; four

Only You In My Arms

please notice that english is not my first language so i apologise for the grammatical errors. truth it, i have already finished the fic so i hope you all can cooperate and enjoy it. i was planning to make a sequel; jinri's kakao convos with her friends and myung. what do you think hm? :) comments makes me happy and updates will be faster, promise!



It had been weeks since L and I never had an interaction and Byunghun living in my apartment. He lent back his rented apartment to the owner and moved in with me. It took a couple of days until he finally unpack his stuffs. Also, it has been weird between me and L. He ignores me these days, not that I care of. It just seems weird.
Today, I heard that L couldn't come to school. Now something smells fishy. He looked extremely fine yesterday and there was no rain. I need to meet him. When it was the 15 minutes break, I went to search his friends. I knew one of them since I saw L hanging out with him.
"Sungjong-ssi!" I called out as I saw Lee Sungjong, the 'Lee Taemin' in school. Yes, I knew him because of Taemin. People nicknamed him that because he was a really good dancer and he has similar feminine style like Lee Taemin.
"Yes, Miss...?" He asked in confusion.
"Do you know where does L is living at?" I didn't bother to answer my name.
"Why should I tell you?" He raised his eyebrows.
"It's none of your business." I replied coldly and he flinched at my tone. He immediately wrote down L's address with his hands trembling. I smirked at him.
"H-Here." He stammered and handed me the note. He bowed at me and chickened out. I didn't have a chance to say thank you since he ran off so suddenly.
I went to the back of the school and to the gate L once showed me. I was glad he didn't lock it. So, I literally escaped from school and searched for L's place.
The moment I saw L's house I was dumbstruck. I'm not sure if I could call it a house. It's more like a mansion. Well, he is a rich kid. I stood on his door and bit my lips. Should I knock? He'll think I'm somewhat a stalker. We barely know each other. Damn, I shouldn't have come. But the next thing I knew I already knocked the door. Oh my god! Damn it, you. akdhiddk my stupid hand! 
I tried to runaway but the door already opened and there he was. Honestly, it made my heart skipped a beat looking at him. He looked extremely fine! His blushing cheeks, his beautiful eyes, his sharp nose matching with his thin lips; he didn't even look sick.
"S-Sulli ssi?" L was shocked to see me here. Well, of course. Maybe he was more shock that I knew his address. Also maybe because I escaped from school to his place since I was still wearing my uniform.
"Why didn't you go to school?" I tried to act cool when I'm nervous inside just by looking at him.
"I-I-I... I was s-sick. Why are you here? Did you ditched school?" He stuttered abit. 
"Why were you avoiding me?" I ignored his questions.
"You're ignoring my questions again." He sighed and I just raised my eyebrows.
"Be-Because I like you and I didn't want you to get hurt." He finally confessed and that just made me felt confused. What do I feel for him?
"Suzy threatened me to keep you away from me or she'll hurt yo-"
"I ain't afraid of her." I cut him off.
"Do you even know Suzy Bae? She has a lot of connections and she can do many things, including the extraordinary ones!" He cried out.
"Is that why you broke up with her?" I folded my arms.
"That's one of them. I caught her having with a junior in her room." He sighed and I just snickered.
For those who doesn't know Suzy Bae, I warned you. She is a real . She slept with different men every night. Her father works with the president and her step mother works as a high class chef in a famous restaurant. Since her father works in a high position, she can easily crushed people, literally. But her father is always busy in the office and her mother is busy with her cooking so Suzy is left alone with her maids and preys in her house. I bet her parents don't even know Suzy always have every day.
"Didn't anyone warn you about her? She almost had with Byunghun!" 
"Why are you mentioning him?" He hissed, feeling a bit jealous because I mentioned Byunghun.
"Did you do it too with Suzy?" I asked him slowly.
"W-Well..." He seemed embarrassed and I knew he did it with that . "She drugged me."
