
Let Me Keep You

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The fire had receded.

At first, the inhumane temperature of Hell had begun to slowly and gradually drop, degree by degree. Its sweltering, scorching touch had also begun to ebb away, the suffocating heat sizzling away as its source, a roaring fire, had started its process of dying out. It had lost its fuel, the oil that’d allowed it to live, to flare out, to spread its incalescence, and to consume all.

Jongin had been consumed, and all that had been left of him was an empty, cold husk, like the ashes of the burned.

That had been the end.

But then, how was it that could Jongin still feel? How was it that he could still remember?

He had remembered what it was like when the liquid fire had withdrawn from his veins. Its departure had left behind a cool, chilly sensation that dominated the emptiness that the fire had once filled, starting from his toes and traveling upwards to his knees, to his waist, to his chest, and finally to his neck. He had felt lightless, as if gravity had been no longer subjected to him, letting him float amidst nothing. His heart had pounded dully, each beat becoming fainter and fainter amongst the dark realm where Jongin dwelled until it thrummed no more.

It had felt wrong, but it had also felt wonderful. It had been numbing, but it still had been sensational.

Then the dryness had registered.

When the fire had dissipated when it’d reached the now-enclosed entrance from whence it came—the twin punctures that’d hurt the most—that’s when Jongin had realized that he was thirsty. That had been the only sensation that burned him even now.

And that had woken him up.

He wouldn’t have ever done it if he’d been more aware—more controlled of himself. Kyungsoo shouldn’t have been there, but he had been. So when the strong, sweet smell of enticing blood had wafted into Jongin’s nose, he did what his subconsciousness compelled him to do—a reflexive action.

He had attacked.

And he had drunk.

Kyungsoo, such a small, adorable child, with his musical voice and innocent eyes, had been the most delectable thing Jongin had ever tasted. Blood. Kyungsoo’s blood. It was pure nectar, maybe even ichor. It was golden, it was addicting, and it was his.

But then Kyungsoo had stopped him.

Invisible chains had shackled him. An outstanding might had grabbed ahold of his will. That force had been a compulsion, the mandate that he must listen and obey his master.

But his master was an angel. A lovable little being that gently but firmly coaxed him to resist. Kyungsoo had ordered him to stop feeding and had lured him back to sleep.

So Jongin had slept, but it was dreamless. It had been dark and void like when he was in Hell, but without the heat and oppression. No images had crossed through his mind. No feelings had warmed his heart.

Heart? His heart was dead. It was a worthless muscle now, but he didn’t know that. He could barely feel it, just its form and weight that occupied the space next to his left lung.

He would have to wait to wake up in order to figure out what was wrong with him.

Jongin didn’t feel human anymore, and that should’ve scared him.

But it didn’t.






So many strange and baffling things had happened to him, but Jongin’s anger and even his confusion didn’t surface until he had awoken.

Everything was hazy to him as he stirred and propped himself up onto his elbows. He could hardly remember where he was; it took him a good five minutes to identify his surroundings.

White bed sheets. Blue blankets. A nightstand. An alarm clock. Windowless walls. the dancer thought groggily. He slowly sat up and blinked rapidly. His senses finally rebooted. There was an annoying ringing in his ears, and scents filtered into his nose. Salt from sweat. Detergent from the bed. Varnish from the wooden furniture.

And blood. A faint smidgen of dried blood.

Alarm wracked Jongin’s foggy brain. He tried to pinpoint where the smell of blood came from. It was close, he noted. And it smelled really good, even though it’d probably dried hours ago. His nose twitched, and he patted at his own clothes, which were stiff and rumpled. What the...?

His acute vision zeroed in on the dark maroon specks that stained the collar of his wrinkled T-shirt. He lifted it up to sniff at it, and his eyes widened. His inner self informed him that this was his blood.


