Hide and spit.

EXO Drabbles and Oneshots


Chanyeol shivered as his heart beat loudly in his chest. He used a pillow to muffle his loud breathing and anxious giggles.  This time, he would finally win.

"Chanyeol. I looked everywhere, you have to be here somewhere." The seeker said with the hint of a smile in his voice. Chanyeol's heart pumped faster and his giggles were getting harder to muffle. He lifted his face off the pillow to breathe, but instead, a snort came out. He shut his eyes tightly hoping the seeker didnt hear it.

"AHA! I knew I should've checked the closet. You're always here!" Baekhyun yelled, shooting the victory sign in the air.

"Aww. Baek-Hyung. You alwayth win!" Chanyeol pouted.

"Well, time to switch it up little br—wait. Say always again."





"ALWAYTTHHHH. Baek-Hyung! Why do you keep making me say ALWAYTH."

Baekhyun chuckled, "Because you sound really funny. Why are you talking like that Chanyeolie?"

"It's becauthe I'm mithing a toos! Thee?" He responded as he pointed his finger toward the empty space next to one of his front teeth.

Baekhyun nearly spit in Chanyeol's face as he doubled over in laughter, spazzing while he rolled on the floor.







What am I doing with my life. 



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Hi xD, do u need posters for ur story? If u need, please take a look at this link http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/483847/s-h-i-n-i-n-g-graphics-shop-o-p-e-n-taking-requests-b1a4-graphics-shinee-you-open-posters Thank You :D