Chapter 3: I'm Late!

I'm Just a Dancer...Right?

Chapter 3: I'm Late!


[Normal POV]

"Ohh, you're a dancer who's persuing to become a choreographer..." Leeteuk grumbled in understanding. "But why in Seoul? You're so far from home." Monique simply smiled at the question and nodded.

"I don't quite understand myself. All of a sudden, I received this in the mail, saying that they hand picked me to audition for the opportunity to work for this "Super Junior". The letter said that they're famous here, so I'm guessing you've heard of them?" Monique's eyes looked at the boys' expressions as they sat at a park underneath a tree.

"Erm... well..." Siwon slowly spoke, not sure of what to say, or if he should be saying anything. Henry looked at Siwon with rounded eyes, 

"Well, we've heard of them- they're music is good." Henry interupted, making all the boys in the group look at him, "but that's all I can tell you about them." He quickly finished his statement.

Donghae looked at Henry from his sitting position beside Monique, lipping, "What're you doing?" Monique turned to face forward and look across the street at a vender, sighing.

"I know, I've heard some songs of theirs. They're really good, but I just want to at least know what they look like so I can think of formations for dances and stuff. I don't even know what they expect at the audition!" Her hands flew up in the air in frustration, "If they're so famous, how come I've never heard of them?" 

Her eyes went back to the vender, lightly her lips. Donghae noticed the action and followed her eyes, "Are you hungry?" Monique's eyes grew wide and looked at the boy, shaking her head.

"No! Well... I haven't eaten, I'm just excited and frustrated, I guess I've forgotten to eat.. But don't worry, I'm fine! I'll eat later," her stomach then grummbled, making Shindong's ears alert.

"Yahh~! How can you forget to eat?" Shindong stepped in front of her, "I'll go get you some food.." With that, Shindong turned toward the vender and crossed the street, forgetting the girl didn't speak Korean.

Monique looked confused as the man yelled at her in the foreign language, looking to Donghae to translate, who just chuckled, "He said that you're a fool to forget to eat and that he'll get you some food." Heechul sighed, "Of course he'd be the one worried about you eating or not."

The group waited across the street for Shindong to return.

"Monique-ssi-" Leeteuk called for her attention, "how long have you been dancing?" 

Monique sat and contimplated on the question, counting in her head, "About 9 years of my life," she smiled, "It's a passion of mine that I happen to be good at." 

Eunhyuk looked at the girl beside him and smiled, "I like to dance too!" Monique smiled and nodded at the comment.

"Back home I taught a dance class of various styles. From hip-hop to salsa to even couple dancing. But I have to admit, hip-hop was my weakness, I just love with how free the style is and how you can interprit other styles. Aw, look at me babbling, I'm sorry!" A blush lightly tinted her cheeks.

"No! We like to hear you speak, it's 'kay," answered Kyuhyun.

"I don't like to be the center of attention that much, that's why I like to teach the dance rather than be the main dancer in the production," She stated, dropping her hand from behind her head, the boys nodding in understanding.

"How about family?" Asked Ryeowook, "Where do they live?"

Monique's smile softened as she answered, "My parents passed away a year ago and social services seperated my brother and I." 

The boys went silent as Leeteuk and Donghae spoke, "I'm sorry about that." Monique shook her head.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." 

At that moment Shindong returned with a bowl of rice and kim chi and a bottle of beer. Monique smiled and thanked Shindong for his purchase and reached for the food.

"Kim chi?" Monique smiled in approval,"I like kim chi- I grew up eating it." She giggled and grabbed the bottle.

"What's this?" The girl asked with confusion on her face, "beer?"

The boys nodded, "Yeah, beer. Do you not drink?" Asked Kangin fron the end of boys.

"Well, I do sometimes, but... never mind, I'll stop complaining and accept it since Shindong went through the trouble." A smile spread on her face as she began to eat- trying to avoid the bottle of alcohol. 

Within minutes, she finished eating, the bottle of beer still untouched, "Hey! Drink some to wash it down," Shindong spoke, pushing the bottle into her hands with a smile on his face.

The boys watched as the girl hesitated with the bottle in her hands and opened the lid with a 'pop'. The opening found it's way to her lips slowly as she began to drink the substance. Her eyes tightened at the bitter taste but continued to drink the bottle- chugging it would be the better term- and slowly put it down when she was finished, gasping slightly for fresh air.

Kibum laughed, "You're a good drinker." 

The rest of the boys joined in as Donghae spoke softly to Monique, "You didn't have to drink it- one of us could've drank it and gotten you something else."

Monique shook her head and smiled at him,"It's fine, I don't want to come across as an ungrateful person if someone was to go through the trouble of getting me something. Plus, beer isn't that bad when you chug it." She winked at the boy and looked at her watch.

"Oh No!" She quickly stood up in worry as the boys quieted down.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt, my little dongseng?" Ryeowook stood up quickly, looking at her wrist to see if she was injured, Yesung behind him, looking at her watch.

"No! It's 2:58! I'm late! They said that they'd cancel the audition immediately if I wasn't on time!"

The boys quickly stood up, Donghae grabbing her hand and rushing her down the direction she needed to go, leaving her baggage behind with Kangin and Kibum who just stayed where they were while the others ran off.

Kangin sighed, "Of course no one listens to me when I tell them we should be leaving for the audition." Kibum laughed and put a hand on the older's shoulder, "It's okay."

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U are finally back...
Wae she leave Super Junior!!?? >O<
Update soon... :) <3
Finally caught up with story... Update soon :)
wakaremichi #3
ANDWAE ! Monique can't live fishy ): <br />
Sigh, I rly hope she'll be okay, that poor girl ~ TT <br />
<br />
Oh, and shut up Seyong. HEH SORRY.<br />
Thanks for the update !! ♥
dear_mochi #4
Ani~~ Monique Unnie, you're suppose to be happy on your birthday, not cry :/<br />
I hope her Mom will be okay (:<br />
And that MyName boy group, haven't really heard of them but I dislike that Seyong guy in this story already [x *bias mode on* He didn't have to tell Donghae! Sheesh! Too much pride in himself...LOL, I'll stop now cause I'm afraid I'll just be ranting. xD<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
Aish poor Monique... I hope her mum is ok so that she can go back to Korea with the SJ members... Monique Hwaiting!!<br />
Love ur story!!! <3
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? monique will leave them? :O
dear_mochi #7
Omo! Haha! Oh Hae, you and your mind >< What a fish can think.(x<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
wakaremichi #8
Wah it's been a long time !!<br />
And it looks like things are getting heated up now o.o Honestly I'm hoping Hae 'wins' heheehehe.<br />
<br />
And that. Yes that. Hae's a man. He's manry. Kekekeke !
Woah, such a tease darling! Hahaha<br />
And congratulation!! Your first chapter! Haha.<br />
I haven been reading the fic for so long. But it's really nice! :) welldone! Hehehe! Update soon!
Congrats, honey~~ It was great, I actually didn't realize it was Hae's dream... You wrote great :D We now reremember Hae is a M-A-N X3