"That's why I had to protect you for getting hurt because of her." He shyly said to me.
"That is not what you call protecting. You are only making me feel hurt." I blurted out. Damn, I'm embarrassed.
"W-What do you mean?" He seemed in shock.
"N-Nothing. I'll just... go back to school now." I mumbled and tried to leave but he was fast. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. Then I felt something soft brushed against my lips. The hottie L was kissing me! Is this real? It took me awhile to kiss him back and wrapping my arms around his neck. I could feel him smiling to his ears while kissing. He finally then pulled away after a few minutes and placed his forehead against mine while panting. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what I feel about him. But I know he is not like Byunghun and he is different.
He sent me back to school and all of sudden while in the car, he held my hand gently until we arrived at school. I saw a couple of students outside walking towards some shop so I guessed it was the 40 minutes lunch break.
"It's lunch." I mumbled quietly. He nodded as if he understood me and made a u-turn to somewhere else.
"Where are we going?" I tilted my head to look at him.
"Lunch." He simply said. I sat silently while stared at him as he was focused on driving and he looked cute yet charming at the same time. I giggled quietly and started to smile a bit when he frowns. He was being really careful.
"Why are you giggling by yourself?" L turned to me for a second before looking at the road again.
"Nothing. You just look cute." I stuck out my tongue at him.
"Cute?" He pouted. "I want to be a manly man for you." He smiled by himself.
I don't know how should I respond to it so I stayed silent. Since when are we even together? I don't even know what I feel about him. I'm still confused with these kind of feelings. I don't want to break his heart, also Byunghun's since I'm guessing he won't stop liking me, so it's better for me not to answer any of them.
But sooner or later, I need to give an answer. It sounds like a battle, haha. 
Then in a few minutes, we finally arrived at a restaurant that serves common traditional foods. My nose were excited as it smelled the delicious scent.
"I was craving for kimchi stew." L scratched his neck awkwardly as he locked his car. I nodded at him and smiled.
"Don't worry, I love kimchi stew." I giggled brightly. I'm so hungry!!
I rushed into the restaurant and found some empty seats. I ordered Kimbap and Bibimbap and a watermelon juice while L ordered Kimchi stew with plain rice and a cold water. I thought I could just share his stew, hehe.
I was waiting impatiently for my food with my arms folded and lips pouting. I don't know why but I'm so hungry today. Byunghun always tell me that I look like a skeleton and as if someone out my flesh. I still think Hara is still the skinniest. I heard L chuckling at me and I turned to glance at him.
"What's so funny?" I furrowed my brows.
"Nothing." He smiled and placed his elbows on the table as he rests his fist under his chin. I snickered at him and wrinkled at my nose. While I was waiting for the food, my phone beeped. It was a text message from Byunghun. Well, not really a text message but we use this social application; kakaotalk. It's a free text messaging, hehe. It means I got to save some money for top ups. Yay for me.
 Yah, where have you been?! 😨😨😨😨
I've been searching for you and I'm pretty sure you were at school earlier!!😤
Don't you dare to ignore this text, Choi Jinri! 😡
I scoffed at his message and close my phone but then I knew I must reply him. I let my slender fingers do their fast work.
I'm sorry. I had an emergency, and I need to ditch school.😕😕😕
What's so important about the emergency anyway?😐
It's none of your business, ert 😜
M E A N I E 😪
I laughed at his last text and saw my precious lunch is coming. I know my food well. Muehehehehe.
"What are you laughing about?" L asked me.
"Nothing." I smiled at him sweetly. "Byunghun acts like a kid." I chuckled.
He seemed upset and jealous when I mentioned Byunghun. I then held his hand and smiled reaaally sweetly at him. He smiled back at me.
Yay. My food finally arrived. I love Kimbap. I ate my food happily and sometimes I asked L to feed me his soup while I fed him my fried rice.
