When I first met you pt.1

What are you doing to me? Is it love?

Jessica and Tiffany were having lunch, it’s been almost 1 month since Jessica arrived in Korea she started working 1 week after her arrival.

“Jessie I think you should make friends here.. you can’t continue to talk with your friends in America.”

“Yeah, I know Tiff… but can you help me with that? Maybe introduce to some of your friends..”

Tiffany stopped talking and begin to think… suddenly………


Jessica was startled with Tiffany’s reaction. “Tiff, you so loud!! Look! Everyone is looking at us now.. oh gosh..this is so embarrassing..”

“YAH! I’m trying to help you here and that’s how you thank me?! Anyways.. I had this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G idea and as I said, you’re gonna love it! I’ll invite some friends to go out with us at a night club as a ‘welcome nigh out’ for you and I’m gonna ask them to bring some friends too.. what do you think?”

Jessica wasn’t so sure about it.. its going to be so  many people, she’s afraid to be left out by them.  “Tiff..i don’t reckon if it really is a good idea, but if you promise to stay close to me and make sure I wont feel being left out, okay..i’ll give it a shot.’

The eye-smile girl started texting her friends: Hey girls!! Do you remember that I told about my friend Jessica? So.. she’s already in South Korea and we are going to a night club the day after tomorrow and I want you all to come and bring some friends too, I want her to know new people. You’re coming, right?? X.o.x.o

“Okay Jessie, I’ve send them a message. I’m sure they’ll like the idea..”

After a few minutes.. Hyoyeon, Sunny, Yuri and Sooyoung replied a positive answer to Tiffany and the eye-smile girl told Jessica to be prepared because tomorrow they were going to be up all night.


After they were done with lunch, the 2 best friends went back to work, were they stayed till late night.





Jessica knocked Tiffany’s door office and popped her head inside the room: “ Tiff…?”

The girl replied a simple ‘hum’ because she was so into her task now. She wanted to finish so badly so she can enjoy the girls night out later.

Jessica thought she was interfering her friend.. but it was something related to work, so she went in the room.

“Tiff? I wanna talk to you about that case, where you told me to fire Euna. She’s pregnant.”

With the news she just heard Tiffany stopped everything she was doing and started to sulk, already seeing that she was going to have some headache with that ‘case’.  They were talking about the situation for about and half an hour. Jessica was heading out from Tiffany’s office, but she suddenly remembered to ask Tiffany something.

“Hey Tiff..one more thing. At what time do we have to be at the club?”

Tiffany said: “oh..Just be ready to go home in an hour, than we will have about 30 minutes to get ready, okay?”

The girl who was standing at the door just nodded and gave an smile showing that she got the message.



The two Korean-American girls just arrived at the place. It wasn’t very crowded, which they were happy about it. As they were walking around Tiffany saw Hyoyeon, Sunny, Yuri, Sooyoung and some other people which she didn’t even knew their names because they just met once or twice.

“Hey girls!! It’s so good to finally meet you.. it’s been 2 months since we last saw each other!! Here..*pushing Jessica besides her* she is Jessica, my friend that I told about. Please take good care of her, treat her well and no lame jokes, especially you Sooyoung” Tiffany glared at the taller girl, who just gulped thinking ‘damm..that girl sure knows me too well…


“Hi, I’m Jessica.. I’m Korean-american and I just got here a few weeks ago, I don’t know anyone besides Tiffany and some collegues from work, I hope we can be friends.” She flashed a warm smile even being very shy at the moment she managed to say it all very well.


They introduced themselves one at a time:

“Hello Jeshika! My name is Sooyoung. Nice to meet you.” She said with her broken English and gave an dorky smile.

-Hey, I’m Hyoyeon the most fun girl you’ll ever meet.  *bows*

-Hi! I’m Yuri, nice to meet you

“Annyeong!!!!! My name is Sunny.” The small girl said it full with aegyo, showed a eye smile AND a big smile with made everyone frown at her because of her overloaded cuteness.

A tall girl took one step towards Jessica and said: “HELLO!!*waving her hand* nice to meet you american girl!! Heheheh So.. nice to meet you, my name is Yoona!”

It was another tall girl turn to talk. “Hello Jessica. My name is Seohyun, I’m glad to meet you. I hope you’re liking South Korea.” She smiled to the older girl and bowed; as expected from this well behaved maknae of the group.

“Hi Jessica, I’m Key!! As you can see.. I’m the most handsome men here..okay I’m the only men between us…. BUT STILL.. I’m good looking… hhahahahahha. Hey.. just kidding, I’m just trying to make some jokes to break the ice here ^^.” He said in english and gave her an hug.

And last but not least..*i know you guys were waiting for thiiiiiss.. AHAHAHAHAHA. Okay.. let’s go back to the story..*

Jessica saw this little beautiful girl which seems to be an angel… “Hey.. my name is Taeyeon, nice to meet you Jeshika *grin” she offered her hand for a hand shake and………..


“H-Hi-i  T-Taeyeo-on” Jessica stuttered when she touched the girl’s hand.. she didn’t know what was it… but it was different from everything she ever felt…..





so..here it is the first chapter.. i already have like 80% of the 2nd chapter... but please..let me know what do you think, please give me looooooooooooooooovee.. hahahahahaha j.o.k.e


see you~~

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snsd_t-ara #1
Chapter 4: Lemme be the 1st to comment. It's a really nice story. I hope they'll kiss. BTW, nice update. :)