Football, mysteries, questions, and playful times.

School, Foreign students, & A new presence in life.

Kris could feel warmth on his face. He slowly opened his eyes, revealing a sleeping Tao dangerously close to him. Kris widened his eyes and fell off the bed in an attempt to get away from the sleeping boy who was now not so sleepy. Tao almost feel off the bed as well but fortunately he was able to catch himself. 

Kris cleared his throat and acted like nothing happened. As Kris was getting ready for school, he realized something. He'd have to walk to school with Tao because Kris didn't know the way to the school from Tao's house. He only knew the way from His, Xiumin's, and Kai's house. 

After he got out of the washroom, Tao was standing there looking bored. "Took you long enough?" 

"At least I actually take my time in getting ready as for you, you just rush." Tao couldn't say anything and just managed to glare at the older. Kris smirked and headed downstairs. Tao lazily walked down the steps and read the note that his parents put on the fridge. He smiled and put the note in his pocket while Kris stood there, watching every movement that Tao was making.

"Now who's the one taking their dear sweet time?"

"Now who's the one in a rush?" 

Kris rolled his eyes and headed outside. Tao really didn't want to walk with Kris but if he didn't, his mother would pressure him with many questions so he just decided to get it over with. As they were walking, both Chen and Xiumin came out of no where. Huh? Why are they coming from the same direction?

Xiumin had a happy look on his face along with Chen who ran up to Tao and almost tackled him. Tao wasn't surprised by Chen's sudden appearance at all, in face, he was used to it. Xiumin wrapped his arm around Kris's neck and put him in a headlock until kris got out of it. "You ready for an intense football game?" Xiumin asked with a smile on his face.

"Intense? Ha, those losers don't stand a chance against us." Kris smirked. Xiumin nodded in agreement. When the boys talked about football, they seem like completely different people. Not only that, but they're really confident when talking about the football games. Kris and Xiumin are in football?

Tao stared at the two boys for the longest time until Kris decided to speak up. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Tao glared at the older but because of his glasses, they couldn't see the look he was giving them ; Only Chen knew that look. Chen just looked away and continued to walk to the school. The other two boys gave Chen a confused look while Tao was continuing to shoot daggers at Kris without him knowing. 

It was early and the boys didn't have to be at school for a while so Xiumin suggested that they check out some stores. They found a really nice electronic store. Xiumin was checking out phones and laptops while Kris was standing there, a little bit annoyed that he couldn't be at school right now. 

As Tao looked at the T.Vs, an ad came up. 

"Beautiful trip to the Forbidden City! On April 25th! Only 34,000$ Don't miss out!"

Tao lowered his face slightly. He missed China a lot.

Chen walked over to Tao and rubbed his back in comfort. "Hey, cheer up. Seoul is a great place for us." Tao nodded and looked up again, wiping the tears from his eyes. Chen brought Tao over to Xiumin and Kris. "Okay guys, let's go." Both Kris and Xiumin looked at Tao slightly confused. 

Xiumin looked over at Kris. "Why did Tao look sad?" Kris just shrugged at the question. he wasn't sure why tao was upset but he felt sort of bad. 

As they walked to school, Tao was silent the whole way. The only thing you could hear from Tao was his light breathing and the quiet footsteps that he took. When they got to school, there were only a few people. Of course, Kris had left from the group before anyone could see him with Tao. Kris very well knew that people would hurt Tao if they saw him with Tao. 

Throughout the day, Tao eventually cheered up thanks to Xiumin and Chen with their cheerful expressions. 

"I have to get ready for the football game now but, you guys will come to the game right?' Both Chen and Tao nodded. Xiumin smiled brightly at the thought of Chen watching him play in the football game ; he was also happy that Tao would come too despite all the people who dislike him. 


It was 6:30pm and the game was about to start. Tao and Chen sat on the bleachers in the top row, at the farthest end where people didn't really sit. Tao watched as the football players came out. As Kris entered the football field, he was staring at the opposite team with a strange look ; A look that a predator gives their prey before they hunt them down. 

Tao was honestly a little frightened seeing Kris this way. kris always had a serious look on his face, but this was even worse than before. In a matter of seconds, Kris had tackled one of the opposite football players. The man was down on the ground, holding his hip in pain. Kris didn't even look back. 

Something felt weird. Why was he so rough with that tackle? Why didn't he even look back? Why did he have that look on his face?

Tao's mind flooded with questions. Tao looked over to see if Chen had seen it but Chen seemed to be in his own world, staring at Xiumin.


Their school's team won. The other team didn't seem to happy about it either. Tao couldn't get the image of Kris tackling that man out of his head. It was a memory that would probably forever frighten him. 

They started to head home after the game. Kris had a small scratch across his left cheekbone that was clearly showing because Kris was being stubborn and deided not to put a bandage on it. Chen and Xiumin were busy talking to each other so Tao decided to start a conversation with Kris so that he wouldn't be so bored and it wouldn't be as awkward.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you tackle that guy so roughly?"

"It's football, it's supposed to be rough."

"But everyone else on the team was less rough."

"I'm just a rough guy."

Tao just nodded and decided not to question Kris anymore. He wasn't sure if he should believe Kris or not but it was better not to get Kris in a worse mood than he already was. Kris suddenly stopped, causing Tao to walk straight into Kris's back. Tao groaned and rubbed his head.

"Are you hungry?" Tao was surprised by the sudden question Kris asked but Tao was indeed hungry. Tao nodded.

"Good. Let's go grab some food and head to the bench over by the fountain while these two chatterboxes continue being so fascinated with each other." Tao covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing. He had to agree that the other two were quite fascinated with each other ; It was rather...amusing. 


After grabbing some snacks and drinks, they sat on the bench over by the fountain. Tao took in every little detail of the fountain since it was so nice looking. Kris raised an eyebrow at Tao as he noticed Tao looking so amazed with the fountain.

"Have you never seen a fountain or something?"

"It's not that. It's just so amazing looking."

Kris rolled his eyes. "You really are a kid." 


Kris held the back of his head in pain and immediately glared at Tao afterwards.

"It seems that the King of the school gets hurt by even just a little whack on the head." Tao smirked. 

Kris tackled Tao to the ground and locked him into a position where it was very hard to escape. To Kris's surprise, Tao was able to get out and soon jumped of Kris's back. "YAH! Get off!"

"But i'm having fun~"

While Kris was trying to get Tao off of his back, Chen and Xiumin came over and widened their eyes at the two boys in front of them. Xiumin turned to Chen. "Nobody has EVER tried to go against Kris like that." Chen was quite surprised at Xiumin's statement. Both Chen and Xiumin sat there in amusement while watching Tao and Kris fight/playfight.

Kris smirked as he got an idea. He ranb over to the fountain and turned his back towards the water so that tao was soaked in the water. Tao almost immediately let go and fell into the water. He got up and gasped at the sudden coldness. 

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Tao shouted loudly. Chen and Xiumin both burst out laughing as they saw Tao get out of the water. 

"Oh !" Kris tried to run away but Tao managed to hug Kris's back, soaking Kris. Once Tao was satisfied in soaking Kris, he let go. Once they heard Chen and Xiumin laugh again, both Tao and Kris turned and glared at the two before smirking. Chen turned to Xiumin only to noticed Xiumin looking at him too. They gulped and ran as fast as they could while Tao and Kris were chasing them through the streets. 

Xiumin ran into Tao's house along with Chen. "MOM GRAB THEM!" Tao's mother raised an eyebrow and watched the four boys. Xiumin ran into the bathroom but he soon regretted it. Kris grabbed onto Xiumin and turned the shower on. Xiumin tried to scramble but Kris grabbed him by the shirt and forced Xiumin to get into the shower. Once Xiumin was soaked, Kris smirked and ran back to the kitchen. 

Tao's mother had a hold of Chen and soon enough, Tao had soaked Chen by hugging him. Xiumin soon came into the kitchen with Kris. 

After all their play fighting, they laughed. Tao saw Kris laughing and it truly was a good sight to see. Kris was usually serious but seeing him smiled made Tao happy. Tao's mother hugged her husband and smiled while watching the four boys laugh. "It's so good to see our son happy again. Maybe they will be able to keep him happy when we're gone at work." 

Tao's father nodded in agreement and hugged her back.


Tao and Kris waved goodbye to Chen and Xiumin. After they left, Kris and Tao chuckled a bit. "Well, I guess we should get changed."

Kris nodded.


It was only 8:00pm so Tao decided that maybe it would be nice to go out for a bit. Tao opened the door to his room. "I'm going out for a bit, do you want to come?" 

"Sure." Kris was bored so he wouldn't mind going outside for a bit. He wasn't sure where Tao was going but it would be better to be surprised.

As they left the house, Kris noticed it was slightly colder than it was earlier but that's probably because it's also darker. They walked down several streets until they were at that park. It was the same park that Tao went to the day he moved here and he thought it was a very nice and calm place so he wanted to come here.

Kris raised an eyebrow at the place be had to admit that it was quite calming. "Why are we here?"

"Because this is the place where I met Xiumin and it was so calm." Kris only nodded.

Tao shivered as the cold breeze hit him slightly. "Need my jacket?"

Tao shook his head. "I'm fine." 

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." 

After 15 minutes of seeing Tao shiver, Kris finally just decided to ignore Tao's oppinion. He took off his jacket and gently forced the jacket onto Tao.

"I didn't need it.." Tao muttered.

"Of course you didn't." Kris rolled his eyes. They sat on the soft grass watching the sky. For some reason, this night felt different from all the other nights that Tao had watched the sky. It seemed calm and gentle. Tao looked down at the ground. It felt so different here compared to China. He missed his hometown but he knew that he would have to get over it.

Kris looked over at Tao. He noticed the sadness in Tao's eyes and Kris was curious as to why Tao was upset. "If you don't mind me asking...why are you upset?"

Tao looked up and smiled at Kris. "I'm not upset at all." It was like a sudden change. One minute Tao looked sad and the next, he looked happy as can be. Maybe I thought wrong..


Kris looked at his watch and started to panic. "Tao, we need to go."

"But why?"

"Nothing. I just want to go."

Tao gave Kris a weird look but instead of questioning him, he just followed. Kris seemed to be in kind of a rush. About 2 minutes away from the house Kris started to turn a different direction. "You go ahead. I'll be back in a while." Tao nodded and continued heading home.

Once he got home, his parents were already asleep. Questions were running through his mind and he noticed that kris has been acting weird today. First he tackles a man in a really rough way and now he was going somewhere when it was dark out. Tao sat there in confusion trying to think of reasons why Kris would be acting so strange. 

Tao sighed and just decided to make himself something to eat. After almost 3-4 hours Kris came in. Tao's eyes widened as he saw cuts on Kris's face and a large slash all the way from his left should to his waist. Tao immediately jumped up and tried to help him but Kris refused the help.

"I'm fine. I just fell into a sharp piece of metal."

"It doesn't look like that."

"Well it is. I'll take care of it."

Tao sighed in defeat and just grabbed some bandages from the bathroom and handed them to Kris. Kris started to have trouble with putting on the bandage so Tao ignored Kris's oppinion like Kris ignored his, and started to help Kris. "I said I didn't need help..."

"Too bad."

Kris started to whine like a little kid when Tao started to put the bandages on.  As Tao lifted Kris's shirt up to put the bandage on, Tao felt his cheeks going warm. "Like what you see?" Kris joked.Tao whacked Kris's arm a bit and Kris jumped a little bit. As Tao put the bandage on Kris started complaining.

"Ow! Be gentle, it hurts!"

"Now who's the kid!"

"Shut up! I'm not a kid!"

Tao finally finished putting on the bandage and began to laugh at kris. "You're a big baby~" Kris glared at Tao.

"Oh? You're mad? Well, if you wanna hit me you gotta come get me~" Tao stuck his tongue out at Kris and ran to somewhere in the house. "You brat! Get back here!"

Kris got up and started to search for Tao until he heard Tao breathing heavily in the basement. Kris slowly went into the basement and tried to turn on the light but it seemed to be broken. "Tao?"

"Kris? Where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"I don't know.. But this basement is freaking me out!" Tao shouted in a nervous tone.

"Why did you run down here then?!"

"I-I..I don't know god dammit!" Kris facepalmed. "How stupid are you?"

"I'm not stupid! Now come over here before I have a heart attack!" kris sighed and began searching for Tao. As he was searching, he felt Tao grip onto him like a kid hugging onto their parents. 


Tao screamed along with Kris and they ran upstairs as quick as they could. As soon as they got upstairs, Kris turned to Tao and burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?!"

"it was me who made the noise!" Kris couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Tao's expression change into a shocked one. Tao whacked Kris on the back of the head before sitting down and giving up. 

"Come on, we should go to bed." 

"I don't want to move anymore." Tao complained.

Kris rolled his eyes. "I'm going to drag you."

"You wouldn't."

Kris smirked and grabbed Tao's leg, dragging him into the bedroom and onto the bed. "i told you I would."

Tao just groaned. Kris layed down on the bed beside Tao and soon enough, they fell asleep.


Hello^^ I hope you guys enjoy this~ Thank you for subscribing/commenting:3

Sorry if there are errors, my computer is screwed up so it takes like an hour to check the whole story because of this computer's lagging habit.



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kennocha #1
It's been a while. I really miss this story
Update soon ^^
sweetmagnollias #2
Chapter 15: wait.. didn't kyungsoo and tao already meet and are friends??
Nueky_ #3
Chapter 14: I hope Kris never move out with his parents,, ahh, it's so sad to imagine him gone :(
anyway congratulation for winning YPI (even though idk what's that) and I don't have a cat so i couldn't help you just hurry and get your cat to the vet
leah412 #4
Chapter 14: Cute tao tries to share his panda :)
I liked this! Good job authornim ^^
Chapter 13: CL IS IN THIS TOO! Yay! Do update wen u can!
leah412 #7
Chapter 13: Cool drawing authornim :)
Chapter 13: OOOOHHHH CL IS IN HERE!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: What about himchan and yongguk?? Author nim, awesome job!! Ughh, poor Tao. I want Tao to find someone heads over heals for Tao!! Thanks!
westkitsune #10
Chapter 12: Baby Tao :(