I'm glad L and I are good again. At least he didn't ignore me anymore. After we ate lunch, he drove me back to school. We saved ten minutes with L's fast acceleration.
"I'll wait for you here." L smiled at me.
"Really? But, I still have two more hours." I frowned.
"It's okay. I can sleep here while waiting. After that, I'll drop you infront of your apartment." He assured me.
"Are you sure?" I was a bit worried he'll be bored and he nodded at me. I smiled a bit and hesitantly kissed him on the cheek. I noticed he seem flustered about it so I rushed out  of the car to my class, feeling a bit embarrassed.
After all of my classes end, he really was still waiting for me! So sweet, I giggled silently. I should tell Byunghun.
Yah, L is driving me home. Are you coming? 😕
I waited a few seconds and Byunghun replied me back.
Why is he driving you home? 😩
No, I'll just walk home 😝
Oh and buy our dinner! 🍴🍴🍴
Ok, ByungByung. 😁
I walked straight towards that familiar black Audi R8 and got inside. I looked at the driver seat and saw the driver sleeping peacefully with his sunglasses on as his hands were on his stomach and also the driver seat was leaning back so he could sleep comfortably. He looks like an angel when he is sleeping. I took a photo of him quietly before deciding to wake him up. I took off his sunglasses and shook him softly by the shoulders.
"Wake up~" I whispered into his ears. He shivered as he felt my cold lips slightly touched his ears. He groaned a bit and I chuckled at him.
"Wake up, L!" I shook him again when he didn't woke.
"Call me Myungsoo first." He smirked, still not opening his eyes.
"No! Why would I?" I protested. I mean, I expected that calling real names is only for those who are really special. I don't really deserve that. Same goes for me, people know me as Choi Sulli. Actually, Krystal and Hara made that name. They used to call me Sulli and only two of them can call me Sulli but now, people call me Sulli so they decided not to call me Sulli but Jinri only. They were really sad, people are now calling their precious nickname for me.
"Why couldn't you? I gave you my permission." He grinned childishly at me as he finally opened his beautiful eyes.
"Finally, you opened that lazy eyes! Byunghun wants dinner. Hurry let's go." I ignored his previous statement and demanded him to drive. L knew I would ignore his question so he fixed back the driver seat and sighed loudly. He drove away from school and into the main street where there were lots of restaurants and stalls and malls.
"What does he want for dinner?" L broke the silence that was flooding in.
"We don't eat that much." I shrugged. L scoffed and turn the car to the right. I could see so many tents ahead selling stuffs so I guessed this was a night market.
Honestly, I have never went to a night market before. I trained myself not to eat fat foods as I was once overweight when I was in elementary. I only heard about night market from someone. Some came early like 3 pm and it usually ends before midnight.
He parked his car near to a stall and he got out first. I was really confused. We're going to buy dinner here? But the food... has fats. L opened the car door for me, like a gentleman but I was still dazed. I hesitantly got out of the door, accepting L's extended hand for me.
"Why do you look so shocked?" L chuckled at my face as he poked my cheeks.
"Are we really going in there?" I pointed towards the crowded tents infront.
"Yes, of course. We're going to buy dinner." He smiled at me.
"But I don't eat oily foods." I shyly muttered.
"You don't want to eat organic foods forever, right!" He exclaimed but I just shrugged.
"Come on." He pulled me to the market. Honestly, the smell was captivating and the food looked so delicious. I tried to maintain myself but then, it's only for a day, right? Boy, Byunghun will be shocked if I bought some junky and oily food.
L dragged me almost to every tent he saw. We found a ddukbokki stall and he bought some. He tried to fed me but I refused. He put on a sad pouting face that can't be resisted so I eventually gave up and let him fed me. Woah, it's so spicy I almost cried. But it was really delicious I had to admit.
L bought foods that I don't know but he said that almost all Koreans love the foods that he bought. So I believed him. He was still holding the ddukbokki plate and I sneakily took some. It was really delicious! L then realised and raised his eyebrows at me. I cheekily giggled and he just smirked teasingly as he wiped the sauce near my lips.