Anxiousness and distress took ahold of him. A sharp gasp escaped his lips, and he quickly kicked back the bed covers that were tangled around his long legs. He was too worried about the condition of his beloved little one that he had failed to realize that he was moving too fast. His vampire speed allowed him to vault out of his bed, open his bedroom door, and dart out his room in a mere fraction of a second. His blurry form zipped down the dark hallway and into the living room where he put on the brakes abruptly.

The dignified creature sitting calmly on his couch raised a lazy brow at his hasty entrance. “Well, good morning, Jongin. Or perhaps it would be more correct to say, ‘good evening’?”

Curtains covered the veranda’s slidable doors, blocking out what was supposedly leftover afternoon light. Shadows occupied every inch of the apartment, from the living room to the kitchen and even to the entryway.

Jongin reflexively squinted to get a better look at the owner of the somewhat familiar silky voice, but then he belatedly realized that he could see him clearly, even when the man was shrouded in darkness. He had a flawless white face with a soft edge to his features, but his expression was stony and cold. His dark, neatly trimmed hair was brushed down in an old-fashioned style, which covered his pale, smooth forehead, but it only emphasized how perfect and stately the man was. He sat with one leg crossed over the other, his hands clasped together in his lap. He wore casual designer clothing—a fitting ultraviolent sports shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a thin, steel-gray, multi-zippered jacket over that, and a slim tan pair of trousers. On his feet, he wore classy black boots that he hadn’t bothered to take off in the apartment. Intricately wounded around his neck was a burgundy-colored scarf, and neatly folded over the arm of the couch was a dark winter coat that must've also belonged to him.

“’re Kyungsoo’s father,” Jongin blurted out. His brows knitted together in confusion. “Why are you in my apartment? Where’s Kyungsoo?”

“Kyungsoo is out with Minseok,” Joonmyun replied airily, his tone detached and drab as he addressed Jongin. “To properly feed...and to go shopping.” The superior one rolled his eyes, knowing something that Jongin didn’t. “Anyways, I remained here to watch over you, fledgling. I detest having to babysit over you”—his lips curled back slightly in a snarl—“especially when you inexcusably fed off of my son. Though, I must admit,” he inserted begrudgingly, “it is none of my business on how to...raise you. I am not your master; my son is.”

Jongin’s head swam at the information. “What?” he said stupidly.

Joonmyun looked at Jongin with subdued disdainfulness, his ribbon-like lips pressed together into a thin, disapproving line. “Sit down, boy,” he commanded. “And I will explain, but do not test my patience.”

Jongin nodded numbly, his instincts rattled with inborn fear towards the beautiful man who ordered him around so easily. He woodenly sank into the armchair diagonal to the couch. He was barely three feet away from Joonmyun; it made him uneasy.

Kyungsoo’s father sighed collectively through his nose then peered at Jongin with bored, dark eyes. “You still seem disoriented,” he drawled. “So I will cut down to the chase. You, Kim Jongin, are a vampire.”

“...What?” was the fledging’s choked response.

“Don’t test me, boy,” the superior one reminded sternly, and Jongin gawked at him, looking like a lost puppy. “I know what you’re thinking: ‘vampires don’t exist’, ‘vampires are a myth’, and ‘how am I a vampire?’” Joonmyun scoffed lightly. “Well, it’s actually quite simple. My family is made up of vampires. And my son, Kyungsoo, had decided to foolishly and impulsively Change you. Provided that you didn’t die, which you didn’t, you consequently became a vampire. A Child of the Night. A Cold One. A Pale Face. One of us.”

“A vampire?” Jongin whispered disbelievingly. His eyes were wide with wonder and bafflement. “Kyungsoo’s a vampire?”

“And you are one, too,” Joonmyun supplied dully. He flicked his finger towards the hall. “Go ahead, boy. If you do not believe me, go look in a mirror and see for yourself.”

Whether on impulse or not, Jongin jerked to his feet and gusted into his room. He didn’t register that he was panting from trepidation until he burst into his bathroom and saw his own reflection on the pristine mirror surface.

