Chapter 4




Going back home alone in the midnight is definetly bad idea. I keep repeat that word in my head over and over again. I try to reduce my nervousness with that yet it won’t work.

Tiffany, my best friend offered me to drive me home since her boyfriend – hyukjae oppa bring his car today to pick up her. But i just refuse her because tiffany house is in the opposite direction with mine. Now, after i think again i should have just  agree when she offered to drive me home.

Damn. Damn. Damn. I keep cursing my self.

Everything is alright in my way back home until i walk pass on some gangster and now they chase after me. I try to walk faster and faster. I’m so scared. They keep calling me when i even don’t know who they are yet i don’t care who they are.

And maybe the entire world is agains me today. There’s no way to escape them, because i’m at the end of dark alley. I found a dead end. I look at everywhere but there’s no way to escape and the worst is my ankle is still hurt because my dance pratice earlier today. It’s just a few block near my house and i just want to arrived in my house as fast as possible yet my foot didn’t want to agree with me because it start to hurt so much. I try to walk again but fell on the ground. Today just very great day!

The gang that chase me laugh at me and mocking me.

“oh, the princess is fell on the ground”

“is she really fell or she kneeling down at us?”

“look at her pretty face huh, i want to her”

. I try to not listen to their stupid words when they keep mocking and teasing me. I hope my foot could move but my ankle hurt so much that i feel like i’m going to cry. I remember back then when i was younger and i was scare to come home alone, my dad will always pick me up at school. But now it’s never gonna happen.

You have to protect yourself Kwon Yuri!

“hey junsu look at her. She’s familiar. Isn’t she is your high school friend?” one of the guy speak.

The guy named Junsu come closer to me and i realized that he is indeed my high school friend. But, luck is not in my side today because i know he is not going to help me. I remember him, he is one guy that suddenly confess to me in front of many student, and i reject him. Since that day he become kind of “enemy” though i didn’t mean to make him embarassed at all. I just didn’t want to date someone at that time.

“yes, she is my friend. But do you guys know that she once make me embarassed in front of all my friends. Can i take my revenge on her now?” he asked to his gang.

“of course, you have all of her now. Just her until she shame of herself!” one of junsu’s friend say and the other is agreeing.

Can today will be more bad?

I shake my head try to stop them. “please junsu, i didn’t mean to embarassed you in front of our friends. You are just misunderstand” i plead

But junsu ignore me and he came closer and try to kiss me. I can’t fight them, they all six guy and i’m alone. I feel my tears fall down, and my hand start to shake. I’m very scared.

Junsu grab my shirt and his other hand pull my head to be closer to him. I kick him with my hurt foot but it useless, he is stronger that me, i scream out loud hope someone will pass in this dark alley, but no one hear me. Junsu press his lips to meet mine, but i refuse to open my lips. Damn. I can taste beer on his mouth, he is definetly drunk. He slap me hard and the pain is burning in my cheek and he pull my hair hard.

Before i can process what happen next, someone pull junsu away from me. He punch junsu hard in the face, kick hard everywhere again and again until junsu collapse in the ground. And i realize that the other guy of the gang is lying on the ground just like junsu did.

“i’m sorry that i’m late. You must be very scared. I’m here now, don’t cry again” he-mysavior say. He weep my tears.

Its Siwon. The one who i kept thinking of this few days. He take off his branded jacket and wrap it around my trembling body. Then he lift me up on his arms and carry me to his car.


There’s so many question in my head that i want to ask him so bad.

Why is he here now?

How did he know that i was in danger?

And why did he is care about me so much?

But my question disappear when i feel the warm of his body press so close to my body.

He hug me and I feel save.


We arrived at his house, or i shall call it everyone dream house?  His house is in the elite district in seoul that just one of a kind people that can afford buy house in this area. I just gasp in awe that we pass in front of gate and the fact is the main house is still kinda far from the gate. After the front gate we pass the huge garden and then finally the main house. It was modern yet minimalist, very beautiful  kind of house that i just can see in the magazine or tv show. There’s several part of the house that  has glass wall so i can see some part inside the house.

