Krisho - Papers

Wolf Pack

Kris sighed once again as he looked over papers filled with numbers and letters. Being the alpha of a pack of werewolves one would think they could escape things such as calculating how much money to put towards food and how much to split amongst the pack; but sadly this was not the case. A low growl rumbled in Kris' throat as the numbers and letters all began to mix and jumble together. "It's too late to be doing this ." Kris complained quietly to himself as he tried to refocus. It was past midnight, probably near 1 or 2 in the morning (his mate having long gone to bed) but Kris had to finish the calculations for tomorrow for his pack. The alpha was so absorbed by the papers in front of him that he didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps. "Wufan?" A soft, tired voice called to him using his real name. Kris turned to find his mate and lover, Joonmyun (also the only person allowed to call him by his real name), standing in the door opening to their kitchen rubbing at his eyes sleepily.

Kris couldn't help but smile at how cute his mate was, standing there with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, boxers hanging low on his hips, and gentle hands rubbing at tired eyes. "Come here Joon." Kris called quietly, shifting in his chair and holding his arms out to Joonmyun. Joonmyun immediately complied, shuffling over to Kris and allowing himself to be picked up and placed in the elders lap. "Did I wake you?" Kris asked quietly as he settled Joonmyun in his lap, placing a gentle kiss to the crown of his mates head. Joonmyun shook his head as he snuggled closer to Kris' chest "no, I noticed you weren't in bed so I came to find you. Are you still working on the packs allowance?" Joonmyun asked traces of sleep evident in his voice. Kris restrained the groan that threatened to come out as he nodded. "Yes, and I probably will be for the next while. I should've just made Chanyeol do it." Kris complained. "But because I didn't I'll probably be up for the next couple hours, so you should go back to bed Joon. That way at least one of us will get a good sleep." Kris finished as he made to lift Joonmyun off of him. Joonmyun in return balled his fists into Kris' shirt, clinging to him. "I won't go back without you." He drawled, leaning his head against Kris' chest but not loosening his grip. "So you're just going to sit here on my lap for the next couple hours?" Kris asked, and Joonmyun nodded in response. "Alright, but don't blame me if your back cramps and you can't walk properly tomorrow." Kris warned. "Kris after a night in bed with you I usually can't walk properly, not that I'm complaining." Joonmyun countered tiredly, sounding none to innocent.

Kris' breath hitched at the comment, feeling his inner wolf stir a little, before he let out a low chuckle "you're a temptress." He mumbled as he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to Joonmyun's forehead. "I resent that comment. But you love me anyways. Now shut up and finish so we can go to bed." Joonmyun grumbled out, causing Kris to laugh. If it had been anyone else Kris would have snapped at them for disrespecting their alpha; but because it was Joonmyun, the only person Kris ever let his guard down and alpha aura drop, he could care less. With one last laugh, and a quick kiss to Joonmyun's lips Kris turned back to his papers. Joonmyun resettled himself in Kris' lap, knowing that he'd be there for a while. As Kris looked over the papers he couldn't help but notice how the numbers and letters made more sense. He smiled, this was what he liked to call 'the Joonmyun effect', with his mate near him he could do anything no matter how easy or complicated. "I love you." He whispered to his now asleep mate before turning once again to the papers and task at hand.

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2442 streak #1
Chapter 4: hihihi Baek so cheeky and thinking he got away from his mate but Jongdae just knows and will always find him
2442 streak #2

Jun talking abt wanting to mark Fan to show that he's his and Fan talking abt how the "mark" from Jun may not be visible but it has affected him much more than any physical mark would! UGHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH! it was just so indicative of their devotion and commitment to each other... i really really love this!!!
leissa68 #3
Chapter 8: i want more of this
LayzAffection #4
Chapter 8: Wow..all this stories is amazing..!! Good author-nim
Chapter 5: The stories are so good! I was looking for Taokai fanfics and Im glad I found these amazing ones. And now my search has been made 10x better, as I've received a bonus of new pairings! I've now happily added Krisho and Chansoo to my list of ships X)
Chapter 8: I love this! It's really well written :)
My favorite is the Taokai- they're so cute ^^
taohunlover898 #7
Chapter 3: Omg I just can't get enough of layhun
Chapter 6: awww cute xiuhan
chansoo, oh my, i like your story of this pairing. i think, i need more than one chapter for this pairing. hehehhe (just kidding)