Agape: You and Me Part 2

The Folded Wind
Agape - a self sacrificing type of love

"What did you say to me?", the man snarled - incredulous at her audacity.
Seohyun stiffened, "I said, Mr. Wu, that I want you to stop hurting Kris."
The man smirked devilishly, "And who the hell are you to tell me what to do? That bastard talked back to me - he gets a purple eye. I've done worse, why is he telling his girlfriend to come stand up for him?"
Seohyun breathed in loudly, "Yes I am his girlfriend, and if you don't stop - I will call the police on you. You could spend years behind bars for what you've done. Kris really doesn't need to see the likes of you again. So you better -". Before Seohyun could finish her sentence, he had grabbed onto her wrist with unexpected agility, dragging her into the house. He threw her against the wall roughly, and she threw her arms up to cushion the impact, falling to the ground. 
"Don't mess with me you ." His eyes roamed over her as Seohyun registered the look in his eyes. Disgusted, she attempted to stand, but she was only forced back onto her knees as he grabbed her hair. "My my, my stupid son managed to get a hold of such a pretty little thing," he breathed into her face, wet tongue darting out to taste her lips. 
Seohyun jerked away, screeching. "Get the hell away from me, you psychopath!"
"Has my son had his way with you yet? I'd be damned if hes been resisting that body for so long," he whispered into her ear. Seohyun screamed again, clawing at his face. His grip on her hair loosened, and she dashed for the stairs - knocking over pretty vases and paintings that Kris must have hand picked. Seohyun heard him lumbering behind her, and she ran into the nearest room - locking the door behind her. Banging proceeded as she looked around the room for some place to hide. It was a small room, with only a bed, a small bedside table and a window. The comic books on the lamp stand told her that the room must have belonged to Kris. 
Shuddering, she tried the window - it opened, but the jump was a bit much. Nevertheless, it would be her last resort if she couldn't negotiate with this man.
A slew of curse words came from behind the door, including obscene threats of what he would do to her if he got his hands on her "pretty little neck".
"Hey - shut up and listen to me," she commanded, lucky that he couldn't see her. He would have been able to tell that she was frightened out of her mind from the way her fists were clenched, the way her body was as stiff as a board. "I'll give you a blank check if you let me out of this place - and you can withdraw any amount, within reason of course, to live comfortably. And then you have to leave Kris alone."
Silence. He was probably contemplating it. 
"I know you need the money," Seohyun dared to utter, the words almost catching in - fear was beginning to eat at her.
Seohyun was surprised - much easier than expected. Maybe too easy. "You can't hurt me when I step out - or else you won't get the check. You have to let me out of this house first."
There was no answer from the other side of the door. "Come out."
Now Seohyun wasn't stupid, she wasn't just about to waltz out of that room. She contemplated calling Kris - her phone hadn't stopped vibrating since she had left the house. No - no. I have to do this alone. Taking a deep breath, she decided there was no other way really except to waltz out of there - she could only hope that his greed was greater than his lust. Unlocking the door, she was face to face with the man - dark eyes exactly like Kris', though tinted over with a malicious glimmer. Before she could register what had happened, he had swiftly covered her nose and mouth with his large hand, pushing her backward into the room. 
Chloroform. Her eyes widened momentarily, before her muscles went limp, and she was met with darkness. 
When she awoke, her surroundings were dimly lit and the room was empty - she could only vaguely make out some boxes and old furniture here and there. Her whole body ached, and as she struggled - she realized that she was bound to a chair. Unable to turn her head more, she began screaming - muffled by the gag across her face. A door opened, pouring light onto a staircase - she was in a basement. A figure descended and stood before her.
It was Mr. Wu.
He peered down at her, and she stared back - eyes glaring. 
"Hmifmimeflmoo," she screamed against her gag.
He only chuckled, "Feisty." He proceeded to trace a finger against her jaw line, marveling at the smoothness of her pale skin. "That bastard got quite a catch."
Seohyun attempted to avoid his finger, jerking her head away from his touch - it felt like he was burning holes into her face. "Mmaethmmemho," she struggled against his advancing touches, squirming away from his wandering hands. 
"What? I can't understand you," he snickered, continuing to admire her hair and exposed neck. 