What the hell? What HAPPENED to me?! Incredulity colored his thoughts as he stared, wide-eyed and gaping, at himself. His mind was on a frantic rampage, but a single thought couldn’t get through. Everything was incomprehensible.

A trembling hand reached up to lightly touch the cool, sleek surface of the mirror. In the mirror was where a creature took up most of its frame. Bronze skin once revered to be kissed by the sun was dusted over with a fine layer of chalky white. Spidery blue-violet veins seemed to protrude from the now pallid canvas, mapping its surface with lines that appeared scary and purposeless. From a slack-jawed mouth poked out two fangs that were as thin as needles and as ultra-white as milk. Deep purple eye bags were ghastly as they darkened the area under mocha-brown—

Wait, no. That wasn’t right.

Jongin in a sharp breath.

His eyes, formerly a rich, tantalizing, mocha-brown color, were red.

A monstrous bloody-red.

“Who are you?” he asked, voice strangled and bleak. “Who am I?”

He could barely hear himself, shock making his hearing unfocused though there was the dull sound of outside noises. If he had actually calmed down and focused himself, he would’ve noticed how keen and sensitive his hearing had gotten.

If he was incredibly shocked right now, then why wasn’t his heart pounding?

He pressed his hand against the left side of his toned chest, where his heart was, and froze.


No beating. No movement. His heart was as still as time.

Am I DEAD?! Jongin wanted to scream, but he was unable to find his voice. His whole body was shaking; his insane grip on the sink counter caused it to crack. That startling sound made him jolt, and he backed away dazedly, breathing hard and shaking like a leaf.

Outside the bathroom, light footsteps entered his bedroom. Those footsteps were careful and searching, padding over to the bathroom where Jongin was having a panic attack, frozen like a marble statue with his rigid back braced against the wall.


A tiny, petite body cautiously joined him in the bathroom. A delicate, pale-white hand reached up to turn on the lights that the former human had neglected to turn on. The flood of lights blinded Jongin, and the fledging let out an unexpected and violent hiss, his eyes reflexively snapping shut. He sank down to the tiled floor, legs pressed up against his heaving chest and hands clutching at his head as he buried it between his knees.

“Oops,” uttered that painfully beautiful voice. It was laced with guilt and alarm. The lights immediately flickered off, drowning the bathroom in darkness once again. “I’m sorry, Jonginnie. I forgot newborns are sensitive to light.”

Something prickled inside Jongin—a sense of former embarrassment and flattery and love. It was because of that nickname: Jonginnie. His little one was so cute and innocent every time he mentioned the nickname that he adored. Just hearing it had Jongin’s heart do weird, impossible things.

Could his heart still do that now?

“Kyung...soo,” Jongin breathed between his panting. He sounded amazed and frightened and confused. “I-I am...y-you are...”

The raven-haired child knelt down by his side and loomed over him worriedly. Small, slender hands gripped his stone-like arm. Jongin lifted his face to stare at the young boy wondrously, as if Kyungsoo was a mythical creature that’d suddenly appeared in front of him.

Vampires were considered mythical creatures though, right?

With his newly enhanced vision, Jongin was able to see Kyungsoo in a new type of light, even within the darkness. He had always known that the boy was flawless and ultra-pale and thin, but now he was seeing it in full, unadulterated clarity. Kyungsoo’s skin looked impossible smooth and his hair incredibly silky. The shape and curvature of his eyes, lips, and nose were fascinating, which only made him more endearing to Jongin.

Kyungsoo isn’t a vampire, Jongin thought reverently as he brought up a hand to glide his fingertips across a cherubic cheek. His little one seemed puzzled by the gesture but leaned into his touch anyways. He’s an angel.

“You’re hungry,” Kyungsoo whispered softly, his round eyes fixated on the pronounced bags under his mate’s eyes. “You need to feed.”

“Feed?” the newborn echoed faintly.

