As Promised.



SO I reached 20 Subs and as promised I'm posting a teaser chapter. BUT this is not from chapter three. :D

They filled their plates with foods and dug in.

Dongwoo was looking for the sauce and found it beside the person sitting next to him. He poked him on the shoulder and said, "Uhm excuse me. Could you pass me the sauce please?" 

The person next to him nodded and handed Dongwoo the sauce. "Here you go."

Dongwoo accepted it gratefully. "Thanks! uhh..."

"Howon," Howon finished for him.

"Howon," Dongwoo repeated. He offered his hand for Howon to shake. "I'm Dongwoo."

Howon shook his hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Dongwoo." The way he said Dongwoo's name made Dongwoo's heart flutter and couldn't help but blush. But quickly as it came, it was gone. Unfortunately, the tiny tinge of pink in Dongwoo's cheek didn't go unnoticed by his cousin. Howon and Dongwoo then started to talk about themselves. 

"Tell me something that you like." Woohyun heard Dongwoo say.

"Hmmm," Howon had on a thinking face which Dongwoo found cute. "I like raisins."

"Really? I like raisins too!" And then they continued conversing.

Woohyun chuckled. No, you absolutely despised raisins. Ooh, Dongwoo has a crush.~ He thought to himself.

"You think so too, huh?" The guy beside him asked.

Woohyun's eyes widened. "Wait- how- you're a telepath?" He asked. 

The guy beside him nodded. "Yep. Pretty cool huh?"

Woohyun nodded. "Dang yeah. I always wanted to be a telepath."

The guy chuckled. "I think they look good together, those two." He gestured to an actively conversing Dongwoo and Howon.

"I agree with you on that one." Woohyun nodded. They smiled to each other.

"I'm Woohyun." Woohyun offered his hand and Sunggyu shook it.


I hope you'll wait for the actual chapter. :) Please do tell me what you think. :(


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150723 HIII THANK YOU TO THE NEW SUBSCRIBERS! Makes me feel really happy right now


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Chapter 8: hihi reread it again just for fun^^ loving it as usual (esp the author's note hahaha and no prob with the drawings :D)

loving the myungyeol and yadong here~ WAAAAHHH
Chapter 7: kekekke. ^^ why must you do this to me?? Now I want to know what happens next... UGH..hahaaahh
Chapter 7: so cute~~ each of them with their power is very very cute^^

all VIXX really like 5 years old kids~~ keke~~
Chapter 7: Omg I didn't realize I missed two chap already TT.TT

Anyway dongsaeng great chapters and vixx are such cyutipies >< and god 2woo really fit well as relatives XD

I don't know why but I like Hyoyoung and gosh, twins Hakyeon and Taekwoon are shoo adorable~
Chapter 7: This is amazing! I love how it was written! I love the fact that I'm holding my breath in anticipation for what will happen next :)
I'm glad that this story was recommended to me :D
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 6: I have finish read it~ like it a lot
I like where woohyun splash the water and dongwoo use card to dry himself~
Cool indeed ^^
Cannot wait to read all of them been gather together
Look like exciting thing will happen when they all meet
Chapter 5: Oh~ interesting! Very nice story cannot wait for your next update^^
I like the story flow
Ooooh this is cool :o
Chapter 4: Age differences relationship can be beautiful if you write it in the right way :) dang Yeol sibling sound really cool here~ I can't see the tattoo because I read from my phone but i'll see it after I get my laptop back ^^