He is indeed rich.

Who’s am i kidding? He is the most wanted bachellor in seoul or even korea maybe?

We got out from his car. And he lead me to enter his house. He press some number as pass code to open the glass door.

“just sit there, and suit yourself like your own house” he said and point at huge soffa at the living room motion me to sit there then he dissapear in some part of his house.

I noticed there’s a grand piano, white one. I wonder if he really play the piano or it just some accesories for his livingroom. The livingroom is very spacious. And everything is in the match color. He returned quickly after that and sat beside me in the soffa. He bring some medicine to treat my wounds. And we just keep silent while he treat some bruise in my hands, my cheek, and of course my hurt ankle.

“how do you know that i was in danger?” i couldn’t help but ask him.

He keep silent for a while, like he is trying to find the right words to explain.

“i ask my staff to look after you. You know, it’s not like i’m trying to stalk you or else. I just want to know that you are safe. And this kind of incident never going to happen again” he said

Though the idea to look after me is kind of creep me but i try to understand yet i still didn’t find the answer of why he is so care about me. I keep my gaze at the floor while he explain to me.

“why are you so care about me? I told you, if it’s because my dad you don’t need to because.... –“

“no, it’s not because of your dad. I myself also didn’t know why i act like this. I still trying to figure out why i care so much about you. So until i know the answer i can’t explain why. And you have no choice but move to my house, no argue” he cut my words

I look at his eyes and i know i can’t say no. He is so calm yet so scaring at the same time. He has the authority in his voice that i can not say no. After all he is the famous Choi Siwon, that at his young age he already manage to build his company as big as now.

And why my heart beat so fast like this? It’s not like i like him this fast. Or did i?

I just nood and sit still.

“they hurt you so bad, i’m going send them to jail definitely” he look to my ankle

 “no, this is not because of them. I already injured my ankle because of my dance pratice earlier today” i try to explain him

“dance pratice?” he asked

“yeah, you know i was majored in art, acting and dancing at the college. And since this is my last year i have to perform some musical show. And i was have some pratice today and i injured my ankle”

“that’s explain why you come home so late i supposed” and i just nooded.

“from now, you have to call me whenever you come home late okay?” he add

“look, i can come home by myself siwon. You are already kind enough for me and i don’t want to burden you more”

“no argue yuri. You’re tired, just say yes will you? And you’re not burden for me. This is my request”

I want to argue back but after  look at his expression at the end i just said “yes”


He show me my room after that. That is very beautiful room that have a balcone that facing the back garden, unlike the front garden the back garden has a mini lake that very beautiful.

“you can do whatever you want with this room, incase you didn’t like it you can change the interior if you want” he stand beside me at the balcone in my “new” room

“no, ofcourse i like it. Your house is very beautiful” i say still in awe with the scenery.

“i’m glad if you like it. And since you don’t bring any cloth and i don’t have women cloth either you can wear my shirt i supposed. Tommorow i will tell my assistant to bring your things that you left in your house”

“and for now just sleep. You have a terrible night. Goodnight yuri” he say and finally we look at each other after i avoid to look at him directly. And i watch he leave.

“choi siwon” i call him before he grab the door knob.

He turn around “yes?” he answered.

“thankyou for take care of me. And goodnight too” i say nervously

And he just smile. His dimple smile that can make my heart skip a beat.


Finnally an update. sorry for take so long T.T 

anyway please let me know how your opinion about this chapter. coment please T.T i really like if you apreciate this story with your coment T.T

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Chapter 4: New reader here! I've been looking for some YulWon fanfics for too long because it's hard.
Please Update soon :D
kristine77 #2
Chapter 4: finally she accepts to live with him
foreveryoungwild #3
Chapter 2: New reader!! New yulwon story, thankies. Update soooon
Chapter 2: Wahh! I like it~
Thanks for the update and update soon!
iloveyul #5
Chapter 1: Yulwon ^^.
sounds great story.. cant wait for next chap ^_^
OMG! Another YulWon fanfic!
These are rare but they're like one of my top OTPs!
Thank you!
Update soon~