Are you kidding me?!

The Third Person

So well this is my story, the story of a stupid person who always has the urge to help and I tell you, that´s not always easy! Especially not if you help your best friend who is just dumb! I mean how can you be so stupid when it comes to love? How can you not see it when your crush is all over you and you still come crying to me that he hates you. Ok shall I explain? Well ok listen carefully because I´m just telling this once!




It all began when my best friend Chanyeol came up to me in school, I totally forgot what day it was, and he started to spaz over this guy. You know college is hard and I actually had to listen to the teacher so at first I didn´t really get what happened. Luckily Chanyeol continued his babbling even at lunch and I could catch up there. What he told me was simple, he has some classes with this guy named Byun Baekhyun and apparently they get along pretty well and now Chanyeol had a crush on him. Well that´s what I told him but of course he would deny it and say he just thought that Baekhyun was nice and handsome. Psh sure!

I could already see in Chanyeol´s face and hear in his words that he liked that guy more than a friend. But that´s what a best friend is capable of, knowing your feeling before you even realize them yourself. Because I´m a good best friend and because honestly I was a bit bored, I made a plan to help Chanyeol get together with Baekhyun. They both should be thankful to me!

On that day at lunch time I had spotted Baekhyun alone at a table and just sat next to him with Chanyeol. Of course my best dorky friend thought I was insane but who cares, well after a few awkward minutes they didn´t! I just had to sit there and watch them talk. I thought that this would be easy and they would be together in a short time but I, Wu Fan who all people just call Kris, was wrong!

To make the start of the story a bit shorter I will tell you what happened. Chanyeol and Baekhyun became ´best friends´ and I was the sidekick for three whole freaking months!


Now, three months after Chanyeol´s crush started, another person would always join us at lunch. But not Baekhyun is the third person here, I am. Well Baekhyun is my friend now too but I can see that the reason he started to get close with me was Chanyeol. Not that Baek is using me or something, psh that would actually be a progress in my plan! No, I have to say that Chanyeol is the dumbest person on this whole world when it comes to love. You see, if you can´t go an hour without missing someone, if you can´t stop texting someone the whole night and sleep at class the next day, if you can´t stop smiling and being happy when you are with this someone, then you call it love right? Or at least a crush! That´s what normal people think and say, me included. But I think I´m not normal…because I know Chanyeol is pretty normal and he can´t see that he has a crush on Baekhyun. Or is that because of this crush? Does love really make blind? I have no idea but my stupid friends are making me crazy!


So I was sitting at my usual place in the library after school, reading a book when a certain dork came up to me and fell into the seat next to me with a huge sigh.

“What´s wrong Yeol?” I eyed him, looking up from my book.

He just let out a huge sigh again and the opened his mouth. Thank god I don´t have to beat him up to get him to talk…

“Kris I don´t know what to do anymore. Every time I am with Baek I just feel so happy and bubbly and when he is gone it´s as if dark clouds are following me. What´s wrong with me Kris!?”

Oh finally?! I laid the book on my knee and leaned back into the armchair, giving Chanyeol my whole attention now.

“I know what is wrong with you Yeol, you have a crush! A serious one if you ask me.”

I had to hide a smirk when I saw Chanyeol staring at me with huge eyes. Did this stupid guy still not see that he is in love? Aigo seriously how dumb can you be? I mean Baekhyun is FLIRTING with him! Yeah that´s not a lie, I saw Baekhyun flirting with my oblivious best friend just today at lunch.

“Yah! I don´t have a crush. I mean I…can´t have one…Baek is my friend.” He looked at me with those adorable puppy eyes, which didn´t even affect me.

“Yeol listen to me, you have a crush on your ´friend´ Baekhyun and you should just tell him your feelings.”

With that the conversation for me was done, I had told Chanyeol what to do and if he follows my advice he will have Baekhyun as his boyfriend in no time. My concentration was back at my book when I heard a sad puppy whine. Rolling my eyes at him I looked up again.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I can´t confess to him. I don´t want to ruin our friendship.”

Aish! I sighed…WAIT! Did he just (indirectly) accept that he has a crush on Baekhyun?! Oh please tell me he did!

“Chanyeol, look, if you don´t confess then you will just get depressed and all and I think Baekhyun likes you too so don´t worry and accept your feelings for him.”

I swear if he listens to me I will kiss him! Please Yeol just confess to Baekhyun so I can have my peace again and won´t worry about my two stupid friends who fell in love.

“But Kris you can´t know if he really likes me back. He told us just yesterday that he got heartbroken once and doesn´t want to date again till he meets the right one.”

Chanyeol looked so sad right now when he said that. To be honest, I thought he looked stupid. Gosh boy, Baek was staring at you the whole time and like screaming with his eyes that you are the one for him when he said that. I want to hit my head against a wall so badly right now!

