Just a nightmare

EXO Drabbles and Oneshots

"Come on Kyungsoo! Mom is calling us to dinner!" Junmyeon called as he ran up the horrifyingly singed stairs that looked like they would collapse fight from under him.

"Coming Hyung!" The other yelled back as he ran. Down the stairs.

Before Junmyeon could give warning about the stairs, a step had given out causing the petite boy to knock into his older brother, sending them both down the stairs. They got up muttering small 'ouches' but otherwise acting as if nothing happened.

On the way to the kitchen, Junmyeon noticed that the living room didn't give off that warm feeling that it did just minutes before, but now was rather cold, almost eerie. He decided to wave it off because his stomach was growling and he'd rather get food before worrying at the moment.

When the two boys sat down at the dinner table, he had also noticed that his parents were a little pale, and as if  Kyungsoo was reading his mind he said, "Mom, Dad, you two look pale, and you have dark circles under your eyes, is everything okay?"

"We're just tired is all," they responded quickly. Ending the conversation. Smoke started to emanate from what looked like the oven, but no one seemed to notice. 

Junmyeon tried to call out, "Mom, Dad, there's smoke coming from the—" he was cut off when his parents got into a severe coughing fit. Kyungsoo's eyes widened in terror. Junmyeon grabbed Kyungsoo and covered his eyes, pulling the younger one close to his chest as the scene unfolded before them. Their parents' skin cracked and bubbled, slowly dissolving down to the bone. 

He could only stand there and stare, tears rolling down his face while he hugged his brother tighter and tighter. He felt Kyungsoo's body go limp in his arms. He looked down, only to see his brother, unconscious and not breathing. He began to wail and cup his face with his hands, his body shaking violently. In the distance he swore he heard someone calling his name,"Junmyeon. Junmyeon!" The voice started getting louder and louder—

Junmyeon awoke screaming before he stopped and looked at the slightly horrified Kyungsoo who was sitting up right in the bed that they shared. Sighing in relief he grabbed his brother by the shoulders and embraced him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. 

In return Kyungsoo hugged him tightly and patted his back soothingly, trying to calm his brothers nerves, "Hyung, it's okay. I'm here, it was just a nightmare. Do you think you can go back to sleep?" Junmyeon looked back up and nodded  slightly, rubbing his red and puffy eyes. They got back under the covers and continued to sleep, Junmyeon keeping his arm wrapped securely around Kyungsoo's waist, to make sure that he was still by his side.



A/n: Ok..wtf is this,.yeah I don't know. Sorry for disappointing. I'm going to update this whenever I feel like it so..

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