyes looked at me. I stared at him blankly. Blood came out of his mouth and a blade in his hand lying on the boat. A knife stuck right on his back and pierced his heart.

“Go― Home― Safe―ly,”  He said for the last time.

His body was weak and the waves take away him from the boat.


The killer took something else. A gun. He aimed it at me. I immediately took the blade that Junhong left and threw to the direction of the killer. The killer also threw shot at me.

I managed to avoid the bullets and my blade stab his head. The killer collapsed. My tears began to drip.

 I remember Yongguk fell off that cliff and Junhong were stabbed. I turned around my eyes to see the island and the dark sea.

“Hyunmi –a!” That shout makes me look. I'm looking for a voice. It sound very familiar.

“Hyunmi –a!” The voice heard again, but over time the voice disappeared.

I’m looking around. Not too far from the boat, Yongguk waving weakly. He was too tired to swim towards me. I paddled the boat to approaching Yongguk.

“Yongguk –a,”  I said and hold his body to get out of the water.

His body was pale, her skin wrinkled because of the cold sea water.

His face was full of wounds, his clothes stained with blood. I pulled him into the boat. His eyes were glazed and looked very tired.

“Yongguk –a,”  I said holding both of Yongguk cheeks.

“Hyunmi –a,”  he called softly.

I immediately hugged him very tightly.

“Thanks God! You're still alive. Junhong― Junhong― Junhong was killed on rescue,”  I said.

Tears falling down to my cheeks. Yongguk just keep silent for awhile.

“Hyunmi –a. I'm so tired. Let me rest on your shoulder,”  Yongguk said.

His voice was very small. I nodded and let him rest in my shoulder.




We met with patrol boats. I wake up Yongguk who still sleep on my shoulder.

“Yongguk –a ireona,”  I said gently.

Now the wounds on his face was seen clearly. He opened his eyes and slowly rose from my shoulder.


Some of the police helped us move to the patrol boat and gave us blankets. Yongguk taken to a room to be treated.

“I have killed a killer,”  I said.

The policeman smiled. “Calm down, you're not going to jail. You have done what should you do,”  the police said it.

“Thank you,”  I said.

 The police left me. I take my eyes off the ocean. Deadly island was not visible. I read a notebook that I keep still and was wet from the sea water.

“Are you okay?” Ask someone from behind.

 I turned. Yongguk standing behind me and gave a smile.

His body is covered in bandages.

“How is your wound?” I asked, before answering the question.

“It is better, especially when knowing you survived,”  Yongguk answered.

 I approached him.

“I was talking to the killer. He didn’t just kill one or two people. He had killed a village on the island.”

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Chapter 1: from the first i thought the murder would be one of them,but i was wrong. im still confused when hyunmi told that he talked to the murder??is it zelo??but he already died right?