Massaging my temples I answered Chanyeol again.

“Boy you have to get, that if you fall in love with someone there is no way back again and if you don´t want to break any heart you should stand up for your feelings. Love is not easy but love is honest so be it too.”

The derp stared at me and blinked a few times. “I guess you are right Kris.” He mumbled and stood up. Yes god damn! I AM right! I have always been! Chanyeol smiled at me and waved.

“I have to go, see you later Kris.”

I waved back not caring to say anything more because let´s let him think about what I told him first and maybe he will confess to Baekhyun. Oh what am I saying? I must be stupid too if I believe that they can make it without me and no I´m not kidding! It´s the truth. I focused back on my book and in the next few hours I would relax in the calm and peaceful atmosphere of the library.


I will skip to the next day because nothing really happened for the rest of the day and I still don´t know if that was good or bad. Well ok the next day I would see my friend’s stupid love struck smiles plastered on their faces but still no relationship. At lunch my face was frozen in a mixture of a frown, glares and annoyed expression, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn´t notice, of course.

I elbowed Chanyeol in his side and leaned towards him.

“Told him yet that you like him?”

That question earned me a stare of horror and a furious head shake. Guess he is still stupid. I sighed and just stood up.

“I will let you two alone so you can talk.” I eyed Chanyeol when I said that but he was already looking at Baekhyun.

“Oh ok Kris, see you later.” The oblivious Baekhyun said to me and waved. I made my way to the library, yes it´s my favorite place ok, and got out my phone.


-To DerpYeol:




-From faceKris


I didn´t have to wait long for an answer.


-To faceKris:


OK SHUT UP NOW…I will do it right after school…otteokee?!


-From DerpYeol


I looked at my phone before putting it away again. I hope he really does that and isn´t just saying that to calm me down or he is really dead.

I sat down at my usual place in the armchair and opened the book I was reading. When the bell rand for the next class I just decided to skip it and stay where I was. I am good at school so I don´t have to worry and anyway, I´m at college so nobody cares.

When I heard my stomach rumble because of my skipped lunch earlier I wanted to ignore it but my stomach just started to hurt so I got up with a frown to find something to eat. I wandered through the empty corridors, my eyes glued to my book I was still holding.

When I passed my locker my ears noticed a soft sob, what the hell? I looked down on the ground at the space between my locker and the one that was next to it and spotted, caged between the lockers, a figure. He was crouched down on the ground, hugging his knees and crying.

“Y..Yeol?” this couldn´t be him right? I mean that guy has his hair and clothes but the last time I saw my best friend he was happy and bubbly. I got on my knees in front of him.

“Yeol…why are you crying?” I extended my hand to caress his hair, it hurt me to see my friend like this. Before I knew it, the giant tackled me in a hug and cried at my shoulder.

“Oh Kris, I messed everything up! We…we kissed and…and then I just left…now he hates me!”

I just could stare at him and rub Chanyeol´s back. Okay, what happened?

“Yeol, calm down and tell me what exactly happened.” I hugged the big puppy tightly and sat on the ground. Seriously I want to know what happened!

“We…we k-kissed after we left the cafeteria, Baekhyun just…KISSED me and then…I…I ran away without confessing. Kris I´m so scared, I ruined everything and I think he just pitied me since I told him that I never had my first kiss.”

Chanyeol continued sobbing on my shoulder. I need a new shirt after this, but whatever, I think I know what happened.

Since I know that Baekhyun and Chanyeol have feeling for each other I assume that Baek kissed him out of the heat of the moment and Chanyeol kissed back cause well we all know he has a crush on Baek. Oh and the pity thing is not true cause Baekhyun has feelings for Chanyeol too and would never do that to him so yeah. But of course Yeol had to panic after the kiss because he just can´t see and ran away, I bet Baekhyun is somewhere crying too, I got to find him later.

I rubbed Chanyeol’s back and hummed softly to him.

“Yeol, it´s ok, you ruined nothing. Ok well you made it a bit complicated but you two will deal with this together.”

“How would you know?” he cried.

“Because you two are in love!” I know my words here were strong but I have to open his eyes for him. I pulled him up with me as I stand up and hold his shoulder´s. His eyes were red and his cheek puffy, I gave him a soft smile.

“Don´t worry I will help you Yeol.” after a last pat on the shoulder I left him to find Baekhyun and clear this whole situation.

Seriously why me? I am not complaining or anything, but why do they have to be so stupid? Ok where to look for Baekhyun? Ah probably at the restroom if he is crying. I checked every restroom till I finally found a crying Baekhyun who tried to fix his eyeliner again but failed miserably. I just hugged him.

