Adorable Mystery


Yifan and Yixing have a son that is quite unique. 



Word Count: 1,449



Author's Note: This story was just too cute for me to resist. Sorry about the lack of romance between Fanxing. I wouldn't be surprised if I got hate for that but this story is actually kind of domestic(?) I mean they're married so. I guess. Either way, I hope you guys like it. The reason I wrote it was because I don't like the way kids are written in fiction as just simple-minded little things. They have the ability to be thought-provoking but everyone just settles with the cutesty little boy or girl. Meh, Either way. 


Their son was an adorable mystery, to Yifan anyways.



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xinwooya #1
Chapter 1: I have to comment on this, that book from Xioulu Guo, fuh a 9 years old reading that. Bwahahaha her books contained loads of mature innuendoes, even for an adult mw its bit shocking. I have read few of her works, it definitely not for under 17
Chapter 1: this is too adorable!!!

and i agree with the comments below...the kid's characteristics shouts 'KYUNGSOO' LOL
sheila19921 #3
Chapter 1: i always think it kyungsooXD~~~ because kyungsoo most mature one in exoXD... XD..
Chapter 1: The kid is surely a prodigy ^_^
minrawrs #5
Chapter 1: Lol this was cute. Hahahaha I would freak out and wail like yixing too if I had a son like that. No one wants to see their baby growing up~~keke great job!!