The Unusual

Playing Hard to Get

Minseok and I went along with the normal topics, school, class, our days and sometimes our moms. Today's topic was more about that cat that kept us up all night haha.

"So anything new happen today _______?" he asked smiling.

"Nope, just a regular day" I smiled back.

"Really? I heard something happened today concerning Chanyeol" he finished before proceeding to nudge my side.

Really? Really? I go home to escape Chanyeol! Wait how does he even know Chanyeol? That's right, everyone does but that? Does he go around telling everyone of how he gets rejected? That's just weird!

"Nothing really..." I state.

"You know, he isn't a bad guy! You should consider going out with him" he finished off with a wink. Another one of them... Another wingman. On the bright side this one isn't really weird. "You too oppa?" I whine walking sluggishly next to him. He lets out a slight chuckle.

"So you'll call me oppa but not him?" he shook his head in disbelief. "Aigoo _____ do you want him to hate me??" he continued resulting in me giggling quietly while I shook my head. "Well I've known you longer! And my mom makes me call you that whenever you come over! I've gotten too used to it!" I explain.

"Alright, but-" he takes a pause to look around for a second "Just don't call me that infront of Chanyeol, or else I'll be in big trouble! Arraseo?" I nod again. He grins at me again and ruffles my hair like kid.

Yeah I'm closer to him than you think. It's been like that for a long time. Let me give you a little background, his mom and my mom have been friends for a really long time so we knew each other for a real long time as well. We don't go and have real fun adventures as many long time friends do, we are just casual. But he has been and always will be there for me! He had always been my body guard when my sis or Ji eun wasn't around. Although we may not be very close friends I like to think we are close siblings since that's how my relationship with my sister is too.

"Oppa, are you expecting people over tonight?" My thoughts interupted when I saw an unfamiliar vehicle outside his house.  I looked over to his confused face.

"Not that I know of...come with me and let's see!" he said before dragging me over to his house. We walked through the door and hey my mom's here too, cool!

"Ah, Minseokie, _____! Come here and meet Luhan!" My mom called us over. Luhan? Who the heck is Luhan? Minseok and I exchanged a confused look before proceeding into the living room, and when we did...oh hot damn! Theres a piece of gorgeous boy just waiting there! I unconsciously stared at him for a little bit before Minseok had to nudge my side to bing me back to reality. I blushed realizing what had just happened.

"Hi my name's Luhan" he beamed at us. So. Freaking. Adorbs. Feels cannot be contained!

"Hey I'm Minseok, and this little girl here is ______" oppa beamed back while ruffling my hair again. 

"Oh, is she your girlfriend?" Luhan asked curiously. We were both taken aback from his sudden question

"N-no we are just friends! That's all" I managed to get out. " mistake" he blushed from embarrasment and looked away. Can I just steal him shove him in my closet and keep him there? He's so cute.

"Oh you guys are probably wondering who this is!" Minseok's mom finally realized. "Luhan is your cousin  from China Minseok-ah" He blinked.

"What? China?" still obviously confused he started thinking and then he snapped his fingers from his sudden epiphany

"That's right! Auntie married a chinese!" His mom nodded. "Well their family moved here to Seoul so it will be fun to spend time with family! He's transferred to your school as well. You guys are in the same year"

Let me get this straight..This fine piece of man cake over here is Minseok's cousin, he will be attending our school, he speaks Mandarin and Korean, and he's just plain fine?? Well this is certainly out of the ordinary! Now if only I wasn't a total idiot infront of him. Well time went by while we asscioated ourselves. Sis came a bit later and caught up with us. After what I'd say was a good 2 and half hours we finally went home.

"Wah, Luhan is sure good looking isn't he?" My mom asked us. I felt a blush creep onto my face slightly. "Y-yeah"

"He is I guess, but no one beats Joonmyeon~' Oh sis so love struck. Mom chuckled "Of course. Speaking of which, _____when will you get a boyfriend?" she asked and totally caught me off guard. Date? I'm not the dating type. Wait..Luhan..ohmygod what just happened?! No hormones don't do this to me! This is probably nothing. It has happened before. It never lasts. They all turn into jerks, or friendzone in the end. I shoudn't worry about that.

"When she finally says yes to Chanyeol" I should worry about that.

"Chanyeol? Who's Chanyeol?" Mom questioned. Wow my darling older sister did not just drop the bomb on that.