Kyungsoo nodded. “Yes, feed. When you woke up, I could only spare a little bit of blood because I was hungry, too. But now I’m full because I hunted and took some blood from my daddy. Here.” He shrugged off his jacket and ed the top of his shirt so he could tug down his collar, exposing his delectable white throat to the red-eyed newborn. Jongin in an involuntary breath. The temptation of being able to have his beloved’s blood made his mouth water.

“I...” Jongin’s ruby eyes flickered up to Kyungsoo’s face then back to his bared throat uncertainly. It took of all his willpower and strength to resist attacking the younger boy senselessly. His hands fisted, his nails biting into his hardened skin. “I...drank from you before?”

Kyungsoo tilted his head curiously. “Yes—you don’t remember? Well, Minseokie did mention that newborns are a bit hazy during their first day. But you woke up hours ago.” He grabbed Jongin’s wrists and leaned in close, his chin lifted in offering. “Well?” he asked. “Aren’t you going to drink? And please don’t bite me as hard as last time.”

The fledging grimaced. “I...I don’t know how—” he stammered helplessly. “I-I don’t want to—”

Kyungsoo pouted grumpily, giving his mate a stern, scolding look. “You need to drink,” he commanded. “If you don’t overcome this, then my daddy will never let you leave the apartment.”

Somehow, the authority in his little one’s voice compelled him easily, as if Kyungsoo was a puppeteer and he was the puppet. His body moved on its own accord. He drew the little boy into his lap, his strong arms caged around a petite body, and he sniffed at Kyungsoo’s neck experimentally before extending his fangs and sinking them in.

He felt Kyungsoo squirm slightly at the intrusion, the child suppressing a whimper. “That hurt Jonginnie,” he whined under his breath.

Tasting Kyungsoo’s blood brought Jongin back—of the hot, cloudy moment when he had awoken and had mindlessly assaulted Kyungsoo. That thing he’d felt inside of him, with a mind and will of its own, had been in control then and stirred now. Feeling as if a second presence had invaded his mind and body, Jongin could only submit to its dominance.

Jongin had mistaken it as instinct. He had mistaken it as his subconsciousness.

It was really his inner monster. The soul of a true, newly awoken vampire.

It was starved, becoming mad as it wanted to alleviate the searing dryness its throat. When its master had offered to feed it, it had cried out in joyous glee. It only desired its master’s blood—blood so heavenly and so pure, it should’ve been a sin to taste it.

Kyungsoo’s doe eyes had drifted down halfway as his mate consumed his fill. He wasn’t exactly hungry or tired, just content. It felt euphoric when Jongin fed from him, as if the venom that was injected into him was a drug that dosed him with the aftereffects of sweet pleasure and numbing exhilaration. He rested the side of his head against his beloved’s broad shoulder and waited patiently, absentmindedly drawing abstract shapes on a taut back with his wandering fingers. He tried not to wince or whine when his mate bit him too hard or drank too messily. He sighed. He would have to fix that later.

Finally, after a long period of time, Jongin pulled away from his feast and swallowed loudly. Red liquid painted his colorless lips, and some smeared his chin. He looked conflicted at the sight of his little one’s injured neck. He adjusted his hold on the boy to where he cradled him against his chest and ducked his head to at the wounds gently, lapping up leftover blood. The venom did its trick, healing the deep punctures within seconds. Kyungsoo sighed softly, lashes fluttering at the tender treatment.

Though his lips were quavering, Jongin pressed a kiss on each of the boy’s eyelids. “Thank you,” he murmured. “I don’t particularly understand what has happened to me, but I’m glad that you’re still here—with me.”

“Always,” Kyungsoo agreed and beamed up at his mate. That gummy smile placated the uneasiness that rattled Jongin. The older boy helped button up the younger one’s shirt and primly fold down his collar. Jongin thumbed the new shirt curiously. Kyungsoo must have gotten it when shopping with Minseok as Joonmyun had mentioned before. That reminded him...

“Is your dad still out there?” he asked, looking apprehensive as he inclined his head towards the bathroom door.

“Yes,” the little vampire confirmed with a nod. “He’s waiting in the living room. And Minseok is, too.”

