Sarcasm With The Mistaken Lover

Love and Hate

“Well, that’s wonderful! Not only have the pleasure of sitting next to you for the next 4 hours but I get to live next door to you for the next 2 years!”
“Hey! You think I wanted it like this!?” He shrugged.

“Oh! You think you’re so handsome and all of the girls want you but guess what!? You’re not! So, just back of, ok?” Kyu Hyun’s eyes widened and he let out a laugh of amazement. “Go back to sleep, Kyung Mi Noona.” “Noona!?” I repeated shocked he would even think I was older than him. “Tell me your age now!” I demanded. “I was 19 in February.” I folded my arms. “Ha! I’m not 19 till November!” He looked away from me. “Go to sleep.” He said again. “Fine, I will! Goodnight, Oppa!~” I made sure to emphasize the ‘Oppa’ just to annoy him.


@@@ Kyu Hyun’s point of view @@@


Damn it! I’m gonna be stuck with this girl for the next 2 years! I turned to see she had done what I said – gone to sleep. She looked do innocent and surprisingly cute. The rest of the journey from then on was pretty peaceful seeing as ‘big mouth’ next to me was asleep.


4 Hours later we finaly arrived at the university. Everyone was getting of but Kyung Mi was still sleeping. I didn’t feel mean enough to leave her and get out myself so I nudged her. “Hey! It’s time to get up.” I called. He yawned and opened her eyes. “We’re here already?” she asked surprised. “Uh huh” I said putting my book into my bag. We got of the bus and stood there staring ahead in awe. The university amazingly big and beautiful. At the front there were fountains with glistening bright blue water. “Come on!” I said to her. “Let’s find our rooms.” We might as well walk together seeing as we were going to the same place. We walked into the main building and I happened to catch sight of a map. After studying it I felt more comfortable knowing where I was. I lead the way and after about 10 minutes we found our rooms. I was just about to go in when I noticed Kyung Mi was having trouble with her door key. “It wont open!” she said frustrated.

I rolled my eyes. “Give it here!” I said taking over. Within a few seconds I had the door open. I groaned and grabbed her suitcase. “What’re you doing?” she asked as I walked into her room. I dumped the suitcase on top of the bed and made my way out again. As I passed her I stopped. “I took your bag in so that you don’t harm yourself doing so.” I smiled and shut the door behind me. Once I turned back to my own door I noticed someone standing there. “Hey, you must be my new room mate” the guy said happily. I smiled “Yeah, I guess.” He came closer to me. “I’m Zhou Mi” he said bowing. I did the same. “My name’s Cho Kyu Hyun.” He grinned at me. “You’re lucky, Kyu Hyun. A lot of guys would love to have their girlfriends living next door to them.” “HUH!?” I can’t believe it! He thinks Kyung Mi is my girlfriend!? “She’s not my girlfriend” I informed him pointing my thumb behind me. “Oh!” Zhou Mi said looking a little embarrassed. “Sorry.”  

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Yuriigeniee #1
This is such a nice story ! It makes me feel good to read it ! kekekeke~~
XdonghaeXloverX #2
I love this story so much !! ^0^
hehe cute ending ^^
Alzina #4
awww....cute!!! loved this!!!
I'm already loving this fic. HAHA!<br />
Update soon :D
Omg!<br />
I read this on quizilla!<br />