; eight

Only You In My Arms

Sorry for the late update. To make it up, double updates :) comment and subscribe, yea?


"My STEP parents and adopted siblings." I smiled bitterly.
"Oh..." He puffed his cheeks and nodded.
"Don't worry. They are really nice and fun." I smiled reassuringly to him.
"Well thank goodness!" He chuckled and pulled me to him as his lips crashed into mine. I cupped his face as he titled his face a bit. The way he kiss me was sweet and the sound of his kisses makes me melt.
"We should get ready. Mum is almost there." I pulled away but then I kept on teasing him by pecking his lips in every single word I said. He chuckled and gave me a long deep kiss.
After that, he changed wearing a white sweater with a single black pocket and a black pants. I grabbed my white layer shirt to finish my look and wore my black and yellow polka dots sneakers. I picked up my purse which I already put in my phone, wallet and light make ups. I waited for Myungsoo to finish wearing his white with graphics sneakers on before we went out of the building.
In the car, I told him the destination as we talked about my family. I told him about my past when Yoona was my babysitter and the day she adopted me. I didn't like talking about my past. So I told him about Samantha and Leo. Samantha was 7 years old and she is Yoona and Donghae's biological daughter. But somehow Samantha looks like a foreigner as if she was french or british. Her eyes was bright blue and she was really beautiful for a blonde girl. Maybe it came from Donghae's preference. Donghae's mother is from England and she had a blonde hair with blue eyes. Leo is my Jaden Smith. Yoona and Donghae adopted him because Yoona couldn't bare to feel the pain when she gave birth to Samantha and they wanted three children. Leo was orginally from South Africa but his biological mother left him at an adoption center while they were in Korea.  With Yoona's English studies, she can speak to him in English if he can't understand. But nowadays, Yoona and Donghae had been teaching him Korean and he has gotten better. Leo was 10 years old and he likes weird and mischievious things like vampires, wolf and ghosts. He has this cute tongue lisps that everytime he speaks, he spits. But he still looked cute as ever. Samantha is my sweet princess while Leo is my wolf buddy. I had lots of fun telling Myungsoo about them. Myungsoo smiled at me when he saw me laughing.
"And... we are here." Myungsoo announced as he safely parked the car. I squealed cutely as I hopped off the car before Myungsoo could even open it for me. I was too excited.
"Hurry up, you lazy ." I groaned cutely and dragged him inside the cafe. I heard two, wait three screams when I entered the cafe with Myungsoo which also caused people to stare at us. God, I feel so ashamed.
"Jinri!!" blonde Samantha, tanned skinned Leo and beautiful and still looked really young Yoona shrieked as they ran towards me, with Donghae behind looking so handsomely and proud. 
Samantha and Leo hugged my legs as they were still my elves. Yoona stayed behind them with Donghae but she looked really happy and excited. Yoona has always been cheerful and childlike, that's why people call her Choding Yoona.
"Hey my wolf and his princess!" I grinned and bent my knees so I could hug the both of them.
"Vampire! I mish you sho much!" Leo grinned widely as he spoke with his cute Korean accent. He still spits, but I think he managed to control spits so they wont get stuck on someone's face.
"Me too, me too!" Samantha joined as she nudged me with her other arm holding her bunny plushie that she told me it represented myself.
"Aww, Jinri also miss you two kiddos!" I gave a sweet peck on each side of their cheeks. 
I stood up to face Yoona and Donghae. Donghae gave me a warm smile while Yoona was smiling so wide. Well, she has a big mouth, like a crocodile.
"Hi, Mum and Dad!" I smiled.
"Oh my god! You have grown up to be such a fine lady!" Yoona hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.
"Thank you, Mum. You still look young as ever." I chuckled.
"Have you been doing well in Seoul? How are your studies?" She asked.
"All fine, Mum." I nodded.
"N'awww." She pinched my cheeks. 
"Ekshcushe me. Are you Jinri'sh boyffriend?" I heard Leo nudging Myungsoo who was behind me all the time. Myungsoo chuckled at him.
"Oh? Jinri has a boyfriend? Since when?" Yoona teased me.
"And I thought she was a rebel." Donghae ruffled my hair.
"Dad! What does that suppose to mean!" I scoffed. He just chuckled at me.
"My name is Kim Myungsoo. It's nice meeting Jinri's parents." Myungsoo smiled and shook Donghae's hands while he bowed at Yoona.
"D'awww. He is so good looking, and polite!" Yoona teased me again.
"Stop it, Mum." I hissed and rolled my eyes.
"Mummy mummy mummy! I'm hungry." Samantha pulled Yoona's dress as she pouted. 
"Aw really? Let's go eat, shall we? What do you want to eat, honey?" Yoona asked.
"I want chickin!" Leo exclaimed.
"You want chicken? Let's go to KFC then!" Yoona said. "Are you coming with us, Jinri? -And Jinri's boyfriend."
"Yeah sure, but I don't eat fried chi-"
"I know, Jinri. I have been taking care of you since you were 5." Yoona said.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I remembered a KFC nearby. We could go there."
They all nodded and we went to our cars.
As we got back to our cars, Myungsoo sighed in relief as he drove.
"I told you my family is nice." I grinned.
"Yeah, but I felt kind of left out." He frowned.
"Of course, you idiot. You just met them for 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes. He laughed and pinched my cheeks. I hissed him for pinching my cheeks and he chuckled at me before turning to the right or something.
Myungsoo and I walked hand in hand to the KFC. We arrived first, thanks to Myungsoo's fast acceleration. Myungsoo insisted to buy for our food and I hesistantly agreed. When he brought our food to a vacant table, Yoona and the others arrived also. They went to order first which she left Samantha and Leo to us. Myungsoo was messing around with Samantha which made her laugh and giggle. Leo told me what happened in his school. He said something about something flying when he was playing tag with his friends and then something finding a wolf teeth or was it claws. He was so interested that he kept spitting over and over. Then, when he got bored with me, he went to Myungsoo. I don't know how but Myungsoo got along really well with the kids which made me jealous. 
Yoona and Donghae brought two trays, full of food and drinks back to the table. 
"Come on, honey. Eat up!" Yoona smiled. The two kids cheered so cute and rushed to their parents for food. Yoona fed Samantha while Donghae took care of Leo.
When I saw my food that Myungsoo bought for me, I frowned at him.
"Yah, I don't eat fried chicken." I scoffed.
"Well, you have to. Fried chicken with rice and a salad are good for you, Jinri." He said.
"I don't want to. Take it, Myungsoo." I whined.
"Do you want me to feed you?" Myungsoo raised his brows.
"No, thank you." I ate my salad and rolled my eyes.
"Stop being so stubborn and eat up." He lifted my chin up and I saw a spoonful of rice and chicken.
"Eat it, Jinri. Just one spoon?" He asked but I shook my head.
"Come on, boney. It's really delicious. Just one spoon for me please." He gave me his puppy eyes.
" those eyes." I cursed under my breath. "Okay, fine" I frowned and open my mouth. He fed me happily and pinched my cheeks.
"Stop pinching my cheeks, idiot!" I whined and rubbed my cheeks.
"Are you cursing to your own boyfriend, Jinri?" Donghae raised his brows.
"Yes I am, Dad." I muttered.
"D'aww our Jinri never really changed." Yoona chuckled and shook her head.
"So, Jinri are you still living in your apartment?" Donghae asked.
"No, I just moved in with Myungsoo."
"Really? Hm, Myungsoo. You are Kim Hyungjoo's son right?" Donghae asked.
"Yes, sir." Myungsoo nodded.
"Call me Dad by the way." Donghae chuckled before adding, "Well, it's a great thing the Lees are business partners with the Kims."
"That is good." Myungsoo chuckled too.
"To be honest, we wanted make an arrange marriage for you two for the company but I guess you met up first huh." Donghae said. Myungsoo and I could just blush.
"What are your plans after you graduate?" Yoona asked Myungsoo.
"College of course." Myungsoo politely said.
" Do you plan on taking after your father's business?" Donghae asked.
"If my brother is not interested, then I had to. I wish to become a musician but I am still thinking about it." Myungsoo answered.
"Won't being an idol or a musician could affect Jinri's life?" Yoona frowned.
"Like I said, Mrs Lee, I am still thinking about it." Myungsoo said and Yoona nodded.
"You don't need to be awkward with us, Myungsoo. You can call me Mum too. We are your future in laws, right?" Yoona teased us again.
"Mum! Stop being a creep!" I whined at Yoona. Myungsoo laughed.
"So how did you guys got together anyway?" Now, it was Donghae's turn to mess up my mood.
"Daad!" I scoffed.
"What? I just want to know. Look at Yoona and I. I bullied her for being a crocodile and that she has a huge mouth when she laughs but see? We got married." Donghae shrugged.
"Yeah, tell us." Yoona joined.
"He just..." I glanced at Myungsoo. "approached me so suddenly and it feels so weird."
"Then how did you even like him then?"
"I didn't like him, Dad. He is being pushy at first, then he goes like dust and then he comes back. Like what the is that!" I exclaimed and Myungsoo choked. Yoona and Donghae immediately covered Samantha and Leo's ears.
"Don't curse here, my sweetie." Yoona said. I just rolled my eyes. Donghae gave water to Myungsoo who was choking and coughing.
"But somehow," I sighed before continuing, "He is too fuc-" I stopped because Yoona glared at me.
"He is too EFFING SWEET, so... yeah." I finished.
"That's cute. What about you, Myungsoo?" Yoona questioned him.
"She is mean, but I know she has that beauty inside her." Myungsoo calmly grinned.
"Awwww, he is so cheesy, Fishy!!" Yoona slapped Donghae's arm.
"Oww! Why are you slapping me?" Donghae pouted.
I twitched my nose and kicked Myungsoo's legs below. He glared at me and mouthed, What did I do?
I mouthed him back, Stop being so cheesy! You look stupid.
He mouthed at me again, I am being honest. Now stop blushing like a pig.
I kicked his leg and glared again. 'I am not a pig! And I am not blushing!'
He chuckled and pinched my cheeks.
"How many times do I have to tellyou?!" I pouted at Myungsoo and rubbed my cheeks.
"You're just cute, Jinri." He laughed and shook his head.
"Are you blind!" I scoffed in disbelief.
"No, I am not. You're cute when you are mad." He chuckled.
"Are you being scripted or something? Let me change your script!" I rolled my eyes annoyed.
"Yah, finish your food before you argue, or I'm stealing them." Yoona threatened. Well, Yoona loves to eat anyway.
"Yoong, their arguments are cuter than ours!" Donghae whined.
"Tsk, I know right." Yoona snickered.
"Dad, arguing is not cute!" I frowned.
"For a really white skinned person like you, is cute in everything you do." Myungsoo interrupted.
"Awwww, why are you so cheesy to your girlfriend! Aigoo, I'm liking you now!" Yoona joked.
"Hey, mind you that your husband is still here." Donghae pointed to himself.
"Aw, I still love you honey." Yoona pecked Donghae's cheeks.
"Mummy mummy. Can I marry Myungsoo?" Little Samantha innocently asked.
We all burst out in laughter.
"Oh my sweetie pie. But Myungsoo is marrying Jinri." Yoona patted Samantha's head.
"Mum, it's still early!" I groaned.
"So what? I think you should get married after you graduate hm?" Yoona suggested.
"Oh, right! Our companies could be much stronger than before." Donghae exclaimed.
"Yoong, Donghae, you do remember that I'm adopted right?" I bit my lips bitterly.
"We can still count you as my daughter, Jinri. Besides I have already signed an agreement that I will let you have my company if I were dead and that I approved that you are already Lee Jinri since I married Yoona." Donghae held my hand gently. I nodded bitterly.
I know you people would be confused by now. Why is my name Choi Jinri when it is already Lee Jinri? I do love my step parents, I love them because they took care of me since I was young. But I kept my real surname as a remembrance. My new birth certificate is named as Lee Jinri, but I told the principle to address me as Choi Jinri. Donghae and Yoona accepted my decision because they knew I wouldn't overcome the fact that my parents were dead. Oh god, Myungsoo didn't know this yet. , I'll talk to him later then.
Then suddenly, we ate in silence. I hesitantly ate the chicken in my plate as I finished the whole plate. Yoona smiled at me in triumph when she saw my empty plate.
"Oh my god! This is the first time I saw Jinri finished her plate!" Yoona squeaked.
"I wash about to ashk her for her chicken but she already ate it." Leo pouted. I patted his head.
"Aw, sorry buddy. Blame Myungsoo." I pursed my lips and playfully hit Myungsoo's side. 
"Are you leaving now, Mum and Dad?" Myungsoo asked with an awkward tone.
"I'm not sure. I was thinking about staying a day in your place." Yoona shrugged.
