Chapter 03

Mr. Right... On Hold

It's actually been 3 days since their faithful conversation.

Not that I'm counting. She whispers to herself unknowingly as she waits for her professor to start the class. He seems to be engaged in fixing a powerpoint or some glitch on the computer, being a technology handicap and all. Aish, he better hurry up. She mumbles softly, thinking no one would hear.

"You okay?" She feels a pat on her shoulders and she turns around. A pair of round doe eyes stare at her and she is, for a second, mesmerized.

"Ye...Yeah..." Seohyun blushes slightly, unsure if it is from the embarassment of being caught talking to herself or the fact that the boy right in front of her looks so unbelievably adorable. "Don't mind me. I always unintentionally speak out my thoughts."

She is about to turn round when he responds, seemingly eager to keep the conversation going. "Well, I know what you mean. I do that quite often too!" 

As Seohyun forms a reply in her head, ready to speak up, their little chat was spoilt by their teacher, who has apparently managed to crack whatever he previously could not solve. 

"Well, sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's get on with our lesson. We were talking about Edgar Allan Poe, right? Someone, give me examples of his works."

With that, she clamps her parted lips shut and adjust her posture to face the screen once more.

That's a pity. She thinks. It's been a long time since I got to know a new soul. He seems like a nice enough fellow.  His voice, it's almost as lyrical as 'Deer'. At that, she pinches her thighs to wake herself up. No more 'Deer', ok? He is not calling! So stop dwelling on him.

For the rest of the day, she spends most of her time reading and rereading her textbooks. Those tiny letters seem to take her mind off him effectively. She has no idea why the thought of him sticks to her so bad. Probably 'coz he was unique. She considers as she takes a bite of her homemade peanut butter sandwich (she is trying to be as frugal as she can be, but white bread is just to bland for her taste). That thought triggers her reflex and she gives herself a loud slap on the face. I said no more 'Deer' for the day. She tries drilling that fact into her brain. Luckily, at the moment, her best friend Yoona comes along.

"How long have you been waiting?" The pretty girl asks as she places her tray of food on the table Seohyun has reserved for them. 

"Long enough," The other gal replies with a smirk. Yoona has obviously been held up by her fanboys who surround her whenever they can. 

"What's with that look! If you keep on teasing me, I swear I will ask one of them to start pursuing you and you'll feel what I feel." She retorts as she stuffs with rice, obviously hungry. Pretty Yoona, making even the least mannered act so glamorously perfect.

"No, you won't!" Seohyun gasps at her friend's proposition.

This time, it is the older girl to smirk. "Well, you know I have authority over those boys. I'm sure they won't mind chasing after a pretty girl like you. You only need a slight makeover and they will be swarming you as well."

"Wae? What's wrong with me?" The dongsaeng asks surprisingly as she scans herself up and down, checking her outfit.

"Wae? Wae?  What kind of a man would like a girl who dresses like a constructor? For crying out loud, you're wearing a red flannel with jean dungarees! One would think a fashionista like me would at least have friends wearing things more stylish!" The unnie lets out a frustrated cry and starts flailing her arms, trying to make a point. Still, she looks as perfect as a mannequin. If Seohyun was the one doing that, people would have thought her a clumsy mess. 

"Jean what? So you're ashamed of me now?" The stubborn one of the two scoffs dramatically, acting all hurt.

"That's dungarees, my friend! The ugly overalls you're wearing are called Dungarees!" She lets out a loud sigh and gives herself a slight massage on her temples. "You know I don't mean it that way."

"Just kidding, best chingu!" Seohyun sticks out her tongue as she swallows her last piece of bread, she continues with stuffed with food. "I just can't be bothered with clothes!"

"Gosh! Can't you swallow before speaking! I can't unsee what I just saw!" Yoona complains as she shuts her eyes tight.

"Well, you can't blame me. When you do it, it surely did not look disgusting. See, we're just on different levels." The younger girl jokes as she rises from her seat. "I'll be going now! See you later? Ah, no, I've got work to do!"

"Okay! You mean the phone thingy?" The older one asks with a light wink. 

"Yeah yeah yeah. See you tomorrow then! Got to hop now! Class is in 5 minutes! Bye!" With a wave, Seohyun leaves the canteen.

She drops on her mattress the moment she gets into her impeccably clean room. The floor is moped so clean that it's practically glistening and the white blinds is without the least hint of stain or dust. The small stove and her small golden pot for cooking ramen is wiped thoroughly to the point that they shine. Everything is so organized that the 100 feet room seems twice its size. Her books are neatly stacked on a cheap IKEA bookshelf by genre and then colour. Even her open closet has clother categorized carefully and hung on exact same hangers to give a unified look to it. 

Unknowingly, she stares at the phone which she usually pays no attention to. Without another thought, she plugged in the line, indicating that she's open for business. Instead of her normal routine of pulling out a random textbook and flipping through it, she finds herself sitting on her bed, motionless, as if she were anticipating something intently. Her heart races uncharacteristically when the phone suddenly rings, the vibration causing it to move shift slightly on the table. Taking in a deep breath, she clears her voice before picking it up and speaks in her 'y voice' : Yobeseyo?

She is disappointed when the voice that answers was that of an old man who wanted a audio S&M session. Without thinking of the consequences, she excuses herself from the client, lying that she was busy and cut him off. She can hear him cursing loudly when she places the phone down, but she can't care less... there's a more important call she is looking forward to.

Half an hour passed and the phone has not rang a second time. She wonders if the machine had been unplugged somehow and leans over to check the chords. Just as she was arranging the messy lines, the phone goes off suddenly, nearly giving her a heart attack. She has that intuition that it is the call she has been waiting for all this time but she does not want to keep her hopes to high. As she puts the earpiece to her ear, she once again says with a hypnotic voice, "What can I help you?"

Opposite the line, a man chuckles. "Wae? You don't remember me, Keroro?"

Please don't kill me for the late update!! But I hope this sufifces! I am currently having a writer's block and can't think of any good ideas for this story :P Hopefully, you will still comment and tell me your thoughts!! I'll try to update soon :D

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secretlol #1
Chapter 5: update!!!! Please!!!!!!!
MeiiMeii0510 #2
Chapter 5: Kyaaa please update soon :3
Chapter 5: I really want u to update as soon when u have time hwaiting
Chapter 5: I wonder if both of them are really clueless about the real personality of their virtual couple or not.

Hope they can date for real soon :)
Chapter 5: it's okay. despite the writer block you said, you have pay it with worth reading story it's each chapter. i love it so much.

i love it how luhan everytime. gah... i'm embarrassed myself. cheeks felt warm. it's not me to begin with but maybe because my seohan hearts bursting in this moment. especially after the crazy in love performance.
Chapter 5: what a way on making things awkward. lol luhan, do you really need to point out that the you two indirectly kissed already? so clueless and stupid. :)) anyway, i'll be waiting for your next update. hopefully it wouldn't be the last tho. haha. thanks for an awesome chapter! ^^
nanjang #7
Chapter 5: You two just go date for real!!!!!
So cute > <