The Date

Not Like the Movies

Saturday finally came, meaning it was the day Suho was waiting for all week long. He had doubts about this date, because he wasn’t sure if it will happen in the first place.

But, in the sudden turn of events, Baekhyun confirmed the date.

As much as Suho wanted to know more about what happened with him and Chanyeol when they were alone, he saw how tired Baekhyun was. All he got was “Can we talk tomorrow hyung?” and “I’m really tired hyung. Tomorrow, promise.”.

Suho gave up and just let Baekhyun rest. He did look very tired and didn’t sleep that well. Baekhyun even skipped dinner because he was too tired to eat.

When morning finally came, Suho woke up earlier than usual. He was too excited for the date.

But honestly, Suho was just going to wing it. He didn’t have a proper plan, because he didn’t want things to be too scripted. He wanted everything to go naturally.

“Good morning hyung.” Baekhyun greeted.

“Good morning Baek. Sit and have some breakfast.” Baekhyun nodded and sat next to Suho.

“So, what are your plans for me today hyung?”

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough Baek. Just enjoy yourself okay? I’ll go and get ready.”

“I’ll go get ready after breakfast hyung.”

“Don’t take too long okay?” Baekhyun nodded.


After having breakfast and getting ready for the day, Suho and Baekhyun were already on the road.

Baekhyun had no idea where they were going. He kept asking Suho, but the latter wasn’t giving any hints or information.

“Hyung, can’t you tell me where we are going please?”

“Do you really want to know Baek?” Baekhyun nodded. “Honestly, anywhere Baek, where do you want to go?

“Are you serious hyung?”

“Yes Baek, I am. I don’t want to drag you to places. I want you to drag me to places. So, where do you want to go?”

“Are you serious hyung?” Suho nodded.

“Are you disappointed Baek?”

“Honestly, I am a little bit hyung. But, because you offered to be dragged anywhere, I guess we can go to the mall first to do a little shopping.” Baekhyun grinned.

“That’s it? The mall?” Suho chuckled.

“Oh no hyung. That would be our first stop. But a word of advice, when I go shopping, I’m much worse than Jongie in spending.” Baekhyun giggled before winking.

‘My wallet would be crying after this day.’ Suho sighed.

They quickly arrived at the mall because the drive didn’t take that long. After parking the car, Suho and Baekhyun entered.

“So, what do you want to buy Baek?”

“Maybe I’ll check some eyeliner hyung.”

“Well then, lead the way.”

Suho and Baekhyun walked hand in hand, ignoring the stares they were receiving.

“Well, here we are hyung.” Baekhyun said. “Come on.”

It was weird, especially for Suho. He knew Baekhyun liked eyeliners and such, but entering the shop itself is weird, because most of the customers are women and they were getting a number of stares from them.

“So, is there anything you like sir?” An employee said.

“Ah, no. Thank you” Suho said.

“Are you sure sir? Do you need any help?” The girl said. Suho didn’t miss the twinkle in her eyes.

Suho smirked and inched closer to the girl.

“Well, actually, there is now.” The girl suddenly blushed and tensed up. “Can you help my friend over there find some eyeliner?” Suho pointed at Baekhyun. The employee nodded.

“Of course sir, I’ll be right back.” The girl walked up to Baekhyun, and from the looks of it, Baekhyun was having a hard time choosing one.

And just like that, Baekhyun had finish choosing what he wanted. Suho smiled and walked up to Baekhyun.

“So, are you done?” Baekhyun nodded.

“I’ll go pay now hyung.” Baekhyun said, walking to the counter while Suho followed. Baekhyun was about to take out his wallet when Suho stopped him.

“What are you doing?” Suho asked.

“I’m going to pay. What does it look like hyung?” Baekhyun chuckled.

“Stop. Today is my treat remember?” Suho handed his credit card to the girl behind the counter.

“Thanks hyung.” Baekhyun said.

“No problem Baek.” Before leaving, Suho went to the girl who helped Baekhyun. “Hey miss, thank you.”Suho said, winking at the girl, making her blush crimson red.

“What was that all about hyung?”

“Nothing Baek, so where do you want to go now?”

“How about we check some clothes now hyung?” Baekhyun looked so happy that it made Suho felt great.

