The Misunderstanding.

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

Chapter 2:

MinWoo's POV:

You know the thing i hate about first day? that after you introduce yourself in the class, the teacher will immediately start the lessons. I mean come on! it's just first day!...

i sighed as i lay my head on my desk, i just ignored all the things that my teacher are saying...i looked at the window and think about random things i did that for about 8 minutes and i realized that my eyes started to be heavy and my sight becomes blurry......


"Yah Minwoo! Wake up now!" someone was shaking me...i get my head up slowly and saw YoungMin waking me up. As I stretched my hands i realized the time and stand up quickly.

"What Time is it?! O.O"

"It's break time already, you've missed 2 periods dude.." he answered me calmly.

"What?! why didn't you wake me up then?!" i asked in shocked.

"We did, but the teacher ask us to let you sleep, i bet she likes you. You Know, sometimes being a pretty boy sure has a lot of advantage -grins- . Well enough for that  let's go outside, the hyungs are waiting for us." He pat my shoulders and went outside.

I followed him and saw the hyungs outside waiting for me, even though we have different class when break and lunch time, we usually eat together.

4-D Class = Minwoo,Kwangmin,Youngmin
4-B Class = Donghyun,Hyunseong,Jeongmin

When Donghyun hyung saw me, he immediately run to me and hugged me tightly and said "Minwoo! i missed you so much, it's been 2 months since we don't see each other! did you miss your most caring hyung?"  Well he's right, he's the most caring hyung for me...but an overprotective one =.="

"Cut! Cut! enough for that, Let's go eat now, i'm really hungry!" Hyunseong hyung finally cut the moment.....he really loves food -_-


As we enter the Cafeteria, girls started to squeal and shout, Being one of the Kingka, i expected that already.

We went to our table and didn't order our food usual there's always a lot of food in our table given by the girls...As what youngmin said being a pretty boy sure has a lot of advantage....

We eat and talked about random things until Jeongmin hyung noticed the wound in my mouth well it's just a small wound so it's hard to be notice.

"omo! Minwoo what happened in your mouth?" Jeongmin hyung asked and now all of the hyungs eyes are in me. They look shocked.

"Oh this, i've been in to fight yesterday.." i answered like i don't care and just continue eating.

"Mwo?! why? what happened?!"
i already expecting that question.

"Well, i went to mall yesterday because i bought things for school...and on my home....i saw a girl crying, trying to stop a guy from leaving...then suddenly i saw the guy, he'll punch the i run up to them and stop the guy then he told me "back off dude, this is not your problem...don't stop me from beating this girl! GIRLS ARE TOYS!" well he really yelled that and i was so shocked on what he said i can't believe he said that so i punched him hard and he punched me back and we fought....and that's why i got this's a long story you's hard to explain what happened next." i summarized what happened.

"Woah  you're a hero dude! but next time try to be careful if you don't want your pretty face to be ruined =))" Youngmin said and the hyungs and me just laugh =)). But suddenly i felt cold and i froze. i saw the hyungs and people shocked staring at me, i turn around slowly and saw a girl holding a looks like she poured a bottle of water in me....there's a little moment of silence...until she spoke up.

"Yah! Playboy! next time you said that again, that's not the only thing you'll get!" She warned me and just leave. wait, what the heck is she talking about?!...what did i said?!

I immediately run fast on the Boy's locker room while covering my face, i was really embarrassed on what happened....the hyungs are following me...When i got there already i opened my locker and try to search my extra shirt....good thing i always bring it when going to school...i changed and dry myself....after that i sat up on the bench looking worried and finally speak up...

"I'm going to stay here unitil class ends." I told the hyungs my decision.

"What? are you crazy?" Youngmin asked me shocked.

"Yah youngmin...let's his decision and i'm sure if that happens to you, you'll also do the same" Hyunseong hyung said calmly.

"So minwoo we'll go ahead...classes will start now...we don't want to be late" Jeongmin Hyung said.

"Yah Minwoo be careful here...arasso?" Donghyun hyung looks so worried.

"Arasso....don't worry i'll be careful...Go ahead now!" i asured them.

The Hyung already went outside and go to their respective class...and here i'am now...alone and stuck =.=...that girl really pissed me now....that's the first time i saw looks like she's a new student...Well that new girl embarrassed me infront of a lot people! errr...she would regret doing this to me! - smirk-


Kwangmin's POV:

As i got into our classroom....what happened a while ago really bothers me....what did Minwoo said causing her to do that? err i can't concentrate on the lesson...why do i keep  thinking about her since then....


Miyoung's POV:

Is our teacher really serious on what she just said?...i'm not listed on Class 4-C, instead i'm listed on Class 4-D? i sighed as i heard that...well i can't do anything about it....i'll be one of the Class 4-D starting tomorrow......errr now i'm truly alone....

"it's okay MiMi....we'll still eat together during break and lunch time...i promise =)" Jin Hye try to cheer me up...i smiled at her....and told her...

"That's right! we're still on the same school  so it's really okay....and there's nothing can possibly go wrong right? =)" i cheered up.

yeah that's right there's nothing to worry about....things will go well.............or maybe not?


Yayy! 2nd Chapter is done~~~
Sorry for updating late....i'm really really sorry...
Anyway what do you think on the 2nd chapter? =)
Please comment and subscribe ^____^ <3

Oh! and thanks for those who comment and subscribed already!
you made me really happy =) <3

Sorry for having a lot of wrong grammar.....i'm not a perfect writer you know =))

Oh...and another thing....i can't decide who'll i pair up with Miyoung aside from Minwoo...
Any suggestions? it can be from another group...
i'm really thinking if Kwangmin will be okay...=)
Anyway until here...bye! <3

Lovelots! <3 =)


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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!