You're in Good Hands

You're in Good Hands [Yongguk Oneshot]

YEAHYEAHYEAH FIRST B.A.P ONESHOT/SCENARIO!!! :D I'm super excited about this and I hope to start writing for other members as well!!! Honestly, i've been a fan since their debut, but I started getting super hardcore after seeing them live in NYC when they were on tour!!! AHHHH *fangirls* So anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this!!!! This is dedicated to one of the most wonderful fandoms ever: BABYz <3       

         It was back again, the pain that you were dreading the most during this "special" time of month. It was a powerful sting within your lower abdomen that felt a lot like having your stomach crushed flat by an enormous boulder. Ever since you were a teenager, cramps became one of your primary fears mostly because you had no idea when they would strike nor did you have any control over them. However, the second your cramps got going, the pain would literally take over your body to the extent that you couldn't even move. It was already far past midnight and your bedroom was coated in darkness with the only source of light emanating from the cute bunny night light your boyfriend Yongguk bought you from his stop in Tokyo on B.A.P's Live on Earth Tour. You tried closing your eyes hoping you could somehow sleep through the pain, but the stinging kept growing stronger as each minute passed. You needed medicine, and you knew it. If you didn't do something about your cramps now, it was only going to get even worse.

         Meanwhile, Yongguk was sleeping peacefully behind you with his arms wrapped comfortably around your waist like you were his own teddy bear. You could feel his breath tickling your ear every time he exhaled, but it was a calming sound much like the sound of ocean waves. You did not want to wake him from his slumber so you tried to loosen his arms around you as gently as possible so you could roll out of the bed quietly. It took you a good five minutes, but you weren't surprised. Yongguk was quite clingy with you whenever you two slept, but you loved him for it because to you there was no place safer than being in his strong arms. As you rolled out of bed and got to your feet, you notice Yongguk stir in his sleep. Despite your efforts, he quickly took notice of his vacant arms.

         "Baby, what happened?" he asked groggily rubbing his tired eyes like a toddler waking up from a nap.
         "Nothing oppa, I...I just need to run to the bathroom" you lied trying hard to ignore the pain that kept attacking your abdomen. You didn't want to tell him your cramps were coming on because you knew he'd freak out. The last time you had cramps, he almost called the doctor because he couldn't bear to see you cringe in pain. He felt so helpless because all he could do was hold your hand while you fought through it. You didn't want him to have to worry like that again, besides you figured you had your situation under control. All you needed were your painkillers so why make him worry unnecessarily?
         "Okay, but hurry back" Yongguk answered smiling brightly before closing his eyes once again.

         You then made your way to the door holding onto your stomach as you walked. It had not even been ten steps and you already had an obstacle ahead of you: the staircase. You leaned your body against the banister while clenching  it tightly with both hands as if your life depended on it--and quite frankly, this wasn't far from the truth. As painful as it was, you somehow managed to make it to the bottom of the staircase and now all you had to do was get your painkillers from the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. At this point you were walking slower than a turtle. With every step you took, you felt as if  energy was being out of your body like a powerful vacuum. Not to mention it took an immense amount of effort to do just about everything and it didn't help that your joints were beginning to ache. Your body was growing weaker despite the closer and closer you were getting to that Advil you needed oh-so-desperately.

Almost there ________-ah. C'mon keep it together...just a little longer...

         You had started coaching yourself mentally because the battle within your body was soon to unleash. Fortunately, you made it to the cabinet in the kitchen and with whatever ounce of strength you had left in you, you reached up the shelves and retrieved the Advil. You slammed it against the counter and didn't even bother to shut the cabinet door--not that you even had the energy to do so. Now all you needed was water to swallow the Advil and this nightmare would be over, but unfortunately the situation was only getting worse. Sweat began trickling down your back like a leaky faucet. When did it get so hot all of a sudden? 

       Your body was overheating, despite the fact you were in shorts and a tank top. It didn't make sense, but you knew that at times like this your body almost never does. You held onto the edge of the counter top with a firm grasp as you struggled to keep yourself standing. Sweat was now falling down your forehead like an April shower making you feel even hotter. You swiftly tried to erase the sweat with the back of your hand, but soon enough it came back. Why was your body doing this to you? The overheating, the joint pain, and your throbbing stomach--it was all too much for you to handle. You were starting to lose your focus as your vision slowly began to blur. Fear quickly struck your heart like lightning because you knew this was it. Your cramps were taking over your body. Your vision had become so distorted that you began to feel light headed. The room seemed to be spinning out of control around you, as if you were standing in the center of a wild tornado. You couldn't take it anymore and swiftly let go of the counter which left you crashing to the wooden floor like a glass vase. Shock immediately ran up your spine from the hard impact causing you to shut your eyes. You couldn't do anything but lay there in overwhelming pain, for your body had fallen too weak...