At last, we finished buying food and went back to his luxurious car. He surprisingly remembered the route to my apartment. I invited him up to my apartment's door. I pressed the password to the small device stucked on the door and it went 'ding!'. I went in as I took off my shoes, with L following behind.
"Byunghun ah!" I shouted as I went to the kitchen with L to place our dinner.
"Coming!" I heard a door slammed not too loud and rushing footsteps coming.
I was arranging the food while L was wandering around. Then, Byunghun came with nothing but a boxers with a towel around his neck. He almost slipped when he noticed L beside me. I heard him cursed quietly and ran back to his room, maybe to put on some clothes. L turned to me and raised his eyebrows at me. It was normal for me if Byunghun was only in his boxers and he knew that I don't wear my bra if I'll be sleeping. Oh god, that sounds embarrassing. But it's true! My mum said so to just not wear bras at night. I forgot why though. But it's already been a habit of me anyway.
"Why was he only in... boxers?" He uttered.
"I don't know." I shrugged casually. "It's normal for me to see him like that."
"But... isn't that weird? Won't you guys have..." He stopped as he was turning red. I realised what he was talking about.
"Oh no!! We don't aprrove, actually I don't approve it." I exclaimed.
"But what if you guys did?" 
"Then, what's done is done then." I said cooly and L stopped talking. We waited for Byunghun to come back. After a few minutes, Byunghun came back with a colorful graphic t-shirt and his boxers. He apologised to L about the shirtless incident just now and L was like 'So what? We're guys, I have them too.'. I almost puked when he said that. Cocky men. Tsk, as if they have six or eight packs abs. I don't know about L, because I never seen him shirtless eventhough I wanted to, oh god, but Byunghun looked as if he only has four abs which is not that interesting to watch.
As I expected, Byunghun was shocked that I bought oily foods home. Nevertheless, Byunghun was excited to eat them.
"I've been living with a no-flesh girl who keeps on having a diet. I don't even know whether she is alive or dead." Byunghun joked but I glared at him as L was laughing.
"Shut up." I hissed. Then I decided to wash up and wore my pajamas.
"I'm going to change. Just act as if this is your home or something." I said to L. I punched Byunghun on his arms before I went to my room. I heard Byunghun winced at it but continued to eat as if he never ate in ages.
When I came out, L was still here watching the tv with Byunghun. I wore a thin and small white shirt but enough to cover my belly button with my favorite comfortable pink shorts that would always show off my long skinny pale legs.
I looked over at the kitchen and the food was still there. They left me some food.
"Eat some food, zombie! You're lucky we left you some!" Byunghun said and his eyes never leaving the tv. L turned his head to me when he heard Byunghun exclaimed at me. He nervously gulped as his eyes widened at my legs. I looked weirdly at him and casually walked to the kitchen. I hesitantly grabbed some food and thought, it's just for a night. I shrugged and started to eat. It was really delicious! But I need to maintain my body.
"Don't ever think about your skinny and bony body, Miss Choi." A deep voice startled me. I turned my head and I saw L chuckling at me. I looked over at Byunghun and saw he was concentrating at the tv. That weird man.
"Why are you here, L?" I raised my eyebrows.
"L.Joe is watching girls cooking." He simply shrugged. Wait since when I have a channel on my tv?! My eyes widened.
"Yah, Lee Byunghun! What did you do to my precious innocent tv!" I shouted and glared at that idiot. But he ignored me and continued watching the tv while his lips. Seriously, this jerk.
L was just laughing.
"You can just call me Myungsoo, you know?" He told me.
"I don't want to." I pouted.
"Why not? It's just calling me by my real name."
"I... don't know." I bit my lips. It's too embarrassing him the truth about the special people calling him Myungsoo.
