Chapter 2 - The Hospital

Your Bodyguard

Byul's POV

I was looking out the window while Dongwoo was still driving to the hospital. "Byul, you're awfully quiet, talk to me. What's on your mind?" Dongwoo said.

"I ed up today Dong, I honesty don't know where my mind was today." Dongwoo turned and smiled at me. Dongwoo has got the cutest smile I swear. couldn't help but smile back because Dongwoo always knows how to makes me feel better. 

"Byul everything is fine ok. You didn't get killed and that's all that matters." He sighed out loud. "But seriously, be careful next time! What am I going to  do if lose my trusty partner."

tightened my hand into fists. Dongwoo and I have been partners for so many years now. We have grown really close and we are practically best friends. I can't picture my life without him and I fear losing him someday. Our boss hates when partners grow attachment to each other because eventually, we will die. We live to die he once said. 

"Shut up Dongwoo, you know I hate talking about that..." He laughed out loud. "Yeah I'm sorry. I just can't help but worry about you." I smiled a little, happy that Dongwoo cares a lot about me. "You sappy !" I lightly smacked his arm and he gave me a warm smile. 

"I love you Byul." I rolled my eyes but he made me feel so much better. "I love you too dummy."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We arrived at the hospital and made our way  to Sunggyu's room. Outside standing on watch was a guy name Hoya. He was also part of this mission as well. 

"Yo Hoya." Dongwoo jogged up to him. "We're here to take over ok, you can take a break now." He smirked at Dongwoo and gave me a smile. I smiled back. "So Hoya," I started. "Anything suspicious yet?" He shook his head. "No but I think I will stay here with you two just in ca-" 

We heard a loud crashing sound. "Where is Kim Sunggyu!?" A man yelled. "R-ro-room 145..." 

We all looked at each other. "," Dongwoo whispered. "Byul go inside Sunggyu's room and watch over him. Hoya and I will take care of those guys." glared at him. "What!? I want to help too!" Dongwoo looked at me hard. "Please Byul, just do what I say ok, what if someone sneaks into the room while we are distracted and kills him or kidnaps him?" I sighed. "Fine," I whispered opening the door. "You're right. Just be careful please." And I closed the door behind me.

I looked at the guy lying down on the bed. "Sung..gyu. Kim Sunggyu..." I whispered. He looked so innocent and defenseless. I quickly snapped back to reality and positioned myself behind the door. I need to stay concentrated and protect this guy. I stood quiet, listening and waiting but I have yet to hear anything at all. Waiting here was killing me. I want to go out and help them. I was debating weather should stay or go help when I hear someone scream outside somewhere in the halls. "Dongwoo!" I ran out the room forgetting completely about Sunggyu. I ran to where I heard the scream come from.

"Dongwoo!" I looked around and saw 6 guys dead on the ground and a panting Dongwoo and Hoya standing up. "What happened Dongwoo I heard you scream and-" "Relax Byul. One of the guys caught me off guard and hit me in the head with his gun." He told me rubbing his head. "Well you scared the crap out of me I thou-" But I didn't finish as I felt something piercing my arm and I fell to the ground in pain. "Byul! Byul!!!!" I heard someone yell before I out.

* * * * * *

"When is she going to get up doctor?" I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. My eyelids were just to heavy right now. "She should be waking up soon. Just stay around and wait." I heard the door close and someone walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

Byul, you almost gave me ing heart attack.... My heart broke into pieces when I saw you hit the ground and you were bleeding... I flipped out and shot the guy so many times that Hoya had to force the gun out of my hand and put me in a head lock... I.. I don't know what I would have done if you were to have dead there Byul..." He sounded like he was going to cry. "You mean the world to me Byul." He whispered the last part. 

I opened my mouth to say that this isn't a ing soap opera and that I am in fact still alive but instead, I let out a moan as I felt the pain shoot through my arm. "Crap Dongwoo, this really hurts." was all I said. I opened my eyes and saw him looking extremely worried. "Relax Dongwoo I'm not dead ok." I lifted my good arm and gently  his face. I wiped a tear that was sliding down his cheek. "I haven't seen you cry in such I long time." I smirked at him. "Yeah well  your well-being is important to me and I care about you." I put down my arm and laughed. "Dongwoo..."

"Yes?" "I love you." I closed my eyes and smiled. "I love you too you dummy." He said and kissed my cheek. I was going to say something but sleep took over me.


Dongwoo's POV

I don't think Byul understands how much I'm in love with her. She's the first and only person I think about and I make sure that she's out of harms way. But I failed today in protecting her. I should have check around to make sure every one of those guys were killed. I looked down at Byul's sleeping face and I only feel regret. It's my fault that she's there, and I can't nothing about it.

When we were out in the hall and Byul came running up to me worried, I felt so happy. One she wasn't hurt and two she came running there because she was worried about me. But we all got disracted and we didn't notice the man hided behind the wall and when she fell to the ground, I freaked out. This wasn't supose to happen. I can't even remember what really happened but after everything calmed down, Hoya told me what I did. He made sure to remind me that Byul was ok and she was just shot on her arm. Never again will I let this happen.

"Hey Dongwoo, how is she?" I looked behind me and I see Hoya closed the door behind him and he hands me a cup of coffee. "She's ok. She awoke a few minutes ago but she fell asleep again." There was a knock on the door. I quickly put my hand on my gun, I wasn't taking any chances. "Excuse me." It was only the doctor. "Sunggyu has woken up." I looked at Byul not wanting to leave her side but I have no other choice. "Thank you."

Byul's POV


"Agghh!" I groaned and I sat up in the bed. I looked around the room and it was empty. 'Where did Dongwoo go?' I looked at my arm and I pulled out all the needles that were connected. I'm not going to be stuck here just because of an arm wound. I found my clothes and tried my best to put them on. The pants were easy to put on but I was having a hard time with my bra and shirt. I was bare chested and my door room opened. 

I wasn't fast to reacted and I looked at Dongwoo as he looks at my chest with wide eyes. Finally realizing the situation, he quickly turns around. "I'm so sorry Byul I didn't know. I will leave now and-" "Wait Dongwoo it's ok it's not your fault you didn't know but... Actually I need help putting on this bra and my shirt... Um do you mind helping me?" 

Dongwoo's POV 

I swallowed hard. I didn't mean to look but they were just so... Wow. "Umm... N-not at a-all..." Byul giggled. "What is this your first time seeing a girl's ?" 'you're not a girl' I thought 'but a woman.' 

"Shut up Byul!" I was blushing hard. "I turned around so you can't see my ok. Can you help please." I breathed in and turned around. I grabbed her bra and slowly put the first strap through her wounded arm and then did the same with the other one. Once I was done with that all I had to do was clip the little hooks together.

But my finger accidentally touched her back and she let out a small moan. Oh no, please don't get a hard on right now. I can't. "Sorry... I'm sensitive there." I swallowed hard for the second time. "It's ok. I ummm hooked it all ready." I grabbed her shirt and was finally done. She turned around and her face was completely red. "I'm so embarrassed right now. I moaned in front of you!" She playfully hit my chest. "Sorry."

I looked into her eyes and notice how close we were. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her in closer. "Byul I have to tell you. You're really driving me cra-" There was a hard knock on the door. "Hey Dongwoo, Sunggyu's up again." I let go of Byul and replied back to Hoya. "Ok! Coming!" 

"Sunggyu's up?" She questioned. "Umm yeah let's go talk to him."

'What the was I thinking? She's going to hate me now.'

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Yay here's the second chapter enjoy! :) 

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infinite_lover7 #1
Chapter 2: You have to update!!
Chapter 1: Please update!! *^*