“Sure thing Baek, lead the way.” Baekhyun took Suho’s hand and dragged him to the next store.

“Look at that hyung! A couple shirt, well more of a sweater.” Baekhyun chuckled.

“Do you want to buy one for us?” Suho asked.

“Can I?”

“Baek, like I said, we’re on a date, it’s my treat.”

“Fine then, but I’ll only buy if you let me pay the half hyung.” Suho was about to protest when Baekhyun stopped him. “And no buts”

“Fine then, shall we?” Suho took the pair of clothes and brought them to the counter.

As they were paying for the clothes, another couple noticed them.

“Baekhyun?” A familiar voice said. Baekhyun suddenly tensed up. He knew that voice anywhere. He turned around and confirmed who the person was.

“Chanyeol” Baekhyun said, not missing Sooyoung who had her arm linked to Chanyeol.

‘Why is the world so small?’


“I’m so excited Jongie!” Kyungsoo shouted.

“Don’t get too excited Kyung” Sungjong said, chuckling.

“It’s not like we see Myungsoo work, right Jongin?” Jongin groaned. Honestly, he wanted to be alone with Kyungsoo today, but his boyfriend had to drag him to this.

“It’s not like you’re in the shoot yourself Kyung, sheesh.” Jongin said.

“Ignore him, please.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

“What made you want to come to one of my shoots Kyung?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh nothing really, I mean, today is a weekend and why not spend it with you guys?”

‘Why not spend it with me? Alone.’ Jongin thought.

“Too bad Baekhyun’s not here.” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Oh you know him, he’s probably on a date with Suho hyung right now.” Sungjong said.

“Well, I guess it’s just us.” Kyungsoo pouted again.

After 30 minutes of being on the road, they finally arrived at the studio.

Kyungsoo was excited, because he has always wanted to see how things work here.

“So guys, this is Sungyeol hyung.” Myungsoo said. The others bowed.

“Hello, so I’m Sungyeol, but please, just call me Sungyeol. I’m not that old.”

“He’s a bit immature.” Myungsoo teased.

“Yeah” Sungyeol sighed. “You guys can take a look around.” Kyungsoo dragged Jongin while Sungjong followed them.

“Is there a problem hyung?”

“Well, there is Myungsoo. We have a big photo shoot for this clothing line right?” Myungsoo nodded. “But Minhyun won’t be able to come, he’s sick.”

“So, we need another male model?” Sungyeol’s eyes suddenly fell on Jongin. He observed the male’s features.

“How about him Myungsoo?” Sungyeol pointed at Jongin. “He can be a replacement.”

“Jongin? He has no experience with things like these.”

“How about we try? Hey Jongin-ssi!” Sungyeol shouted.

“Yes Sungyeol hyung?”

“Can you stand over there for me?” Sungyeol pointed. Jongin walked up to where Sungyeol was pointing while the latter stood behind his camera. “Just stand there and act cool okay?”

“What’s going on?” Kyungsoo whispered to Myungsoo.

“I think your boyfriend’s going to be a model for a day.” Myungsoo replied. Kyungsoo’s eyes twinkled in more excitement.

“Now, smile for the camera Jongin.” Sungyeol said as he took Jongin’s pictures. “Hey Jongin, do you want to be a model for a day?”

“Me?” Jongin asked.

“Yes, I’ll pay you of course. So, do you want to?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Great! Thanks.”

The door suddenly creaked open. A girl suddenly appeared.

“Sorry if I’m a little late.” The girl bowed.

“Oh, Da Yeon. You’re just in time.”

Hearing that familiar name made Sungjong tense up. As the girl inched closer to them, Sungjong took this opportunity to scrutinize the girl.

She has milky white skin, something Sungjong has already expected. She also has these pair of round orbs for eyes and her lips are a bit plump. And for a girl, she has a pretty normal height.

“Hello Myungsoo oppa” The girl said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Sungjong took a deep breath to control himself.

‘Maybe that’s how she greets people.’ Sungjong thought.

“Hello Sungyeol oppa.” Da Yeon said, not giving the same kiss to Sungyeol. “So, can we start the shoot?”

“I guess we can. Oh, and this is Jongin. He’s the other male model.”

