Xiuhan - Fighting

Wolf Pack

(Um, so these just seem to get longer and more dramatic as I go so I apologize if it's not very good!!! Plus I do not know how to write proper endings so yeah that's not very good either... Um, warning becuase there is some language throughout the story. Well I hope you enjoy it!!!) 



Luhan trudged through the forest mud, dirt, and moss clinging to his silver-grey fur weighing him down even more. A sigh escaped his muzzle as he trailed behind Kris and Tao back towards the village. The stronger males of the pack (Kris, Tao, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Luhan) had gone out hunting for 3 days leaving their mates to tend to the village while they were away. Luhan couldn't wait to get home and just relax, as much as he loved the long hunts he was always so exhausted by the time he got home. A loud howl grabbed Luhan's attention and he watched as the alpha howled followed by Tao and the rest, as well as himself, signaling their coming home to their mates.

The wolves trudged through the village splitting up and heading back to their own individual homes. Luhan almost let out a yelp of relief as he saw his and Minseok's house come into view. With the last of his energy he bounded forward towards his home, excited to finally be able to see his mate after 3 days. Luhan found the door slightly ajar when he had gotten up the front porch. Using his muzzle Luhan pushed the door open more and let out a loud bark to let Minseok know he was home. He began padding through the foyer when he heard Minseok's voice yelling at him.

"No Luhan!" Minseok shrieked, a look of horror adorning his face. Luhan cocked his head in confusion, unsure of what exactly was wrong. "Go back! You're trailing mud and dirt everywhere into the house!" Minseok explained as he rushed over to Luhan. Luhan looked down and sure enough there were paw prints of dirt, mud and who knows what else leading from the porch to where he now stood. "Out out out!" Minseok urged as he pushed against Luhan's body, trying to force the wolf back outside. Luhan let out an annoyed growl before complying, turning and trailing back out the door.

"I'll I grab the hose and hose you down, that way I can get the majority of mud off." Minseok said as he made to go to the side of the house to get the hose. A growl rumbled in Luhan's chest, there was no way he was going to get bathed by the freezing cold water of the hose when there was a hot shower calling his name just inside. "Don't you growl at me." Minseok scolded and Luhan would have rolled his eyes but resisted the urge. With a huff Luhan allowed his body to make the change of wolf to man. Arms crossed Luhan stared down at Minseok "there is no way I'm letting you spray that cold water over me when the shower is literally right inside." Minseok shook his head before picking up the hose "and there's no way I'm letting you into the house like that. I spent all of yesterday cleaning and I'm not letting you ruin that." Minseok shot back. This time Luhan did roll his eyes. "You can clean it again it’s just the foyer, it won't even take you that long to clean. Now if you'll excuse me, my dirt and I are going to go inside for a nice hot shower." Luhan exclaimed before turning and walking towards the front door.

The spray of freezing cold water against his side had Luhan gasping for air. Squaring his shoulders when the spray had ceased, Luhan turned and gave Minseok the coldest stare he could muster. "What the hell was that for." Luhan demanded as he glared down at his mate. Minseok glared back, anger etched into his features. "That was so that you don't track anymore dirt into our house. I'm not your maid Luhan, I'm your mate and I don't want to be cleaning up all your messes all the time." Minseok snarled in return. "Really? You could have fooled me. You're always cleaning up my messes, sometimes you make a better maid than mate." Luhan jeered, he and Minseok were now both visibly angry with one another. "How dare you!" Minseok shouted, before realizing he was outside and shouldn't disturb the pack "how dare you talk to me like that! I am your mate and you have no right to be so disrespectful to me." Minseok spoke, and Luhan could tell the other was restraining from yelling. "Yeah well if it was up to me I'd have a different mate! Someone who nagged less and let me go take a hot shower when I'm covered in mud instead of spraying the damn hose on me. Someone who wasn't so annoying and understood that I'm exhausted and tired. I'd pick a mate who wasn't you!" Luhan exclaimed, voice cold and words dripping with venom.

The effect of Luhan's words had an instant effect on Minseok. The elder paled at what his mate had just said, all anger seeping out of him and being replaced with sadness and hurt. "Wha-what?" Minseok stuttered out, all fight in him gone. Luhan was so far gone that he hadn't realized the effects of how words till he looked at his mate. Luhan watched as Minseok took one then two then three steps back. He knew he should apologize, say something to the elder but he was still too angry to do much other than watch his mate. They stood like that for a while just staring, Luhan was more glaring than anything, before Minseok finally stepped back shaking his head. Luhan watched as Minseok walked away disappearing into the shadows of the village.