“Who is Minseok, anyways?” Jongin asked, still uneducated on who this person was. “Is he a vampire, too?”

“Yup!” Kyungsoo chimed cheerfully, his sweet face lighting up. “He’s my family’s personal guard. His mate Changed him a loooooooong time ago!”

“Mate?” the newborn repeated quizzically.

Another bubbly nod. Kyungsoo looked incredibly happy, his eyes sparkling with adoration and joy. “Minseok’s mate is Jongdae.” He tapped the tip of his mate’s nose. “And you’re mine!”

Jongin must’ve heard that wrong. “Wait—what?”

A lighthearted voice interrupted their conversation. It was just outside the bathroom door, coming from Jongin’s bedroom.

“Young Master, your father wants you and your newborn in the living room,” informed Minseok in a casual tone. “I suggest you hurry—he’s growing impatient with waiting.”

“Okay!” Kyungsoo called back. He patted his savior’s arm and giggled. “Pick me up?”

How could Jongin say no? Without hesitation, he scooped up the child in his arms and stood up fluidly. Kyungsoo clung to him as he exited the bathroom. Minseok was standing right outside the door, leaning nonchalantly against the wall. Jongin halted and narrowed his eyes in dislike and shock at the sight of him.

“You,” he said with a frown, which elicited a cheeky grin. “You’re the guy who’s been stalking me lately,” he accused.

Minseok pretended to tip his imaginary hat in greeting. “Well, hello to you, too, Mr. Kim Jongin. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

“Minseok,” warned a collected voice from the living room, but the three vampires could all hear it clearly. Minseok rolled his eyes and gestured at Jongin to head out first. He did so warily, with the vampire guard close behind him.

It was probably a bad idea to enter the living room with Kyungsoo cradled in his arms, because it certainly didn’t win Jongin any points with the child’s father. Joonmyun seethed openly at their close embrace, but it was subdued. Teeth grinded together, the superior one motioned at them to sit. Like last time, Jongin sank into the armchair, but with Kyungsoo situated on his lap (Joonmyun’s brow twitched irritably) while Minseok opted to lean against the wall by his master, his arms folded calmly across his chest.

“ there something that we need to talk about?” Jongin asked, not wanting to start an uncomfortable period of silence if no one spoke up first.

Joonmyun’s elbow was propped up on the arm of the couch, which allowed him to rest his chin on the palm of his hand in an elegant manner. His beautifully-crafted fingers tapped against his cheek thoughtfully. “Yes,” the older vampire mused. “Frankly, we have a lot of things that we need to talk about—concerning mostly you, of course.”

The newborn swallowed uneasily, feeling unsafe around Kyungsoo’s father. “ in?” he prompted.

“Your future,” declared the superior one in a serious tone. “You have been gifted with immortality, fledgling. That is, if you manage not to get yourself killed, you'll obviously live a long life without ever aging or ever falling ill.” He pointed at Jongin who stiffened at the action. “I hope you’re content with your body, boy, because that’s the body you’ll be stuck with for the rest of your life.”

“He’s not that bad to look at,” Minseok tossed out blithely. “He’s quite gorgeous, actually.”

Joonmyun ignored that comment and continued on, “As a newborn, it is dangerous for you to be exposed to humans.” He peered at his son momentarily before returning his hard gaze to Jongin. “Their scents may invoke you into a frenzy, but considering that you already have a mate...the desire for blood should be diverted towards that person instead.”

“Wait,” Jongin interrupted mindlessly, and then shifted guiltily when Joonmyun shot him an annoyed glare. Kyungsoo made a face at his father, and the latter eased up slightly. “How is it...that Kyungsoo and I are mates? How do you know?”