"Then? It's like calling L.Joe 'Byunghun'." He smiled at me. I looked down and thought. I mean, it's just calling him Myungsoo. Nothing serious and nothing special. Maybe he likes to be called Myungsoo rather than L.
"Okay fine, M-Myungsoo..." I slowly said as I was not used to call him Myungsoo. But, I don't even call him L. I call him you anyway.
"That's better, hm?" He patted my head and I just awkwardly smiled at him.
"It's almost late. I think you should go home now." I informed him. He nodded and grabbed his things before going to the door. 
"So, I'll see you in school tomorrow." L, wait Myungsoo awkwardly said to me and I just gave him a small smile. Then, Byunghun came and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Hey, we have soccer practice tomorrow after school." Byunghun reminded him and Myungsoo nodded his head like an obedient kid.
"Does that mean you can't send me home tomorrow?" I raised my eyebrow at Myungsoo.
"Well..." He scratched his neck awkwardly.
"Nevermind. I can go home early." I smiled.
"No!" Both of them objected. I frowned.
"Why not?" I pouted.
"B-Because it is dangerous for a girl to walk alone." Myungsoo told me but I frowned more.
"Then? I don't want to waste my precious three hours while waiting you guys." I rolled my eyes. But both of them said nothing.
"Fine. No one speaks, I'll walk alone."' I decided. I gave a small bow to Myungsoo and patted Byunghun's shoulder before walking to my room.
Then I heard the front door close when I went in my room and I knew Myungsoo just left. I looked over my phone as I heard a short buzz. It was a message from Myungsoo, of course via kakaotalk. Hey, it was free texting ok!
Make sure you pack your things faster tomorrow.
I'll send you home before I go to my soccer practise, okay? ❤
Anyway, good night and see you tomorrow Jinri. I love you...😘
I grinned as I read what he texted. How did he notice it? Usually, my pencil case, notebooks and messy stationery including the subject's books were on my table. Maybe since he sits beside me, he could notice my habit. But there was this sentence made my smile dropped. His last sentence made me feel speechless. I didn't know how I should respond to it so I ignored it.
Okay, daddy. 😜
You too. 😊
To be honest, the next day was just a normal day for us although it was a bit awkward for me to call L as Myungsoo. I need to get use to it for a very long time, I guess. I packed my things early before class ended, with my only textbook on my desk. L waited beside me and he grabbed my bag after I finished packing my things.
"Yah, I can carry it by myself." I pouted as I followed behind him, heading to his vehicle.
"You are just so slow when you carry it." I could sense him smirking. I just scoffed at him and followed.
As we got to his car, he started the engine and he accelerated really fast. I seriously need to get used to his driving skills and also by calling him Myungsoo. I thought I was off to space and I clenched at my seat. The sound of his loud car engine makes my heart pounding fast as it vibrates hard. Geez, I almost puked when we arrived at my apartment. I felt really green.
"Are you okay?" Myungsoo noticed me with my face all wrinkled and he put his hands behind my back.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I let out a small grunt. "You should go to practise now."
"Okay and urm..." He seems hesitant a bit. "Can you give me a kiss again?"
I raised my eyebrows at him but he looks too cute to resist. Damn this godly human being. I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and he looked disappointed at it. 
"Go now idiot, or Byunghun will be mad." I chuckled and grabbed my bag before going out of the car. I waved at him and walked inside the building.
I really had nothing to do without Byunghun here. 
Usually we would go out to our favourite cafe to surf the internet and then go back home to eat dinner and whatsoever. But I can't go alone to the cafe. As what Byunghun said, "you are too 'y' you will get if you go out alone". That did scared me. It would always reminded me when I was walking towards my favourite cafe with Byunghun who was a few metres away from me since I was tired and slow then a punk dude with his ugly gang whistled at me and gave me a flirty wink which I immediately rushed towards Byunghun's side. Ew, so disgusting. His ugly face makes me want to vomit ugh.
What should I do?
I changed my clothes into something more comfortable; a blue tank top that revealed my white chest and cleavage, though I never intend to show it, it just happened so; my black shorts. Okay, most of my lower clothings are shorts. I feel so insecure when I wear those long pants. I only wear denim jeans for a special occassion. Anything else than that, it's all shorts. It's comfortable and it doesn't sweat my legs a lot. So, my leg hairs rarely grow fast.
I sighed and laid down the floor. There's nothing fun in the tv. My phone is no use either. I'm so bored! I mentally screamed in my head. I looked at the clock and it showed 3:48 pm. I sighed and closed my eyes as I tried to relax. After a few hours, or so I thought, I looked at the clock again and saw it was just 4:06 pm. What! I thought it would be 5:30 or something. What should I do? Byunghun's soccer practise ends at 5:50 pm. I guess a bit of dancing would be good. My apartment is too small to make as a dance studio. I know a large dance studio a couple blocks away from my apartment building. I could just walk there. I don't care about Byunghun's silly threat.
I grabbed Byunghun's big white hoodie and put my phone and wallet as well as some towels and extra clothing in my sports bag. I wore my blue gold supra shoes with wings and went out of the apartment.
It only took some minutes to arrive and nothing happened. Thank goodness.
The owner of the studio is a really good friend of mine and she let me borrowed it anytime except on her dancing class sessions. Okay well she is my cousin and it was true she is my good friemd.
I made sure her studio was empty and it really was. I cheered by myself as I walked in. There was an iPod stand standing at the center. I placed my iPod and started picking some songs as I let my bag fell down. I chose Feel This Moment by Pitbull. It had a nice beat and I could dance well with the rhythym.
A fast by rhythymical moves as I started to move my hands and legs. 
I moved my chest to the right and left as the beat started getting slower but then started to shuffle for the fast beat as I put in some mime actions and others.
Slowly and slowly, I got lost to dancing as I stared at my reflection so intensely. Dancing hard and passionately is a great way to lose all of our stresses. It would be nice for you to do. Dancing makes you feel hyper and excited. 
Then, Expectation by Girls' Day came on. This song, I cannot deny that it has a y tempo. I copied their y movements but I slid down my hands to my sides instead since I don't have the straps. I also tried to mimic their vocals. This is my favourite song at the moment. I can try to improve my y image, I guess. 
"Naman boneun namjadeul manko manko manheunde" I don't know why but on that part, I put in a lot of force dancing as if I'm saying it's true.
"Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh kwiyeopge." I panted as I swayed my hips.
"Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh yeppeuge." I bit my lips and I was reall tired.
"Neol naege neol naege dagaoge mandeullae!" I screamed and continued to dance. I always wanted to be y like Krystal. I put in a lot of effort, making myself ier than ever. I thought about Myungsoo and wait, why did I think of him? I don't like him! Or do I... I scoffed, of course I don't. He is just a friend of mine... who said he loves me. Argh.
At last the song ended and I danced more than five songs now. I was so tired and I crouched down, trying to breathe properly. I walked over to my phone and it was 5:53 pm. Did I took too long for choosing songs? Damn it. Minutes could be hours. I also saw that I had 167 messages from Byunghun and Myungsoo via kakaotalk. Oh my god. I groaned and opened my talk. I opened my talk with Byunghun first.
Jinri, I'm on my way home.
You are not in home.
Where are you?!
You usually answer me fast.
Why aren't you answering meeeeeeee!
Jinri, I'm getting worried.😰
If you dont answer me until it's perfectly six pm, I will definitely call the police and search for you.😨😪🚨🚨🚨🚔
Tik tok, Choi Jinri.⏰⏰⌛⏳
JINRIIIIIII AHHHHHHH get your at home.
I'm dying in the living room.
so i wont get worried
And he continues to spam my kakaotalk. This guy, seriously. Someone should do something to him.
I am fine, ByungByung. I'm at a dance studio nearby. I'll come home right now, okay!😉
I then opened my talk with Myungsoo.