"No! why Mum?!" I whined.
"Hey! Just what have you been doing in your place of living huh?" Yoona roared.
I blushed deeply and coughed lightly with Myungsoo's arms around me.
"We didn't do anything, okay!" I exclaimed.
"Sure you didn't." Donghae teased. Myungsoo just laughed.
"Don't worry. We didn't do any ual things." Myungsoo said.
"What about skinships?" Yoona raised her brows.
"Of course, we do skinships!" I rolled my eyes.
"You know I don't mean that skinship." Yoona smiled and I blushed.
"Um.. a little?" I bit my lips. Donghae just chuckled.
"Well, I guess you can stay for a day." Myungsoo smiled.
"Really? Well, that's great! Leo, Sammy! We'll live in Myungsoo's place for today!" Yoona said excitedly.
"Really?! Yayayayay!!" Samantha cheered and she went to hug Myungsoo. Myungsoo carried her easily and swung her around.
"Myungshoo! Grim Reaper!! Do you have ghosht bishcuit?" Leo cutely asked.
"Unfortunately, I don't. Do you want me to buy one for you?" Myungsoo asked.
"Hm no it's okay! I have more in my bag. Grim want bishcuit?" Leo patted his bag that he was carrying.
"Okay, Wolf Leo!" Myungsoo chuckled.
"You look like a dad, Myungsoo." I scoffed.
"I know. I am a handsome dad." He stuck out his tongue at me.
"Nope. You are an ugly and old Dad." I stuck out back mine. He twitched his nose and gave a kiss on his thumb. Then he planted it on my lips, like an indirect kiss.
"Sammy, Leo do you want to follow in Myungsoo's car?" Yoona asked. Samantha and Leo nodded their heads excitedly.
"Sure, I'll lead you guys to my home." Myungsoo grinned. Yoona and Donghae nodded and went back to their car.
Samantha and Leo settled at the back while Myungsoo and I were in the front.
"Why did Mr. Lee say that you are Lee Jinri?" Myungsoo asked. I sighed, I knew he'll talk about it.
"My new birth certificate is stated as Lee Jinri. I've told you that they are my step parents. I decided to keep my real surname for memories. They knew I couldn't get over the fact that my real parents are dead." I explained.
"Okay. Yes, I understand you. That must be hard." He cooed and held my hand in comfort. I nodded, pursing my lips and he found it cute.
"Are you sure you're letting them stay in your place for a day?" I asked him suddenly.
"Yeah sure. They missed you, Jinri. And I think I should know your family better." Myungsoo smiled warmly at me.
"Thanks, Myungsoo." I smiled and leaned closer. He also leaned and finally his lips found mine.We heard two squeaks at the back and I grabbed his collar as I pulled him with me so the two innocent children won't see.
"You're being aggressive." Myungsoo smirked.
"Whatever." I gave him a last peck on the lips. "Now, drive." I demanded and he chuckled as he started to accelerate with Yoona and Donghae following behind.
The journey to Myungsoo's house was a bit far because his place was located at the borderlines of Seoul while the cafe Yoona asked me to meet is at the center of Seoul.
While on that journey, the two children were playing with their action figures; Barbie for Samantha and a wolf and a dinosaur for Leo. Sometimes, I would join in along with Myungsoo.
"Jinri! I found a reaaally cute boy in my school." Samantha grinned shyly playing with her barbie's hair.
"Oh really? Do you like him?" I asked. Samantha nodded shyly.
"No! He ish sho playful!" Leo butted in. Then his English came out so randomly. He kept on ranting about that dude in English and he spits a lot, so he wiped them with his hands although I gave him a tissue.
"But he is still cute, right Leo?" Samantha asked in English. Samantha is really fluent in English because of her inheritance with Donghae's mother. She has a British accent instead of Korean accent.
"Sammy, Leo. My head is spinning because of your words." I rolled my eyes. I understand English and I could speak in English fluently, without my usual accent. But I couldn't understand them if they are talking fastly.
"Oh Jinri Jinri! My teacher shaid that she likesh my compoion about a wolf in an alien planet!" Leo grinned.
"Really? What's the topic?"
"Shupernatural thingsh," He grinned again.
"Well, that's good!" Myungsoo chuckled.
"Jinri, are you planning to marry Myungsoo soon?" Samantha innocently asked.