       Little did you know, your fall actually caused a significant amount of noise causing Yongguk to immediately spring out of bed. He knew something was wrong, especially after noticing the bathroom was empty. He quickly made his way down the staircase, his worry growing ten fold with each and every step. The moment he made it to the kitchen, his heart sank like an iron anchor. He saw you lying on the wooden floor holding onto your stomach with pain painted all over your face.
         "Oh my god _______-ah!!!!!" he yelled in horror startling you in the process. You turned your head towards the doorway and noticed Yonnguk rushing to your side with a worried look on his face. It didn't take him long to figure out what was going on with you--one glance at you holding on to your stomach for dear life was all it took for him to know. He reached for your hand and brought it up to his lips before lightly placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
          "Its okay ______-ah... I'm here now, don't worry" he assures giving your hand a comforting squeeze. Your eyes slowly open sensing his warm touch.
          "O-O-Oppa" you stuttered weakly looking up to meet his dark brown eyes. His hand immediately settled onto your cheek softly your burning face.
          "What is it baby?" he asks in his  smooth deep voice making your heart feel more at ease.
          "I...I...need the Advil..." you croaked feeling as if your stomach was about to shatter into a thousand pieces. "It's...on the counter..." Yongguk quickly glanced at the counter and noticed the bottle still sitting where you had left it before your stumble.
          "Okay I'm on it. Don't move okay?" You nodded your head lightly and within seconds he returned to your side with a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other. "Alright honey I need you to sit up for me" he instructed. You shut your eyes tightly upon hearing his words and let out a deep breath. You knew there was no way you would be able to comply with his request--especially considering the state you were in now. You felt as if someone was punching your lower abdomen relentlessly showing you no mercy. Regardless of the overwhelming torture, you decided to give it a try. You placed your hands at your sides and pushed down on the hardwood floor with as much force as you possibly could to lift your back off the ground. Surprisingly, you were able to lift yourself, but you didn't have the strength to sit up straight as your cramps continued to all of your energy. Your back was practically begging you to lie back down and your body followed its orders despite your own wishes. You gradually began to droop backwards, but Yongguk swiftly placed the glass down and caught you before you could collide with the floor again.

         "Don't worry I got you" he whispered calmly into your ear making you feel more relaxed. "Don't push yourself to do things, if you can't do it, it's okay. I don't want to put you in more pain than you already are ok?" he explained looking down at you with a sincere glow in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat. You could not believe how understanding he was of your situation despite being a guy. This was something you thought males would never understand considering they never go through it, but Yongguk was different. It was as if he was hurting with you and you could see it in his eyes.
         "Mianhaeyo" you mumbled disappointedly feeling as helpless as a newborn.
         "Shhh~ it's okay" he assured running his fingers through your hair soothingly. "I'll do the hard work for you." Without warning, he wrapped one arm around your lower back and the other under your knees. He then carefully lifted you off of the floor and placed you in his lap. You linked your arms around his sleek neck for support as you laid your head against his firm chest. He kept his arm fixed around your lower back and reached for the glass of water. Yongguk peered down at you and noticed your eyes shut tightly from the excruciating torture of your cramps. His heart was aching now more than ever watching you cringe in his own arms. He hated seeing you in pain whenever this time of month came around. He shook you lightly and held the pill in front of you. 
"Baby I know you're in a lot of pain, but you have to take this now or its only going to get worse...and I can't bear to watch you struggle like this any longer."

          Your eyes slowly peeled open at his gentle plea and you took the pill from his hand. He watched you carefully as you popped it into your mouth and drank the glass of water soon after. He took the glass from your hands and placed it aside, before wrapping his arms securely around you. "You're going to be okay I promise...just hold on a little longer" Yongguk whispered sweetly as he rocked you back and forth in his arms. Every time you squeezed his neck, he knew your cramps were taking their toll on you so he would immediately kiss the top of your head in an effort to help you cope. It bothered him that it was the only thing he could do for you at the moment, but it meant the whole world to you. Just having him up at this abnormal hour to hold you like this and assure you that you'd be okay gave you hope that this nightmare would soon reach it's end. In fact, you lost track of time as you sunk into a deep sleep accompanied by the faint beats of Yongguk's tender heart. Yongguk took notice and carried you back upstairs. He placed you gently back into the bed and tucked you in securely under the covers before turning back towards the door, but you swiftly grabbed onto his hand.