Then he fell before her eyes, crumpling suddenly to his knees as his head crashed almost onto her lap. 
"This bastard," said a voice behind him, and she looked up - eyes tearing at the sight. "Honey, are you okay?", Kris asked tenderly, moving to help her remove the ropes after dragging the body to the side. She collapsed in a heap into his arms. sobbing and mumbling. 
"I - I'm sorr - sorr - y," she hiccuped, bawling, "I, I only want - wanted to help!" 
He cradled her in his arms, hushing her just as before - it always turned out like that. "I'm here now, I'm here now. Everything will be okay," he murmured comfortingly - brushing her tears away with feathering kisses on her cheeks. His hands massaged her wrists gently, rubbing away the red burn marks.
Seohyun managed to open her eyes after a while; they were almost swollen shut from all her tears. He rubbed her back soothingly as she kept breathing in and out, attempting to calm herself. She was making things out in the dark, her eyes scanning the room for Mr. Wu's body - just so she could keep a watch on it. She didn't trust that man, conscious or unconscious.
Then she saw it - the body off in a corner where Kris had dumped it.
The body opened its eyes - meeting her gaze in the darkness. The dark pupils pierced through her and she stared, frozen - unable to make a sound as Kris continued to pat her back, oblivious to the situation. Then she screamed, a blood curdling screech that caused Kris to hug her even tighter, thinking that she was still just scared. 
Seohyun was scared for a much different reason now. 
The body swiftly rolled over, grabbing onto a shotgun that was hidden from view under the many dusty boxes and aimed it squarely at Kris. Seohyun's mind raced for exactly two milliseconds - at this range, depending on where the bullet hit - Kris could have his skull shattered, spine blown to bits, or heart  as well as left lung punctured straight through. The least that would happen was that he would be permanently paralyzed, or in a coma - lingering between life and death for who knew how long. The worst - death. Even if Kris took the hit for her, there wasn't much of a chance that she could get out of there. However, if she were hit, he still would stand a chance. 
She glanced over at Kris, at the man cocking the gun, feeling Kris stiffen at the sound. It was now or never - if she waited any longer, Kris would react before her. He outmatched her in strength and speed - he would die.
Someone had to, there wasn't enough time. 
I'll protect you. 
"I love you," she whispered, ghosting a kiss along his cheek as she shoved Kris with all of the strength she could muster. The bullet hit her, directly below the point where her collar bones met - as she had expected. The force of the blow knocked her flat onto her back, her head hitting the ground - her limbs unable to move. She gasped, feeling drained - her mind blurry. The pain was starting to crush her - it was hard to breathe, like a thousand knives were stabbing into her chest, a flat iron pressing directly onto her bare skin. She grasped feebly onto anything, hands meeting cold ground - reality slipping. Kris. 
She thought she could faintly hear a scuffle going on, screaming and cursing - bones breaking, teeth cracking - but she wasn't sure, it sounded so far off.
Darkness - cold - hurts. 
The black fog was creeping in, someone was cradling her - salty, wet. Streaks along her face. 
Fingers interlaced with hers - fingers on her face, in her hair - lips on her cheeks.
"Don't...hold..." She couldn't hear the rest - a dull ringing in her ears, senses succumbing to the pain - fire everywhere - toes burning, chest flaming. 
She tried to speak, the effort making her cry out - like a hammer had been dropped onto . "I - I," she croaked - unable to go on, and deciding to smile instead - though her eyes blurred with tears. She wasn't fooling anyone. 
"Don't leave me Hyunnie," Kris hollered - but it seemed like a whisper in her ears - so gentle. Her eyes began to feel heavy - how long had they been there?
"Just a little longer - the medics will be here," Kris pleaded, grasping onto her fingers, rubbing her pretty painted fingernails - the ones she had done two nights ago. 
"Sleepy," she whispered, coughing - drenching his shirt with red. "I - I, ru-ined your - " She managed to say - voice breaking, fingers tracing the lines of his palm - snuggling against his warm chest. So comfy - let's sleep for a bit. 
Kris screeched, "No! Don't - don't you dare fall asleep."
What's the big deal. I need a nap. "I - I'll...h--h-ere - oppa - le-t-let's nap." Her breath was short, and he hushed her - crooning softly between sniffles.
"My angel - my angel - my beautiful angel."
She could no longer open , flames lapped at her skirt - consuming her. The wan light dimmed even more - she felt her body being lifted up, fingers clenching hers even tighter than before. She wanted to break in half - a huge weight pounding against her chest.
Her mind went blank - met by a blinding light. 
When she awoke, she could see that they were together in a hospital room - the beeping of machinery all around her, the smell of antiseptics lulling her to a dangerous sleep again. 
Her chest shuddered as she breathed, and she wanted to scream - the pain was too intense. It was like a giant car was running over her, multiple times - crushing her head, then her body over and over - she wanted it to stop. 
The head at her bedside looked up, eyes red. Kris.
His eyes met hers, and instantly brightened - he broke into a grin. 
"My love - you - you're awake." He held onto her fingers - gently her palm, memorizing the lines that ran along it. Her gaze lingered on his mop of hair, his fine eyebrows - his set jaw.
She attempted to say something, but couldn't - a hole was being drilled into her lungs at every moment of . 
Her arms felt weak, her eyelids heavy again with a different feeling. A smile upon her lips, she drifted off again, eyelids fluttering shut as the life breathed out from her ; it was like a long and slow exhale.
Their fingers remained interlaced; his warmth accompanying her last breath. 
Take care my Kris. 
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[TFW] The last chapter is finally out - phew, that was tough. Thank you for reading! Until next time :D


