He Always Knows

I Always Know

You dunped a thick folder on your desk and plopped down into your chair closing your eyes. You co-worker had an emergency come up so that left you to finish up her work as well as your own before the deadline...two hours from now. Your head was pounding with a massive headache from all the stress. Suddenly your cellphone buzzed. You let out an exasperated sigh and massaged your temples. When you opened your eyes to see who was calling you your mood took a turn for the better. "BIG BABY" was displayed across the screen along with a picture of Seungri with a bow on his head, smiling brightly. You immediately swiped your finger across the screen to answer.

"Hey Baby, what's up?" you tried your best to sound cheerful.

"Yah, what's wrong?" he asked. You could practically hear the pout in his voice. Everthing was wrong at that moment. It seemed damn near impossible for you to finish everything before the deadline and this was the first major project your boss had trusted you with. If it turned out badly it would ruin the reputation you worked so hard to make. But you didn't want to burden Seungri with your problems.

"Nothing's wrong. How do you know something's wrong?" How'd he know something was wrong? you thought.

"Jagi-yah, I've known you for quite awhile now. I know when something's wrong. I always know Jagi." You let out a sigh and finally spilled everything. "Tsk. It seems like the only thing to do is try your best given the situation Jagi. I'm sure your boss will cut you some slack seeing as you had to finish all by yourself."

"I can only hope." After listening to Seungri's voice you felt motivated. "Is there a reason you called baby?"

"I was missing you and I wanted to hear your voice."

"Aww, my poor baby." you cooed wishing he was there for you to hold in your arms. With his head on your chest while you played with his hair like usual.

"Neh~Now hurry up and finish so you can come home to me! I miss you so much it feels like I'm gonna die~" You nearly melted at his aegyo and you nodded as if he could see you.

"Wait for me okay baby~"

"Neh~ I'll be waiting," he replied, "Jagi-yah, fighting!"

"I love you." you both said at the same time causing a smile to tug at the corner of your lips.


A/N:I was looking through my notebook and I found this not even half done. I read it and the rest just came naturally...It's not that long but I think it came out well. What do you think?


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I'm really not sure if I want to make a second chapter yet...


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Chapter 1: Short but sweet! I enjoyed reading this - the mannerisms are natural and I can imagine Seungri being very supportive and talkative.