

shangri-la (shabreve.gifnglprime.gifgribreve.gif-läprime.gif)

: a fictional remote beautiful imaginary place where life approaches perfection : utopia







Author's Note; sorry if it but i've had this idea in my head for a while now and I needed to get it out. I wrote the ended just now, having put this story off for weeks. Please comment, tell me what you think, mwaaaaaha.


“Luhan,” he began, “I am here, Jongin is here, Kyungsoo is here. We’re all real; what you’ve read about, the thing you’re searching for is not in this world, Lu, I’m sorry.”

Luhan suddenly stopped shivering and slowly lifted his face to his partner’s. His eyes were pulsating from brown to black, his pupils dilating and shrinking in a seemingly dangerous manner. The hand was taken away from his cheek and lowered.


“It’s real.” He said in a stone cold tone. “Shangri-La exists. I’ve seen it.”



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choloyeol #1
Chapter 1: oh my god this is amazing the mystery of it i just
Sandraa #2
Chapter 1: Hi :D lol >.<
Gah idk what to make of this fic. Shangri-la sounds more like hell, since the letters keep saying that they come at night, lu getting weird promising dreams, and not leaving him alone.

If he really was crazy, why would he kill himself, to go to this place? Lol I keep thinking possession cuz how else would his body be gone that quick, it looks like he put up a fight since everything in the house was messy.

And isn't an attic like the top floor of a house?? No way he could just "loom outside the window" and be gone in a blink of an eye.

Idk ._. the more I think about it, the more confused I get if I try to come up with another reason >.> oh wells :D