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Fire_trek 355 streak #1
Chapter 6: This story stole my heart and then broke it in the best way possible! I loved every minute of this and Seohyun’s death was a chilling touch that I didn’t know was needed. Kris suffered so much and to see her again was a brilliant moment in the fic. This was sad and beautiful and amazing all at the same time. Thank you author nim for this wonderful story!
Fire_trek 355 streak #2
Chapter 5: No!!! wtf bro!!! Don’t tell me Seohyun is gone!! Please, anything but that! She took a bullet for him and now she’s suffering.. I can’t believe Mr. Wu would do such a thing, I hope Kris killed him! I know that’s not good but to hell with that! This is so sad and everything they planned for the future is now ruined? Ugh, this hurts so much
Fire_trek 355 streak #3
Chapter 4: What a cliffhanger! Girlfriend vs the drunk dad, who will come out on top? I’m a little scared for Seohyun though and he better not do anything to harm her or Kris will surely kill him.. aside from that the little girl Jinah was so adorable, she would be a great fit for them as a couple. I hope everything goes smoothly, I have a feeling that angst is just around the corner :/
Fire_trek 355 streak #4
Chapter 3: They are so precious oml the bond that they share is so incredible. I love them together in this fic they are too cute. But then Kris’ dad starts to abuse him again and all hell breaks loose. I would love it if he just would go with Seohyun and her dad and leave his dad. He even said that he won’t harm his dad because he doesn’t want to spend an eternity without her.. that’s love
Fire_trek 355 streak #5
Chapter 2: D’aww Seohyun is so cute, she’s nervous for Middle school and Kris is right there every step of the way. I hate how Kris’s dad hurts him, he shouldn’t do that and Kris should tell someone and get far away from him. Also the airplanes scene was so precious, it made me sad about their moms and Seohyun’s question was.. interesting lol
Fire_trek 355 streak #6
Chapter 1: Aw, this chapter was pure and also sad. They both lost their moms and miss them. I love how their personalities shine through even though they are only 10 and 11 years old. I can’t wait to read more
loveatfirstkai #7
Chapter 6: This is very beautiful :')
Chapter 6: This story make me crying. T__T
Seobaby don't goooooooooooooooo
Chapter 6: Y must I bump into sad story about Seo, y?
Sssooooo sad and so touching but so good
theresia #10
Chapter 6: aigoo..
so sad TT.TT

their love was so strong..i hope was and will be strong..
i love this story..
it has made my feeling ups and down..

i admire her love toward him..
she would do anything for him..just for him..
she would be there whenever..wherever he needed her.. not forget her love for you..eventhough you meet another girl..arrasseo??