1/2 Your Mask Is Slipping

My Boyfriend's Lover {HIATUS}
It's been a week since Himchan arrived back to Korea and has transfered to the same school as Yongguk and Jieun. When Yongguk's busy with sports practice, during lunchtime, Himchan always finds Jieun leaving her large group of friends to hang out with him, in the library. This is why he couldn't and wouldn't confess his feelings - EVER - to Yongguk. Jieun was too nice. Although their first meeting wasn't that great, the fact that she had mistakened him for a girl, she treated him kindly. She even started calling him nicknames: "Chan" or "Channie". Himchan heard the seat across from him, drag against the floor and he didn't bother looking up since he already knew who it was. "Chan, you wanna come with me and Yongguk to the movies, tomorrow?" Himchan looked up at Jieun with wide eyes. Jieun's big eyes sparkled and a smile started to grow on her pretty face. "You can bring a friend if you want," she continued, "We're planning to watch 'Secretly Greatly'." Himchan continued to study her before nodding his head. Jieun squealed in joy. "Tomorrow, at 1PM! Okay?" she asked making the 'okay' sign with her hand. "Sure," Himchan said, kind of sounding uninterested but smiled at her to cover it up. With that, Jieun got up, waved a goodbye, and skipped happily out of the library. Himchan hissed at her behind her back. "If only you weren't so kind..." he said, sighing. The next day, Himchan was at his unknown friend's apartment. "NO. I AM NOT GOING TO PRETEND TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!" A young handsome male stared at Himchan with large eyes and then stared at the direction of the slightly opened bedroom door. Inside the room, was a tall blonde haired boy that could be around the age of sixteen years old. "Daehyun, please..." Himchan said with puppy eyes. Daehyun was the 'boyfriend' that Himchan told Yongguk about, which he met through the internet. "No... What if Junhong finds out and mistakes me for cheating on him?" Daehyun asked, in a whisper. "The kid only has me, Himchan. The kid practically ran away from home since his parents couldn't accept him as a gay guy!" exclaimed Daehyun, his whisper starting to increase, in volume. Just then, long arms started to wrap around Daehyun from behind. "Hyung... It's okay. I won't get mad and plus, I know you love me..." Daehyun turned his head slightly to find the younger one's head, right beside his. Daehyun was about to turn his head fully to kiss Junhong on the cheek until Himchan interupted their lovey-dovey moment with a cough and Daehyun shot him a glare. "Fine. I'll help you," sighed Daehyun, as he gestured Junhong to sit beside him on the sofa. "But you owe me, Himchan," he said glaring back at him. "Anything," said Himchan, a smile growing slowly on his face. "What time do we have to be at the movies?" asked Daehyun, turning his head towards the clock on the wall. "In an hour..." Himchan said smiling at Daehyun, who shot him another glare. "Oh my god... You are sucha loser, Himchan" said Daehyun, getting up and grabbing Junhong's hand. "C'mon, Junhongie. Help your honey get ready," he said while Junhong nodded and trailed behind him. "Looks like we're early," said Daehyun, looking at his wrist watch. Himchan nodded in agreement. They were sitting at a table inside the movie theatre with the view of the entrance. Himchan got off his seat once he saw two familiar figures approach the entrance, holding hands. Daehyun glanced at Himchan, who was frowning at the sight of the two. "Oh, Channie! Sorry, if we're late," cried Jieun, running towards him. "Uhm... Stay here, I need to go to the lady's room!" she said bowing at the two males and dashing to the washrooms. Just then, Himchan felt someone approaching him from behind. "Who's this, Himchan?" Before Himchan could answer Yongguk's question, Daehyun stood up and approached Yongguk with a smile. "Hi, I'm Daehyun. Himchan's boyfriend," Daehyun said with his hand stretching out for a handshake. Himchan's face started to burn when he noticed Yongguk glancing at him while, he shook hands with Daehyun. Himchan could tell Yongguk's smile was forced. "Uhm... I'm gonna go buy the tickets," Himchan said, trying to avoid looking at Yongguk's eyes. "I'm coming with you!" Daehyun hollered as he lets go of Yongguk's hand and runs after Himchan. Yongguk's eyes widened as he watch Daehyun hug Himchan from behind and what looks like a kiss on the cheek, far from where he stood but in fact, Daehyun was actually just whispering in Himchan's ears. "How was I? Do you think I'll pass as a great actor, now?" Daehyun joked. Himchan glared at him and then, turned to face the employee behind the counter. "Yeah... You were great," admitted Himchan, as he handed the employee his debit card and started punching in his pin number into the small machine given to him. "Thanks," said Daehyun, as layed an actual kiss on Himchan's cheek and glanced from the side of his eye, to where Yongguk stared watching. Daehyun smiled when he saw Yongguk's hands ball into fists. "Watch it," Himchan warned, as he took the movie tickets from the employee and turned to look at Daehyun, who waved a hand at Yongguk. "We don't want to piss him off," said Himchan. Daehyun turned to look at him and shook his head. "Hey, you're the one that asked for help from me. So, if you don't mind... I would like to do this my way," Daehyun said smiling evily. Himchan sighed and then, gave in nodding an 'okay' at Daehyun. "Good," said Daehyun and the two boys headed their way back to the table. Yongguk eyed the two as they slowly made there way back. "Aww~ Is Yongguk jelly that his best friend brought another friend with him?" Yongguk turned to face Jieun, who just came back from the washroom. He gave her that look and smile that asks "Really?" and then, he shook his head at her. Jieun started giggling. "Should I break them up for you?" Jieun asked teasing Yongguk. "That's not funny ," Yongguk replied, turning his head towards the two guys, who were laughing about something. "You guys ready to go inside?" Daehyun asked looking at Jieun to Yongguk, "Yeah," said Jieun cheerfully, linking arms into Yongguk's. Throughtout the movie, there was a huge tension between the three guys and Himchan just had to be the one sitting beside Yongguk, who was emanating a dangerous aura. Daehyun, who was sitting on the outter seat, continued to pretend to be Himchan's boyfriend. Although it was dark, he felt for Himchan's left hand and when he found it, he tangled his fingers with it. From where Yongguk sat, he could see the two holding hands from the light that shined on it from the movie. Himchan grew stiff as he felt Yongguk's eyes baring a hole on him. Can he die, now? He started to sink into his seat. He regrets bringing Daehyun along and asking him to pretend to be his boyfriend. "Wasn't that a great movie, you guys?" Jieun came skipping out of the movie theatre, blocking her eyes from the bright light. "Yeah... It was great," said Yongguk sarcastically. "Himchan, how about you? Did you guys enjoy the movie?" Himchan froze when he saw Yongguk giving him a gummy smile. "Yes, we did. It was great, right, Himmie?" Daehyun asked clinging tight on Himchan's arm. Yongguk cringed at the nickname, his gummy smile faltering. "Well, you guys... I think I have to go, now," Jieun said as her phone started ringing. "Who is it?" Yongguk said looking over her shoulder. "My dad," replied Jieun. Yongguk turned to face the other two guys, who seemed to be mumbling to each other. "Himchan," Yongguk said as he approached the two. "You guys can do whatever you want, now. Imma go and bring Jieun home," he said looking back at Jieun, who was talking on the phone with her dad. "Yeah, sure" Himchan said with a shrug. Yongguk nodded and headed back to his girlfriend. "You owe me..." Daehyun whispered into Himchan's ear, as they watch the couple get into a cab and drive away. "Yeah, okay. Lets just go back to your apartment," Himchan said annoyed.
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did ever mention how much i hate long chapters and having to split/post them into two?


