For real this time

Not Like the Movies

“Soo!” Sooyoung heard a person shout. She faced the person and saw Chanyeol inching towards him.

Sooyoung didn’t get much sleep last night. The thought of Baekhyun and Chanyeol together for the whole day yesterday made her think. She didn’t want to think badly of them, because maybe Chanyeol only wanted to get his best friend back, but she can’t help but have these bad thoughts on what happened there.

Sooyoung knows what Baekhyun feels for Chanyeol, but she doesn’t know what Chanyeol feels about Baekhyun. She is also a bit jealous that Chanyeol brought Baekhyun somewhere sweet.

“Sooyoung” Chanyeol said as he caught up with her.

“Oppa” She plainly said. “Hey”


“So, where were you yesterday?” Sooyoung indifferently asked. “I went to your house yesterday, and they told me you were not home.”

“Oh, ugh right.” Chanyeol awkwardly smiled and massaged the back of his neck.”I was out of town.”

“Oh, really? Where did you go? And who were you with?” Sooyoung continued to play her facade. “The gang was here yesterday, well, except for Sungjong I guess and Baekhyun.”

“I was at our old cottage.” Chanyeol bit his bottom lip. “And I was with Baekhyun too.”

“Oh, really? Why did you go there? And why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just wanted to make it up for him, I mean, he’s my best friend Soo.”

“Oppa, I know. You and Baekhyun have this very strong bond, I get it. But, as your girlfriend, you could’ve told me you know.” Sooyoung looked away.

“I know Soo, that’s why I’m here. So I can explain. I brought him there because he was avoiding me. And I just missed my best friend, that’s all.”

Sooyoung sighed and stared blankly at Chanyeol.

“Let’s talk later oppa.” Sooyoung left and entered her classroom. Chanyeol sighed and shook his head. He placed both hands in his pockets, head hanging as he walked.

‘You screwed up big time Chanyeol.’


It was only first period and Baekhyun was already feeling sleepy. The coffee had only temporary effect on him, and it was even for a short time only. He would quietly yawn or even try preventing it from happening. He has been keeping his eyes focused on the board, trying his best to keep up with the discussion. But his eyes were starting to betray him. Baekhyun shook his head and pinched his cheeks.

‘I can do this.’

Baekhyun took a quickly glance at the back until his eyes fell on Chanyeol. The giant was already asleep. He had his head resting on the table.

‘He didn’t even try to stay awake.’ Baekhyun chuckled.

Because the boredom was unbearable, Baekhyun decided to do a little day dreaming. He tried to remember everything that had happened yesterday. It was all a dream for Baekhyun. Chanyeol dragging him to a very romantic place, confessing his feelings, and even kissing him last night.

For Baekhyun, it was all a happy dream. With these thoughts in mind, he found it hard to come back to reality. Why? Because Chanyeol, his best friend, loves him too.

Baekhyun found it very hard to believe.

It was very unexpected.

Not in a million years did Baekhyun think that something like that could happen.

For once, he didn’t care about anything else, only Chanyeol.

When things were getting too much, Baekhyun stopped. He tried to think about different things, because what happened with Chanyeol, would never happen again.

Baekhyun felt guilty. He feels like he’s ruining Chanyeol’s relationship with Sooyoung. And it was clear that in a way, Chanyeol cheated on Sooyoung.

Baekhyun suddenly realized that what Chanyeol did can jeopardize his relationship with his girlfriend. It was stupid of Chanyeol to do so and this would make things a lot more complicated.

All Baekhyun’s selfishness suddenly disappeared.

Baekhyun wanted to blame Chanyeol if anything happens, but looking at it now, he was also at fault. He allowed his emotions to get carried away, because deep inside, Baekhyun also wanted it.

“Okay class, that’s all for today.” The teacher said. And just like that, the class was finished.

‘Wow, I guess I was too spaced out that I didn’t even learn anything.’

Baekhyun checked if Chanyeol was still asleep, but to his surprise, Chanyeol already left the classroom.

‘I guess he went to the kitchen already.’ Baekhyun stood up. He walked out of the classroom and went to his locker. After taking the necessary things, he went to the next class. He entered the classroom and found Chanyeol resting his head on the table again. He approached the table and sat next to Chanyeol.

Baekhyun stared at the person next to him. He thought that maybe Chanyeol was tired and all, so he decided to let the giant be.

“Well hello class.” Mr. Lee entered the room. “So because it’s a Friday, we would be baking cinnamon rolls.” He handed out the recipe to the students. “So, as usual, find your partners. You have the whole subject to finish it.”

The students stood up and went to their respective partners. Baekhyun decided to find his partner, thinking that Chanyeol just wanted to rest. Before he could even stand up, a hand stopped him from leaving.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Chanyeol asked, followed by a yawn.

“I’m going to look for a partner.”


“Because I want you to rest Yeol, you look tired.” Chanyeol wasn’t that tired, he was just having a dilemma.

“Nah, I’m fine. You’re my partner Baek, come on. Let’s start baking.”

“Sure Yeol.” Chanyeol suddenly had an idea.

“Hey Baek, can we make this with strawberry toppings?”

“Sure Yeol, but why strawberry?”

“Because that’s Sooyoung’s favourite fruit.” Baekhyun half-smiled. “I want to give it to her.”

“Sure Yeol, come on, let’s get baking.” Baekhyun said, keeping a smile plastered on his face.


After consuming the whole one hour, they were finally done. Chanyeol was determined to make this the perfect cinnamon roll topped with strawberries ever. He wanted to make it up for his girlfriend for what he did.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, did this whole thing half-heartedly. Sure, he wants to help Chanyeol, but honestly, Baekhyun was being himself.