Luhan stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and clean. Grabbing a towel he quickly towel dried his hair before wrapping it loosely around his waist and making his way towards the bedroom. After Minseok had walked away Luhan had decided to head back into the house to shower and calm himself, he assumed Minseok was doing the same by taking a walk around the village. After getting dressed Luhan made his way around the house, searching for Minseok. After scouring the entire place (twice) he still found no sign of Minseok. Walking back to the foyer Luhan took in the muddy paw prints that had now dried and caked to the floor. Letting out a sigh Luhan went to the kitchen to fetch a mop and cleaning supplies to clean up his mess. He hoped that by the time he was done with this mess Minseok would be back and he could clean up that mess he made too.

A few hours later Luhan had the floor sparkling clean, he could practically see his own reflection with how clean it was, but Minseok still hadn't returned. It was late/early, around 4 in the morning, and Luhan was almost sick with worry for his mate. He didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could think of, bang on Joonmyun's (aka one of Minseok's closest friends) and Kris' door till someone came and opened it. He had been standing outside or about 10minutes when the door finally creaked open, revealing a half- Kris (a thin sheet was the only thing bringing him some form of decency) and a very disheveled looking Joonmyun (and was that a limp? Luhan wasn't wanting to think about what the two could have possible been doing). "What?" Came the alpha's deep husky voice, sounding thoroughly pissed. "I'm here to talk to Joonmyun," Luhan started and at this Joonmyun raised an eyebrow in question. "It's about Minseok. We got into a fight earlier and I said something really stupid and he went for a walk and he's been gone for hours and I'm worried. I was hoping you knew where he was because maybe he had come and talked to you." He finished. "You guys got into a fight. Well I'm afraid I haven't heard from him since before you guys got back. But Luhan what did you say to him that made him run off? What were you fighting about?" Joonmyun inquired. Luhan sighed "we were fighting about how I was tracking dirt into the house and he was mad and wanted me to wash off outside first with the hose. And I may or may not have told him Iwantedanothermatethatwasn'thim..." Luhan rushed through the last part, not really wanting to go back to the stupidity that was him.

"You what..." Joonmyun trailed off, he sounded horrified by what Luhan had said. "You ing bastard!" Joonmyun yelled, this was accompanied by a loud and hard slap that resounded throughout the quite village. Luhan rubbed his now sore cheek, shocked that Joonmyun, probably the nicest, kindest and most caring wolf in the pack, had actually slapped him and a really hard and painful slap at that. When Luhan turned his eyes back to Joonmyun he saw Kris holding the smaller male back (while also trying to keep the bed sheet from revealing too much), whispering things like "baby calm down" and "babe I know he was stupid but you can't attack him" to try and soothe his mate. When Joonmyun had finally stopped struggling and sort of calmed himself down he turned back to Luhan, Kris still had an arm wrapped firmly around his mate as a precaution. "Listen here and listen good. Minseok is the best thing to have ever happened to you so you better ing remember that next time you fight. And in all reality you chose him with your imprinting. What you said hurt him so he's probably thinking he's doing you a favour by staying away. I don't know where he's gone. But you better as find him and apologize to him and love him and make him feel better. And if you don't or he's hurt I will not hesitate to castrate you. Got it?" Joonmyun threatened, and Luhan actually felt fear course through his body because he had never heard or seen Joonmyun be so scary in his entire life. Luhan nodded "I will find him." And with that he turned away heading into the shadows to find his mate.

Powerful legs pushed off sending Luhan speeding through the forest, nose sniffing the air to try and catch a familiar scent. When Luhan had left the village to search the woods he had shifted to his wolf form, knowing he'd more likely find Minseok in that form. Moving through the forest Luhan picked up something that was vaguely familiar. He followed it, nose down to the ground as he sniffed, hoping the trail would lead him to where he wanted it to go. With his nose so close to the ground Luhan wasn't paying attention to where he was going and walked right into a tree. With a surprised yelp Luhan jumped back, before a very strong and familiar scent wafted over to him. Sniffing the air Luhan realized that the scent was fairly fresh and was coming from the tree he had walked into. Walking over and sniffing sound the tree Luhan realized two things; first he was smelling Minseok's urine and second Minseok was nearby. Picking up on Minseok's trail Luhan headed in the direction the scent carried, hoping more than anything he's find his mate.