L.Joe called me you weren't at home.
Did you go somewhere?
Jinri, answer your phone.
Where are you, Choi Jinri!
I chuckled. These two boys are so jobless.
I'm fine! I was having fun at the studio.😳
I hurried and packed my things. I walked back to my apartment building and up to my apartment door. I pressed the password for my apartment as I walked inside and took off my shoes.
"Byunghun ah! I'm back!" I shouted and placed my things carelessly on the couch. Suddenly, Byunghun came out of his room and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.
"Yah, get off. I can't breathe, you idiot." I struggled his tight grasp. At last, he finally let me go.
"I was worried sick! I thought you got kidnapped or or something!" He heaved a sigh.
"It's fine! I'm fine okay!" I chuckled. "I'll get clean first. Are you making dinner?" 
"No, I'm too tired. I'll just call for a pizza delivery." 
So, gladly nothing serious happened to us. Byunghun then acted like the way he is.
When I fell into my deep slumber, this is the first time I had a dream. Yes, the first time of my life. I don't know why I had this dream, but I felt like sleeping forever as if I never want to open my eyes and let my dream flow. Why, you say?
Numerous of images of flashbacks flashed when I was a baby until I was really old, and it made me dizzy somehow. I couldn't control my dream because my mind was controling itself.
Then finally, it slowed down from when I was a baby, while I was coming out my mother's womb. I saw how painful it was, my mother trying to push me out of her and also beside her, I saw my young father who was trying hard to comfort my mother and urged her to push me out. I wonder how will I overcome that pain if I was pregnant.
Then, it was my 6th birthday party. I saw my proud parents as I opened my present from both of my parents. They bought me a pretty pink bicycle. I was really happy and I ran to my parents giving them a big hug. They happily hugged me back as they whispered, "We Love You, Jinri-ah." 
I missed them so much.
Next flashback was enough to hurt me. 
28th March 2002. It was the day my parents died. I was almost 7 years old, still naive. I was at home with my babysitter, Yoona. She took good care of me, I really like her. She was 16 years old that time and she had a part time job as a babysitter to me. I didn't exactly know what really happened since I was still naive but I remembered the police arrived at my house. They knocked our front door and Yoona had a panic look planted on her face. She grabbed my hand gently and pulled me with her as we went to open the door. When we found out it was the police who came, Yoona carried me up to her arms. The police announced sadly that the plane from Japan to Korea my parents took that morning had crashed and there were no survivors. Suddenly, Yoona broke in tears as I was still clueless. Yoona tried calming me eventhough I was still clueless of what had happened. She kept saying "It's okay, Jinri. I should bring you to my house." "I will take care of you, no need to worry okay?" "Poor you, Jinnie. I really am sorry for your loss. Yoona is still here, okay?". I heard that my parents wanted to surprise me for coming back to Korea before my birthday but sadly it didn't happen. Yoona asked the officers if she can adopt me as my aunts and uncles were too busy to take care of me. The officers were hesitated but surprisingly, they agreed. I think the officers misunderstood it. Yoona wanted to take Jinri as her adopted sister not daughter but the officers were confused. Anyhow, she gladly took me as her daughter eventhough she was just 16. From that time, I lived in Yoona's parent's house. Yoona's parents pitied me and also accepted me although they were shocked Yoona said daughter instead of sister. I know how hard it is for a 16 year old to have a daughter. Yoona rarely come home early because of her packed schedules. Luckily, Yoona's parents took care of me while she went for school. Yoona was a top student in her school. She was really nice and fun. Whenever she had the time, she would take me out for ice cream. I really love her as my step mother. 
Finally then, Yoona had a boyfriend. He was my step father. Yes, she did get married with him at the age of 20 and they were happy together. His name? Lee Donghae. Both of my step parents are still alive, if you are wondering. But they live in Busan while I am in Seoul to study. I promised them that when it was a holiday I would go visit them. But somehow, hearing the word parents hurted me because I still remembered about my biological parents.