“Instinct,” Minseok supplied, and that made Jongin stare at him for clarification. “It’s a strong, attached feeling that we vampires have towards a person whose blood is meant for us. The only blood that will ever satisfy a vampire’s Thirst is their mate’s. Their blood calls out for you as yours does to theirs. Our vampire society has a conception of how a certain person’s blood sings to them—that it lures them in with their tastefulness. Humans with these traits are known as singers or Sirens, and they usually end up being a vampire’s mate.” Minseok grinned and inclined his head at the stunned newborn, who finally realized the former’s explanation. “And that’s applied to you, kid. But, of course, not all vampire mates were human Sirens since the whole ‘blood singing’ theory can be between vampires, too. Just not as...intense.”

“I didn’t realize that Jonginnie was my Siren, though,” murmured Kyungsoo, his head pillowed on Jongin’s protruding collarbones. “We didn’t meet because I was looking for him, but because we happened to cross paths.”

“Coincidence,” Jongin whispered.

Joonmyun shook his head. “Fate,” he corrected, then exhaled resignedly, bringing up a hand to knead his forehead. “Anyways, fledgling, it is unequivocal that you are my son’s mate; therefore, you are now a part of my family. You appear somewhat tame, though a bit undisciplined, especially when it comes to your manners,” he observed gruffly. Jongin wanted to protest, but instead he mindfully bit back a retort when Kyungsoo squeezed his arm. “After it is assured that your Thirst is not a liability, you will be returning with us to our castle.”

Kyungie did say he lived in a castle, Jongin recalled, but then a sudden thought struck him. “Wait, hold on a second... Does that mean I have to stay with you permanently?”

“Of course,” Joonmyun answered with a soft huff. “You cannot stay here in a human city. It is dangerous—for you and for the humans.”

“I know what you’re thinking about, kid,” Minseok interceded, his tone mellow, but there was a gleam of sympathy in his bronze-amber eyes. “You’re thinking about your family, your friends, and the life that you were living until we came here, aren’t you?”

Throat lodged with something bitter and nasty, Jongin only nodded silently. His gaze was downcast, and the little boy seated in his lap looked up worriedly. Kyungsoo touched his mate’s ashen cheek and, in a tiny voice, inquired, “Jonginnie?” But there was no response.

“I’m sorry”—Joonmyun certainly didn’t sound like it—“but from this day forth, you are presumed dead. And yes, you are not allowed to contact anyone from your former human life—whoever they may be—because it’s better for you to cut your ties with them right away. Remember, fledgling, you will outlive them. You are a threat to them, and to us if you so choose to be. If you decide to mingle or associate yourself with humans, you may inadvertently expose our kind to the world. And that is unacceptable.”

Jongin found himself closing his eyes for a moment. Behind his eyelids, images of his family and friends flooded into his jumbled up mind. He saw his proud father, his doting mother, his sweet sisters, and his precious dogs. He thought of the loving, happy times that they had together as a wonderful family—of the birthdays and ceremonies and milestones they’d lived through together. He recalled his friends, who were fun and rowdy and loyal, but Chanyeol had been the only person Jongin had ever considered to be his best friend... That dorky giant...

When he eventually drifted out of his reverie, his gaze automatically locked together with a pair of anxious doe orbs. Distressful lines contoured the sweet, innocent face of his angel. He looked like he was on the verge of bursting into tears, his bottom lip quavering and his posture deflated.

How can I leave him? It’s Kyungsoo.

From the hollow darkness where it dwelled, his inner monster rumbled in agreement with his train of thoughts. To him, everything was about Kyungsoo. Nothing else mattered.

And so, Jongin was quick to reassure his beloved, planting a tender peck on plump, heart-shaped lips. Kyungsoo blinked up at him in surprise.

“I understand,” Jongin murmured to Joonmyun without tearing his gaze away from the man’s son. “It’s okay, I understand your reasons.”

“Your mate looks a bit tired—and shell-shocked, if I do say so myself.” Minseok gave Kyungsoo a significant look and gently suggested, “How about you take him to bed, Young Master, so that he can sleep?”

Kyungsoo gladly took up the suggestion. He hopped off of his mate’s lap and tugged on his arm, urging for him to stand up. Jongin did so unenthusiastically and tiredly followed after his little one as he was dragged over to his bedroom.