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Chapter 1: I like the idea of the fic. I'm going to read it as fast as I can. But can you put it into paragraphs? It's kinda hard to read like this.
Chapter 8: UPPIE NO~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!! ;_____;
Chapter 8: OMG he's scarring me Uppie!!!!! Lol
Hope Yongguk will ditch Jieun and Himchan will not suffer too much lol ----it's wonderful to,dream LMAO !!!!
Chapter 8: Wow!!!!

Scary Jongupie.

Banghim Fighting!!!!
Chapter 5: WAHHH!!!
Awesome!!!! Yongguk and that kiss awww!!
I have been trying to watch that drama in eng sub do you perhaps know where I can?
Chapter 5: Damn!!!

My Mom loves the show so much.

I love it that you didn't get the whole thing in here instead just inspired the story.

Don't pattern it by episode of the show, rather create your own and you have one great inspiration in Banghim <3
Chapter 5: I love it ^^
yjoh13 #8
Lol! I never thought that that drama's fever will reach asianfanfic! :D
Huda_1819 #9
Chapter 3: omo.. this is so sad... :'(
why yongguk... why you didnt wait for himchan???
you better make yongguk love himchan back!!! hehe...
ahhh... i dont like jieun...
btw, nice chapt authornim... :D
BabyBangHimDae #10
Chapter 1: Can you please make it BANGHIM and ending up with Yongguk and Himchan because I really hate BangSong couple..But this story is so interesting...please update soon:)