Thinking about you

What are you doing to me? Is it love?

During the whole weekend the two girls kept doing everything they usually do. They go to work together and when they don’t have any meeting at lunch time they would eat together. Jessica is trying to get the courage to send a text to Taeyeon. She is afraid that the girl will think she is weird and she may say something stupid and embarrassing. She wanted to talk about it with Tiffany but she is scared; she still is very confused. She doesn’t know what is happening, but one thing she knows for sure: Taeyeon is different from anyone she ever met.

Jessica was already at home waiting for her food: the delivery service. It was already Thursday and she was still contemplating if was a good idea to text Taeyeon. She started to remember when she met the petite girl. ‘She had that sweet-dorky smile when she introduced herself. She was so cute at that time. Maybe she felt comfortable around me; sometimes we would catch each other glancing and we would look aside, but I think she was blushing at least once…. OOHH and when I was dancing I saw her looking at me all the time, she left the table and walked towards us. She was by my side and the next thing I know it was just me and her and we started dancing really close. She even hold my waist!’ Jessica started to blush while remembering that night; unconsciously, she was really happy.

“ know what?! I’m going text her. I have to be confident. FIGHTIIIING JESS!!”  She did a fist bump and took her cellphone that was at her purse. “Okay Jess you can do it.”

Hi Taeyeon ^^

I was wondering if you’ll go out with us all tomorrow..

Last Friday was really cool, don’t you think?


After waiting for an eternity *actually were just 7 minutes, but to Jessica seem to be a couple of hour* she got a reply.

Hey Jessica!

Yeah last Friday was awesome! ^-^

Of course I’ll go tomorrow! I wouldn’t miss it for a thing ;)




When the american read the message she got all hyper. She started to dance and jump around the living room like a little kid.!! so I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!




Yeah!! I can’t wait for it! See you ^^.




Jessica felt her heart almost explode and went to sleep with a huge smile on her face.



I was drawing then my phone rang; it was a text. I got up and when I saw from whom it was I smiled.

 “woooww she texted me! YAAAAAAAAAYYY OH-MY-GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I CANT BELIVE THIIIIIIIIIIISSSS!!!!!!okay Taeyeon.. breath in, breath out.. control yourself! Read the message” The dork was talking with herself. And that’s why she spent 7 minutes to reply Jessica.

Hi Taeyeon ^^

I was wondering if you’ll go out with us all tomorrow..

Last Friday was really cool, don’t you think?



“WOOW..she liked last Friday?! Okay..that’s a good thing! It’s a start. Oh..i should text her already, I don’t wanna keep her waiting for too long.”

Hey Jessica!

Yeah last Friday was awesome! ^-^

Of course I’ll go tomorrow! I wouldn’t miss it for a thing ;)



“ just wait patiently for her reply..” After a minute her phone rang again. She unlocked the screen and read the text from the girl that is making her heart beats faster.!! so I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!



A smile was plastered on her face as she was reading it for the third time already and was replying the girl.


Yeah!! I can’t wait for it! See you ^^.



She was really happy because she can feel it.. she can feel a huge anxiety, the need to see the girl and she can feel the girl likes her too. Well she is oblivious to what is happening; she doesn’t know that she likes Jessica in THAT way.  Those poor girls are so blind right now………





It was Friday. Jessica woke up lazily but then she realized she will be going out today, she’s going to have some fun with Tiffany and her new ‘friends’ plus! She will get to see Taeyeon. She started to get ready to go to work with tiffany.


“Hello Jess! I’m so sleepy today.. but at least tomorrow we don’t have work and we will go out” The eye-smiled girl said to her friend.


“Yeah. I’m very excited about later night. I had too much fun last week with the. Oh.. BTW Tiff.. are you planning to drink and sleep at the club again?” The girl said with a sarcastic tone and a huge grin making Tiffany perplexed and faking a punch at her friend.


“Jessie?! again with this joke?! It isn’t funny at all, okay?”


“Oh Tiff it isn’t to you, only. Actually I think everybody who were there thought it was hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAH”


Tiffany pinched Jessica’s arm and the latter screamed in pain. “OOOUUUCHHH! It huuuuuuuurrttttttsss.” she whined but Tiffany didn’t care at all.




Tiffany and Jessica were at their respective apartments getting ready for the night. Jessica was trying a bunch of clothes; she wants to be y but not vulgar. She didn’t want to give a bad image of herself to Taeyeon. After a few more tries she was finally satisfied with her clothing and now she just have to do her make-up and text Tiffany.

She was ready to go; she grabbed her phone but she decided to go to the kitchen to eat a snack really quick while texting her friend.


Tiff I’m ready to go, just finishing a snack.

What about you?



Jessica was eating while waiting for the reply. She then decided to brush her teeth. In that moment her phone rang.


Sorry for making you wait.. but now I’m ready to go too Jess..

have you finished eating?

-Tiff meet me outside now ok? Im going now~



They’ve seen each other. “WOOOW..YOU ARE gorJESS” this statement made Jessica blush. “Oh thanks Tiff! You are very beautiful too. Did you dressed that way to impress someone?” Jessica was kidding, but her eyes widened when she saw her best friend stuttering and blushing. “O-OH.. of co-course n-not. AISH! Let go Jessica Jung!” She grabbed her friend’s arm and dragged her at the sidewalk so they can get a taxi.




omg i'm having a hard time to make the chapter tittle!! O.O i'm asking again to you make a comment.'s really won't take long. i promisse. xD

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snsd_t-ara #1
Chapter 4: Lemme be the 1st to comment. It's a really nice story. I hope they'll kiss. BTW, nice update. :)