Chansoo - Market Drama

Wolf Pack

(Um, again I apologise if it's not very good. This one was a bit rushed so I apologize if it's a bit more lacking than the other one's ;A; Oh, and another warning becuase more language near the end of the scenario) 


Kyungsoo sighed for what felt like the millionth time as he set off through the market square to find his mate. "Seriously why does Kris always send Chanyeol with me to pick up supplies?" Kyungsoo mumbled to himself as he wandered down the busy street. It was one of Kyungsoo's jobs to wander into the town near by his packs village to pick up supplies and human essentials, the pack would need, at the end of every month. And Kris, the alpha, always insisted that Kyungsoo go with his mate, Chanyeol, into town because "...Chanyeol can carry all the heavy things that you can't carry yourself...". It wasn't that Kyungsoo didn't like Chanyeol (they were mates so it was quite the opposite, he was head over heels in love) there were just some activities that he didn't much care to do with his mate. Things such as shopping. Chanyeol was probably the worst person to take to the market, he was like a puppy and every little thing was a huge distraction to him.

"Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo called as he pushed through the crowds, hoping to spot his giant mate among all the people. Being so tiny made it hard for Kyungsoo to make his way through the ever moving crowd, and he found himself more often than not being jostled and pushed back. It was getting frustrating trying to move through the crowds, especially because it felt like he was getting nowhere. "Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo called out again in hopes that his mate would hear, but his calls fell deaf upon the noisy crowd. Fighting his way through the crowds seemed to not be working for Kyungsoo, so he started making his way over the sides. "I'll find him later." Kyungsoo mumbled, giving up for the time being of finding his mate, turning and heading for a fruit stand nearby.

Kyungsoo was debating between buying individual fruits for the pack (more expensive) or to buy one kind of fruit in bulk (which was cheaper but more of the fruit would go to waste) when he felt a not so subtle hand graze over his backside. Thinking it was Chanyeol, who had finally emerged from only God knows where, he turned to give him a piece of his mind for public indecency. Instead of Chanyeol Kyungsoo was met with a smirk from a tall muscular man who gave him a wink and a suggestive lip bite before raking his eyes up and down Kyungsoo's small body. Kyungsoo shuddered as he turned away from the man, feeling slightly violated. He hoped the man would get the hint that he wasn't interested in him. But sadly this wasn't the case.

"Hey cutie," a husky voice purred into Kyungsoo's ear "I've seen you around here before, although you were with some tall idiot last time. So whatcha say you come with me back to my shop and I'll show you where the real 'money' is." The man whispered, this was followed up with a nibble to Kyungsoo's earlobe. Kyungsoo shuddered out of disgust but the man took it as something else, and the next thing Kyungsoo knew he was being dragged down the street by him. Kyungsoo tried to pull away, but the grip around his wrist was way too tight, and the man was much stronger than Kyungsoo. "Please let me go!" Kyungsoo yelled pathetically, once again his words fell to deaf ears. "Let me go!" Kyungsoo yelled again struggling in the man’s grip, even pinching and scratching (with blunt nails) the man’s arm. "Oh looks like you're a feisty one. This will be fun." The man sneered as he pulled Kyungsoo into him "good thing we're here already because I don't know how much longer I could've waited."

Kyungsoo was shoved into a shop that was near the end of the road. His heart was beating fast and panic was setting into his body. "Come here you pretty little thing." The man purred as he pinned Kyungsoo up against the wall. "No please no. I-I have a boyfriend. Please let me go." Kyungsoo whimpered, struggling in the man’s grip. "A boyfriend? Well where is he now? Or are you just saying that to make me want you that much more?" The jeered, beginning to nose at Kyungsoo's neck. "You smell so good." The man whispered, and all Kyungsoo could do was whimper out Chanyeol's name.

The sound of a door slamming open startled Kyungsoo, and caused the man to jolt away from him. A seething Chanyeol stood in the doorway, eyes having changed from their normal chocolate brown to a dangerous red. His fangs had even elongated, and a snarl escaped his lips. "Let. Him. Go. Now." Chanyeol demanded, and Kyungsoo felt relief flood through him at the sight of his mate. "The is wrong with you man? I'm just trying to have some fun. If you're the boyfriend he talked about, I don't think it'd matter if you shared just once." The man complained, stepping away from Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo watched as Chanyeol growled, his fists clenching and unclenching in rage. "Come here Kyungsoo." Chanyeol ordered, and Kyungsoo scrambled over to his taller mate. As soon as Kyungsoo was safely behind Chanyeol, his mate rushed forward and punched the man in the face sending him flying backwards and into a wall (the strength of an angry werewolf increases tenfold, especially when they are protecting their mate). "Don't you ever ing touch my mate again." Chanyeol growled, before grabbing Kyungsoo's hand and pulling him out of the shop.

Chanyeol had pulled Kyungsoo halfway back to their own village before he stopped and took in his shaking mate. "Oh Kyungsoo..." But Chanyeol never got to finish his sentence as Kyungsoo had flung himself into his mate’s chest and began crying. "Don't ever leave me again." Kyungsoo cried as he clung to Chanyeol. "Don't leave me..." Kyungsoo cried again. Warm arms wrapped around Kyungsoo's waist, pulling him impossibly close to his mate. "I'm sorry. I promise to never leave without you again. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone." Chanyeol apologized, burying his face in the younger's hair.

They stood like that for a while, Kyungsoo clinging to Chanyeol and Chanyeol whispering words of comfort to Kyungsoo. It was Kyungsoo who broke it first "what about the supplies we need to get?" Kyungsoo sniffed, realizing he had failed to buy anything for the pack. "I'm sure if we explain ourselves Kris won't be mad. We can go again another day and pick everything up alright? Let’s just go home and calm down first." Chanyeol said, making to pull Kyungsoo along with him back the rest of the way to village but the younger stopped him. "You won't leave me alone again right? You won't wander away from me right?" Kyungsoo whimpered out, and Chanyeol felt his heart clench. Chanyeol used both hands to cup Kyungsoo's face, forcing his mate to look up at him. "I won't leave you alone again. I won't wander off alone again I promise." Chanyeol promised, sealing it with a breath stealing and lip bruising kiss.

The next time the couple went into town to pick up supplies Chanyeol stayed true to his promise not to leave Kyungsoo's side. But poor Kyungsoo found himself being dragged off in multiple directions by Chanyeol every time his mate spotted something that caught his eye. Needless to say it took the couple twice the time it normally did to buy everything, and Kyungsoo was back to wondering why he had to bring Chanyeol with him to the market.

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2436 streak #1
Chapter 4: hihihi Baek so cheeky and thinking he got away from his mate but Jongdae just knows and will always find him
2436 streak #2

Jun talking abt wanting to mark Fan to show that he's his and Fan talking abt how the "mark" from Jun may not be visible but it has affected him much more than any physical mark would! UGHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH! it was just so indicative of their devotion and commitment to each other... i really really love this!!!
leissa68 #3
Chapter 8: i want more of this
LayzAffection #4
Chapter 8: Wow..all this stories is amazing..!! Good author-nim
Chapter 5: The stories are so good! I was looking for Taokai fanfics and Im glad I found these amazing ones. And now my search has been made 10x better, as I've received a bonus of new pairings! I've now happily added Krisho and Chansoo to my list of ships X)
Chapter 8: I love this! It's really well written :)
My favorite is the Taokai- they're so cute ^^
taohunlover898 #7
Chapter 3: Omg I just can't get enough of layhun
Chapter 6: awww cute xiuhan
chansoo, oh my, i like your story of this pairing. i think, i need more than one chapter for this pairing. hehehhe (just kidding)