Luhan entered a small clearing near the riverside. Looking around the clearing Luhan spotted a small body sitting at the river’s edge. He approached slowly, not wanting to startle the other but as he approached he felt his heart ache at the sight of his mate. Minseok looked worn and tired, his face was red and puffy from crying. With a whine Luhan nuzzled Minseok's back, startling the elder and causing him to let out a very un-wolf like sound. Turning around Minseok took in the large silver wolf that stood in front of him. "Luhan?" Minseok gasped out and Luhan whimpered before pressing his muzzle into the others chest. Shifting back into his human form Luhan sat with his face buried in Minseok's chest and hands clinging to his mates thin t-shirt. "I'm so sorry Minseok. I'm so so sorry. I'm such an idiot, the biggest ing idiot ever and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, I was mad and upset and stupid and I'm so sorry. I need you Minseok. I love you and I'm so sorry." Luhan apologized. Warm arms wrapped around Luhan followed by a head being dropped down to his shoulder. "I thought you hated me." Minseok whispered sadly into Luhan's shoulder.

Luhan's grip on Minseok tightened and before the elder could act he was being pulled into Luhan's lap and being hugged tightly. "I could never ever ever hate you. I'm just really stupid and dumb and prideful and sometimes I say things that are really dumb and I don't mean. I love you Minseok and I'm so sorry I acted the way I did and said the things I did." Luhan apologized once again, placing a kiss to the others head.

They sat like that for a while just embracing each other before Luhan spoke. "You know Joonmyun threatened to castrate me if I didn't find you and apologize." Luhan revealed, and Minseok laughed. "So that's the real reason why you came to find me then?" He joked, but Luhan shook his. "No I came I find you because I was worried and because I was stupid and needed to apologize for my stupidity." Luhan explained. "You know you don't need to keep pointing out how stupid you are, we all already know that." Minseok joked, and Luhan stuck his tongue out at the older. "But I forgive you Luhan. And I'm sorry for overreacting." Minseok apologized and Luhan just shook his head before pressing another kiss to his mates head. "So did Joonmyun actually threaten to castrate you?" Minseok questioned, voiced laced with amusement. "Yes! You have no idea how scary it was! I've never seen Joonmyun act that way before. I was actually scared for my life." Luhan exclaimed animatedly, flailing his arms for emphasis. Minseok laughed at his crazy mate "I bet. Honestly I've never heard him make such a threat to anyone before." Minseok laughed, and Luhan couldn't help but laugh along with him. "Mm, yah it was definitely out of the ordinary but I guess given the circumstances it's kind of understandable." Luhan said as he placed his chin on top of Minseok's shoulder and nuzzled the elder’s neck. "Yah, Luhan stop that it tickles!" Minseok exclaimed as he tried to push Luhan's head away. Luhan laughed as he placed a quick kiss to Minseok's clothed shoulder before allowing himself to be pushed away. "Let's go home Seokkie, it's been a long night for both of us." Luhan said, and Minseok nodded as he stood up before offering his hand to his mate. Luhan took the hand offered and stood up, before pulling Minseok into him with the hand he was holding. "I'm sorry and I love you." Luhan apologized once again before connecting his and Minseok's lips in a kiss.

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 4: hihihi Baek so cheeky and thinking he got away from his mate but Jongdae just knows and will always find him
2448 streak #2

Jun talking abt wanting to mark Fan to show that he's his and Fan talking abt how the "mark" from Jun may not be visible but it has affected him much more than any physical mark would! UGHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH! it was just so indicative of their devotion and commitment to each other... i really really love this!!!
leissa68 #3
Chapter 8: i want more of this
LayzAffection #4
Chapter 8: Wow..all this stories is amazing..!! Good author-nim
Chapter 5: The stories are so good! I was looking for Taokai fanfics and Im glad I found these amazing ones. And now my search has been made 10x better, as I've received a bonus of new pairings! I've now happily added Krisho and Chansoo to my list of ships X)
Chapter 8: I love this! It's really well written :)
My favorite is the Taokai- they're so cute ^^
taohunlover898 #7
Chapter 3: Omg I just can't get enough of layhun
Chapter 6: awww cute xiuhan
chansoo, oh my, i like your story of this pairing. i think, i need more than one chapter for this pairing. hehehhe (just kidding)