Meeting in the Storm

A Boy in the Storm

The little boy pressed his nose to the window and frowned at the storm outside. It was spring vacation in his small town, and it had been raining the entire week. His backyard is flooded and a gray gloominess had descended on his house.

Nine-year-old Byun Baekhyun loved playing outdoor and considered he quite the adventure. His dog Light is his great companion for his adventure. All morning, he kept returning to the window to glare at the dismal scene outside, willing the rain to stop. He would do anything---anything----to get out of that house.

“Mom, when the rain will stop?”

“Soon honey, soon.”

For the next day his escape came just before noon.

“Who wants to go to the store for me? We’re all out of bread, and I thought we’d have soup and sandwiches for lunch,” his mom asked, looking directly at Baekhyun’s older brother, Yunho. “The rain has slowed down, and if you carry my umbrella, you won’t get wet.” Yunho stuck his nose deeper into his book and didn’t say a word.

“I’ll go!” Baekhyun chirped.

His mother smiled while ruffled his hair. “I’ll go get the umbrella and money. You put on your raincoat, honey?”

Glad for an excuse to get out of the house, Baekhyun didn’t mind the rain or that he was just running an errand. And he wasn’t afraid of going out in a storm, he just walking to the nearest store in a small neighbourhood a couple of blocks away after all.

Baekhyun skipped along the sidewalk. He rejoiced in the cool, fresh rain tickling his face and laughed as the wind tossed his hair all willy-nilly and played tug-of –war with the umbrella. He kicked and splashed through the puddles and humming a song while don’t realise he just made his shoes covered in water and wet.

Baekhyun arrived at the store within ten minutes. He went in and bought the loaf of bread, resisting the urge to buy chocolate too. He didn’t dawdle at all. But when he left the store, the sky suddenly darkened and the shower turned into a downpour. Bright bolts of lightning zigzagged across the sky, and angry bursts of thunder crashed around him. He clutched the umbrella tightly in one hand and tried to shield the bread from the cold rain with the other, as the wind tried to yank both away.

Anxious to get home and out of the storm, Baekhyun decided to take a shortcut through the grounds of the school that he and his brothers attended. The school wan a modern, three-story, red brick building. Next to it stood the town’s historic one-room schoolhouse, which was also made of red brick. Surrounding the school grounds was a heavy metal fence lined with a row of ancient elm trees.

Baekhyun cut across the schoolyard in front of the buildings and headed toward the gate in the fence leading to the sidewalk home. As he approached the gate, she looked up at the massive limbs of the elms, trashing menacingly above him. He fastens his pace without look up and tightens his clutched on his umbrella.

Just then, he stepped on the round tiny rock which made him slipped from his step and bounded forward. Out of corner of his eye, Baekhyun saw huge tree topple behind her with a deafening crash. His ears vibrated with the sound of falling brick, breaking limbs, and smashing glass as the tree slammed into the little on-room schoolhouse and brought it crumbling to the ground. When at last the terrifying sounds subsided, Baekhyun realized he was lying facedown on the sidewalk, pinned under the outer branches of the fallen tree. He lay there alone and frightened and unable to move, for several minutes.

Suddenly, a boy ran toward him, calling, “Are you all right, kitty?” The boy, whom Baekhyun had never seen before, lifted the branches and helped Baekhyun to his feet. The boy wearing a larger raincoat and it almost swallows the body. The boy height is bit tall than Baekhyun and his chocolate brown hair already drench with rain. Baekhyun explained that he’d been walking down the street when he’d heard a loud crack and saw the tree smash into the schoolhouse.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” the boy asked again. He heard the boy voice is full with concern.

Aside from a few scratches on his arms and legs, Baekhyun was unharmed.

“Do you live far from here?” the boy asked. “Would you like me to walk you home?”

“No, thank you,” Baekhyun answered. All he wanted was to be inside his own house again.

Before Baekhyun can walk, the boy caught his wrist and makes him stopped. He looked at the boy in confusion. He saw, the boy shoved his hand on the raincoat pocket and find something. Then he took baekhyun other hand and handed a box of colourful band aid.

“Please use it. I saw a few scratches on your arms and legs.” The boy grinned and shows his pearly white teeth. And before he release Baekhyun wrist, the boy leaned forward to Baekhyun ear and whisper, “you’re cute. I hope I see you again.” Then he walk passed Baekhyun leaving a dumbfounded Baekhyun.

Still dazed, Baekhyun hurried home. He told his mom what happened and the mysterious boy who help him. His mom almost cried when she sees the scratched and immediately clean the injured. Baekhyun felt sorry to his mom because the bread is left behind on the scene.

“It’s okay honey. What important is you safely home.” His mom caressed his cheek. “When do you get it?” she asked when she sees a box of band aid lying on the table.

Baekhyun smiled.  

In the weeks that followed, the school is started and the rain is gone which made Baekhyun every day. He loved school because he can see his friend and played with them. But today, this may started something new into his life.

“Attention class.” The classroom teacher says while she stands in the middle of blackboard. “Today, we have new transfer student. Please welcome him nicely.”

“Hello, I’m Park Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun smiled even brighter than any day because he just found his saviour.

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mime820 #1
Chapter 1: I just noticed that sometimes u said "she" and then "him" and "he" bur apart from that how cute it was
Chapter 2: Awww! It's so cute! I'll be off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee :*
It's really cute :*
My chanbaek still a kid here...
Eonni you make me smile like a crazy woman haha
milkysehunnie93 #4
Chapter 1: baekyeol so cute. yes, they are cute and fluffy ! ^^
Chapter 1: I just wanna crawl in a corner and die X3 why is this ship so cute
nksabrina2112 #6
Chapter 1: omo~ it was so cute and fluffy ~ >///<
i love your story author-nim~~~ ^^