“Oh, hello Jongin oppa.” Da Yeon gave him a bow.

“So, why don’t you guys go to the dressing room and get changed? We’ll start as soon as possible.”

Sungjong eyed Myungsoo, who didn’t know how to explain what happened. Because even he was shocked with what the girl did.

“Hey Jongie, everything okay? You seem a little pale.”

“No, I’m not.” Sungjong walked up to Sungyeol. “Can you tell them me and Kyungsoo went out for coffee?”

“Oh, sure thing Jongie.”

Sungjong dragged Kyungsoo out of the studio.

“Is there a problem Jongie?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Let’s have some coffee first before I tell you everything.”


“So, bottom line, you’re jealous of that Da Yeon girl?”

“Yes” Sungjong said.

“And you think she’s flirting on purpose to get Myungoo?” Sungjong nodded.

“You know, if I were you, I’d be careful. Jongin could be his next target you know.”

“I trust Jongin Jongie.”

“I know you do, but still, no harm in being careful you know.”

“Sungjong?” Kyungsoo and Sungjong turned their heads to the person. When Kyungsoo realized who the person was, his eyes grew bigger than his usual.


“Hey Sungjong, Kyungsoo.”

“Howon!” Kyungsoo stood up. “Wow, it is you!” Kyungsoo gave Howon a big hug. “How have you been? When did you get back?”

“Kyungsoo, we should let him sit first you know.” Sungjong chuckled.

“Oh, right right. Sit Howon.”



That’s the best word to describe what is happening right now.

It was all Suho’s fault. He is to blame for this. If only he hadn’t asked Chanyeol and Sooyoung for a double date, Baekhyun wouldn’t be feeling anything like this.

That’s right.

Suho asked for a double date. And right now, they’re on their way to a bowling alley.

It was weird though, when Suho asked for the double date, Sooyoung didn’t even protest. Unlike for Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who tried to make excuses to why they shouldn’t.

“So, I guess we have our teams? Me and Baekhyun, while you and Sooyoung.” Suho said.

“So, what’s the prize?” Chanyeol asked.

“How about the one who loses would buy dinner with desserts?” Sooyoung asked.

“Deal, is that okay with you Baekhyun?” Suho asked. “Baekhyun”

“Oh, uh, what?” Baekhyun asked.

“The team who loses would buy dinner. Deal?” Baekhyun nodded.

“Sure, whatever. I’ll just go the bathroom first. You guys should go get some bowling shoes.” Baekhyun stood up and rushed to the bathroom. He pushed the door and let out a deep breath. He twisted the faucet and splashed some cold water in his face.

The awkwardness was becoming unbearable for Baekhyun. As much as he wanted to make up an excuse and leave, he decided not to because he shouldn’t run away from Chanyeol or push away Suho.

‘I can do this, for me and for Suho hyung.’

Baekhyun took a deep breath and regained his composure. He fixed himself then went out of the bathroom. He tried his best to have a natural smile on his face, and luckily, it didn’t look that fake.

“So, how about we start bowling?” Baekhyun said as he rejoined the others.

“Here are your shoes Baek” Suho gave the shoes.

“Thanks hyung” Baekhyun smiled at him.

“Here, let me help you Baek” Suho knelt down and tied Baekhyun’s shoelaces, making sure they won’t come off.

Chanyeol cocked an eyebrow. His competitive side suddenly became much more active. For Chanyeol, he had to win this, no matter what.

Maybe it was his pride or he was trying to prove something, but still, they had to win this.




Hey guys, sorry for not updating lately. I'm just busy with school and such. Thank you to all who subscribed to this story! But please bear with me and myy ugly update. I've been really really busy, promise to make it better next update!!

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Chapter 25: Suho be like „Tomorrow is our date, let‘s not talk about Chanyeol then“. A few moments later “Suho organised a double date with Chanyeol and Sooyoung”
wookiewindy #2
Chapter 27: kim myungsoo i want to kill you even I am your little idiot and big dump..
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Chapter 1: even chapter 1,I felt pain and sad
Ice_siri #6
Chapter 47: This story is absolutely beautiful. it so much...thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
_hekochin_ #7
400th sub! I can't wait to read this story~ ^o^