Chapter 01

Mr. Right... On Hold

"Yobeseyo?" A lady says in a voice so sultry and sensual you would imagine her to be just as y. "This is the SNSD hotline. May I know what service you require?"

From the other side of the line, a man lets out a rough grunt. "I...I'm getting ne..near. Just talk dir...ty to me." 

"I push open the door to your room and with slow steps, I walk towards you. You can hear the clicking noises as my heels hit the ground. You're on your bed doing your thing and I smile at you as I slide off my only garment --- a silk bathrobe. It slides off my shoulders and bundles up on the ground..." She begins, happy with how she was doing until her ears gets blasted by a thuderous shout.

"You just killed my mood, !!" The customer yells furiously, "I asked you to , not make up a stupid story. You just wasted a minute of my precious life."

Before she could apologize, he cut the line with a loud bang, leaving the phone to beep continously.

She murmurs to herself sarcastically as she slams the phone back on the stand, "Thank you, ." Her hand clasps on as soon as she realizes what she just said. "Gosh! When did I get so foul mouthed?! Must be those erted creeps."

Today seems to be a bad day for her. There were but a handful of calls and all of them were crazy customers that got on her nerves. There was this old man who asked her to act like a young girl, a nerd who wished to experience virtual with a robot (she wonders how he gets off with her spitting one word at a time), a masochist who wanted nothing but to hear whipping and slapping noises (he could have recorded and played back those noises himself and save himself the money) and the latest one --- for god's sake, she majors in literature, you can't blame her for being slightly more poetic and creative than others, right?

"All they want is vulgar and dirty things." She chuckles dryly, "But who am I kidding? I'm operating a phone line. Am I expecting a gentleman to show up? Another paradox we have here, there's no way anyone who dials this number could be a gentleman." She sighs, putting the phone away and picks up a thick book from the floor, patting the dirt away before thumping it onto her small "bed".

Despite her alluring voice and her job as a phone operator, the girl has absolutely nothing to do with "y".  Sitting on a mattress placed on the floor of a tiny apartment is a young lady of 19. She has on a pair of thick dorky glasses whilst her hair is messily tied into a bun. Sweats and an oversized t-shirt are all she wears as she flips through her literature textbook. It is thick and packed with words but she does not seem the least bored with it as she sticks her head so close to the book that her nose nearly touches the paper.

In all honesty, a scholar like her would never be gotten caught in such a job unless it was under peculiar circumstances. And hers was strange enough.

With an average of 3.8 GPA and perfect conduct, she does have a scholarship that pays for all of her intuition. Yet, due to the financial toubles back home, she hopes not to burden her parents further and lies to them that her daily expenses are included in the fund. In the end, she had to find a part-time job to support her rent, transport and meals.

Her first job was that of a barista. It was an easy job but she thought it took up too much of her to study and she had to wait for a month to get the salary. After many searches high and low, she discovers an ad hidden deep in the papers requiring girls with beautiful and variable voices while offering a decent pay.

Having been in various singing contests and voice-acting roles, she knows she is capable of this job. Without further inquiring about the job desciptions, she signed up for it and was selected almost immediately. She was quite shocked when she realized what kind of job it really was. However, breaking the contract meant she had to pay the heavy sum of a million won, a number she most certainly can't afford at the meantime. Without any way out, she attempts this job which turns out not to be as bad as it sounds, despite the rough start. 

In the beginning, with no knowledge of except for that short exerpt from the classic "Madame Bovary", she receieved quite a lot of complaints. But as time went by, she learned more from her colleagues who were more than willing to help, including two olders girls named Taeyeon and Sooyoung. She has never met them in person, but she has heard their alluringly sweet voices multiple times through the phone. With their help, more customers came to find her. It was easy money to earn when you get 2000 won for every minute a customer spends with you. And the fact that she only requires a landline for the job meant she could do other things at the same time, like cleaning her speckless room or reading her favorite novels. Though she is embarassed to admit it, her unique job has definitely improved her imagination to write better works. 

As she turns another page, fully immersed in what some professor had to say about Shakepeare's Othello, the phone dedicated to her 'work' begins ringing. Too drawn by the fascinating comments, she decides to ignore the call. After a minute, the annoying noise stops and she goes on reading her book.

Within 30 seconds, the same phone started ringing again. She rolls her eyes and pretends she has heard nothing, eyes remain transfixed on the tiny texts. The noise dies away like the previous time and she decides to plug off the line to avoid anymore calls. 

However, as she reached for the phone on the small cabinet to pull the line, it starts off for the third time.

"Aish!!" She says to herself. She picks up the phone, noticing that the calls were from the same client. "Is he really that desperate?" she thinks.

Although she is not in the least mood to offer someone pleasure through a phone call, it's company policy that you complete the job once it's connected. She blames herself for letting curiosity get the better of her. 

"Yobeseyo?" She hides her annoyance well with her honey-dripping voice that has melted the hearts of many lonely men on many occassions. "What service may I offer you?"

There is a moment of silence and all she hears is the steady breathing of the client. She frowns and is tempted to cut the line but then she has a reputation to hold. 

"Hello, sir? Are you still here?" She asks with the gentlest voice she can muster under the circumstances.

There was another few seconds of nothingness until a surprisingly beautiful voice breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry for the wait. I'm just considering how to phrase my request." She could just sense the boy blushing from shyness and suddenly, she does not feel as agitated.

"Don't worry, sir. I can promise you that I have tackled enough unique requests to handle yours. In any case, I promise to provide you my utmost service." She tells him good-naturedly. Just by the way he talks, she has a feeling this is all going to be different.

"You... you will not decline what I ask of you, right?" He asks, seeking for reassurance, making her smile at his adorableness. 

"Yes, no matter if it's or erted, I'll accept. After all, you're the one paying 2,000 won per minute." She teases him.

", miss, nothing of that sort." He hurries to explain, hoping that she would not get the wrong idea. "Actually, I wanna chat with you. Heart to heart, that is."

This time, it was Seohyun's turn to remain dead silent. 

"Yobeseyo?" His voice enquires worriedly. "Miss, you still here?"

Taking in a deep breath, she makes up her mind for the correct response. 

"If we're gonna talk, then call me Keororo."

She hears him chuckle through the line and feels slightly embarassed for giving herself such a silly nickname.

"Well, Keroro, I'm Deer."

Author's Note: 

So this the first chapter completed!! I hope the plot interests you! I would really appreciate if you could comment and subscribe!!

Turns out I do not have to rate anything M since I'm really hinting the contents instead of describing them explicitly. I think it is a great solution to my initial concerns :P

I'll try and update soon!! This story should be a short one with no more than 5 chapters!!

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secretlol #1
Chapter 5: update!!!! Please!!!!!!!
MeiiMeii0510 #2
Chapter 5: Kyaaa please update soon :3
Chapter 5: I really want u to update as soon when u have time hwaiting
Chapter 5: I wonder if both of them are really clueless about the real personality of their virtual couple or not.

Hope they can date for real soon :)
Chapter 5: it's okay. despite the writer block you said, you have pay it with worth reading story it's each chapter. i love it so much.

i love it how luhan everytime. gah... i'm embarrassed myself. cheeks felt warm. it's not me to begin with but maybe because my seohan hearts bursting in this moment. especially after the crazy in love performance.
Chapter 5: what a way on making things awkward. lol luhan, do you really need to point out that the you two indirectly kissed already? so clueless and stupid. :)) anyway, i'll be waiting for your next update. hopefully it wouldn't be the last tho. haha. thanks for an awesome chapter! ^^
nanjang #7
Chapter 5: You two just go date for real!!!!!
So cute > <