
Drawn To You


So fascinating.

He was just so interesting. His mysterious aura drew me in. His dark eyes trying to tell me something. I couldn’t stay away. I was willing to break the rules for this boy, a boy I didn’t even know. But now I can’t risk being caught. I can’t disappear just yet.  Ever since that last encounter I haven’t been roaming the streets like usual. Then how/where have I been spending my time?  An alley way.

Not exactly the most wanted place to be at, but I didn’t mind. The dark presence that emitted from it didn’t really bother me. It was relaxing just spending my time here. It gave me time to think. To think about him.

For a few days, I have been sitting here motionless. I couldn’t go back and face him. He would think something was up, so it was better to distance myself. It was hard. It was difficult for me to endure. I yearned for him. I longed for his deep brown eyes. I was craving to see his smile. A smile that would brighten up the sad world we exist in.

It was just another day passing by; dark clouds drifting across the now indigo sky, the streets hummed with night traffic, and the thoughts about him still roaming throughout my mind. A depress sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back against the cold brick wall. I stared up into the grey covered sky.

“When will I get to see you again?” I whispered as I closed my eyes letting the darkness take over me.

A sharp rain droplet crashed on my cheek. Soon an army of icy raindrops pounded my entire body. I just sat there in silent, letting the water engulfed me, drenching my body. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to cover myself. Hell, I didn’t want to stop thinking about him.

Because of him I’m like this. Because of him I’m not in my right mind. Because of him I can’t think straight. It’s all because of him. I want to stop these kinds of thoughts, but it’s impossible. I’m just so drawn to him. What is happening to me? Who is he?

In the midst of my deep thoughts, I didn’t notice that the rain stopped. Weird. I can clearly see that the city lights putting all focus on the droplets still falling from the sad sky. The radius of where I was sitting couldn’t feel the ache of the clouds. I curiously looked up, wondering what this new weather phenomenon was.

“Are you alright?” A voice asked. His dark, worried eyes pierced mine. Words wouldn’t leave my lips as I froze in my place. Kai.

“Here let me help you.” He said as his warm hand grasped mine and he slowly pulled me up. Stone cold as a statue I still couldn’t respond. 

“Let me walk you to your house.” I somehow broke out of the barrier and shook my head. That wouldn’t make sense; walking a person home to a place they don’t even have.

“I don’t have one…” I uttered out using all my strength. He bent his head down to be directly faced with mine. His deep eyes glaring softly into my soul. We had eye contact for a few minute before he turned away, breaking it.

“Let’s go.” He announced as he turned around and started to walk. This would be breaking the rules if I chose to follow him. I could stop it before it turns into a huge mess, but something inside of me wanted to follow him. In the end a silent cringe made my choice for me and I followed.

We walked beside each other in silent except for the sound of the chilling rain hitting the top of his umbrella. I was glance once every while at his face. His angelic face that I missed seeing so much. The street lights made me ache more as it brought out his features beautifully.

I turned my head away trying to figure out these feelings. Honestly I never felt this way before, but for some reason within me, it feels like I felt this emotion once, back then. I shook my head in disagreement with my thoughts. I must be going crazy.

Walking side by side with him wasn’t bad. We would graze each other every so often. His warmth would jolt throughout my body. I didn’t notice the smile quarter smiles that would form on my mouth when he happens. I quickly would make them disappear and put on my normal composure.

For some reason, there was an unknown presence surrounding him. I didn’t understand it. He would walk straight with no emotion on his face. His eyes didn’t display worry anymore, they were just empty. I never saw anything like this before. Why was he like this?

After endless walking through under the star lit sky we ended up in his living room. He invited me, I tried to decline politely, but my voice was nowhere to be found. He left me standing around for a while until he ran to his room, took out clothes, and tossed them to me. I made my way to the bathroom ignoring his directions because I knew this house back and forth.

I came out wearing his oversized navy V-neck that the usually wears to bed and long black sweat pants. His scent that radiates out of his clothes made me fall into a trance. It was interrupted when he motioned me over to the couch with his unreadable eyes. He pulled out a stool from somewhere and sat down in front of me. Face to face, silent filled the room.

“You don’t have a home right?” He finally spoke. I couldn’t look at his dark mesmerizing eyes any longer and put my head down giving him a small nod. Nothing would process in my mind. My thoughts all jumble up. Kai can actually see me. He’s actually talking to me. This is wrong, I shouldn’t be doing this. But his aura draws me deeper into him.

“You can stay here.” His words brought shock to me and lifted my head to stare questionably at him. Thanks where ever out there because my voice finally came back.

“No.” I whispered shaking my head putting my head lower.

“Yes I insist.” He said with persistent in his tone. I didn’t understand what was going on. Him being in front of me was too hard for me to even believe. If I accept this offer I might end up who knows what, dead possibly, but then again I wasn’t living to begin with. But a micro part of me pleaded inside to accept this offer. Wouldn’t this be a good chance to know him better? I won’t be able to get another opportunity like this. The only part I couldn’t comprehend was why he wanted to help me. Why? I’m a stranger to him.

“Why?” I asked. I braced myself ready to hear an answer.

“Because honestly. I have walked by where you were sitting for a while now. I was clueless at first, but shrugged it off since I thought you were just chilling there. But every day from morning to dark you just sat there. So when it started raining I was worried for you. And I can’t just ignore you because… that isn’t right.” He explained letting out a sigh at the end. He scratched his neck on the last sentence; it was cute to me for some reason. Weird how I feeling all sort of emotions right now. I usually don’t feel this much emotion. Even so I was happy. Happy for the fact he was worried for me. Happy that he would talk to me. Happy that he can see me. Happy that I can be with him. Happy. The feeling that I haven’t felt for so long.

I gave him a small smile and gave him a nod, telling him I agree with him. He should his head too, telling me he understood. It was awkward how we just sat there nodding at each other not knowing what to do next. Even so I enjoyed it. Being here, being near him was just too unrealistic for me. Too engulf in my new found feelings I didn’t notice the time.

Time was up. My energy was drained out of me. This was bad.  Darkness crept into the room slowly taking over. And soon I fell into a hole. The only thing I saw left was Kai’s eyes. His eyes that twinkled some life. A life that I wish I could be in. But that’s clearly a dream.


Author's Note: I finally update guys! Aren’t you proud? I kind of made it a must have!
As the dreaded school is coming up I wanted to update each one of me stories!
You should check them out if you guys have time! Anyways a big thanks to those
who have stuck with this story! And a another big thanks for my subbers/commenters!
It really means a lot to me!  And another thanks for those who are reading this story!

And please enjoy this image of Sehun that explains to you how I feel.

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Chapter 3: Oh no omg what time D:
aquamarinetruelove #2
Chapter 2: Please update soon it's getting soo interesting now
Chapter 2: Awww omg this was a really good update! :) this story is really compelling.
Chapter 2: I'm really loving your writing style. And the storyline so far is amazing. It's somewhat haunting and beautiful. I will be anticipating your next update!
Chapter 1: This story is beautiful.
xLisahh #6
Please update this story soon!!!!
layicorn #7
I can't wait!