
He's Chimerical



Loud snickerings and chattering erupted simultaneously in the class seconds after the shadow of the teacher vanished from sight. Letting out a swift breath of air, I shifted my gaze outside to the window, cheek plumped on my palm - like usual. It was mesmerizing. The blotches of puffed clouds spreading across the blue sky, the incessant chirping of the birds and the beds of patios drenced with flowers added to the splendor of the scenery which I can't ever get tired of. Trees were swaying through the rustling cold breeze that seeped through the window, tousling my locks. It didn't irritate me even a bit as gazing and getting immersed at the tranquil view is more enjoyable than getting back to reality where I stood no chance of blending in with my classmates.

A single drop of grief welled up from the corner of my eyes. Before I knew it, the dam broke as hot torrents of grief coursed down my cheeks , grimacing my face. But my face showed nothing, not even my nose scrunching nor my brows frowning, my lips stayed still at its position like a plank wood. Maybe, if people were to stare at my eyes - only if, they would see the tinge of my vast of mixed emotions, seemed like that was the only way of telling that I was still a human deep inside with feelings and soul despite my physical look which showed nothing but a living corpse.

As the cold air lingered around me, silence engulfed my surrounding gradually shadowing the chatters and noises of people I once heard. With each transclucent trickle of emotions gushing down my pale cheeks, I felt my heart sank heavily, waiting for the darkness to swallow me like a great dark maw.

But I was still here, in the uniform of a school, still being sitted alone at the far back beside the window, completely ignored by everyone in the class.

Maybe I was just cursed to walk alone in what you call - a life.

Although I was not sure if I was even allowed to take part in it.

Because it sure seemed I was not.


The last bell rang. I glanced at my classmate whom everyone called Harper as she chatted with her friends. She was smiling gleefully, sometimes bounced in excitement as her blonde hair sprung around her flawless olive face that was as smooth as a China's doll.

I touched my cheek only to feel the rough coarseness of my own skin and the numerous small bumps that had broken out all over it.

Her expensive-looking uniform swayed back and forth as she joyfully bounced, seemed like the story she was telling was an exciting one.

My eyes darted down to my dull dingy skirt, fiddling it with my finger.

Harper's eyes twitched into crescent-shaped moons as her lips slowly curled, soon erupting roars of laugh with her friends. I couldn't help but to cringe as they started to laugh. The joke wasn't even funny, but they laugh anyway, just because it was Harper that said it.

She rose her slender finger to in attempt to stifle her laugh.

I looked at my fingers; frail and pale-looking.

Full with nothing but hideous scars.

Scars of the horrifying darkness.


As I sauntered towards the school's gate, droplets of water began to drizzle and soon, torrents of slaps pummeled the earth with the promise of a green life. It quenched the silent thirst of soil and plants and replenished the energy of the people but me. Splashes of water slapped me by my side as I saw Harper running under the rain, soon joining her friends. They were laughing.

My eyes can't help but to gaze around. All of them were laughing, jollily playing under the rain.

I just stood there, alone, shivering under the rain, looking at figures before me who were cheered up by their companions.

The vast of feelings were after me again. I let my unheard sobs getting lost in the high winds that tore at my clothes and hair, mingling with the rain.

This feelings of loneliness; it devoured me. It stayed behind, chasing me like a shadow.

Nonetheless, I continue to lumber, sometimes kicking pebbles I spotted for no reason. Being too immersed in my own world, I accidentally tripped over a few pebbles causing me to fall down. Kneeling as hands grasped on the pebbles, I stared at the road for nothing in particular, ignoring my drenched-self.

The sigh of hollowness ate my racketing surrounding with each breath I exhaled. I just want someone by my side. Someone whom I can laugh and cry with. Someone to shield me under an umbrella when times like this come. Someone to say that everything will be okay. Is it too much to ask for?

It wasnt long until I no longer felt the rain pelted my skin. The scent of lemon lingered around the air. I found my heart beating rapidly. This feeling...something that I've never felt long ago. I feared it yet longed for it. It soothed me, this warm feeling. A pair of converse stepped infront of me. Slowly shifting above, my eyes grazed up a long legs before I was met by sparkly green orbs. A guy; with brown curly hair that tousled in rythm of the wind, softly brushing his face. A smile graced his plump lips before it parted.

"Are you okay?"


Someone really came.




                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 
This is my first time writing something so descriptive
so Im kind of nervous uh oh lol
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