It was a natural human reaction, and like everybody else, Baekhyun was only human.

“Wow Baek, you really made it very pretty.” Chanyeol said, excited. Baekhyun just gave him a smile. What Baekhyun did wasn’t even his full decoration potential.

“Yeah, sure Yeol.”

“Here, say ah.” Chanyeol had a form in his hand with a piece of what they did. Baekhyun chuckled and gladly accepted it.

“I have to admit Yeol, Sooyoung has a great taste in fruit.” Baekhyun said.

“Yeah, she likes sweet things.”

“Really? Then how did she fall in love with you?” Baekhyun teased.


“I was just teasing you gigantic troll. She’ll love it.” Baekhyun said encouragingly.

“Well, thanks for helping me Baek.”

“No problem Yeol. You should place that in a very pretty box, so it will look sweeter.”

“Great idea Baek!” Chanyeol said. “But Mr. Lee...”

“Don’t worry about him, we’re done anyways. Just leave one cinnamon roll for him to taste. Go do your little “project”.”

“Thanks Baek!” Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a big hug before sneaking out of the classroom.

‘You’re welcome Yeol.’

Baekhyun sighed and decided to call Mr. Lee.


“Well, that’s it for today class. Leave your work if I haven’t tasted them. You may go.”

One by one, the students left the room. Mr. Lee started to roam around and grade the other pastries.

“Mr. Byun, what are you still doing here?”

“Oh, Mr. Lee. Well, I need to clean up.” Baekhyun said. Their work station was so messy and everything looked so hard especially for a very small Baekhyun.

“Where’s Chanyeol?”

“Oh, he left. He needed to take care of something.” Baekhyun said.

“Well, you know you can leave. The janitor would clean up later anyway.” Mr. Lee said as he ate the Mango cake.

“Nah, I’ll clean up. This is too much for him to clean.” Baekhyun said reassuringly.

“Well, okay Mr. Byun. If you want to taste the other works, help yourself. I mean, they’re not as good as your Cinnamon roll. And by the way, the strawberry was a nice touch.”

“Thank you sir, it was actually Chanyeol’s idea.”

“Wow, I never thought that Chanyeol could make something good. He did help you make this right?”

“Of course sir. He’s a very diligent partner.”

“Well, carry on then.” Mr. Lee continued his rounds as Baekhyun continued to clean.

Actually, Baekhyun used this as an excuse. He didn’t want to see the ‘surprise’ Chanyeol had in store for Sooyoung. At times like these, Baekhyun would regret spending the whole day with Chanyeol, because it made it very hard for him to move on.

It was tragic.

Baekhyun was stuck in a never ending cycle. He kept telling himself that he’ll move on, but once he sees Chanyeol, he’ll be back to loving the giant again.

But then, it hit him.

There was always this one person who wanted him back, and Baekhyun was sure that the person wouldn’t give him this much pain.

“Hey Mr. Lee” The teacher hummed as he munched on the muffin. “I need your advice on something.”

“Anything Mr. Byun, as long as it’s not money.” Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head.

“What would you choose? A person who likes you but can’t be with you because that person is already in a relationship? Or a person who’s single and likes you back but you’re uncertain for your feelings for that person?”

“The first person like you, but can’t be with you because that person is taken, correct?” Mr. Lee clarified. Baekhyun nodded. “While for the other person, that person likes you but you’re uncertain for your feelings for that certain person, am I right?” Baekhyun nodded again.

“That’s about it Sir.”

“Well Mr. Byun, I’m assuming that this is not you” Baekhyun grinned awkwardly. “It depends on you, I mean that person.”

“What do you mean sir?”

“Let’s put it this way. Even if I like the first person and vice versa, but that person can’t be with you, then I’d rather choose the other person, because even if that person is uncertain, even with the smallest piece, he has feelings for that person.”

“But, how can you be so sure?”

“You’re not Mr. Byun, but it’s better to move on, than dwell on a person you know can never fight for you. Besides, it’s better to try new things, like what you did with your hair, which is by the way a very great look on you.” Mr. Lee said. Baekhyun blushed.

“Thanks Sir, you know, this hair color would actually suit you sir.”

“Really? Interesting.” Mr. Lee said, amused with what Baekhyun said. “Well, you better go back to cleaning Mr. Byun, break time is almost over and you haven’t finished cleaning yet. I need to go, I’ll grade these later.” Mr. Lee placed the remaining works on the fridge. “Will you be alright here?”

“Of course sir. Thanks for the advice.” Baekhyun gave him a polite bow.

“Sure thing, oh and Mr. Byun” Baekhyun’s head shot up. “Good luck with your love life.” Mr. Lee gave Baekhyun a wink before leaving.

Baekhyun sighed and stopped cleaning for a while. He was really getting tired and Mr. Lee’s advice for him was starting to play in his mind.

‘I should stop saying it, and start doing it. Mr. Lee’s right, I should move on.’

Baekhyun stopped when he suddenly felt dizzy. He moved his head sideways, trying to brush it off, but before he could even leave, everything went pitch black.

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Chapter 25: Suho be like „Tomorrow is our date, let‘s not talk about Chanyeol then“. A few moments later “Suho organised a double date with Chanyeol and Sooyoung”
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Chapter 27: kim myungsoo i want to kill you even I am your little idiot and big dump..
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Chapter 1: even chapter 1,I felt pain and sad
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Chapter 47: This story is absolutely beautiful. it so much...thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
_hekochin_ #7
400th sub! I can't wait to read this story~ ^o^