Only after when they heard the door click shut did they speak up in low murmurs.

“He just needs time to adjust,” the subordinate defended. “He may have agreed to all the terms, but his mind isn’t wrapped around how restrained he is—not to mention that he just recently converted into a species that supposedly doesn’t exist.”

Joonmyun was toying around with his scarf uninterestedly as he replied, “Did you think that I was not aware of that, Minseok?”

“...I am not implying that you don’t,” Minseok said in a strained tone, his eyes tight with sympathy. He shifted anxiously on his feet. “It’s just’re not sensitive to how it is to be Changed into a vampire. I know what Jongin is going through. If he hadn’t had Kyungsoo as his anchor...then he would’ve gone out of control the moment he woke up.”

The older vampire heaved a big sigh and braced his chin on his palm again, an exasperated pout adorned on his lips. “First that stupid, talkative giant,” he grumbled, “now him. Ugh!” He groaned loudly in distaste. “Why do I have to deal with two newborns a few years apart?”

Minseok smiled faintly, which was unlike his usual playful grins. “I have a feeling that you won’t be going easy on them, will you? You certainly didn’t train me with a considerate heart in mind.”

Joonmyun harrumphed, a dry edge to his peeved expression. “You were a hassle, and Jongdae threatened to zap me if I kept ‘slaving you around’ as he said.” He sank into the comfy couch, dropping his dignified front as he slouched uncharacteristically. His guard gaped at him, unused to his bout of whininess. “Perhaps I’ll appoint Jongdae to be the newborns’ instructor.”

Minseok cringed. “Um...Master, that isn’t a good idea.”

“What do I care? As long as they don’t break any rules or the castle, then I’m fine with it.”






When they reached his bedroom, Jongin habitually closed the door and tucked Kyungsoo into bed first before sliding in to lay down next to the child. Immediately, Kyungsoo snuggled up against his lean, muscular frame and buried his face into his chest. Jongin’s arms were s around the boy’s skinny waist, his cheek pressed against a small head. Silky black locks tickled his ear.

Jongin was tired but mentally, not physically.

Though it was silent in the room, sounds reached his ears with definite clarity. He could hear the pipes running within the walls, the wind that whistled outside, the muffled voices of Joonmyun and Minseok, and the barely audible breathing that filled the room. Kyungsoo’s breathing was vividly distinct to him. It was soft and steady but undetectable if one wasn’t paying attention.

Wait. Was he even breathing himself? He inhaled experimentally and exhaled in relief. Yes, he was still breathing involuntarily, though his heart was no longer alive.

That thought made him frown. His heart was dead, but he himself was alive. It made no sense to him, but apparently he was going to have to deal with it and learn the reasons of why along the way.

A vampire, huh? he mused darkly. It’s...definitely weird. I feel different, as if I’m made of stone, not flesh, and all my senses are heightened, too. Now that I think about it...I was moving really fast earlier. The apartment seemed to blur when I moved.

There was a shift in movement—a rustling of fabrics and a fidgeting body. Jongin was amazed at how his mind could easily and quickly comprehend these actions and noises.

And there was a tiny, sweet, angelic voice slightly muffled against his chest.

“Do you hate me?”

Having been half-distracted by his newfound abilities, Jongin had missed the despondent aura his little one radiated. Since they had taken refuge in the dancer’s bedroom, Kyungsoo had been wallowing with guilt for his actions. He had selfishly Changed Jongin without considering the former human’s consent. Granted, he had a good reason: to protect Jongin from his father, but he should’ve at least asked Jongin first.

Kyungsoo was shame-faced.

“What do you mean if I hate you?” Jongin sounded incredulous by the thought.

The small vampire refused to let his mate see his face.

“I stole your humanity,” Kyungsoo whimpered. “Your face looked sad earlier. It’s my fault.” He sniffled forlornly.

