two different mornings

two different mornings

warning: this is my first time writing in english so mercy please and  this could be really stupid for some , but i was struggling with sleep and since i wrote it i will be more than happy to receive your opinion hehehehehe


xiumin woke up on a nice morning , even though last night was a living hell for him but he just felt great for no reason that morning .

he quicly washed up ate breakfast , he coulnd’t actually call it a breakfast a food digger like xiumin will never consider steamed egg as a full meal but it’s all what he had plus he can’t cook.

he went to his morning job at the resturnt near his apartment and started to work as hard as always , flying around everywhere and smiling gently to everyone until he arrived to serve a table with an old man and a girl sitting right infront of him.

hi! sir how can i.........xiumin stoped talking when he saw the beautiful girl infront of the old man crying but she looked away when she noticed him looking at her. can i help you, xiumin said with a frozen mind 

get us a coffie and an orange juice the man said to xiumin quicly 

yes xiumin said awkwardly after he took a fast glance on the girl to check on her and turn on his way.

NO NO NO NO,NO xiumin you can’t interfer in this last time you sticked your nose you ended up struggling for your life , and this is how he flush his thoughts away.

what xiumin hated the most is helping people, but his nature won’t let him live as peacfully as he wants, he just can’t help it and until now this nature of his has been messing terribly with his life.

like when he was in kindergarden he accedently cut a boys finger nail when he tried to help him with his paper acctivity

and in middle school he tried to help a female teacher because her skirt was stuck in some corner in the chair but he accedentally ribed her skirt and she got bottom less infront of the whole graduation party, he then heared that his teacher never showed her face again.

last time a few months ago he saw an old man getting hit at a corner in the street on his way home , he didn’t really care but again he couldn’t help himself not to get a nice worke out on those bunch of bullies to spare that old man breaths and the old man actually shoot him with a bulit screaming that xiumin ruined his plans because the old man was just stalling this gang until his gang shows up 

AHHH xiumin exhaled while shaking his head both sides to forget these horrible memories , and wow its already 12 at noon he really needs to rush to colleage and so he did.

as an Architecture student , time is really necessary for him.

after a long day of totally ignoring to help people and acting like a total jerk , he is walking lazly on the street feeling his stomach singing melodies of hunger , he only ate a steamed egg today , he could feel him self turning to a wolf or something .

he past through the same restuarant he works at , he saw somthing but carelessly looked away but he looked again as fast as he could , and as he thought it was her the beautiful girl from today sitting on a wheel chair infront of the resturant while she was looking down to her legs and her hair falls to cover all of her face .

xiumin walked to her slowly with unsure steps because she was dangerous he felt it , he felt something happens to him when ever he looked at her since this morning 

w..what are you doing here? xiumin asked 

the girl wiped the teares on her face and then xiumin knew she was crying...again! and he wasn’t so relaxed about it.

the girl did’t answer him 

are you okay?! xiumin recalled when he started to get worried 

the girl lefted her head and looked at him and xiumin was able to notice her shoked expression

do i know you?! xiumin asked with a curios tone showed that he is not leaving until he gets an answer

am okay , and i don’t think i know you so can you leave me alone?...please! , the girl said finally.

okay , am leaving xiumin said and walked away , yup i shouldn’t interfer with any one he exhaled while stretching himself , he arrived home and imediatley jumped on his bed to sleep , he wanted to eat so badly but he was so tired to go buy any food and he wished he did some grocery at least but he selpt anyway after almost crying .

then he had a intresting dream of him eating a feast and then suddenly he saw a car accedent and a girl laughing with him at hospital while both were wearing hospital clothes , then suddenly he felt so tired of runinng like crazy and the burning pain in his heart was almost unbearable.

so he woke up sweating and panting for his life on the sound of thunder loud storming and the heavy rain falling outside, seoyeon he wispered and ran out of the door as if his life was on the line.

he runed to the returant and he just felt his heart dropping on the floor so hard when he saw his seoyeon soked in the rain with her head hanging downside .

he remembered everything the one and only good thing he did with out regreting it , it was a rainy day two years ago and he witnessed a car accedent , the car flibed so many times that he thought theres no way some one will survive after that but he went to check anyway , the driver ran away from the car as soon as xiumin opened the door for him but he fill on the street , xiumin then saw a girl fliped downword on her back, it looked dangerous to touch her he didn’t know what to do and the gasoline was driping out of the car, so he finally desided to get through the glass and get her out , he got badly injured when he protected her by huging her on the ground while giving his back to the burning car parts after the explosion

and both went through serious surgeries , after a month of staying in the hospital the girl was cured enough to come to his room and thank him for saving her bringging a nice backed food with her.

but she was on a wheel chair as he noticed , he felt a bit sad and blamed himself for it, she knew he would but she told him that it was not his fault .

and xiumin happily made tonez of excuses to visit her everyday and so she did.

they were happy together more happier than they have ever been but the girls’ family was not.

so they used violent at first and then when they finally got sick of him they hepnotized him to forget everything then beated him up and sending him to another city.

seoyeonaa , seoyeonaa irrona (wake up) cheabal (please) he begged as his tears started to flow because of her cold pale skin. he quicly lefted her on his back after he covered her with his jackit and speeded to home.

as soon as he arrived he maked sure to first aid her so she won’t endup with a high fever so he had her between his hands drying her long black hair slowly while his tears started to stroll down again 

seoyeonaa , oppaga come i didn’t recognize who you was 

they hurted you so badly to forget~ seoyeon said while her eyes was closed but tears streamed down her eyes 

he imediatly huged her tightly and cried" even so i shouldn’t have forgot you i should’v had endured" 

but oppa can’t you see?! you never forgoted me , if so then what am i doing in your arms again .

xiumin smiled happily because of her words she always uses the right words , i will never forget you again even if your family ribbed me apart he said 

oh~oppa" she snapped as if she remembered something" you really don’t have to worry about that am leagly free now as soon as i turned 18 i dislocated myself from my family by law

what?!! xiumin yelled 

what? i thought this was a good news! seoyeon said surprised 

No, it isn’t , have you lost your mind? they are your family we will sort things out with them young lady, gosh you weren’t even trying to comeback to me what the?...arrrrggghhh xiumin felt he was going to through her across the room

i didn’t come to you because you did not remember me she said with a pout 

what?? i thought you said it was okay!! xiumin freaked out 

after you remember its okay not before!! she answers ridiculously

i love you she suddenly says to sush him before he starts again then she through herself on him to fall both on the bare wooden floor .

i love you too xiumin responed with his heart jumping and his soul finally felt peace with those words coming out again only for the person he loves 

the next morning came quicly, xiumin felt his happiness and a his smile on his face befor he opens his eyes he also smelled something "food" he opened his eyes wide open for the thought and jumped to the kitchen , and he saw the most beautiful feast infront of him decorated with the love of his life next to it , he felt bad for thinking that seoyeon was a decoration for his feast , but he was that hungry!!

Its really funny how could some one wake up with absolutely nothing in one morning and wakes up in the next morning with absolutely EVERYTHING.


the end~



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