1. 7AM Airport Escapades

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens (and more than often ends up whacking you in the face)

Baekhyun awoke to the loud, incessant and annoying sound of his alarm going off in his ears. He took a few seconds to gather his thoughts and calm his mild irritation before ripping his earphones out and sitting up, running a hand through his horrible bedhead.


He glanced over at the clock on the wall, rubbing at his eyes. 7:00. He had only slept for four hours. Fantastic.


Baekhyun fell backwards back into bed, flailing around in his sheets for a few more moments before sitting up abruptly, throwing the blanket off his head. Then he paused, as if remembering he was in a room with three others, all of whom hated to be woken up early and none of whom knew he was going to be sneaking out. Realizing this, he carefully disengaging himself from his blanket and quietly tiptoed out of the room.


Now, Baekhyun was not an early riser. Not at all. In fact, he was the type to sleep as much as he could. But today, today was special. Today was the day his favorite idol slash male god came back from his overseas shooting for his latest drama.


Finally fully awake, Baekhyun sped around the quiet dorm, grabbing the outfit he had handpicked the night before, a protein bar which he stuffed down his throat, and a homemade sign that said, “Kai daebak <3” in bright letters on a black duck taped piece of cardboard. Slipping on his shoes at the door, he took one last look around the empty dorm and after mentally congratulating himself on not waking up any of the occupants, closed the door behind him and made his way to the airport.



Baekhyun was lost.


He had seen this coming, knew it was going to happen, but some delusional part of his mind at thought his direction skills would’ve gotten better in the past year he had lived in Seoul.


Of course, they hadn’t.


Finally realizing that no, this empty stretch of hallway was not where he was supposed to be, he let out of a huff of frustration and turned abruptly in the opposite direction. His dreams of getting a good spot in the crowd had been ripped to shreds and stepped on right in his face. He sighed and made his way down a smaller hallway, hoping at least to find someone who could point him in the right direction.

Luckily this seemed like a good decision because as he neared the end of the hallway, he could hear loud voices and the sounds of a crowd. “Thank god,” Baekhyun muttered in relief. There could be no other reason for the ruckus than Kai!


Speeding up his pace as fast as his short legs could carry him, Baekhyun ran towards a set of doors down the hallway and unceremoniously threw them open.


A young boy around his age looked up, startled, when Baekhyun nearly fell through the doors.


“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” Baekhyun said, eyes wide though nearly not as much as the strangers. He bowed hastily, feeling his cheeks slowly heating up as he realized no, this was not a staircase.


The surprised look seemed to fade from the other boy’s eyes and he smiled hesitantly and though he still looked a bit scared, it could’ve just been the size of his eyes. “Hello,” he said, bowing back. There was an awkward pause in which Baekhyun was mentally smashing his head against a wall. Damn his direction skills. “Are you lost?”


Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts when the other spoke to him and he lifted a hand to hesitantly scratch the back of his neck. “Actually, yes, I am. I was looking to get to the terminal where Kai’s plane is landing and I think I got a bit lost.” He let out a small embarrassed laugh, “You know, the idol, super star, world famous actor.”


Instead of the laughter that was expected when most people realized they were talking to a fan boy, the other boy actually smiled at him. “He’s down a level. Just head straight, then get on the elevator to your right and you’ll see him.”


Baekhyun blinked, surprised at his unexpected response or lack of, before grinning. “Thank you so much!” He said, bowing again quickly. He backed up, almost running into the door frame, bowed again in embarrassment, than shut the door. As soon as it was closed, he broke into a sprint, running as quickly as he could toward where the other boy told him. He glanced at his watch. “I think I might make it in time!”



Luck seemed to be on Baekhyun’s side that day because by the time he made it down the elevator Kai’s plane had still not arrived. He immediately joined the group of mainly girls, actually all girls, that were hovering around the entrance and took out his sign which was sadly not as pretty as it used to be before his race through the airport.


A few girls seem to take to him though, giggling over how adorable he was, and let him have one of their signs, which embarrassingly read “I love you Kai”, and let him stand towards the front with them. They were chatting away, the girls hanging off Baekhyun’s every word as he explained how he had become a fan of Kai, when the door to the terminal opened.


All the girls around him started to scream and Baekhyun nearly fell face first into the security guards when people began pressing around him to get a better look. Cameras started flashing everywhere and for a moment Baekhyun was blinded.


Kai stepped out.


And Baekhyun was almost blinded again by how absolutely perfect he was.


Five foot eleven, slim but with noticeable muscles, slightly tanned with gorgeous black locks and the most beautiful lips.




Baekhyun barely had time to breathe a sigh of relief because damn he was gorgeous before he was being pushed into a security guard with someone’s sign digging into his ribs. He caught a few more glimpses of him, headphones in, phone in hand with a hat and sunglasses, before he was led down an empty hallway and disappeared from sight.


The girls around him still couldn’t contain their feelings and Baekhyun had to admit he was two seconds away from exploding with them when his phone went off. Baekhyun disengaged himself from the group before opening it, playing with a few buttons before the call went through.


“Hello?” He said, blinking at it. He held it to his ear but the sounds in the background of many girl’s hearts exploding seemed to be too much. He thought he heard his name but when he tried to press a button the call screen disappeared. “Oh sugar,” he mumbled as he stepped farther away from the crowd, still pushing on buttons. The screen reappeared, though Baekhyun faintly realized it had never hung up. “Hello?” He repeated.


“Baekhyun! Where are you?” Baekhyun glanced at his phone again and the name ‘Luhan’ lit up at him.


“Oh, I’m ah…” Baekhyun flailed wildly for a few minutes, mind racing.


“You’re at the airport aren’t you,” his friend deadpanned.


Baekhyun smiled sheepishly though he knew his friend couldn’t see him. “How’d you guess?” He asked hesitantly.


“I saw it on the internet this morning.” Baekhyun laughed but Luhan didn’t seem as amused. “You’ve got to get back right now! We’re going over to practice and manager hyung’s been looking for you!”


Baekhyun froze, immediately feeling a sweat form on his forehead. “You didn’t tell him, did you?”


“Of course not!” Baekhyun breathed a sigh of relief. “I told him you were already at the practice room. We’re still at the dorm but I don’t know how long I can stall!”


“Oh god.” Baekhyun started flailing his arms around again, turning in a circle as he tried to remember which way the entrance was. “Oh god oh god oh god,” he mumbled as he frantically started running down one of the bigger hallways. “Okay, I’m coming! Thanks Lu!”


Baekhyun heard the words ‘you owe me’ before the line went dead, but by then he was frantically telling a taxi to return to Seoul as fast as he could.

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Hope you like the newest chapter~ Going on vacation then going to college (wish me luck), I'll update again when I get adjusted! :)


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AllenDrag #1
Tell me, please, on the message
Chapter 1: ooohhhh. interesting :) can't wait for the update. tehee :P