“I guess you kissed him because you like him right? Why did you let him ran away then?” that was the only thing I asked because I knew he would understand what I meant. After a while Baekhyun calmed down and answered me.

“I…I don´t know. I ruined our friendship…Kris I really like him, how could I do such a terrible thing?” he cried at my shoulder. AGAIN my shirt got wet and I comforted Baekhyun till he stopped crying.

“Baek just talk with Chanyeol ok? I believe that everything will get sorted out.” I assured him and pushed him out of the restroom. I gave him a smile which he returned a bit sadly.

“Ok Kris…I have to go now.” He turned around and left.

I gave out a deep sigh and hit my head against the wall next to me. Finally I could do this! But I tell you it hurts! “Aish!!” I rubbed my forehead and walked home. I knew that those stupid people would not talk to each other, too scared to mess things up even more so I wasn´t surprised when I was alone with Chanyeol at lunch for the next few days and boy was he miserable. Of course I kept texting Baekhyun to come back and clear things up but he just said he couldn´t stand seeing Chanyeol sad because of him. Gosh guy don´t be a please! Chanyeol on the other hand took Baekhyun´s absence as a confirmation that Baekhyun didn´t like him and got into a total depression mode. I was killing me to see my two best friends hurt like that because of their own stupidity.

“Chanyeol…please talk with Baekhyun, he still likes you.”

Oh bad thing to say, Chanyeol stood up and left me alone. Aigo does love kill your brain cells or something? I need time to think and so I made my way to the library again and to my surprise I found Baekhyun sitting next to my favorite armchair. I raised an eyebrow at him and sat down.

“Kris…I want to have Chanyeol as my boyfriend, please help me.”

I stared at Baekhyun because 1st I didn´t have to get him to speak to me and 2nd he actually admitted that he wants Chanyeol as his boyfriend.

“Baek, you don´t have to tell me this, I already know it so tell it to Chanyeol and take what you think belongs to you.”

 I looked at him calmly and he let his head fall down. “I know.” He whispered. “But I broke him, I´m scared to hurt him again.” Oh please don´t cry again!

“Baekhyun…” I softened and smiled at him warmly. “I will go with you if you want to. I think he should be on his way to call right now.” He looked up at me with pleading eyes and hugged me with a nod.

When we stood up to look for Chanyeol someone approached us and guess who. It was Chanyeol himself! The two love struck persons stopped a few feet away from each other and stared at the other. Oh no, hello awkwardness. When Chanyeol wanted to run away I stopped him and blocked his way with a poker face.

“Um Channy?” Baekhyun spoke up and Chanyeol blinked as he heard his name. Ok this will take ages and will end badly anyway so whatever.

“Chanyeol what Baekhyun will say is that he likes you A LOT and that the kiss was real and based on his feelings for you so please just accept him and tell him that you have a crush on him since three months!”

I pushed Chanyeol towards Baekhyun and both were staring at me with huge eyes and mouth gaped open. Did I say anything? I blinked innocently at them and gave them a charming smile.

“I shall announce you boyfriend and boyfriend.” I grinned and then glared at them as they still didn´t move. Apparently they were too scared of me and Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun all of a sudden.

“I´m so sorry Baeky, please forgive me. I like you so much and I don´t want to hurt you.” Is he crying again? Oh dear lord I groaned under my breath and turned around, leaving them to each other. I think I could hear them kiss and then a teary Baekhyun confess to Chanyeol. Thank god they finally found together. My peaceful life will start again.

With a smile I left college to go home and relax. I kept thinking about my two friends, would they have ever ended up together without me? Or was I really necessary to bring them together? Will they even realize that it was me who helped them? Or will love erase their memories like it did with their brains?

Whatever, I was glad that they were together now and I really hope they did nothing stupid when I left! I checked my phone as soon as it vibrated and chuckled when I read the text. It said “Chanyeol + Baekhyun = <3 forever” gosh they are already annoying me again. But I think I like it better when they are happy together and all lovey dovey, than difficult and sad and whining to me.




When I arrived at home my little sister greeted me.

“Hey Wu Fan oppa!” she ran to me and hugged me. Huh? Normally she is isn´t like this…something is fishy.

“Hi to you too Scarlet.” I smiled and she pouted. My baby sister hates it to be called by her English name, her Chinese name is Xing Na and everyone would call her by this name, just I did call her Scarlet to bug her.

“Oppa!” she whined but smiled again immediately. “Wu Fan oppa I want you to meet someone.”

Oh no, please tell me a girl friend of hers!






Hello there~ so I just wrote this done in one go and honestly i was too lazy to re-read it so yeah..please tell me what you think ;) I hope you liked it and maybe you can guess what happenes in the next chapter^^


I hope I can update this soon and have a nice day!! <3

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innocent-bystander #1
Chapter 2: totes good!
Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD