Tic Toc

Tic Toc

Tick tock...tick tock...

Sungyeol jerked the motorcycle to the side; skidding over to his right, almost falling over from the sharp turn.

“Are you okay!” He heard Dongwoo yelled behind him. He waved his arm behind him, motioning he was fine. He then twisted the handle to the left bringing him back in control of his bike.

Tick tock...tick tock...

Time was running out. Sungyeol could feel it in the icy air. He leaned above the bike, and stomped onto the gas. He could hear Dongwoo speeding up close to him.

Time was valuable after all, wasn’t it?

You shouldn’t simply waste it by not driving fast enough.

Tick tock...tick tock...

Myungsoo had the key. He had the key.

But there was a small problem;  he may of had it but he sure wasn’t the only one who wanted it. He could see a person in his rear view mirror tailing behind him, with a hoodie pulled over his head.

Kim Sunggyu.

Myungsoo pushed down on the gas, trying to get away from Sunggyu as fast as possible.

But it was already too late.

The next thing he knew his car was sent flying into the air. The car twisted, then fell. Myungsoo slammed into his seat as the car tumbled into the ground below him. “,” was the last word he formed, before crashing into the ground.

Kim Sunggyu walked away from the destroyed car wearing a smile on his face, and a key dangling from his hand.

“That was too easy.” He glanced down at the key, tilting his head to the side. “What is this?” He found a small crack in the side of the key. Sunggyu rubbed it, “That’s weird-”

The key burst into dust. “The fu-” He tried to pick up the fallen dust, but the wind blew it from his grasp.

The key was gone once again.

Howan was lost.

He climbed to the top; only to find a room of mirrors. They reflected off each other brightly, causing him to squint his eyes from the light. Everywhere he looked, he saw himself. Everywhere he looked, the possibility of finding a way out, became harder and harder.

Maybe there was no way out? Howan tried to find the door he entered through.


It was gone, and he was lost.

“Well, .”


Sungyeol was out of breath, gasping for air. He ran down the lighted path.

Everything looked the same. Lights hanged from all around him. He took a different turn.

It looked exactly like the other one.

What is this?

He turned around and sprinted the other way. Sungyeol decided to pick the opposite path this time, only to find the same result.

“What the hell is going on?” He gasped.

He had already lost Dongwoo the way there, and now he himself, was getting nowhere as well.

He looked down at the watch around his wrist.

Tick tock...tick tock...

Sungyeol sighed.

Woohyun was almost there. He had no key, or idea where he was. But he was almost there, he just knew it.

From a far distance, he could see the maknae walking to the glass room; smiling. Woohyun squinted his eyes, trying to focus on the shining object in the other boy’s hand.

It was the key.

I’ll just steal it somehow...

Woohyun quietly walked closer to where Sungjong. Then the room changed.

A triangular room.

“What...how...?” He looked around.

Woohyun walked down the room, hoping maybe, just maybe he’ll find Sungjong again. But deep down inside, he knows that will never happen.

Our maknae...he’s a smart one. That’s for sure.


“Stupid hyungs...stupid stupid hyungs.” Sungjong laughed. He pushed the key into the keyhole of the box.


“They should have known better. That key Myungsoo had...Sunggyu stole...was a fake. Haha. So dumb.” He grinned. Sungjong popped open the small box.

His eyes widened. “Wha-” He slammed the box back closed. “ this.” Sungjong walked away; keeping the key he has so proudly held a few minutes ago, in the box. He had been tricked. The box didn’t hold anything of value.


It was empty.

Tick tock...tick tock...

The time has finally ran out.

Seven boys venture out to capture a girls heart with a small key.

Only one succeeds...

But only to find the box (her heart) was empty.

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Chapter 1: This one was beautifull and thrilling to the very end.
Sad thing it's short, but nonetheless i enjoyed reading it.
I love how you used two of Infinites's songs and blended them in your oneshot.
Good job! ^^