"I don't know, kiddo." I patted her head as i smiled.
"Can I be the flower girl?" She asked again.
"Let's just see soon, okay?" I smiled.
"Don't worry, princess! I'll make sure you'll be our wedding's flower girl next year." Myungsoo grinned. Samantha cheered and squealed while I punched his arm.
"Yah, what are you talking about?" I frowned.
"I'll never get bored of your coldness and cuteness. Who knows we could last forever." He chuckled.
"A year is a long period, Myungsoo." I reminded him. "Feelings can changed, even people can change."
"Don't pray for a break up, Jinri. We should just trust each other, okay?" He glanced at me.
I didn't answer. I don't know if it is true. I'm afraid another girl will attract him. I couldn't bear without him by my side. He is so patient and he made me fall hard, day by day. I'm afraid he'll change. I'm afraid if there will be serious fights. I didn't want a complicated relationship. I really love Myungsoo and I hope he won't leave me alone.
Because of the bored silence in the car, I fell asleep after a few minutes of our complicated conversation. 
I was awaken by Myungsoo who nudged me saying we have arrived. I got out and I saw the familiar building. The two children were so excited that they hopped to the entrance. Donghae and Yoona each brought two bags, maybe one from them and one for the children. Maybe they have already planned to stay in my house for a day. We went up to Myungsoo's penthouse and the kids just couldn't stop giggling, squealing and hopping. Do they love Myungsoo that much? Damn, now I'm jealous because of two kids. I wanted to test my memory skill and pressed in the passcode and I did it! So now, even if Myungsoo wasn't home, I won't be stuck outside the door waiting for Myungsoo to come home.
We went in and as I expected, the four newcomers stared in amazement. 
"Woah, you have a really nice house!" Donghae exclaimed.
"Thank you." Myungsoo bowed politely. "Um, you can use the master bedroom."
"Are you kidding me? This is your place, not ours!" Yoona laughed. "It's okay, we could just use the guest room." 
Myungsoo was about to offer again but I stopped him and shook my head.
"Don't. Mum is stubborn, she won't change her mind once she said something." I pursed my lips. He nodded at me and showed the guest room.
While at the meantime, I went to the kids in the living room. They were watching Oggy and the Cockroaches so intensely. Honestly, I hated that cartoon; it was so annoying. The fact that they won't die really makes me irk.
"So, how is Myungsoo's place huh? You guys like it?" I asked them and they both nodded without leaving their eyes off the tv. I left them watching the tv as I grabbed my phone. I saw Krystal and Byunghun texted me.
Myungsoo's ❤
Yesh, mum is in seoul. She is staying for a day in Myungsoo's place, with the others. 😊
Myungsoo's ❤
Yes, stupid. 😛
oh, send aunt yoong with uncle hae and sam and LEO my regards 👍👌
Myungsoo's ❤
Myungsoo's ❤
Nothing for me? 😟
I'm just kidding, JinJin 💁
Myungsoo's ❤
Myungsoo's ❤
I miss you too, you man 😔
Hey, the boys and I, including Krystal and Hara, is hanging out at the amusement park tomorrow at 1.
Wanna come, ?
Myungsoo's ❤
Sure, .
Myungsoo's ❤
I'm bringing Myungsoo!
I'm asking Hoya! 😍
Myungsoo's ❤
Feels weird that you are gay, srsly.
ikr, we're closer day by day.
he is so kind and nice, unlike you, 😒
Myungsoo's ❤
Hey, I'm nice too! Sometimes 😕😕
Myungsoo's ❤
Shut up and go flirt with Hoya! 😒😒
I chuckled and closed my phone. I turned my head at the kids but I found Myungsoo's close up face instead. I screamed and jumped in shock. Myungsoo raised his brows and acted innocent before laughing his off.
"You scared me!" I hit his arms and pouted.
"I'm sorry~" He made a baby voice and wrapped his arms around me.
I sighed and let it go as I snuggled closer.
"My friends invited me to go to the amusement park, you want to come along?" I tilted my head towards Myungsoo.
"Sure." He nodded his head. "Oh, you didn't tell me that Byunghun was gay for my cousin."
"Yah! You saw my convo with him?!" I snapped.
"Well, you didn't notice me beside you. So, I wanted to check what were you doing." He shrugged innocently.
"Ugh, okay fine. Yes, he is gay." I rolled my eyes.