Jongin pressed his lips against his little one’s temple and replied honestly, “I could never hate you, Kyungie. It’s against my nature.”

“But your family...your friends...”

“I can live without them,” Jongin dismissed. “But I can’t live without you.”

Jongin’s genuine answers seemed to frustrate Kyungsoo. The young vampire pushed the tall male away roughly, his eyes tight and voice upset. “How can Jonginnie be so sure?” he cried at his mate. “Don’t you care about them?”

Jongin grabbed ahold of Kyungsoo’s skinny wrists so the latter wouldn’t run away. “I can’t explain how I know, Kyungsoo, but I am sure of what I want. It may have been abrupt—the way we met and how I’m now like you—but I care about you more.”

“Daddy told me that Changing a human makes them lose what they felt during their human life!” Kyungsoo wailed. “Their views become dark! Minseokie sometimes thinks like that! Baekkie’s mate always thinks like that! It’s bad!” He clenched his eyes shut and inwardly berated himself. “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!”

“Calm down, Kyungsoo.” Jongin’s tone was firm but gentle. The young boy squirmed at his super-strong hold, but he managed to gather Kyungsoo into his lap. Jongin soothed the younger one by rubbing his rigid back and murmuring his name softly. Kyungsoo eventually quieted under his care, and he slumped against the broad, lithe frame of his beloved. Jongin gently cupped Kyungsoo’s chin and brought his face up so that their gazes could meet. Jongin noticed how Kyungsoo’s cheeks were flushed with a faint coating of pink. How that was possible, he didn’t know, but he would find out one day.

“Kyungsoo...if you don’t want me to become a monster, then please...please make sure that I don’t become one.” Jongin’s ruby-red eyes were pleading, filled with fear and doubt for the unknown future. Upon seeing that tortured expression, Kyungsoo’s heart cried out, wanting to placate its mate.

“Okay,” peeped the little vampire. He leaned in close to nuzzle their noses together, and the newborn sighed contently at the affectionate action. “Let’s go to sleep,” Kyungsoo whispered.

With an insecurity handled and a promise made, they both laid down again and held each other closely from under the blankets. They closed their eyes and allowed oblivion to wash over them.

They didn’t dream.

But they did think of each other.



Wow. Holy Krisus, it's been about five months since I've last updated this fic. I. Am. So. Terrribly. Sorry. /hastily bows a hundred times/

Please forgive me for giving you a long filler chapter, but it was needed. It was last week when I started drafting out this chaper after I scolded myself to GET UPDATING (but I did update a couple of chappies for UTCOU, NLUTCOU). It took about eight hours within two days maximum to write down the main points, but then I lagged when it came to editing because my brain was totally distracted for the remainder of the week. Warning: I might edit this chapter in the future. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of mistakes I need to fix. 

Please! I want lots of COMMENTS and UPVOTES and LOVE! I really did miss this story (although it was a booger). As usual, I don't know when the next update will be, but it will certainly not be five months later. XD I am incrediably grateful to my dear subbies who've stayed with me for so long. T^T And hello to new subbies!

Reminder: No plagiarizing! No copying! No stealing! No translating! Tell me immediately if someone has done so!

And last but not least: Kaisoo. :)

cr: to real owners

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Please also pay attention to my AN at the end.


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aerinaa12 #1
Chapter 17: Hi I'm your story reader who is from Indonesia, I really like your story😭 oh when you say, now you like BTS more than EXO, to be honest it makes my heart hurt :(, but it's okay, it's your right to like another group :(. But I beg you, please continue this story to the end😭
Chapter 17: I'd be sad if you discontinued this story but I understand. Reality slaps hard, but this story was a good one! God job author-nim
Babygirlempress #3
Chapter 17: I don’t know if you dropped this story but not to be rude I’m still hoping for an update
this looks so cute :D
mistymountains 193 streak #5
Nice story!
Chapter 17: Omgeeeeeee ❤ you're back
Chapter 17: I thought I was alucinanting when I saw this on my feed.