
Just This Once
Dara woke up from the sound of laughing and shouting. "Party? Again," She tilted her head on her pillow. "Or as they call it a 'get together'." She groans. She shifted in bed trying to get a better position, but after a couple of tossing and turning,  she just laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. The music was booming from the living room. She couldn't take it anymore so she climbed out of bed and opened her door. The music became more clear, instead of the annoying unaudible mumbles that was coming through the wall.   "Hey- OHMYFREAKING GOD. What...are you guys doing?!" She walked into the living room to find her cousin and their childhood friend on the ground half-, with shot glasses, salt, and lemon around them, while their friends were knocked out on the floor and couch.   "You guys are too much!" She shook her head. "Yeesh, and I thought I was the 'out of control' one out of the three." She breathed in heavily before going on. "I'm going out." She checked the time and it was already six in morning. "Six in the ing morning, really?" Bom and Minzy started laughing uncontrollably when they realized what time it was.   "It's fine, We have no work tomorrow anyways." Bom reminded. Then turns her attention back to Minzy to take another shot.       Dara sat on one of the benches in the park that was across their shop. She rubbed both her hands together and blew in them to create some heat. It was foggy and still dark out. She felt her face becoming numb and her back ach from the constant shivering. "I totally should've brought a jacket." She complained.   "Uhm..excuse me, but you'll catch a cold out here." She didn't acknowledge the extra presence that obviously made herself known. "Miss?"   Dara sighs and continued to shiver. "I'm fine, I love the cold."   "But you'll catch a cold." Dara furrows her eyes brows.     "Wait I remember that voice." She mumbled quietly. When she turns to her right, she was met by a concerned Chaerin. The shy and adorable girl from the day before. "Oh hi, Ms. Lee."   "Hello."  Chaerin sat herself down next to the shivering girl. "May I ask, why you're out here and alone?"   "I needed some fresh air." Dara chuckled by herself. "But it turned out to be a little too fresh if you ask me."   Chaerin smiled secretly.  "Don't you have school? You wouldn't want to get sick, would you?"   With that Dara laughed til her ribs gave out. "Wow." She wiped the warm tears that were runnung down her eyes. "I haven't laughed like that in a long time, thanks." Hearing no response from the other girl, Dara turned to check on her. The girl had her eyes wide open. "What? Is there something in my hair?" She asked while brushing her hair with her fingers.   "Oh no, no, no, no." She panicked. "It's just that...what was so funny?"   "You think I go to school. Which I don't. "   "How old are you?"   "I'm 22 and in case if you're wondering, I graduated the university I attended, early." She watched how the girls body posture and expression change. Her shoulders slumped down and she pouted as she bowed her head down.   "What's wrong?" Ignoring the cold, Dara placed her hand on top of Charein's back. "I didn't say anything to offend you, did I?"   Chaerin shook her head immediately. "No, of course not." The girl blew out her cheeks.   "Then why the sad face?" Dara tapped her chin with her free hand. "OH, Is it because I was your Valentine for only two minutes?" The girl frowned even more.   "Two...minutes? "   "Yeh, you asked me two minutes before midnight. " Chaerin shook her head then answered.   "No, but now I am." Dara jutted her lips as she squinted her eyes.   "Then what were you upset about before."   "I'm only a highschooler." Dara still didn't quite understand. "Aish, and to think you graduated early." Chaerin teased. Dara stared at her with disbelief.   "Hey," Dara said seriously. "Are you calling me dumb?" Chaerin clapped her hands as she laughed.     "And what if I am?" She continued to tease the older girl. Chaerin found it very amusing seeing how the girl that was fours years older than her so lost. She could've sworn, for a second there she saw a mischievous glint in her eyes. Dara smirked and pulled the younger girl closer to her body, making the younger girl yelp in suprise. Feeling her body tense at how close their body made her smile in victory.
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jonmay #1
Chapter 2: Update soon authornim^_^
Chapter 2: Update/sequel pliss unniee :3
daebak_lee #3
Chapter 2: wow! this is too soon.
daebak_lee #4
Chapter 1: New plot?but still interesting, pls update soon
Chapter 1: Okay, how do you make spaces, because im updating from my phone and it's totally not going the way I want it to.
unicornis #6
Chapter 6: ohhhh, that's fine but do not forget to update. :)
Chapter 6: what?why??????? no!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Where's chapter 6 ?
daebak_lee #9
Chapter 5: interesting story, thanks for the update