"This guy that has been chasing ______ for months now but she keeps rejecting him. ______ you should finally say yes, he reaaally like you. And he's not too bad on the eyes either"

"How would you know??" I questioned my sister with rather large eyes.

"Joonie. They're friends you know" Of course every time. Now I got my friends, classmates, and now even my mom on this topic! Aish how did it come to this? 


"Wae? Cousin? China? ______?" I answered my phone to horror as I listened to Minseok-hyung on the other line. 

"But-but she said she's not the dating type!" I shout to him.

"Woah calm down there! She isn't, or wasn' should have seen the look on her face when she saw this guy!"

"But she's mineee!!! Hyuuuung do something!" I whine. "Like what? Kill him and hide his body??"

"That is the greatest idea you have ever come up with"

"CHANYEOL! This guys is family!" Oh right. But it's not fair. I start whimpering into the phone and heard him sigh on the other side.

"Listen this has happened before, she sees a guy and falls for his look but it never lasts. Trust me, I was just giving you a heads up. He's no serious threat.  I promise"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"LIKE I SAID, HEADS UP! Now I got homework to do so I'll talk to you later. Bye good luck" hyung screamed back at me.

"Bye, thanks. And good luck on the homework." Now that was the conclusion of our conversation.

A guy going to steal her from me? Fat chance! I resumed texting ______ as I did everyday. Surprisingly she still texts me back. I'm going to avoid the topic of this new guy for now and see what I'm up against tomorrow.

To: My future girl

"Really? Nothing new in class today?"

I texted her. It was a typical conversation. I'm not always clingy you know.

From" My future girl

"Well besides you interupting lunch, nothing new :P" This girl...why can't she return my feelings? Can't she tell how much I like her? Well then again.. I did go through that player phase not too long ago since she wasn't giving me anything. That was probably mistake number one..

To My future girl

"Sorry, but I just missed you too much~"

____:we were only apart 3 hours silly!

Me: Longest three hours of my life!

____: If we were apart longer than that maybe I'd miss you too lol

I swear my heart just skipped a beat..Longer than three hours...

Me: Okay..well it's 7 right now, I'll be back in 4 hours you'll miss my by then!

After that I turned my phone off and started prancing around like an idiot! My future girlfriend~ is gonna love me~ and miss me~ In. Four. Hours~

Four hours later

Finally! It was so hard not contacting her four so long! I turned my phone on and saw I had 7 messages. I got excited but when I opened them up I was dissapointed they weren't all from her, but at least one was.

1 message- Cow butcher (Baekhyun)

1 message- My wost nightmare (Jongdae)

2 message- Kyungsoo

2 message- Joonmyeon

1 message- My future girl

I ignored all the message except hers. It read "You're such a weirdo ! Alright see you in 4 hours!"

Me: Yah, cutiee, oppa's back. Did you miss him?

____: It was only fours you know lol. But sure.

Well that's actually good enough for me!

Me: Well it's getting pretty late, I'm heading off to bed. Don't miss me too much this time~

____: I'll try my hardest! Goodnight~

Me: Goodnight honey bunny~

I'll check what the guys wanted later it's usually the stupidest thing ever so I'll with that tomorrow morning. As hard as I try not to think about this other guy that could possibly steal ______ from me, it's hard not to...I need a way of showing him I have dibs on her...To the internet!

After scrolling through different pages and sites I found something that could work...I think I feel asleep grinning that night because tomorrow I'm not letting anything ruin my day. I'm going to make it awesome! For both her, and me!


A/N: Oh hoho! Luhan in the story now?? This is could you fall for this?? Comment down below! What do you think Chanyeol's going to do?

This probably wasn't the best chapter but next out! What do you think the guys texted him about?? Speaking of which I won't be including anymore it looks awkward.


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Chapter 7: Updateeee please author nim
Chapter 5: Update soon !
Chapter 4: You're right. Guys, will be guys.
chocolate_icecream #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha! OMG, OMG!
I love your story, update soon please ;)
Chapter 3: Oh Lulu~ when's sehoonie coming in? (-:
Matocian #6
Chapter 1: Butchers his own cow. Oh gosh. For a mere piece of steak... He'd go and butcher his own cow... Oh Baekhyun, what part of that was supposed to make Chanyeol sound desirable?
EXO_0809 #7
Chapter 2: Your story is awsome.Update soonnnn~~~~
Chapter 1: why do I have to wait for later for Sehun?
comment. take my buckets of inspiration~
Chapter 1: Love the first chapter, hope u can update soon ^^