         "Oppa...don't leave..." you mumbled sleepily. He quickly turned around and kneeled at your bedside.
         "I'm not leaving you jagiya" he assured holding your hand in his under his chin. "I thought you would prefer to have the bed to yourself right now so I was going to go sleep on the couch downstairs."
          "Aniya don't" you whined jutting out your lower lip in disappointment. "I'll be lonely..." You didn't want to be all by yourself, especially during times like this. For some reason, you still had a fear that the pain would come crawling back despite the fact you took an Advil and having Yongguk next to you gave you incredible comfort which is what you desperately needed. Yongguk gazed affectionately at you showcasing his gummy smile that made your heart melt into a puddle of goo.
       "Are you sure Jagiya? You don't have to share the bed tonight if you don't want to. I'll understand."
        "Yes I'm sure!" you asserted practically pulling him into bed next to you.
        "Arraso, arraso, hold on!" he chuckled pulling the covers over and slipping in beside you. You swiftly snuggled up next to him and laid on his arm before he folded it around your shoulder pulling you close.
        "Komowayo oppa" you whisper before pecking him lightly on the lips. "I feel like I would have died without you." Yongguk's body suddenly stiffened underneath you causing you to lift your head up from his arm. "Oppa what's wrong?" He didn't respond, at least not verbally. Instead, he pulled you into his chest allowing your head to rest upon his smoky black wife beater. He looked down at you and brought his hand to the side of your face.
         "I would never let anything happen to you, you know that right?" he asks rather seriously as you felt the warmth of his hand seep into your cheek. You nodded your head in response with a blissful smile across your face. You were so grateful to be in good hands, and not just any good hands, but in the hands of Bang Yongguk which to you, was the best place you could ever be.

KYAAAAA ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF HAVING MR. BANG AS YOUR BOYFRIEND, RAISE YOUR HANDS!!!! HEHE :3 Srsly, i feel like he would be such a sweet boyfriend gaaah *MELTS*

For those of u who actually read the description... yes, this actually happened to me. I fell in my kitchen to be more accurate and i also managed to scratch my face somehow near my right eye T.T Fortunately, it doesn't happen every month, but this happened to me last month and in that moment i wished i wasnt born a girl LOL

Hehe if you enjoyed this please do let me know down below in the COMMENTS!!! It really means a lot to me to hear from readers! And hey, if you happen to have any exciting time of month stories feel free to share them below we're all friends here :D THANKS GUYS! XOXO

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Chapter 1: ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! *raising my hands*
Oh my, I also think he would be such a sweet and lovely boyfriend *.*
And this was very good, although it was sad, because girls shouldn't pass through this, we already have so much to endure and having this type of pain it's even worse!!!
Fortunately, until now, I don't have any exciting time of month stories, because I rarely have pain during that time and I wish it would be like this for every single girl out there!!!!
Thanks for the hard work and for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: *raises both hands* ME ME ME ME ME ME MEE!
Awesome oneshot, authornim!
My grandma once said that it's ladies' call of duty or something. Well, mother nature can certainly lose MY phone number. X.X
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 1: Great story!
Chapter 1: Me!! *raise hand up* haha oh I also felt that cramps ,it felt like someone punched or kicked but it not every month happen. Hehe :D and I like your story , yongguk really sweet!
Chapter 1: Gratefully I never feel the pain, every girl is different. Hope you are always fine with your period, Author-nim. If you weren't a girl you wouldn't write this kind of story, you wouldn't make Yongguk as your boyfriend, heheh
Thank you for the story and keep writing fanfiction also supporting B. A. P \(^0^)/
myungsoodaehyun36 #6
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet but seriously i dont get that cramps when its that time of the month is something wrong with me?
Chapter 1: Ohmygod i understand that feeling of crampS I always get them every goddamN MONTH & every month i hate being a girl goddam I could literally feel it while reading this & im overflowing with feels bc yongguk ohmylor d
Chapter 1: Omg, so cute and sweet! <3
Chapter 1: i got the image of the girl is giving birth in my head while reading this. LOL
aww that was really sweet <3