Chapter 1




Never in my life i ever imagine if that day i will be the one who caused someone death. Never. I used to be the one who save a life. Save someone. Save a soul. But that day is different. And maybe that day would change my life, forever. I saved by someone. I’m alive, and he’s not.

It’s begining when i went to hiking. I’m used to hiking often because i like it. I like the feeling when i go to the place higher and higher. That several day was a busy day. Work that never ends, and my other ‘job’ that make me need distance to the daily routine of my life. So i went to hiking. There’s not much people that went to hiking that day, maybe it’s because bad weather that make most people prefer being at home rather than going hiking. The sky is already evening when i’m start to hiking. There’s no difficulty about the tracks because i already memorize it very well. I’m hiking higher and higher until i’m stop at the one of the higher cliff. I’m stop for a while to enjoy the scene and feel the wind. But not long after that, the sky is start become dark and rain start to fall so i decided to go back. When i’m about to back the cliff start to colapse and because of rain the ground become slippery and i’m fall from the cliff. I scream out loud, but fortunately i still managed to grab a tree branch. That’s when there someone who call me.

“are you alright?” there’s a man voice who called me from the cliff

“yeah, i’m still managed to grab a tree branch in here” i reply

“wait for me, i have a rope in here. I will go down to that branch and pull you with this rope” he said and pointing a tree branch above me. But that branch seem too weak.

“no no, don't go down here. Just pull me from the cliff. It will be dangerous if you go down” i answer.

But it’s late because he already go down and start to tie himself with the branch, and he throw the rope to me, and i managed to grab it. He start to pull me, and i can reach safe ground under the cliff. Then i supposed to pull him to the safe ground too, or he supposed to just climb to the safe ground. But the next thing that i know before i can pull him is scream. He scream because the branch that hold his body is fall. He is fall free to the deep ravine. I’m shocked, panicked, scared that he is can’t managed to alive. I run down to the bottom of the ravine. rain still pouring down and i managed to reach that man body. He is bleeding so badly and i checked his heartbeat, he is gone. but one thing that i knew He is saved me, and i have to save him.

I start to calm myself, and concentrate to the dead body in front of me. Then everything change all around me. The ravine when that man fall, change to the large meadow that has no end. This place is very familiar to me. I searched for that man, i ran until i near the limit. I know i shouldn’t go near the limit because is very dangerous for me, but this time i don’t care. I have to save him. When i’m nearer and nearer to the limit and i’m able to saw the lake, there’s i saw him. He is about to step into the boat. The boat that take human to the heaven or hell. I can’t go to near the lake or the boat. So i called him.

“sir, stop” and he is stoped. He turn around and saw me

“sir, can you go back to here? Because i can’t go there, i can’t reach you” i said

He smile to me. A sincere smile. And slowly he walk back to me.

“sir, i’m going to save you back. Please hold my hand” i give my hand to him so he can reach my hand. But he is just silent and he is smile again. I’m confused for a while. Never i meet someone who just stand silently while a give my hand to them. Usually they reach my hand immediatly when they saw me. But this man is different.

“sir...?” i called him again

“no need to save me young man” he said

“but sir, you save me. And i want to save you. I have a ability to do that. I can save you, i can bring you alive again”

“i know. But that is just fate. I save you is a fate. You don’t have to save me because this is my fate. I don’t want to comeback. Just promise me one thing”

I shocked. He don’t want to alive?

“i will promise you everything sir”

He smile again

“just promise me one thing. Take care of my daughter, will you?”

What? Take care a daughter? Impossible! But i don’t have any choice did i? I already promise everything to him. I have to take care of his daughter. I have. so i say..

“yes sir. I will”

“good” he say and smile.

He walk back to the lake, to the boat. But then he stoped again and say to me

“young man, this is our fate to meet in here. And you remind me a lot to your dad. You two very look a like”

What? My dad? He know my dad?

“what wait... do you know my dad sir?”

“i know him very well. An old friend and an old story”

He smile and he go to the boat, the he disappear. Forever.

While he disappear, the meadow all around me disappear too and bring me back to the ravine and to the his dead body. Rain still pouring hard. And then i remember that i haven’t say thankyou to him. But it’s to late. He’s gone forever.

I checked to his body and found his wallet. There’s his ID card, i read his name, Kwon Jiyong. Thanks mr. Kwon i murmured to my self. And then i saw a photo, that is mr. Kwon with a young woman. in the back of the photo there’s handwriting that say

“me and my daughter Kwon Yuri”



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Chapter 4: New reader here! I've been looking for some YulWon fanfics for too long because it's hard.
Please Update soon :D
kristine77 #2
Chapter 4: finally she accepts to live with him
foreveryoungwild #3
Chapter 2: New reader!! New yulwon story, thankies. Update soooon
Chapter 2: Wahh! I like it~
Thanks for the update and update soon!
iloveyul #5
Chapter 1: Yulwon ^^.
sounds great story.. cant wait for next chap ^_^
OMG! Another YulWon fanfic!
These are rare but they're like one of my top OTPs!
Thank you!
Update soon~