08 Inconsiderate


“So?” Luhan asked, his head tilting to the side a bit, “What made you faint so many times since the short time I’ve met you? Are you sick or do you really have special abilities like me?”

With each question, he approached you – closer and closer. You kept trying to keep a distance between the two of you, but it didn’t seem like Luhan was going to stop getting near you.

Finally, you felt yourself get backed into a corner.

“Well um…” you paused, hesitating to reply.

If you said you were sick, would he ask what illness you have? You didn’t know anything about sicknesses, but you didn’t want to tell Luhan that you had special abilities like he did.

It wasn’t even special abilities – it was a curse.

Luhan pressed on, “Well? Are you going to say anything?”

“It’s a kind of sickness,” you finally replied, “It’s really rare, so you’ve probably never heard of it.”

“Try me,” his reply was quick and immediate.

It caused you to be a bit surprised, “Um… Well I mean that it’s kind of a sickness? It’s almost like… a curse.”

You were literally just trying to reply Luhan with something that was somewhat believable and a bit vague. How were you supposed to explain to him that you had the ability to play God – determine one’s life and death?

It seemed crazy even to you.

“You’re avoiding my question,” Luhan was bright and he knew what you were doing, “Fine, don’t tell me then. Just realize that you’re going to need me around if you’re going to faint all the time. You need someone to look after you, yes?”

You opened your mouth to reply him, but you didn’t know what to say.

If you told him that you were perfectly fine and you weren’t going to faint every again, that would obviously be a lie and he would never believe you – hell, you wouldn’t believe yourself.

Luhan smirked, “I’ll tell that as a confirmation.”

You raised your hand, curling your fingers into a fist and you somewhat lightly hit him in the arm, “Yah! This is my house, not yours. I said to go, didn’t I?”

He narrowed his eyes at you and then within an instant, he morphed into that pure white wolf you knew. A low growl was emitted from him and it made your eyes widen in fear.

Okay. So maybe you were still afraid of the wolf form of him – especially an angry wolf.

“…F-Fine! Stay, do whatever,” you stammered.

It was then that the human form of Luhan returned and you let out a sigh in relief. You glared at him for forcing the answer he wanted from you.  This wasn’t even fair.

Luhan grinned widely, “That’s what I thought.”

Then, he moved away and headed out the bedroom door, leaving you stunned. After he left, you heard his steps descend down the stairs and you fell to the ground, breathless.

“That stupid wolf,” you muttered to yourself, “Who does he think he is?”

From the lower floor, you heard Luhan call up to you, “HAYEON! I’M HUNGRY – MAKE ME FOOD NOW!”

Could he be any less considerate? He was acting as if this was his house and you were the guest. Annoyed, you shouted back down at him, “MAKE YOUR OWN FOOD!”

A loud clatter was heard from the kitchen and you slowly made your way down the stairs. What caused you to freeze was that wolf again. Was he always going to shape-shift to scare you?

“You’re not being fair,” you mumbled as you backed up the stairs again, face to face with the damn wolf.

Luhan pounced up the stairs, in front of you, and it made you fall backwards in fright.

Even when you knew that the wolf was also a boy, you couldn’t help but think he was going to bite you or even kill you. You didn’t want to anger him to that point.

Sighing, you muttered, “What do you want to eat?”

The next thing you knew, you were face to face with the human Luhan. Your face was extremely close to his and you couldn’t help yourself but examine his perfect facial features.

Honestly, you were mesmerized by him.

However, the moment was interrupted as Luhan smiled widely and told you his order –

“I want kimchi fried rice.”

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Chapter 7: Smootthh... I like it already
Chapter 8: Hahaha Luhan and Hayeon are so adorable <3
Chapter 1: Here I go! Reading this again since I read this since year 2015. I remembered how this story give emotional touch and adorable scenes too.
Chapter 65: OMG I just loved this story.. It gave me so much feels.. I cried so much while reading chapter 49..thanks for this ending.. Such a rollercoaster ride of feel.. I loved all the characters and the relation between them.. I finished the whole story in just 16-17 hours.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
JackieZ #5
Chapter 65: I binge read this within 24 hours. Congrats hahahhaha
I enjoyed this story a lot! Thank you so much!!
Chapter 65: i dont even know how many time i read this amazing story . ahhhhh im so lovin it . like legit amazing .
yuxuan #7
Chapter 65: i really love this story now i had another story to read for the second time after i read kiss or kill
nfs_95 #8
Chapter 65: ❤❤❤❤
So I really hate 2 pov fics but you have made me change my mind!