Shuffle Your Feet With Me

#3 Sick


38,6 ˚C

Jinki sighs as he puts the thermometer back to the drawer.

“Hyung, I already told your company that you’re sick,”

Changmin only grunts in response. Everything feels hot and uncomfortable for him. And god his bones are aching so bad. How can he sleep like this?

“You need to sleep. You have to, hyung.” The younger says, as if he can read the sick man’s mind. Jinki takes a towel and dips it to the lukewarm water, after that he gently sweeps the perspiration on Changmin’s face and neck.

The younger of the two already made sure that Changmin ate his meal and medicines this early morning when he found out the older man was not feeling well.

Thanks to Kyuhyun hyung and his stupid party, Jinki frowns in his thought.

Changmin got home drunk and drenched from head to toe last night; such a sight the younger man had to see when he’s waiting all night for him to come home. Well, it’s not actually Changmin’s entire fault, the rain was so heavy and the older man didn’t bring the umbrella with him.

Now that the older man is lying weakly on their shared bed, he can’t help but to stare at the other’s face. Nowadays Changmin has been so busy with work, his face looks tired and worn out. Jinki smiles sadly at the other, how much he wants to help the older man and lift some burdens on his shoulder, but Changmin never lets him to. His fingers carefully caresses the older’s face, honey orbs filled with worry.

“Sleep well hyungie,” Jinki says softly before placing a light kiss on Changmin’s forehead.

His mind is foggy because of the fever, but he still can think that all of these affections he receives from the younger one is making him feels better.

And plus, Jinki looks utterly adorable when he’s concerned, Changmin adds with a little smile before closing his eyes and falls into a deep slumber.




He wakes up hours later, and seems like the medicines worked, because he’s feeling a whole lot better than this morning. He finds Jinki is curled up into a little ball on the couch, fast asleep, safe and sound. He smiles lovingly at the sight before making his way to the one and only person he love the most on this earth. Knowing Jinki is a heavy sleeper, he takes the younger one’s sleepy form in his warm embrace and breathing in the scent he adores so much. He feels content at the moment, a satisfied smile planted on his face.

“I’m glad that I have you here with me, Jinki.” 


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flychicken97 #1
Chapter 3: Please make some more, I adore changnew soooo much.. Please author-nim, I love your story sooo much too.. I miss changnew ㅠㅠ
yoaisummer #2
Chapter 3: I love it!I love it!The Changnew feeling~~~~

By the way,u still hv WB?
vieroeclipse #3
Chapter 3: Veryyy cuteeeeeee!!! Can't get enough of this fluffy couple! Love it!!! ;AAA;
niinow #4
Chapter 3: so sweet~~ ;^; thank you so much (:
mistressofsecrecy #5
Chapter 2: hahaha i love this! I was getting so frustrated because I couldn't find any good changnew fanfics!! YOU'RE MY SAVIOR! THANK YOU!!! :D :D
niinow #6
Chapter 2: AAAHHHHHH I love it!!! seriously, so much perfection in these drabbles ;^;
I'll be waiting for you update :)
vieroeclipse #7