I ordered my mind to quickly changed the scene but I certainly do not remember this scene. I saw myself, wearing a beautiful long white gown. I had a beautiful and sparkling white tiara on my head. I was holding a bouquet of my favourite fresh white roses and I was smiling really wide and happy. Krystal and Hara were beside me as they looked at me proudly to see their best friend getting married. They shed their tears but I wiped them off so it won't ruin their beautiful make ups. I hugged the both of them and they gladly hugged me. Someone knocked the door and my step father peeked his head in. Donghae then came in with Yoona behind. They hugged me lovingly and I hugged them back. They look old yet they still are handsome and beautiful. Donghae said it's time and I linked my arm around his. Yoona kissed my cheeks as she said she will wait ouside. My two best friends prepared themselves as they were the bridesmaid. Then, the two huge doors opened.
The scene changed again, although I did not want to because I wanted to see who is the man. I was really surprised. I was in Rome, Italy. The place I wanted to be in for my honeymoon and that man successfully made my wish came true. It was the first night of our honeymoon and yes, we did it. But as I saw it, he did it with love and passion and I was touched that he was being really careful. We kissed and did it again. I moaned out loud as he made love marks on my neck to mark me his only. His arms secure me by the waist and I can see that I love him so much and he also loves me. 
The scene then changed again and I saw a cute kid sleeping between me and the man. I suppose that was our child. It looks so cute although I couldn't see its face clearly. My arms and my future husband's arms were around the kid and I saw our hands were intertwined together. We smiled as we slept peacefully. 
The scene changed without any warning. I was young yet I look old abit. Maybe I was 20? That means that, next year this would be where I will be standing. I was still the same. I still had that pale white face, beautiful eyes and plump lips. My body was skinny but not that skinny anymore. I had flesh and I looked healthy. But I was holding someone's hand so gently and lovingly as if I really love this man and I never want to let go of him. Then, we sat on the mat that was prepared and my head was on the man's lap. The man then kissed me sweetly on my lips and as he broke away, I smiled widely at the man. I grabbed the man's neck and kissed him again in which the man gladly kissed me back.
My sweet dream was interrupted by a loud alarm of my phone. I snapped up and turn off the alarm. I looked beside and was disappointed. There was no child nor man beside me. I was really curious of the mysterious man. I wanted to know who was it but I guess God knows better. I knew that if my dream showed me who was it, I would try to change my future. I sighed sadly and I went to shower for school.


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Smily0 #1
Update soon!!!!!
Chapter 10: pls update it
Chapter 10: Kyungsoo lol XD haha
Thanks for the update author-nim~ :D
Btw, did I miss out Sungyeol in this fic?
I dont think I remembered what character he's playing.. :P
Ssulbias #4
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be a musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #5
Chapter 10: I guess Myungsoo will be musician. I hope Myungsoo and Jinri wont be separated. Btw, nice chapter ^^
Ssulbias #6
Chapter 9: I dont want Myungsoo to be an idol. It will be difficult for him and Sulli. Btw, Update soon .
Chapter 9: Wow that was a loooooooooooooooooooong chapter XD
And lmao Dongwoo "I can give you some of MY clothes" XD hahahahahahaha I can imagine Myungsoo in a skirt/pants thingy with colorful socks and weird snapback caps :P
Update soon author-nim :D
P.S. Absolutely LOVED the ;D
Wowww..... Update soon....^^
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 9: nice update authornim
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaaaa! MyungLi. i hope Myungsoo forget Suzy and live happily ever after with Sulli. i can't wait for your next update. i hope more MyungLi moments.

Myungsoo-ah, just forget Suzy! aish.
Can someone punch Myungsoo? kidding. I hope someone would come and make him jealous and make him realize that he love Sulli more than Suzy. hehehe