"Well, that's... interesting. Howon said that he was fun and cool." 
"So he is gay too?!" I widened myeyes.
"No! I mean, I don't know. His last ex was a girl as far as I know." He said.
"Ah..." I nodded. "Hm, anyway we can go to the park after Mum and Dad left okay?"
"Okay, my queen" He nodded and smiled at me cheekily.
Then suddenly, I felt a nudge at my legs.
"Jinri jinri, look." Samantha nudge my legs and pointed at the tv. She then laughed cutely when Oggy got splat or something.
Sometimes Leo would imitate the sounds of boms or the way Oggy speaks (not really speaking but with its annoying squeaks and stuff) , not to mention with his spits. Myungsoo told me that Yoona and Donghae were in their room, maybe doing something that I don't even want to know.
I groaned and leaned on Myungsoo.
"I'm so bored." I whined.
"You're so cute." Myungsoo chuckled and made me sit on his laps.
"I miss your kisses." I looked up at him while pursing my lips. Damn, he still looks good even when upside down. He looked down at me and smiled.
"Oh? Choi Jinri has finally got addicted to Kim Myungsoo?" He smiled teasingly at me.
"Ugh, whatever. I just missed your touches." I bit my lips.
"You look cute, babe." He smirked and kissed my lips. I giggled and pulled him closer.
"I love you, Kim Myungsoo." I muttered. Myungsoo opened his eyes at me startled but then he smiled.
"I love you too, Choi Jinri." He kissed me again.
"Promise me you won't leave me." I stared in his beautiful brown orbs.
"I will, if you promise me too." He also stared at me.
"You're the first guy that could made me say those three words, who could possibly make me say those words again except you?"
"No one, but me." He swept my fringe away.
"Then you already knew the answer." I smiled cheekily.
"Jinriii~" Leo nudged me as he whined without taking eyes off the tv. "Sammy fell asleep."
I quickly got up along with Myungsoo who coughed slightly. I cleared my throat and tried to grab the sleeping beauty but Myungsoo stopped me.
"Let the man carry," He smirked but I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He carefully carried Samantha, trying not to wake the princess up. I followed him behind to the guest room where Yoona and Donghae are staying at. I helped him knocking the door and we heard a few rustling sounds before a loud clear cough inviting us in. I slowly peeked in before opening the door. Yoona was sitting on the bed with her hair looked messy while Donghae was standing with his pants, ped. Ew dad -.-
"Sam fell asleep." I stated.
"Oh, um just lay her on the bed then." Yoona patted the space beside her.
Myungsoo went in and carefully placed Samantha on the bed. He slightly bowed at Yoona and Donghae before went out of the room.
"You think we should have our time too?" Myungsoo came behind me as he wrapped around me.
"Now, I'm doubting if you really want me or just my body." I frowned.
"What are you talking about, silly! I want EVERYTHING from you." He kissed my neck. I giggled because it tickled me.
"Hey, Leo is still at the livingroom, alone." I turned to Myungsoo.
Myungsoo groaned and carried me up, which automatically made me wrapped my legs around him.
"Fine. But you got to pay the debt tonight." He smirked and kissed my lips.
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Smily0 #1
Update soon!!!!!
Chapter 10: pls update it
Chapter 10: Kyungsoo lol XD haha
Thanks for the update author-nim~ :D
Btw, did I miss out Sungyeol in this fic?
I dont think I remembered what character he's playing.. :P
Ssulbias #4
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be a musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #5
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #6
Chapter 9: I dont want Myungsoo to be an idol. It will be difficult for him and Sulli. Btw, Update soon .
Chapter 9: Wow that was a loooooooooooooooooooong chapter XD
And lmao Dongwoo "I can give you some of MY clothes" XD hahahahahahaha I can imagine Myungsoo in a skirt/pants thingy with colorful socks and weird snapback caps :P
Update soon author-nim :D
P.S. Absolutely LOVED the ;D
Wowww..... Update soon....^^
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 9: nice update authornim
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaaaa! MyungLi. i hope Myungsoo forget Suzy and live happily ever after with Sulli. i can't wait for your next update. i hope more MyungLi moments.

Myungsoo-ah, just forget Suzy! aish.
Can someone punch Myungsoo? kidding. I hope someone would come and make him jealous and make him realize that he love Sulli more than Suzy. hehehe