Day of Reckoning



"You could say it was something of a zombie apocalypse, a bit more prestigious than that; a drug created to synthesize the DNA of soldiers and sickly patients with the genes of more superiorly beings, wolfs, lions, all that garbage. It did work for the first couple of years, in fact it worked great, some cancer-ridden kids were even cured; the world was changing and history was being made.

Until later when the animal DNA did a little less synthesizing and a little more taking over. The patients started to gain some clarity of their situation. They were powerful, possibly the most powerful man-made creation on the planet and with power came dominance and with dominance came the need to seize ; it was like a siege, taking cities one by one, destroying, killing, at the fastest rate you could possibly imagine, some people got infected and turned themselves, some couldn’t take it and just dropped dead.

They were called the Hybrids and they were the reason our world ended those six years ago."



So this idea was one I was honestly toying with for a while, not knowing whther to make it like a Matrix kind of deal or an end of the world kind of thing or a fantasy-religious story (why is it that Baekhyun also gets wrapped up in my weirdo religious cult stories?) But anyways, here's the final product. First story, Chapter one! I hope you like it!



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I like this! Well actually I like all your work :)
I'll be waiting for your future updates